Fine Uploader initial file list, origin of list? - fine-uploader

I understand how to respond to Fine Uploader in order to populate the file list with previously uploaded files. However I am unsure as which event or procedure is best to follow, in order to essentially record the files a user might upload. Initially one might retain the list of files, via the Success post. However recording uploaded files that might have failed, or have been paused, or that were stopped. Those list items need to be reported to the server as they happen, since there will be no Success post. Is there a built in mechanism for this, or should I build my own, posting back to the server whatever is in the list when it changes, then recalling all of it upon the initial file list FU call?

Your initial file list should only ever be populated with files that have been successfully uploaded in a previous session. If you are using Fine Uploader S3 (and I know you are from previous discussions) this would mean that files that have been associated with upload success calls are the only ones you should ever include in your initial file list. How you gather the data for the initial file list is entirely dependent upon the inner workings of your application. Presumably, you have a DB that contains metadata along with state for all uploaded files.


Use EC2 for PDF Generation, provide public URL to user

I have developed an application which allows Users to select multiple "transactions"; each of this is directly related to a PDF file.
When a User multi-selects them, and "prints" them, these PDF files are merged into one longer file to provide ease of print.
Currently, "transaction" PDFs are generated on request, and so is PDF-merging.
I'm trying to scale this up relaying over Amazon infrastructure, some questions arised to me.
Should I implement a queue for the PDF generation per "transaction"? If so, how can I provide the user a seamless experience? We don't want them to "wait"
Can I use EC2 to generate these PDF files for me? If so, can I provide a "public" link for the user to download the file directly from Amazon, instead of using our resources.
Thanks a lot!
EDIT ---- More details
User inputs some information through a regular form
System generates a PDF per request, using the provided information for the document
The PDF generated by the system is kept under Amazon S3
We provide an API which allows you to "print" multiple pdfs at once, to do so, we merge the selected PDF files from S3, into one file for ease-of-print
When you multi-print documents, a new window is opened which is your merged file directly, user needs to wait around 20ish seconds for it to display.
We can to leverage the resources used to generate the PDFs onto Amazon infrastructure, but we need to keep the same flow, meaning, we should provide an instant public link to the User to download & print the files.
Based on your understanding, i think you just need your link to be created immediately right after user request for file. However, you want in parallel to create PDF merge. I have idea to do that based on my understanding, and may be it could work in your situations.
First start with some logic to create unique pdf file name, with random string representing name of file. And at same time in background generate PDF, but the name of PDF should be same as you created in first step. This will give user instant name of file with link to download. However, your file creation is still in progress.
Make sure, you use threads if using PHP or event loop if using Node.JS to run both steps at same time. This will avoid 404 error for file not found.
Transferring files from EC2 to S3 would also add latency delay. But if you want to preserve files for later or multiple use in future then S3 is good idea as it could simply serve PDF files for faster delivery. As we know S3 is used for static media storage. Otherwise simply compute everything and generate files on EC2

