What does IRB use to determine how to represent a returned instance? - ruby

Given a Ruby class:
class Foo
def initialize(options={})
#sensitive = options.delete :sensitive
If I create an instance of that class in IRB, I get to see instance vars and memory address.
irb(main):002:0> Foo.new(sensitive: 'foo')
=> #<Foo:0x007fe766134a98 #sensitive="foo">
If I create an instance of AWS::S3, I don't:
irb(main):003:0> require 'aws-sdk'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> AWS::S3.new(access_key_id: 'aki', secret_access_key: 'sak')
=> <AWS::S3>
Note that AWS::S3 is not a singleton (at least not in the sense of explicitly including the Singleton module).
Is there anything I can do to tell IRB not to output instance vars and/or memory address?
(I've already tried .to_s but I get a string containing the memory address for instances of both classes without any instance vars.)

If you start IRB irb --noecho, it will suppress all IRB inspections. But I think this is not your question.
IRB use #inpect method. Read the line from the Documentation :
Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of obj. By default, show the class name and the list of the instance variables and their values (by calling inspect on each of them). User defined classes should override this method to make better representation of obj. When overriding this method, it should return a string whose encoding is compatible with the default external encoding.
Example :
class Foo
def initialize
#x = 10
# customized inspection
def inspect
"0x%7x" % self.object_id.to_s
foo = Foo.new
foo # => 0x118e27c
Note : I used String#% method inside my customized #inspect method.

The standard method being used to render human-readable debugging output (not just in IRb but in general, e.g. on Rails error pages etc.) is #inspect. Depending on which extensions you loaded, your command line options or whether you are using Pry instead of IRb, it may also look for a #pretty_inspect first.


Uniqueness of symbols in object methods

Given that symbols are unique, how is it possible that the two instances of:test below, which refer to different methods (in different classes), have the same object ID?
class Dope
def test
class Green
def test
green = Green.new
dope = Dope.new
green.methods.include?(:test) # => true
dope.methods.include?(:test) # => true
green.test.object_id # => 8
dope.test.object_id # => 8
How can you have two symbols with the same name/object ID that refer to different methods?
Both of your test methods return nil. So the object id that you get is the object id of nil:
# => 8
A symbol is stored differently than a string. Any existence of :test is always going to equal :test because symbols are immutable, unlike strings. There are more descriptions out there here or here.
The :test used to determine the presence of that method will be the same symbol :test that you store in a different class for params[:test] = "something.
Another thing to note that when you call a method on a ruby object, you are technically sending a message to that class. So you're example shows that they both respond to the message :test. Which will call the method on the class. This is accurate.

How does the syntax MODULE::METHODNAME('string') work

I recently had cause to use the nokogiri gem to parse html but while i going through their documentation, i came across this ruby syntax that i hadn't seen before
html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML('<html><body><h1>Mr. Belvedere Fan Club</h1></body></html>')
xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML('<root><aliens><alien><name>Alf</name></alien></aliens></root>')
The part of interest for me is Nokogiri::HTML('...'). This looks very much like a method invocation but i know ruby method names cannot be in capital letters. So i looked through code files nokogiri gem and i came across the following definition
module Nokogiri
class << self
# Parse HTML. Convenience method for Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse
def HTML thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_HTML, &block
Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(thing, url, encoding, options, &block)
# more code
I tried reproducing the same code
module How
class << self
puts "In How Method"
But it keeps coming back with the error "uninitialized constant How::DOESTHISWORK (NameError)". I know it has to do with the method name starting in capitals but i just haven't been able to figure out how it works in nokogiri.
The difference is in the Nokogiri example the method is being called with parentheses and a parameter value which identifies it as a method call. Your DOESTHISWORK method takes no parameters but can be called with empty parentheses e.g.
irb(main):028:0> How::DOESTHISWORK()
In How Method
=> nil
If you add a parameter to your method that can also serve to identify it as a method like so:
irb(main):036:0> How::DOESTHISWORK 'some param'
Starting method names with a lowercase letter is good practice but isn't enforced. Something that begins with a capital letter is assumed to be a constant and will be looked up as such, this is why the parentheses or parameter is needed to indicate a method is being referred to. Another example:
irb(main):051:0> def Example
irb(main):052:1> puts "An example!"
irb(main):053:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):054:0> Example
NameError: uninitialized constant Example
from (irb):54
from /Users/mike/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
irb(main):055:0> Example()
An example!
=> nil
I also found this post to be very helpful
What are the restrictions for method names in Ruby?
It's good practice, while not mandatory, to start the method name with
a lower-case character, because names that start with capital letters
are constants in Ruby. It's still possible to use a constant name for
a method, but you won't be able to invoke it without parentheses,
because the interpeter will look-up for the name as a constant

How can I mock something that "does not implement" a particular method?

