convert properties file to hashmap in spring - spring

I need to load all of the content of my properties file which looks something like this:
key.1=this item needs to be loaded onto a hashmap
key.2=this item also needs to be loaded onto a hashmap
key.3=this item also needs to be loaded onto a hashmap
key.4=this item also needs to be loaded onto a hashmap
I want to know a way in which i can load all of the content from my properties file onto a hashmap. The actual content that is present against every key is very lengthy, so i cannot make my properties file as abc=aa,bb,cc and then load it onto my java class using the #Value annotation.
Also, I have around 40 keys in my properties file. So, im trying to use this approach, As i dont want to add #Value annotation separately for every value in my java class.
As, on my hashmap i will put in certain checks to load which keys and then set those parameters one by one into my variables and pass it for further processing.
I tried a lot of things load the properties file and convert it into a hashmap through spring, all i now know is that i can make use of Property Placeholder Configurer which could load all of the properties file. However, how do i access the content inside the properties file in my java class converting it onto a hashmap.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Or I don't understand your question or it is very simple:
Properties props = new Properties().load(new FileInputStream([PROPERTIES_PATH]));
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(props);
Let's start from here! Maybe I can help you more, if give more concrete info


Does OpenCSV support write to CSV from bean with a map [duplicate]

I'm using opencsv for read/write csv files using opencsv annotations.
My bean is having fields not just primitives, but a java HashMap as well.
Now what i want to do is
public class MyBean {
#CsvBindByName(column = "ID")
private int id;
#CsvBindByName(column = "PROPERTIES")
private Map<String, String> sampleMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
ID, property1, property2...
1, value1, value2.....
I'd like to get this working in both read/write.
as i understand, the default MappingStrategy doesn't work in this case. Also Creating Custom MappingStrategy doesn't makes sense for HashMap field. because we don't know the complete field list until we iterate all the map.
Another way to get column names is that just read one bean from the list of beans. And get access to HashMap then create the header.(Hashmap keys are fixed across beans in my case)
MappingStrategy only concerned about Class level meta data. Like fields etc.
public static Field[] getAllFields(Class<?> cls) {
List allFieldsList = getAllFieldsList(cls);
return (Field[])allFieldsList.toArray(new Field[allFieldsList.size()]);
getting access to the real data for creating csv header doesn't look like a natural way to do.
Any advice on how to solve this?
Please point me out to any other libraries out there that can do read/write into beans having Map field.
Sadly openCSV does not support this. A quick google showed me that SuperCSV comes close but it puts everything in a map whereas you want to control what goes in the map and what does not. There may be others out there but most require a one to one between the fields in the object and the columns in the csv file.
This was something that I wanted to develop for years and contribute because the company I currently work for has need for that but they do not want to pay me to develop it and I have higher priorities for openCSV when free time is available.
A possible but limited workaround would be to create what I would call a Data Transfer Object. Have a custom object that has all the values you would have and have it return the object of the type you want (or a translator that will convert the DTO that has all fields to the object you want with the map and some fields). The problem with this solution is that it forces you to know in advance what are all possible entries you have in the map.

Load Yml at runtime with Spring Boot

I have multiple yml files in different folders. All the files in the folder share the same property structure which I mapped with a java bean.
At runtime, with a factory, I want to get the right bean populated with the values of the specific file chosen at runtime. How do I do that?
The #ConfigurationProperties annotation or the mechanism behind it is built to be used for configuration of an application at startup, not loading data at runtime.
I'm sure you could somehow start mini spring environments at runtime just to read this data using different spring profiles (this is e.g. how spring-cloud-configserver loads properties) but this seems not right and there are better alternatives.
E.g., if you need that data to be loaded at runtime, you can use jackson's yamlfactory for that, with that you can read your data in 3-4 statements. A good example is here:
Consider a Bean like this: (Pseudo code, just to explain)
class MyConfigBean {
private Properties currentProperties;
private Map<String, Properties> allPropertiesMap;
void loadAllProperties() { ... }
void switchProperties(String name) {
this.currentProperties = this.allPropertiesMap.get(name);
String getProperty(String key) {
return this.currentProperties.get(key);
You can load all of the Yaml files into a Map in your bean. The Map's key could be the "name" of the properties file and the value would be the Properties object.
A switchProperties(String name) method will "select" the properties file you wish to work with. Using the name, you will get the appropriate Properties object from the Map and assign it to the "currentProperties" object.
This way, each time you get a property by key, it will be fetched from the "currentProperties" according to what you "switched" for.
Important - You'll have to decide what is the default properties after you load all of them.

Spring boot Load all files based on pattern and place it in HashMap

I am developing an app where there will be a properties file for each type of database.
I want to load the properties file corresponding to the database based on the driver available in classpath using spring boot custom auto configuration and put it in a common holder object as a map.
For example, lets say I have oracle driver on classpath, So i need to load and place it in map with key as "oracle" and value as the properties object.
Current Approach
public class OracleMetadataConfiguration{
//if i have the object attributes corresponding to properties file, i will end up having duplicate attributes for each type of database
How do i use the different instance representation for same configuration object structure?
What is the best way to design this?

Assign ArrayList from the data in propeties file

this is my property file.
and I want to these values into hashmap in my spring context file.
How can I achieve this?
Does it have to be a HashMap or any kind of Map would be fine?
Because you can define that as a java.util.Properties instance (Spring has great support for properties loading), which already implements Map (it actually extends from Hashtable).

Hadoop: How to save Map object in configuration

Any idea how can I set Map object into org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration?
Serialize your map into JSON and then put it as string in your configuration.
There is no way to put a whole object into it, because the whole configuration will be written as a XML file.
GSON is quite good at it:
Here is the tutorial about how to serialize collections:
