Error message when using find -exec to copy files - bash

I use the find command to copy some files from one destination to another. If I do
$ mkdir dir1 temp
$ touch dir1/dir1-file1
$ find . -iname "*file*" -exec cp {} temp/ \;
everything works fine as expected, but if I do
$ mkdir SR0a temp
$ touch SR0a/SR0a-file1
$ find . -iname "*file*" -exec cp {} temp/ \;
> cp: `./temp/SR0a-file1' and `temp/SR0a-file1' are the same file
I get an error message. I do not understand this behavior. Why do I get an error by simply changing names?

That is because find searchs in SR0a/ folder at first, and then in temp/, and since you have copied into it the file, find founds it again in temp/ folder. It seems that find uses crafty sorting so it just should be take into account on use of find:
$ mkdir temp dir1 SR0a DIR TEMP
$ find .
So in case the dir1/ find founds the it at first, and this don't make such problems, let see the search sequence:
When you search with SR0a the sequence is:
so found file is being copied into temp before searching it.
To fix it, either move temp/ folder outside the current one:
$ mkdir SR0a ../temp
$ touch SR0a/SR0a-file1
$ find . -iname "*file*" -exec cp {} ../temp/ \;
or use pipe to separate find and copy procedures:
$ find . -iname "*file*" | while read -r i; do cp "$i" temp/; done

This find should work:
find . -path ./temp -prune -o -iname "*file*" -type f -exec cp '{}' temp/ \;
-path ./misc -prune -o is used to skip ./temp directory while copying files to temp folder.
Your find command is also finding ./temp/*file* files and trying to copy them also into ./temp folder.

It is caused by the find that is trying to copied to it self.
Pipe output using while to separate with find command
Use cp with the option: -frpvT for match with file/dir target path
Print the realpath of the ouput file, see if the file path are the same.
find . -iname "*file*" | while read -r f; do echo cp -frpvT "$(realpath $f)" "/temp/$f"; done
If so, then correct the file path, when it is done then you can remove the echo from the command.


extract text informations from many subfolders

I'm looking to extract informations from subfolders.
I have a folder containing several folders containing several folders with text file information.
I've done something like this, but it works only when text files have different names (otherwise files with same names are erased by the most recent ones):
mkdir target_directory
find $pwd . -name \*.txt -exec cp {} target_directory \;
cd target_directory
cat *.txt > all-info
rm *.txt
I was thinking to had directory to the name of extracted files. How can I do that?
Maybe there is a smarter way?
Thank you!
If your goal is to concatenate all *.txt files in target_directory/all-info then just use cat {} in the exec action of your find command and redirect the output:
$ mkdir -p target_directory
$ find . -type f -name '*.txt' -exec cat {} \; > target_directory/all-info
This should do the trick:
mkdir -p target_directory
find . -name "*.txt" -exec cat {} >> target_directory/all-info \;
Man-pages of cp mention:
-n, --no-clobber
do not overwrite an existing file (overrides a previous -i option)
So I think your solution (only the find part) should be:
find $pwd . -name \*.txt -exec cp -n {} target_directory \;

copy files with the base directory

I am searching specific directory and subdirectories for new files, I will like to copy the files. I am using this:
find /home/foo/hint/ -type f -mtime -2 -exec cp '{}' ~/new/ \;
It is copying the files successfully, but some files have same name in different subdirectories of /home/foo/hint/.
I will like to copy the files with its base directory to the ~/new/ directory.
test#serv> find /home/foo/hint/ -type f -mtime -2 -exec ls '{}' \;
~/new/ should look like this after copy:
test#serv> ls -R ~/new/
platform: Solaris 10.
Since you can't use rsync or fancy GNU options, you need to roll your own using the shell.
The find command lets you run a full shell in your -exec, so you should be good to go with a one-liner to handle the names.
If I understand correctly, you only want the parent directory, not the full tree, copied to the target. The following might do:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-type f
-mtime -2
-exec bash -c 'd="${0%/*}"; d="${d##*/}"; mkdir -p "$1/$d"; cp -v "$0" "$1/$d/"' {} ./new \;
find /home/foo/hint/ "${findopts[#]}"
$ find ./hint -type f -print
$ ./doit
./hint/foo/slurm/file.txt -> ./new/slurm/file.txt
./hint/foo/file.txt -> ./new/foo/file.txt
./hint/bar/file.txt -> ./new/bar/file.txt
I've put the options to find into a bash array for easier reading and management. The script for the -exec option is still a little unwieldy, so here's a breakdown of what it does for each file. Bearing in mind that in this format, options are numbered from zero, the {} becomes $0 and the target directory becomes $1...
d="${0%/*}" # Store the source directory in a variable, then
d="${d##*/}" # strip everything up to the last slash, leaving the parent.
mkdir -p "$1/$d" # create the target directory if it doesn't already exist,
cp "$0" "$1/$d/" # then copy the file to it.
I used cp -v for verbose output as shown in "Results" above, but IIRC it's also not supported by Solaris, and can be safely ignored.
The --parents flag should do the trick:
find /home/foo/hint/ -type f -mtime -2 -exec cp --parents '{}' ~/new/ \;
Try testing with rsync -R, for example:
find /your/path -type f -mtime -2 -exec rsync -R '{}' ~/new/ \;
From the rsync man:
-R, --relative
Use relative paths. This means that the full path names specified on the
command line are sent to the server rather than just the last parts of the
The problem with the answers by #Mureinik and #nbari might be that the absolute path of new files will spawn in the target directory. In this case you might want to switch to the base directory before the command and go back to your current directory afterwards:
path_current=$PWD; cd /home/foo/hint/; find . -type f -mtime -2 -exec cp --parents '{}' ~/new/ \; ; cd $path_current
path_current=$PWD; cd /home/foo/hint/; find . -type f -mtime -2 -exec rsync -R '{}' ~/new/ \; ; cd $path_current
Both ways work for me at a Linux platform. Let’s hope that Solaris 10 knows about rsync’s -R ! ;)
I found a way around it:
cd ~/new/
find /home/foo/hint/ -type f -mtime -2 -exec nawk -v f={} '{n=split(FILENAME, a, "/");j= a[n-1];system("mkdir -p "j"");system("cp "f" "j""); exit}' {} \;