The Background:
I'm trying to use cucumber to do some test-driven (or behavior-driven) development around an interface to AWS, in ruby.
So, I have a step definition that looks like this:
Then(/^the mock object should have had :(.*?) called, setting "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/) do |method, param, value|
expect(#mock).to receive(method.to_sym).with(hash_including(param, value))
Where #mock was previously set using:
#mock = instance_double(AWS::AutoScaling::Client)
And where I invoke this step definition with a feature line like:
And the mock object should have had :update_auto_scaling_group called, setting "auto_scaling_group_name" to "Some-test-value"
When that step gets run, it gets the following error (leaving out the full error, as I believe this is the most relevant part):
AWS::AutoScaling::Client does not implement: update_auto_scaling_group (RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError)
I see that indeed, the checks that RSpec runs (as traced back from where the RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError gets thrown) are at least correctly reporting the information that they get from the class:
[1] pry(main)> require 'aws-sdk'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> klass = AWS::AutoScaling::Client
=> AWS::AutoScaling::Client
[3] pry(main)> klass.public_method_defined? "update_auto_scaling_group"
=> false
[4] pry(main)> klass.private_method_defined? "update_auto_scaling_group"
=> false
[5] pry(main)> klass.protected_method_defined? "update_auto_scaling_group"
=> false
And yet, if we ask an actual instance, it lets us know that this is a method it would respond to:
[6] pry(main)> x = klass.new
=> #<AWS::AutoScaling::Client::V20110101>
[7] pry(main)> x.respond_to? "update_auto_scaling_group"
=> true
Even while it doesn't say that about just anything:
[8] pry(main)> x.respond_to? "bogus"
=> false
First questions:
So... is this a bug in the AWS::AutoScaling::Client code (or really, probably here), for not defining the methods in a way that the extant checks ({public,private,protected}_method_defined?) would come back true?
Or perhaps a bug in RSpec's "doubles", for not doing all the checking it could do to try to find out that this is indeed a method that's callable in an instance of that class?
Or perhaps it's simply something that I'm doing wrong here? Other?
More generally:
How can I write tests for the code I'm writing, to ensure that it's making calls to what will be an AWS::AutoScaling::Client instance, with the correct parameters (as defined in several checks that I have)? Are there alternate ways I can write my step definitions that would make this work? Alternative ways to create my mock objects? Other?
I've found a way to dynamically mix in the methods I needed to mock
You could do this with empty methods and then stub them, or just include the stubs in the mixin
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe "users/sessions/new.html.erb", :type => :view do
it "displays login form" do
module DeviseUserBits
def resource
#_DeviseUserBitsUser ||= User.new
def resource_name
def devise_mapping
view.class.include DeviseUserBits
expect(rendered).to match /form/
It just adds methods on/after instantiating. It's pretty legal, all ruby classes/objects are open.
Proper answer - you do not want to test what you are trying to test in duck-typed language with open classes and objects. It just does not make sense.
The version 1 AWS SDK for Ruby uses #method_missing as a delegate for building and sending requests. The methods a client responds to are defined in an API definition. This eliminates boiler-plate code, but causes problems if you are trying to reflect the available methods at runtime.
Option A: Use a regular double and apply your assertions on the test double.
Option B: Use the mocking feature of the SDK via AWS.stub! When stubbing is enabled, all clients constructed will respond to their regular methods, but will return dummy responses (empty hashes and arrays). This approach provides the useful ability to specify the data to return from a stub. You can even create a stub response for the express purpose of returning from an assertion.
Going with Option B:
# use `:stub_requests` or call Aws.stub!
as = AWS::AutoScaling::Client.new(:stub_requests: true)
# validates parameters as normal, but returns empty response data
as.update_auto_scaling_group(auto_scaling_group_name: 'name')
#=> {}
# You can access the stub response for any operation by name:
stub = as.stub_for(:describe_auto_scaling_groups)
stub.data[:auto_scaling_group_names] = ["Group1", "Group2"]
# Now calling that operation will return the stubbed data
resp = as.describe_auto_scaling_groups
#=> ['Group1', 'Group2']
If you need to assert a method is called against the client, you can do so normally, returning the stubbed response:
expect(#client).to receive(:describe_auto_scaling_groups).
with(hash_including(param, value)).

