Pressing break while debugging in Visual Studio - annoying "Code Not Running" - visual-studio

How do you stop Visual Studio showing that annoying tab page whilst debugging after pressing break:
For the record - I can debug fine and alter code and resume running the code fine. It's just a pain that it takes focus away from the code that you were looking at before you break the program.

This extension should do exactly what you want.


How to stop visual studio from auto expanding code regions?

As the title describes, how I could stop visual studio from auto-expand code region? I'm using visual studio on a C++ project.
For example, sometimes when I delete some part of my code it unfolds a lot of regions far away up from where the line was deleted.
This behavior also happens sometimes when I'm scrolling, from nothing it expands the region.
I saw there's an option on edit > outlining > stop outlining
But this disables all kind of code folding, I just want to stop visual studio herself from auto-expanding any kind of code.
This is frustrating, it happens a lot of times and I need to stop what I'm doing to fold everything again.

Foce visual studio to break in the running

I have an application(not mine) that just seems to hang. I would like to see what it's trying to process, or if it's processing anything. Is that a button in visual studio that I can click that will break at the point it's trying to process?
If you click on the left side of the editor (the place where you actually edit the text), then you will set a breakpoint on that line. When debugging, if your program reaches that line of code, then Visual Studio will stop running your program and let you debug it.
So just set a breakpoint immediately before where you think the problem is.

How to remove breakpoint visual studio express

I am working on a C# project in Visual Studio 2010 express, I have a breakpoint that only shows up when I am in the debug modus, I can remove it there, but it will show up again as soon as I start the debug modus again. Allways on a specific codeline, I tried to leave that line empty, then it jumped to the next one. It didnt showed up as I comented the whole code after that line out.
I dont have a breakpoint window in the debug menu ( maybe because it is the express version) so I can't acces to the "remove all breakpoints" function. Do I have to do some change in one of the debug files? Wich one?

Visual studio 2005 "Object Test Bench" popup when debugging

When debugging a project in Visual Studio 2005, I have recently noticed a brief appearance of the "Object Test Bench" window. This window appears and then disappears after less than a second and does not look like the normal "Object Test Bench" window one sees when not debugging, as it looks like this:
alt text
I would like to stop this window appearing and have tried the following:
Closing all Object Bench Test windows when not debugging
Resetting Visual Studio to default settings (devenv /ResetSettings)
Any other ideas?
Migrated? Hmm no code in this question. Anyway is the Object Test Bench perhaps open, but docked, so it pops up when the IDE state changes?
More info on the OTB on MSDN here :)
Edit: Here is what my VS 2005 OTB looks like.
alt text
I also have the same problem. I once had JetBrain's Resharper 4.5 installed. I uninstalled it after my trial expired, and I think that's when I noticed the Object Test Bench popping up when I debug.
Did either/both of you have Resharper or any other Visual Studio add-on installed/uninstalled before this problem?
Related link on stackoverflow
I had what may be a similar problem: not just the Oject Test Bench, but also Breakpoint, Call Stack, and other windows popped up all over whenever I ran in Debug mode. It started during a project with a single page containing several (probably incompatible) jQuery scripts.
What worked for me was to click on Window -> "Auto Hide All", then again on Window -> "Reset Window Layout". That seemed to resolve it.
Go to on Window -> "Auto Hide All", after go on Window -> "Reset Window Layout". That will resolve the problem it.

Visual Studio 2005 context menu launches server explorer: why?

For some reason, a variety of actions in Visual Studio 2005, actions that have nothing to do with SQL Server, are opening the "Connect to SQL Server" dialog. And it takes four (4) clicks on the CANCEL button to kill the dialog.
For example, if I right click on a class method in the Editor, hoping to find the Go To Definition option, the dialog opens.
Or if I run a project in Debug mode, and then close the app, the dialog opens.
I have to close VS and re-open it to get this to stop. But after a while, this behavior returns. What is causing it has eluded me.
Is this Microsoft's way to get me to upgrade to VS2008? OK, he's had VS2005 for too long. Time for him to upgrade. Invoke DriveCustomerMad.
Next time you see the dialog box, open a second copy of VS2005, attach its debugger to the first one, pause the process, and look at the call stack.
Do you have any addons installed?
