standard d3 workflow and hosting solutions - d3.js

I am new to d3.js and it seems like there are a lot of options when it comes to developing and hosting projects.
Options include:
I can also run a web server with python for local development, but in my case, I am not able to host my projects locally. is really popular, but I have run into many caching issues when using it to develop code (make a change, wait 5 mins, see the change).
At the moment, I was thinking that the best bet would be to develop locally then put the code in a gist and use to host it.
My question is:
Is this a fairly standard and sensible workflow for d3 and are there any other services out there that you recommend I should use instead of

Develop locally. For most D3 work you don't even need a server running, since browsers will "serve" static html, javascript, json and csv over the file:// protocol (EDIT: except Chrome). This makes the development cycle simple, fast and easy.
Deploy with GitHub. If you're just serving static pages and not hosting anything else, it's the fastest way to get something up on the web. There are two good ways to do this:
Gist hosted, view on This is great for little examples and one-off tricks. The best part of this is that it just works, no configuration necessary. Also it's neat to see the auto-generated gallery of your visualizations.
GitHub Pages. This is best for more significant projects, since you can completely customize the interface to your liking (and even use your own domain!). Just don't forget to put a "fork me" ribbon in the corner.
And please do post any neat visualizations you build to the gallery!


Taking a screenshot of html without dependencies

I want to be able to save an image of either a div or a page (whichever easiest) without using dependencies.
So I have been browsing around for awhile to find many solutions to this problem, most of them I have found use dependencies such as BrowserShot or something else. I was wondering if there was some way to do this without dependencies other than ImageIntervention to manage the images.
I decided to use google's speed API for taking screenshots. I originally was trying to avoid this due to not being able to use it for development since that would be hosted locally.
The solution is described pretty well here.

Does onsen ui cause performance problems when used in web sites?

I want to use onsen for a mobile web app. Most people seem to use it with phone gap/cordova so that the result can be installed as an app.
Am I going to have performance issues if I use it for a website?
The minified JS alone is 350kb and the css is almost 200kb. I suppose I can gzip it but I just want to make sure I'm not misusing the tool and doing something crazy.
Hmm actually - 85KB - 3.2KB - 25KB
These are the only 3 files which you actually need to use Onsen UI.
If you want to use something like angular, react etc there are additional js files which you may need, but only if you want to use the frameworks.
And of course for the css - if you want to use some sort of icons either font awesome icons or something similar you would need to add those too, but if you're not using them you don't need to serve them.
As for performance issues
for loading you can concatenate the files to make less requests (you said you will be gzipping them so I guess you will probably also be doing this)
after everything is loaded I don't think you will be able to notice a difference between the app and the webpage.
I may be missing something, but I think this is pretty much it. Basically just include the things which you need - no need to include angular bindings if you're not using angular for example :D