Best practice for multiple (single) file uploads in JSF 2.2

Our JSF 2.2 web application may have the situation, that users have to fill in a formular where they have to upload multiple files.
First Name: [ John ]
Last Name: [ Doe ]
Photo: [ choose File ] (no file chosen)
Passport: [ choose File ] (no file chosen)
I know that there is multiple upload forms like Primefaces but this doesn't fit to my requirement, since I want to know which file is either the photo or passport, and I need to validate the input, because the files are mandatory.
Option 1: Multiple single file uploads
The first option would be like in the example above. Just use multiple single <h:inputFile> tags.
users select files when they are asked for
users know this kind of file uploads
since there are more <h:inputFile> tags, every file upload will be processed during the form submit: so we might have to limit filesizes so that users won't run into problems
I did not try this: is it even possible to use multiple single file uploads in the same <h:form>?
Option 2: Upload in popup + callback
I have seen this sometimes and wondered why it was implemented that way. When you have to upload a file it opens a popup with a file upload. After the upload, the popup is closed and the form has selected the uploaded file.
Are there any hints/tutorials for this technique? Especially the between-window-communication is unclear for me.
nearly the same as the standard way
problems with popup-blockers
for this approach, fallback mechanics have to be implemented: what if the user cancels the form? when are uploaded files deleted, so that there are no garbage files?
Option 3: Upload in modal dialog + callback
To eliminate the popup blocker problem we could use a modal dialog for an upload. So we choose to upload a file, a new modal <p:dialog modal="true"/> opens and there inside the <h:inputFile> handles your upload.
I did try this and found out that AJAX uploads are not possible with <h:inputFile> or <p:inputFile mode="simple"> (can't find the source of BalusC's comment, but there is a similar one). My whole site got rerendered and my formular input was lost.
nearly the same as the standard way
no problems with popup blockers
even possible?
Option 4: "Upload Manager"
My last idea was to provide an upload manager. This is a view where users can see their uploaded files in a list/table and add files with a single <h:inputFile>, add descriptions, and so on. So the files are already in the system and get deleted after (say) 72 hours if they are not referenced.
Users then click on a link when they have to input a file, and choose the corresponding file from a list/table in a modal dialog. Therefore users have to upload their files first, before even filling a form, which is quite a pain, so it would be nice if they could also upload files in the modal dialog. (this would look like a view, where they have a single <h:inputFile> and a list of their already uploaded files). But there we have the same AJAX problem like in Option 3...
The only way I see to get around this, is to write something at the beginning of a form like:
For this form you need the following files in your upload manager:
- Photo
- Passport
technically: good because it's always only one file in a submit (AJAX?)
no specific fallback mechanisms (except a 72hrs cronjob deleting unused files)
users can upload multiple files for the (say) next 20 forms - this is good in our web application
users are not used to this technique
even possible?
Do you have any other ideas to handle with this situation? I can't be the only one with this.
Or are multiple file uploads like Primefaces good to configure for validations?
I hope you can help me out with this brainstorming

fineuploader - initial file list - edit file name functionality

When using the inital file list functionality to populate fineuploader with previously stored files, is it possible for the edit filename functionality to be used?
At the moment it seems that the edit elements are hidden in the template, although it would be relatively simply if this functionality were enabled to hook onto the rename trigger and save the updated filename via ajax (what i'm hoping to achieve).
So is there someway to enable the edit filename for the initial file list?
Your requirements are outside of the scope of a file upload library. If you want to allow your users to rename a file uploaded in a different session, you will need to provide for this in your custom web application. You can certainly modify the file list provided by Fine Uploader after it is rendered with the initial files.

Populate file list with previously uploaded files

Using the jQuery wrapped version of Fineuploader v3.3.
Is it possible to populate the file list with files already in the upload folder?
I think "_addToList(id, name)" should do the trick, but I can't get it to work. Any ideas?
Seems that they are currently working on this feature:
So, this will be available soon.
This is not a behavior that Fine Uploader currently supports. Fine Uploader only displays files that users have submitted to the uploader since the current uploader instance was created. It doesn't try to be an all-in-one web application. You could probably add your own item to the list/UI via javascript. That probably wouldn't be terribly difficult, but seems like an odd thing to do.
If you'd like to discuss your specific use case more, please open up a feature request in the Github issue tracker.
Generally, client side code cannot add stored or hard-coded path based file names for use in any type of POST or upload operation. Obviously this is a security measure, you can imagine if a malicious web page could add to a generic POST operation some type of baked in file name. So from what I understand, only the user can specify path based file names, via a file browser for the session that it is included in. This applies to HTML/JavaScript/jQuery but am unsure if Flash/Silverlight based solutions would also be limited. I think a Java based uploader would be free of this. But you are just moving closer and closer to installed software.

How can I detect during file upload if the file has moved or been deleted?

I have an ASP.NET MVC web page that has a file upload control. Under rare conditions the file referenced by the user moves or is deleted on the filesystem prior to the user triggering the post to the page. In IE9 the page successfully posts but the ContentLength is zero (expected) and can be handled server-side. However in Firefox I find that the POST action never reaches the server.
Is there anyway to detect that the file reference is still valid prior to posting the page? Or a way to detect that an error occurred client-side during the POST due to the moved/deleted file?
Using just input type="file", you have no access to check whether the file actually exists until an upload attempt is made. There are some emerging functionalities like FileReader which may help as browsers mature (as it's not available in all browsers) that should make the upload process far smoother (and will make detection of this situation more simple).
If you use an Ajax style upload process, you could initiate the upload right away to help prevent the issue from occurring in the first place.
Or, a bit hacky: one idea for Firefox would be to add a setTimeout in the onsubmit event that fires after a second ... and checks to see if the upload started (by querying the server using Ajax to a JsonResult action/function that can quickly see if an upload started, etc.). It's a bit messy though as you'll need to worry about timing issues -- and may be overkill just to handle the cases where this is occurring.