find file in subfolder, move to other directory, and delete subfolder after moving with find -exec

I am looking for the following:
I want to search files with .m4a in all subfolders in my directory. When a file with this ending was found, I would like to move it to another folder. But afterwards I would like to delete this subfolder. I am stuck with the last step.
So far I have:
find . -name '*.m4a' -type f -exec mv {} /path/to/storage \;
I don't know how to delete the subfolder, the m4a file was found in. Also I don't want to delete by accident any other folder (I mean in case I apply the rm command wrongly. Deleting a subfolder, where I found a m4a file in, is okay). Basically, I am not sure how to control the deleting and would I be able to add this command with another -exec in the find command, please?
Thank you!
Something like this should be ok.
If you are happy with the results, you can remove the echo to perform real actions:
find . -name '*.m4a' -type f -exec sh -c 'echo "mv {} /path/to/storage";echo "rm -r "$(dirname {})"" ' \;
Be carefull that if the /path/to/storage is a subdirectory under the current working working you performed find, will also be removed , like this:
$ pwd
$ find . -name 'test.txt' -exec sh -c 'echo "mv {} /home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/tmp/tmp2";echo "rm -r "$(dirname {})"" ' \;
mv ./tmp3/test.txt /home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/tmp/tmp2 #indeed test.txt was in subfolder tmp3 under cwd tmp2
rm -r ./tmp3 #this is good - file moved , tmp3 removed also
mv ./test.txt /home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests/tmp/tmp2 #oops. find returned the result after previous mv , now file is found under tmp2
rm -r . #tmp2 gone also!

Bash: Batch rename nested directories or files with the same name

I would like to rename the following directory:
From 1/2/3/2/2 to 1/2_re/3/2_re/2_re.
Each directory has other contents too -for example which should stay untouched.
I tried the command:
find ./ -exec bash -c 'mv 2 2_re' \; but after it successfully renames the first directory the following error message appears:
mv: cannot stat ‘2’: No such file or directory
You need to tell find to process the content of a folder before the folder itself using -depth:
find . -name "2" -type d -depth -execdir mv 2 2_re \;
-execdir executes the mv in the folder where the ./2 was found.
You can use this find with sort -r in a for loop using process substitution:
while read -r f; do
mv "$f" "${f}_re"
done < <(find . -name '2' | sort -r)

Regex find and copy in bash (preserving folder structure)?

I have a folder with a bunch of log files. Each set of log files is in a folder detailing the time and date that the program was run. Inside these log folders, I've got some video files that I want to extract. All I want is the video files, nothing else. I tried using this command to only copy the video files, but it didn't work because a directory didn't exist.
.rmv is the file extension of the files I want.
$ find . -regex ".*\.rmv" -type f -exec cp '{}' /copy/to/here/'{}'
If I have a folder structure such as:
| |
| |--file.rmv
How can I get it to copy to copy/to/here with it copying the structure of folder1 and folder2 in the destination directory?
cp has argument --parents
so the shortest way to do what you want is:
find root -name '*.rmv' -type f -exec cp --parents "{}" /copy/to/here \;
I would just use rsync.
The {} represents the full path of the found file, so your cp command evaluate to this sort of thing:
cp /root/folder1/file.rmv /copy/to/here/root/folder1/file.rmv
If you just drop the second {} it will instead be
cp /root/folder1/file.rmv /copy/to/here
the copy-file-to-directory form of cp, which should do the trick.
Also, instead of -regex, yor could just use the -name operand:
find root -name '*.rmv' -type f -exec cp {} /copy/to/here \;
Assuming src is your root and dst is your /copy/to/here
find . -name *.rmv | while read f
path=$(dirname "$f" | sed -re 's/src(\/)?/dst\1/')
echo "$f -> $path"
mkdir -p "$path"
cp "$f" "$path"
putting this in and running ./ from the directory over root
./src/folder1/file.rmv -> ./dst/folder1
./src/My File.rmv -> ./dst
./src/folder2/file2.rmv -> ./dst/folder2
EDIT: improved script version (thanks for the comment)
