how output files(part-m-0001/part-r-0001) are created in map reduce - hadoop

I understand that the map reduce output are stored in files named like part-r-* for reducer and part-m-* for mapper.
When I run a mapreduce job sometimes a get the whole output in a single file(size around 150MB), and sometimes for almost same data size I get two output files(one 100mb and other 50mb). This seems very random to me. I cant find out any reason for this.
I want to know how its decided to put that data in a single or multiple output files. and if any way we can control it.

Unlike specified in the answer by Jijo here - the number of the files depends on on the number of Reducers/Mappers.
It has nothing to do with the number of physical nodes in the cluster.
The rule is: one part-r-* file for one Reducer. The number of Reducers is set by job.setNumReduceTasks();
If there are no Reducers in your job - then one part-m-* file for one Mapper. There is one Mapper for one InputSplit (usually - unless you use custom InputFormat implementation, there is one InputSplit for one HDFS block of your input data).

The number of output files part-m-* and part-r-* is set according to the number of map tasks and the number of reduce tasks respectively.


Single or multiple files per mapper in hadoop?

Does a mapper process multiple files at the same time or a mapper can only process a single file at a time? I want to know the default behaviour
Typical Mapreduce jobs follow one input split per mapper by default.
If the file size is larger than the split size (i.e., it has more
than one input split), then it is multiple mappers per file.
It is one file per mapper if the file is not splittable like a Gzip
file or if the process is Distcp where file is the finest level of granularity.
If you go to the definition of FileInputFormat you will see that on the top it has three methods:
addInputPath(JobConf conf, Path path) - Add a Path to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job. So it will pick up all files in catalog but not the single one, as you say
addInputPathRecursively(List result, FileSystem fs, Path path, PathFilter inputFilter) - Add files in the input path recursively into the results.
addInputPaths(JobConf conf, String commaSeparatedPaths) - Add the given comma separated paths to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job
Operating these three methods you can easily setup any multiple input you want. Then InputSplits of your InputFormat start to spliting this data among the mapper jobs. The Map-Reduce framework relies on the InputFormat of the job to:
Validate the input-specification of the job.
Split-up the input file(s) into logical InputSplits, each of which is then assigned to an individual Mapper.
Provide the RecordReader implementation to be used to glean input records from the logical InputSplit for processing by the Mapper.
So technically single mapper will process its own part only which can contain the data from several files. But for each particular format you should look into InputSplit to understand how data will be distributed accross the mappers.

Hadoop streaming with multiple input files

I want to build an inverted index from a set of files with Hadoop using the Streaming API. The documentation always refers to using a file whose lines have the entries to the mapper to be fed. But in this case, I have multiple input files, and I need the mappers to process only one file at a time. Is there a way to accomplish that. For preprocessing reasons, I need the input to be like this, and I cannot have the input in the classic line = key, value format that the documentation refers.
By default a mapper only processes one file, unless you use an input class that allow combine inputs like CombineFileInputFormat.
Then, if you have 10 files you will end with 10 mappers and each of them will process only one file. If you are only using mappers (not reducers) that will end in 10 outputs files (one for each mapper).
In the other side, if you have enough big splittable files, it is possible that one file be processed by several mappers at the same time.

How does MapReduce process multiple input files?

So I'm writing a MR job to read hundreds of files from an input folder. Since all the files are compressed, so instead of using the default TextInputFormat, I was using the WholeFileReadFormat from an online code source.
So my question is that does the Mapper process multiple input files in sequence? I mean, if I have three files A B C, and since I'm reading the whole file content as the map input value, will mapreduce process the files in the order of, say, A->B->C, which means, only after doing with A, Mapper will start to process B?
Actually, I'm kind of confused on the concept of Map job and Map task. In my understanding the Map job is just the same thing as Mapper. And a mapper job contains several map tasks, in my case, each map task will read in a single file. But what I don't understand is that I think map tasks are executed in parallel, so I think all the input files should be processed in parallel, which turns out to be a paradox....
Can any one please explain it to me?

hadoop get actual number of mappers

In the map phase of my program, I need to know the total number of mappers that are created. This will help me in the key creation process of the map (I want to emit as many key-value pairs for each object as the number of mappers).
I know that setting the number of mappers is just a hint, but what is the way to get the actual number of mappers.
I tried the following in the configure method of my Mapper:
public void configure(JobConf conf) {
System.out.println("map tasks: "+conf.get(""));
System.out.println("tipid: "+conf.get(""));
System.out.println("taskpartition: "+conf.get("mapred.task.partition"));
But I get the results:
map tasks: 1
tipid: task_local1204340194_0001_m_000000
taskpartition: 0
map tasks: 1
tipid: task_local1204340194_0001_m_000001
taskpartition: 1
which means (?) that there are two map tasks, and not just one, as printed (which is quite natural, since I have two small input files). Shouldn't the number after map tasks be 2?
For now, I just count the number of files in the input folder, but this is not a good solution, since a file could be larger than the block size and result in more than one input splits and hence mappers. Any suggestions?
Finally, it seems that conf.get("")) DOES work after all, when I generate an executable jar file and run my program in the cluster/locally. Now the output of "map tasks" is correct.
It did not work only when running my mapreduce program locally on hadoop from the eclipse-plugin. Maybe it is an eclipse-plugin's issue.
I hope this will help someone else having the same issue. Thank you for your answers!
I don't think there is an easy way to do this. I've implemented my own InputFormat class, if you do that you can implement a method to count the number of InputSplits which you can request in the process that starts the job. If you put that number in some Configuration setting, you can read it in your mapper process.
btw the number of input files is not always the number of mappers, as large files can be split.

How to go through the OutputFormat.RecordWriter write(key,value) twice in Hadoop

I have a situation where I need to go through the key/value pairs of my OutputFormat twice. In essence:
OutputFormat.getRecordWriter() // returns RecordWriteType1
... and when all those are complete across all machines
OutputFormat.getRecordWriter() // return RecordWriterType2
The typing of both RecordWriterType1/2 are the same. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you,
Unfortunately you cannot simply run over the reducer data twice.
You do have some options to possibly work around:
Use an identity reducer to output the sorted data to HDFS, then run two jobs over the data with identity mappers - wasteful but simple if you don't have that much data
As above, but you could use map only jobs and the key comparator to emulate the reducer function as you know the input is already sorted (you'll need to make sure the split size is set sufficiently large to ensure all data from the first reducer output file is processed in a single mapper and not split over 2+ mapper instances
You could write the reducer key/values to local disk in your reducer, and then in the clean up method of the reducer, opening the local file up and process as detailed in the second option (using the group comparator to detemine key boundary).
If you dig through the source for ReduceTask, you may even be able to 'abuse' the merged sorted segments on local disk and run over the data again, but this option is pure unadulterated hackery...
