What is this unknown 7214 while running JPS on Hadoop? - hadoop

What is this 7214 when I run the jps command.
17134 SecondaryNameNode
16934 NameNode
17401 Jps
17249 ResourceManager
17024 DataNode
17365 NodeManager


hadoop cluster: namenode stopping service after format the hdfs

After successfully formatted I get:
2022-05-04 15:49:01,051 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Stopping services started for active state
2022-05-04 15:49:01,051 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Stopping services started for standby state
then when I run
noor#m1:~$ start-all.sh
WARNING: Attempting to start all Apache Hadoop daemons as noor in 10 seconds.
WARNING: This is not a recommended production deployment configuration.
WARNING: Use CTRL-C to abort.
Starting namenodes on [m1]
Starting datanodes
Starting secondary namenodes [m2]
Starting resourcemanager
Starting nodemanagers
noor#m1:~$ jps
2499 DataNode
2745 ResourceManager
2874 NodeManager
3198 Jps
and in datanode at m2:
noor#m2:~$ jps
2165 Jps
2079 SecondaryNameNode
As you see datanode at m2 does not run

Slave's datanodes not starting in hadoop

I followed this tutorial and tried to setup a multinode hadoop cluster on centOS. After doing all the configurations and running start-dfs.sh and start-yarn.sh, this is what jps outputs:
26121 ResourceManager
25964 SecondaryNameNode
25759 NameNode
25738 Jps
Slave 1
19082 Jps
17826 NodeManager
Slave 2
17857 Jps
16650 NodeManager
Data node is not started on slaves.
Can anyone suggest what is wrong with this setup?

Hadoop 2.2.0 jobtracker is not starting

It seems I have no jobtracker with Hadoop 2.2.0. JPS does not show it, there is no one listening on port 50030, and there are no logs about the jobtracker inside the logs folder. Is this because of YARN? How can I configure and start the job tracker?
If you are using YARN framework, there is no jobtracker in it. Its functionality is split and replaced by ResourceManager and ApplicationMaster. Here is expected jps prinout while running YARN
18509 Jps
17107 NameNode
17170 DataNode
17252 ResourceManager
17309 NodeManager
17626 JobHistoryServer

My HMaster is invisible after 30 sec. Error

I have hbase-0.94.10 version .. all my setting works fine
Here is my JPS command output
11804 HRegionServer
10784 TaskTracker
12401 HQuorumPeer
10539 SecondaryNameNode
10201 NameNode
10369 DataNode
12669 JPS
10619 JobTracker
11624 HMaster
But after 30 sec. passed and if i type JPS command again then output was -
11804 HRegionServer
10784 TaskTracker
12401 HQuorumPeer
10539 SecondaryNameNode
10201 NameNode
10369 DataNode
12669 JPS
10619 JobTracker
Looks like HMaster is missing and because of this i am not able to access hbase master-status on web browser
Anyhelp please ..
One of the issue could be stale zookeeper data. Try to remove zookeeper data and restart HBase.
Go to the logs.
Run HBase at debug level and try starting the master. Search for Exception.

Datanode Dies After a Few Seconds

I am running Apache Hadoop version 1.0.4.
I followed a tutorial here: http://www.michael-noll.com/tutorials/running-hadoop-on-ubuntu-linux-single-node-cluster/ with some tweaks to set up Hadoop.
The data node starts when I use the script start-dfs.sh but dies after some time (less then a second).
hduser#mudit-Studio-1535:/usr/local/hadoop/bin$ jps
25672 NameNode
26276 SecondaryNameNode
25970 DataNode
26328 Jps
hduser#mudit-Studio-1535:/usr/local/hadoop/bin$ jps
25672 NameNode
26276 SecondaryNameNode
26360 Jps
Similar problem is encountered when I use start-all.sh
I tried formatting the namenode by ./hadoop namenode -format. The output is
Still I am getting the same problem.
