My SSIS files wont open - visual-studio

I opened BIDS and then tried to click the highlighted file that I was working on this morning.
But the Properties and the Field Explorer is blank. Please see the image below.
When I try to open a new project >> analysis services4 >> it is still blank.
I have already restarted my laptop and I have an internet connection. So what's wrong with my BIDS?
When I check the package itself, when I double click it. It is still blank. Please see the two screenshots below.
When I close and re-open it, it prompts me that there is not internet connection. If theres none how can I post this problem in Stack overflow in the first place.

Select View -> Solution Explorer. Your project should be loaded there. Once you will open a file, other explorers and windows will change accordingly.


Activity Monitor Log: Default Browser

On clicking a notification below the menu bar in VS2019 16.8.2, the Activity Monitor Log opens in Internet Explorer.
The Web Browser section in Options=>Environment only has an Internet Options link for IE. Internet Explorer will be retired soon, is there, or will there be provision for sending the log to an alternative browser, or even another program, e.g. this viewer?
One thing not attempted before posting the question was to try the suggestion at MS Docs:
By default, the log file is located here:
where is the Visual Studio version. However, you may specify
a different path and file name.
And also here:
For example, the command devenv /log output.txt opens the IDE and
outputs all log information for that session to output.txt.
Clicking on the IDE to launch the log is as per file association. The xml extension was for some reason defaulted to IE on this rig.
So, not really a problem, VS launches the file correctly by default, and as per file extension settings.

Where is the windows terminal settings location?

I edited the settings file and there must have been a typo and now the app crashes on startup.
Online the documentation says the settings lives in $env:LocalAppData\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json
I can't figure out what that path means since it doesn't exist on the computer.
I re-installed the app to fix the problem then made sure to see what the actual path is.
It's located in : C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState
In the current version (1.7.1033.0), the application can open the JSON settings file for you via a button. Open the Settings tab, and the bottom left corner will have a button named "Open JSON file". Clicking that button will open a prompt asking with what application to open the file. That text editor can then tell you where the file is located.
If you open the terminal settings, it will open a text editor with the settings.json file. If your default editor is VS Code it will show you the path below the tabs on the top of the screen.
I'm unsure what other editors show you the path, but if it is crucial you can change your default text editor to Code.
There is still the option to open the JSON file through settings. In version 1.15.2875.0 you can still find the "Open JSON file" at the bottom left corner
Screenshot with highlights
This hint was given by a comment by user1340531:
Mine is at C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json
(or more generically: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json)
If it's not there, you should consider OP's answer or vyps comment which lets you find out one of these generic paths (they are equivalent):
If you don't know what these paths mean, I'd recommend playing around with "Windows Run" (Win+R) and the explorer address bar.

Have Xcode show breakpoint in Assistant editor if file is open

So I just got into TDD and working with tests I started using the Assistant editor a lot more. I usually keep my test file on the left and production code on the right. However, when running a test, if I hit an exception or a breakpoint in my production code, the file opens up on the right again, even though it is already open on the left.
My goal is to have Xcode focus on the exception/breakpoint in the Assistant editor if the relevant file is open right now. Is there any way to achieve such behaviour?
The closest thing I found was in the Behaviour tab in preferences where I can choose which editor jumps to the exception/breakpoint, but this should depend on which file did it occur in. So if there is a problem in currently open test file, show it on the left. If it is in currently open production file, show it on the right. If it is in a file that is not showing, then show it wherever.

VS2010 - How to change what the Solution Explorer displays

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and sometimes in some of my projects, for reasons that are unknown to me, the "folders" displayed in the Solution Explorer change and I can never seem to change them back unless I create a new project and copy the files over.
I want the solution explorer to display "Header Files", "Source Files" and "Resource Files" instead of just "Debug".
Here's an image of what I want it to display like when I create a new project:
Here's what it displays sometimes:
I looked in the menus and I couldn't find anything to change it back.
Edit: Someone posted that I had "Show all files" checked in the second image, but he/she deleted his/her post. So yeah, that's why it wasn't working. I feel like an idiot for not noticing, but I thought that button and the one on the left (which is 'Properties') were mutually exclusive and so I had tried pressing 'properties' but not 'show all files'.
Thanks whoever posted the answer and deleted it.
To fix this, just uncheck the "show all files" button that appears ticked in the second image.

"The operation could not be completed" Error when saving a file, in many projects

I am getting this annoying problem, whenever i do some changes to any file in any of my many projects and try to save the file, i get the error "The operation could not be completed"!!!!
it only has an "OK" button, clicking that button will open a "Save As" dialog to save the file into a different location.
most of the time, after trying with different approaches (click CTRL+S, open File-> Save, open File-> Save All, or closing the windows and clicking "Save" when being asked to save), it works, but usually that takes 2-3 tries in average per change (a developer has a finger glued to CTRL+S).
i disabled all add ins, actually i only have JustCode. i restarted the machine, nothing worked.
anyone can help please?
BTW: i have VS.NET 2005 Team Suite SP2, Windows 7 Ultimate, and the problem happens in all types of projects (WEB, Windows Service, SQL, anything).
Found the solution
It was my anti-virus, once i excluded the project folder from the control of the anti-virus everything is fine now.
