Using Ruby to find a file with changing directory - ruby

I'm trying to find a file in which the directory will change its name with upcoming versions, so an example could be that it is located under /opt/here/test-1.44/bin/progname and will follow the format same time.
I'm looking to do something like if File.exist?("/opt/here/test-*/bin/progname") but is that the correct format? When searching around I'm also seeing references to using Dir, so would it be something like if Dir['/opt/here/*'.select { |f| f =~ /progname/} then ?

Use any? instead of empty? if you want true when there is such file.


Pathname with Regex

I would like to know how to use Regex when instantiating a new Pathname.
I am instantiating a Pathname and passing it to FileUtils#rm_rf to delete the file. The problem I am trying to solve is to remove files that have a certain name without regard to extension:
See this contrived example:
target =["#{#app_name}/#{#file_name}"])
#file_name does not include extensions such as .rb or html.erb, but I would like to match all files with name equal to #file_name no matter what extensions they use.
My initial approach was to use Regex. But how can I use it, or any other suggestions?
You can use Dir.Glob like this:
Dir.glob("#{#app_name}/#{#file_name}.*").each { |f| File.delete(f) }
See more on that at

check file exists or not using regular expression in ruby

I have a folder which contains many files. Now I have to check file with specific name exists or not.
For checking file existence I have used File.exists? method. For example
File.exists? ("/home/ubuntu/vga2usb.sql")
=> true
but sometimes filename contains timestamps (e.g. 20140707_vga2usb.sql). I think I have to use regular expression for it.
So I tired with
=> false
Is there any other way for checking file existence.
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
You can use Dir or Dir.glob

Ruby - Search and collect files in all directorys

I'm trying to search for a certain file type within all directories on my unix system using a ruby script. I understand the following code will search all files ending with .pdf within the current directory:
my_pdfs = Dir['*pdf']
As well as:
my_pdfs = Dir.glob('*.pdf').each do |f|
puts f
But how about searching all directories and sub-directories for files with the .pdf extension?
Check out the Find module:
Using Dir.glob is less than ideal since globbing doesn't handle recursion nearly as well as something like find.
Also if you're on a *nix box try using the find command. Its pretty amazingly useful for one liners.
Maybe something like:
Not using Linux right now, so don't know if that will work. The ** syntax implies recursive listing.

Look for a configuration file with Ruby

I written a Ruby tool, named foobar, having a default configuration into a
file (called .foobar).
When the tool is executed without any params, the configuration file's params
can be used: ~/.foobar.
But, if the current tool's path is ~/projects/foobar and if
~/projects/foobar/.foobar exists, then this file should be used instead of
That's why the way to look for this configuration file should start from the
current folder until the current user folder.
Is there a simple way to look for this file?
cfg_file =".foobar", "r") rescue"~/.foobar", "r")
Although to be honest, I almost always do two things: provide an option for a config file path, and allow overriding of default config values. The problem with the latter is that unless you know config files are ordered/have precedence, it can be confusing.
I would do this:
if File.exists(".foobar")
# open .foobar
# open ~/..

How do I get the directory where the executable is located?

I got the filename like this:
_TCHAR filename[_MAX_PATH];
How do I remove the filename from this full path? Should I use regex?
You can use the Windows shell API function PathRemoveFileSpec to do this. Example usage is listed on the linked page.
Since you use VS++, you can use:
_splitpath and _wsplitpath functions to break apart path
