Joomla 3.2.3 featured article ordering - joomla

In Joomla 3.2.3 i can not make the article orders like in J 1.5.x , i want to make the frontpage article ordering like what i define at administrator area.
I try several ways and still do not have any success, 1 weeks already ... :(
The last i tried is this :
a) Content => Featured Article => (at top right) sort table by "Ordering Descending"
b) I moved the article in the order i want, then click at "Double arrow" to save it
c) Then i click at "Options" (right top), it will open the Global configuration -> Article page.
+) Then i click at "Category" => Choose Layout = Blog,
+) "Blog/Featured Layout" => Multi column Order = Across.
+) "Shared Option" => Category Order = No Order, Article Order = Ordering
Date for Ordering = published
Then clicked at "Save and Close"
d) I click at "Menu" => Main Menu => Home => layout
+) multi column order = across,
+) Category order = no order,
+) Article Order = featured article order
But at frontend, the article is not changed
it is still ordered by "Date descending"
What is wrong ?

I have J! 3.3.1 and was experiencing the same issue.
Go into the menu manager. Open each of your menu items and in the "Layout" tab make the following changes:
Category Order - No Order (this is the real key to getting your articles ordered the way you want.
Article Order - Most Recent (or which ever way you want it ordered.
Date For Ordering - I use published but you can use whatever you want.
Do this for each of your menu items and it should fix the problem.

had the same problem. No need to code. Can be done in menus.
Article manager click on featured Articles on left hand side. Your Featured articles will appear and a column for ordering shows up. Order accordingly.
Go to the Menu Manager to the page you want the featured articles to appear. On the second tab is Layout. go down to Article Order and select "Featured Articles Order" from the drop down. Save and your articles will appear in the order you selected.

Joomla 3.3.6 here, I have the same problem, featured ordering always descending no matter what, I changed line 106 in components/com_content/helpers/query.php from:
$orderby = 'a.featured DESC, fp.ordering, ' . $queryDate . ' DESC ';
$orderby = 'a.featured ASC, fp.ordering, ' . $queryDate . ' DESC ';
Now it works as it should.

I had the same problem with ordering of featured articles for the home page. Whatever the order I put it didn't work.
My setup for the Home is
Category Order - No Order
Article Order - Features article order
Thanks to Andrea's tip I changed line 106 in components/com_content/helpers/query.php to
$orderby = ' fp.ordering, a.featured ASC, ' . $queryDate . ' DESC ';
So sorting by the fp (front page) ordering is always first.
This is surely not the best correction but at least it solved my problem.
for me it looks like a bug in the query construction for the order


Joomla, change the order of the listed articles

I have a Joomla site I added a new article today but it appears on the right bottom of the page. There are only 3 articles and I want them sorted by published date. How can I do it?
In Admin Panel >> Content >> Articles on the right side from the dropdown select : "Date descending"

Adding the article in joomla below the existing article by admin privelage

Have problem in adding new article in joomla the articles are getting added at the top instead of the bottom of existing article.
The sorting order of Joomla articles can be set in several different places, ranging from default settings to menu-specific settings, each one taking precedence over the previous setting.
The best way to make sure you have control over the way your articles are sorted is in your menu item editor. You should check several settings in the "Layout" tab (or "Blog Layout" if that's what you're using):
Category Order - I recommend using "No order", or else the articles will be sorted by category first.
Article Order - Use "Oldest first".
Date for Ordering - Created/modified/published. You probably want to use "Published" here. If you set this to "Modified", any article will be placed last when you save it.

Order articles in joomla

I'm trying to order some articles from a category in joomla at this url:
After put the order at the administration panel, optical harmessing I have it on the fourth place but it appears at the 3rd place, why?.
Regards and thank you
The reason is that Joomla doesn't order the articles by the backend ordering by default.
There are two ways to change this.
Do this ordering Global
Set the ordering method in the Menu
The first one could be changed in the Article List->Options (Top Left Button)->Shared Options (Tab)->Article Order (Drop Down) - Change this to Ordering. This will change all Blog and Category views to this type of ordering.
The second option is in the Menuitem. On the right site you have a Slider called "Blog Layout" there is a Option "Article Order" change this to "Article Manager Order". This will change only this Blog or Category view to this type of ordering.

Joomla / Virtuemart - How to display level 2 subcategories on virtuemart homepage?

I have a Joomla shop that stocks parts for cars.
I am using the Virtuemart component to handle the shop aspect.
The top parent categories for my products are;
Air filters
Oil filters
Fuel filters
Pollen filters
This means that the virtuemart side menu displays these 4 options, which is fine.
However, for the shop (virtuemart) homepage I want to display all the level 2 subcategories;
I can't seem to find a ay to do this. Currently I'm stuck with just the 4 top parent categories being displayed on the homepage, when really I want the car manufacturers displayed there.
Any ideas?
1) Simple answer: you can try this hack, which displays all subcategories:
in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_product_category.php, look for the line
$allowed = false;
if( $depth_list[$n] > 0 )
change it to
$allowed = true; //show all by default
if( $depth_list[$n] > 0 )
2) I think the real issue here is more your organizational/classification system... it's probably not optimal to be using categories/sub-categories to represent brands/makes as well as types-of-products.
I'd suggest you look more into Virtumart documentation and read up on "Product Types" as well as "Product Attributes" -- I think these would be more suited for what you're trying to do (as I believe you can filter cross-category product-search-results by product-types)
hope this helps,
Virtuemart 2.0 now displays 2 levels which will fit your need. To go 3 levels deep you can use a workaround until a third party module comes.
The workaround is here:

Joomla Blog article layout order problem

I'm having problems with a Joomla install (problem exists in both 1.5.13 and 1.5.15) that won't order articles in a category or section blog layout.
I've tried setting the sort order on the layout manually to all the different sort options but it has no effect.
Ordering on the front page works fine.
Any ideas?
You need to Enable Custom Ordering...
In the options for the menu item (i.e. when you click the item name), look on the right hand side and click "Parameters (Advanced)".
You should set Category Order to "No, order by Primary Order only" and Primary Order to "Default" (or "Most recent first" if that doesn't work).
If a Category is tuned to be shown in several columns (f.e. 2), but only 1 column fits in template, the soring may be broken.
