Spring JMS: Disable DLQ for ActiveMQ from client - spring

Is there a way I can set some properties to disable DLQ for a queue from the client configuration. I use SpringJMS for configuring my listeners.
I looked at
http://activemq.apache.org/message-redelivery-and-dlq-handling.html but that looks to be on the ActiveMQ Server side. Can I set something like IndividualDeadLetterStrategy for connectionFactory or listenercontainer? In my case, just disabling it from the client for all messages sent from that client would do.

No, this is a Broker side configuration and cannot be tweaked from the client end.

ActiveMQ pushes messages into DLQ only if you are throwing an error from Message Listeners. So you can catch the exceptions and avoid pushing to DLQ


ActiveMQ 5 redelivery policies ignored with AMQP

I have a Spring Boot application using Qpid JMS to speak AMQP with an ActiveMQ 5.15.14 broker. Even though the redelivery plugin is configured, the redelivery policies of the broker are ignored. However the redelivery policy of the client (Qpid) does come into play.
When the exact same code and client configuration is connected to a ActiveMQ Artemis broker, the redelivery policy of the broker kicks in which is what I'm looking for.
Anything you are aware of that could explain this different behavior between ActiveMQ 5 and ActiveMQ Artemis? Both brokers are using pretty much OOTB configuration aside from the redelivery policies, and schedulerSupport is enabled in my ActiveMQ 5 broker as well. Here's what the redelivey configuration looks like in activemq.xml:
<redeliveryPlugin fallbackToDeadLetter="true" sendToDlqIfMaxRetriesExceeded="true">
<redeliveryPolicy initialRedeliveryDelay="5000" maximumRedeliveries="9" redeliveryDelay="60000" />
One more thing to consider : the redelivery policies of the ActiveMQ 5 broker are applied when I use Openwire (JMS) instead of AMQP.
The AMQP protocol head in ActiveMQ 5.x is far more primitive than that of the Artemis broker implementation and is likely not reacting correct to the dispositions that are being sent back from the AMQP client. Also the 5.x broker can react differently based on the transformer setting in the 'transportConnector' on the broker which can be one of JMS, NATIVE or RAW. The JMS transformer will give the most ActiveMQ compatible behaviour but requires a complete transformation internally to an OpenWire message and then back to AMQP when going from AMQP sender to AMQP receiver which can hurt performance significantly. The NATIVE transformation will attempt to preserve some insights into the redelivered state of the message but won't catch every case most likely. With the RAW mode there will be no insight into the message delivery count at all and as such you definitely won't get any redelivery processing on the broker side.
I short, if you are looking for a fully functional AMQP broker then choose Artemis as it has had a lot of work, if you just need something that can get messages flowing then 5.x should work but don't expect the same quality of service.

Quarkus / Smallrye Reactive Messaging - message redelivery

I'm currently investigating the Smallrye Reactive Messaging integration in Quarkus.Sending and receiving messages is really simple and elegant at first glance.
But one thing which I didn't find out is: How to handle a re-delivery of messages?
Example: We receive a message and try to process it. Some exception (maybe a DB not available or an optimistic lock exception or something) happens.
In such a case I would throw an exception so that the message is not acknowledged. But currently I see no way how the message is redelivered.
I set-up a small dummy project to test this:
ActiveMQ Artemis
send a message (via Artemis console) into a queue
-- queue configured with max redelivery = 3
receive the message with Quarkus / Smallrye Reactive Messaging #Incoming annotation
throw exception in the #Incoming method
--> Message is removed from the Artemis queue
--> #Incoming method is only called once
If I shutdown the Quarkus App, the message can be seen again in the Artemis queue with redelivered flag set to true.
But I find no way how I can manage/configure a redelivery in the Smallrye Reactive Messaging so that this layer handles the redelivery of a message for n times and puts the message into a DLQ after the max retries.
Is there any way to do this?

Apache Camel JMS/AMQP component create destination queue only if required

I am currently working on an Integration application that uses Camel with Spring Boot. There is a camel route in integration application that receive messages from source Artemis broker that is transformed and sent to another Artemis broker.
The camel route looks like this:
When the camel route starts, it recreates the queue names mentioned in the from and to and the previous messages are lost. We do not expect this to happen.
One way I found to do this is in the Artemis ActiveMQ broker.xml, disable the queue and topic auto creation and create the queue(s) using Artemis API.
My question is, can we configure camel JMS / AMQP component to create the queue only if it is not present and if present use the existing ones?
By default Camel will use DynamicDestinationResolver. You can create your own custom DestinationResolver and plug it in your endpoint (or into your component)
You can also use JndiDestinationResolver, which by default does not fallback into creating a dynamic destination.
I don't know Artemis but it sounds weird for a broker to delete a queue with its messages. At least its "brother" ActiveMQ has by default the behavior you expect: queues are automatically created if they do not exist, but they just stay if they already exist.
Are you sure the queues are recreated on route start? Are these queues persistent? Could it be that a consumer just drains the queue? I also found a queue attribute of Artemis named auto-delete-queues that would delete the queue if it was drained by a consumer.
auto-delete-queues Whether or not to the broker should automatically delete auto-created JMS queues when they have both 0 consumers and 0 messages.

Send Active MQ messages throught Camel that were sent to a AMQ topic while Camel was down

I have configured an Active MQ server that puts messages to a determined topic, in that moment a configured Camel server take this message and send it by a route to another server, the issue happens when Camel server is down and the Active MQ still continues putting messages in the topic and when Camel starts these past messages are not read by Camel, is there any way to configure Camel to start and read past messages from this Active MQ Server?
Its ActiveMQ / JMS questions. Take a look at durable topics

How to get properly all queue messages from RabbitMQ in Spring?

I am using Spring, Spring-Websocket, STOMP for my application, and RabbitMQ as broker. I need to log all messages going through RabbitMQ to Postgresql tables.
I know that I can write #MessageMapping in Spring and log there, but my problem is that some clients talk to RabbitMQ directly through MQTT protocol, and Spring does not support it yet (https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12581). Moreover browser clients talk through Spring to RabbitMQ using STOMP protocol.
RabbitMQ allows to track all messages using Firehose tracer. How to properly listen to amq.rabbitmq.trace topic from Spring? Or do I need to write separate Java app as consumer?
The Spring AMQP is for you!
You bind some custom queue to to that amq.rabbitmq.trace with appropriate pattern (e.g. publish.#) and configure SimpleMessageListenerContainer to receive messages from that queue.
It can be done even with pretty simple config: #EnableRabbit and #RabbitListener on some POJO method. Anyway the Binding #Bean must be there to attache your queue to that exchange.