XPage Osgi plug in development

I have designed many tools in the past year or so that is designed to help me program for XPages. These tools include primarily helper java classes, extended logging (making use of OpenLogger and my own stuff), and a few other things that I personally feel I cannot work without. It has been discussed with my employer, and we feel that it might be a good idea to start publishing these items to openNTF. Since these tools are made up of about 3 .nsfs, all designed to use the same java code, key javascript classes, css, and even a custom control or two, I would like to consolidate key items into a plug-in that can be installed at the server and client level. I want to do this consolidation before I even think about publishing any of the work I've done so far. It would just be far too much work to maintain, not just for me, but for potential users. I have not really found any information on how to do such a thing in google searches. I also have to make sure that I am able to make use of the ExtLib libraries, openNTF Domino API, and the Notes API.
my questions
How does one best go about designing such plug-ins? Must a designer
use eclipse, or is this it possible to do this directly in the Notes
How does a designer best go about keeping a server and client up to date while designing and updating the plug-in code? Is this why GitHub is often used?
Where is the best place to get material to get started in this direction? I sort of feel lost in the woods, knowing I need to head north, but not having a compass for that first step.
Thank you very much for your input.
In my experience, I found that diving into plug-in development is a huge PITA until you get used to it, but it's definitely worth it overall.
As for whether you can use Designer for plugin development: yes, but you will likely eventually want to not do so. I started out by using Designer for this sort of thing for a while, presumably with the same sentiment as you: why bother installing another instance of Eclipse when I'm already sitting in one all day? However, between Designer's age (it's roughly equivalent to, I think, Eclipse 3.4), oddities when it comes to working sets between the "Applications" and "Project Explorer" views, and, in my case, my desire to use a Mac app, I ended up switching.
There are two major starting points: the XSP Starter Kit ( and Niklas Heidloff's video on setting up Eclipse for XPages development ( The latter mentions the XPages SDK (, which is also useful. In my setup, I found the video largely useful, but some aspects either difficult to find (IBM's downloads are shifting sands) or optional (debugging, which will depend on whether or not you're using Eclipse on Windows).
Those resources should generally get you set up. The main thing to worry about when setting up your Eclipse environment will be making sure your Plug-In Execution Environment is properly done. If you're following the SDK setup instructions, that SHOULD get you where you need to be.
The next thing to know about is the way plugins are structured. Each plugin you want to install in Designer or Domino will also be paired with a feature project (a feature can house several plugins), and potentially an update site - the last one is optional if you just want to import the features into an Update Site NSF. That's how I often do my normal plugin development: export the paired feature to a directory and then import the feature into the server's Update Site NSF and then install in Designer from there using Application -> Install. You can also set things up so that you deploy into the server's plugin/feature directories instead of taking the step of installing into an update site if you'd prefer. GitHub doesn't really come into play for this aspect - it's more about sharing/collaborating with your code and also having a remote storage location for your git repositories (which I highly advise).
And as for the "lost in the woods" feeling: yep, you'll have that for a good while. There are lots of moving parts and esoteric concepts to get a hold of all at once. If you mostly follow the above links and then start with some basics from the XSP Starter Kit (which is itself a plugin project that you can pair with a feature) - say, printing text in the Activator class and making an implicit global variable just to make sure it works - that should help get your feet wet.
It's best done in Eclipse. You can debug your code running on the server from there, as well as run it directly from there. The editors are also more up-to-date. You want:
Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers
XPages SDK for Eclipse RCP (from OpenNTF)
XPages Debug Plugin (from OpenNTF - basically allows you to load the plugins to the Domino server dynamically, rather than exporting to an Update Site all the time)
XSP Starter Kit on OpenNTF is a good starting point for a plugin. There are various references to the library id, which has to be unique for your plugin. Basically, references to org.openntf.xsp.starter need changing to whatever you want to call your plugin. You're also best advised to remove what you don't need. I tend to work in a copy of the Starter, remove stuff, build and if there are errors with required classes ( obviously will be required and some others), then paste them back in from the Starter.
XPages OpenLog Logger is a good cross-reference, that was built from XPages Starter Kit. It's pretty much stripped down and you'll be able to see what had to be changed. A lot of the elements of the XSP Starter Kit correspond to Java classes you'll probably be familiar with from your XPages Java development.
GitHub etc tend to be used as source control, which is useful for working out what's changed from time to time.

Build an app with marionettejs with requirejs?

I have used backbone boilerplate on the past
I want to use marionette on my next project and I have found this
My question is if it's a good idea to go with the marionette boilerplate or start form scratch.
As an aside, I'd like to suggest you give Yeoman a shot for scaffolding your first Marionette app. Yeoman works via what are called "generators", and provide much more than the the above Boilerplate MVC can offer you (Chai and Sinon for testing, Bower for client-side package management, etc...). Plus, Addy Osmani, who runs backbone-boilerplates is one of the heads of the project. Check out generator-marionette here.
I haven't used BoilerPlate, but glancing through it, it certainly seems like a valid approach to writing Marionette apps. If you're just getting started it will certainly help you see how the various pieces are supposed to be used. One gripe I've got is the folder structure. I prefer to break my applications down into modules, and then add models, collections, views, etc under each module. But this will certainly get you up and running quick, and there's nothing stopping you from customizing it to suit your needs.
I agree with others here: it is a useless limitation to imitate a folder structure that follows the 'old mvc model for server-side code'. You will remain more flexible further down the road if you think of your application strictly as completely self-containing modules, i.e. they contain their own controller/router/views/collections/templates etc. You can have a separate folder structure for shared code that is not a module, although anything can be made a module :)
Regarding boilerplate code and generators: i think in the beginning you should actually NOT do it, because you won't understand what you're doing. But that's just my personal opinion.

Best way to create a blog with static pages in Ruby

I just visited the Static Website Generation on Ruby toolbox and I don't know which of applications listed there is best suited for a little blog engine. Basically I need:
an index page with 1..5 of latest articles with shortened content;
possibility to add few main pages and a menu to access them (breadcrumb optional);
show articles
show/search archives
commenting system - Disqus Ok
tag-list cloud - optional
Look&Feel via layout
Important all content will be translated in 3 languages!
I can host on my own server, so side processing is possible.
First I'll try nanoc => blog's source on github
I think nanoc worth a try it has everything you specified, even if is not the best ranked on ruby toolbox its actively developed and highly customizable.
nanoc is a tool that runs on your local computer and compiles documents written in formats such as Markdown, Textile, Haml… into a static web site consisting of simple HTML files, ready for uploading to any web server.
and thats true :) I use it for a while not specially for a blog, but it has also helpers for that...
check out jekyll, it should work well for this.
Try my own "serious" - apart from archive search and tag cloud, it has everything you specified, plus the basic install should take you something like 5 minutes on heroku (and maybe 10 on your own server via Rack). It also has syntax highlighting, Disqus comments, Google Analytics and other goodies.
gem install serious
Disclaimer: It does not produce static html pages you can upload to your php vhost, though. But it uses caching and is really easy to setup and works on the free plan on heroku.