Set a Ruby variable and never be able to change it again? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closest Ruby representation of a 'private static final' and 'public static final' class variable in Java?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Giving a Java example:
class MyClass {
private final int variable;
MyClass(int variable) {
this.variable = variable;
Is there something like final I can do in Ruby? I looked up freeze but am not sure if it's the right approach. I don't need the variable to be assigned while creating a new instance of my class, I need to set it in one of the methods and once it's set I want to freeze it.
They are called constants. A constant in Ruby is defined by a UPPER_CASE name.
VARIABLE = "foo"
It is worth to mention that, technically, in Ruby there is no way to prevent a variable to be changed. In fact, if you try to re-assign a value to a constant you will get a warning, not an error.
➜ ~ irb
2.1.5 :001 > VARIABLE = "foo"
=> "foo"
2.1.5 :002 > VARIABLE = "bar"
(irb):2: warning: already initialized constant VARIABLE
(irb):1: warning: previous definition of VARIABLE was here
=> "bar"
It's also worth to note that using constants will warn you if you try to replace the value of the constant, but not if you change the constant value in place.
2.1.5 :001 > VARIABLE = "foo"
=> "foo"
2.1.5 :002 > VARIABLE.upcase!
=> "FOO"
2.1.5 :003 > VARIABLE
=> "FOO"
In order to prevent changes to the value referenced by the constant, you can freeze the value once assigned.
2.1.5 :001 > VARIABLE = "foo".freeze
=> "foo"
2.1.5 :002 > VARIABLE.upcase!
RuntimeError: can't modify frozen String
from (irb):2:in `upcase!'
from (irb):2
from /Users/weppos/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.5/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
2.1.5 :003 > VARIABLE
=> "foo"
Here's an example inside a class.
class MyClass
# => "foo"
The Ruby equivalent of your code looks like this:
class MyClass
def initialize(variable)
#variable = variable.freeze
Generally this is frowned upon as this method doesn't have ownership of the object variable represents, so the caller might be in for a rude surprise when their object is suddenly frozen.
Note that this prevents manipulating the #variable object, but doesn't prevent repeated assignment to that property. There's nothing that can block that behaviour.
You can alway make a copy if applicable and freeze that.
In general practice you don't normally do this, but instead take a disciplined approach about not manipulating objects your class doesn't own, or making copies of them if you do need to make changes.
So, in summary, there's no tradition of locking things down like this in Ruby and very little support in the language for that sort of behaviour.
The closest thing might be a constant. A Ruby constant is like a variable, except that its value is supposed to remain constant for the duration of the program. The Ruby interpreter does not actually enforce the constancy of constants, but it does issue a warning if a program changes the value of a constant.

How can I mimic Node.js's require function in Ruby?

In node.js you can write:
var lib = require('lib');
but in Ruby the require function simply runs the code in the file and true is returned.
Currently, I'm using a very dirty solution:
$stuff = []
require './file1.rb'
require './file2.rb'
# and so on
$stuff << something
and so on.
How can I eliminate the use of a global variable?
$stuff = []
$stuff << cool_require './file1.rb'
# etc
exports.what = something
One of the biggest errors when working with a language, is trying to make the language working like a different one.
Ruby is not NodeJs, there are features built-in into each language that are unique to the language and cannot be reproduced easily.
In other words, there is no way to implement the NodeJS require behavior in Ruby because in Ruby there is no notion of export. When you require a file, every method/class included in the required file are made available to the scope.
In Ruby there are objects and method visibility. The way you have to make a method visible or not is to declare it as public or private/protected.
Well, first consider that Ruby is not Node.js. As Simone Carletti said, there are some features that are unique to each language. Sometimes it's good to take from other language but sometimes it's bad.
There are few things that you must keep in mind:
meth is method invocation, to pass method you use method method: method(:meth) or package it into module/class
you can use class/module by assigning it to some 2nd variable:
class A;
def self.aa; puts 'aa'; end;
New_a = A;
New_a.aa # aa;
eval is dangerous method(you can evaluate unknown code)
Here is one way you can do. It is not idiot-proof tough. It is not 100% safe(eval). :
Module.new do
def self.meth1
def self.meth2
This file contain module with 2 methods.
I am using Module.new because it returns object that you want. You can assign it later into variable/constant.
I am using self.meth* so you don't have to include but run instantly it like this: module_name.meth1()
def cool_require name
eval(File.read name)
Some_variable = cool_require('req.rb')
puts Some_variable.meth1 # 42
puts Some_variable.meth2 # meth2
cool_require reads filename(argument name) and evaluate it(it is just like you would type it in irb/pry)
Some_variable is constant. It won't disappear that easily.
2 last line is how it works. As fair I remember, that's how node.js' require works.
