how to interact with combo boxes in testcomplete 10? - vbscript

I am using a C sharp .NET application and Testcomplete is not recognising the combo boxes using the object Spy. and since I cannot map it , the object spy doesn't not give me any methods related to combo boxes like e.g.. ClickItem function.
please give an workable solution or an alternative to access the items in the combo boxes .

It looks like TestComplete doesn't recognize your app correctly.
Check the version of TestComplete and the version of .NET Framework installed on your computer (and the one used to build your app). TestComplete may not support the .NET Framework version you use. For example, if you are using TestComplete 9.31, it works with .NET Framework 4.5 and earlier. If .NET Framework 4.5.1 is used in your app, you need to use TestComplete 10.


Java FX automation using UFT

Please suggest if there is any way to automate the testing of Javafx application using UFT 12.02 as UFT is unable to identify the objects in JavaFx application.
Thanks in advance.
After a quick Google search, you would find out that UFT has no direct support for JavaFX applications.
This link talks about it:
A brief summary on the answers:
QTP does not have any separate add-in specifically for those controls,
QTP has only the standard Java add-in that would work if the mentioned
controls are Java standard controls and if they belongs to the
standard Java Swing classes or Java AWT clases, only standard no any
kind of customized nor third party control. Otherwise, the recognition
will be basic because QTP will not support the controls.
You can find more information about the technologies that support the
Java add-in in the next link at page 4:
HP QuickTest Professional 11.00 Product Availability Matrix
Actually we have an Enhancement Request to evaluate the prosiblitiy to
bring support to JavaFX objects:
Support for JavaFX 2.0.2.
For the moment as a workaround we recomend work with these kind of
controls as third-party controls.
How to work with unsupported or third-party controls
I don't have further knowledge about it as I've never worked with JavaFX before, but I belive here you will find enough content to help you out
Please check out UFT 14.01, it is supported natively now.
UFT now supports testing applications built with JavaFX, natively using the Java Add-in.
Prior to 14.01, JavaFX was supported by Microsoft UI Automation for
purely JavaFX widgets.
You can find the documentation here:

testcomplete doesnt support developer express 12.2.7?

I am working on a application which includes a developer express Datagrid version 12.2.7 . i have checked the supported list of controls from here :
according to which the version which i have is technically not supported ? does that mean i cannot use testcomplete for that grid ? or do i have to upgrade the version base in my application too?
I think that this means that SmartBear did not test this functionality with this specific version of the controls. Most probably, TestComplete should work without any problems with it.

Understanding Moonlight; Is it a framework?

I'm trying to understand if moonlight is a framework which is similar yet independent to the mono framework in exactly the same way as silverlight is similar yet independent for dot net framework.
I'm trying to write a library that works for both moonlight and mono and I was wondering if I would need to target specific frameworks (as is the case with silverlight and dot net).
Moonlight uses the Mono runtime but, like Silverlight, uses a subset of the available .NET framework. So yes, you'll need to target different frameworks for desktop vs Moonlight (Moonlight uses the 2.1 profile, same as Silverlight).

Windows Phone 7 mocking framework?

Are there any mocking frameworks for Windows Phone 7 or do I need to create fakes manually?
I've not found any on google, and although I found Moq listed on WP7 resources page, I couldn't get it working.
There are no Mocking frameworks that support WP7 and I suspect there will never be any until WP7 supports Reflection.Emit.
On the .net framework there are many options that exist for the creation of a mocking framework (Profiler API, CodeDem, Refleciton.Emit, et al). The majority of these techniques won't work on Silverlight itself as it's missing quite a lot of the BCL/CLR. All existing Silverlight mocking frameworks use Reflection.Emit. WP7 does not support Reflection.Emit and thus no Silverlight mocking framework will work on WP7.
Because of that reason, I personally test WP7 assemblies on the Silverlight runtime. It's far from optimal (it sucks), but it's the best that can be done under the circumstances.
One could theoretically build a Mocking framework that uses Post-Build MSIL weaving that should work on WP7, but it's yet to be done.
If you'd like WP7 to support Reflection.Emit consider voting on this uservoice issue: WP7 should support Reflection.Emit for Mocking frameworks
EDIT 2/12/2011: Refleciton.Emit is supported on Mango. Hooray! Reflection.Emit based Mocking frameworks should just work.
I'm not aware of any currently available.
This article by David Gadd shows an example of testing on the phone using manually created fake objects and may be a useful resource.
I just got TypeMock Isolator, and it works with Windows Phone 7 (sortof).
You need to create a default Visual Studio Test project, and you will get an error saying that your Windows Phone 7 project can not be referenced, but for some reason the Mocks and Tests work perfectly.
Anyway, I'm really happy with the mocks it is able to create.
Any mocking framework that supports Silverlight 3 should work with Windows Phone 7. You may need to use a previous version of the framework to "dumb it down" to Silverlight 3, though.
Just wanted to notice some information that I found on MSDN:
The mock classes were manually developed as it is not possible to use a mocking framework on the Windows Phone platform. Mocking frameworks require the ability to emit Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) code, which is not currently possible on the Windows Phone platform

VB6.0 compatible control that will work on Win 7 for SSL3 communication

Our VB6 application uses a 3rd party control (PowerTCP from Dart) for SSL3 connectivity. However, this doesn't seem to work on Windows 7 - and I have not found any useful information on what I can do to make it work.
Is there a VB6.0 compatible control that will work on Win 7 for SSL3 communication?
Unfortunately, I can only suggest a workaround, not a solution: If you do not find a suitable ActiveX control for your VB6 application, you might consider migrating the communication part of your application to VB.NET.
This has the following advantages:
Calling .net code from VB6 is not hard.
The .net Framework has a built-in SSLStream class, which might already do what you want, so you're not dependent on a third-party component.
Since VB6 IDE support ended in April 2008, you will probably want to migrate your application to VB.NET sooner or later anyway. Therefore, migrating parts of your application now might be a better investment of your time than familiarizing yourself with a new third-party ActiveX control.
It has the following disadvantages:
One more layer in your application: Your VB6 code can call the .net code, but not vice-versa.
You need to familiarize yourself with the .net-COM interop stuff (it's not difficult, but it's something that needs to be done).
Your deployment process becomes more complicated, since you require the .net Framework to be installed on your customer's machines and you need to register your .net library as a COM component (so that your VB6 application can access it).
Dart still support the ActiveX control - why not ask them for help directly and post a question on their support forum?
Apologies in advance if you've already tried this.
