Elastic Search boost query corresponding to first search term - elasticsearch

I am using PyElasticsearch (elasticsearch python client library). I am searching strings like Arvind Kejriwal India Today Economic Times and that gives me reasonable results. I was hoping I could increase weight of the first words more in the search query. How can I do that?
res = es.search(index="article-index", fields="url", body={
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "keywordstr",
"fields": [
I am using the above command to search right now.

split given query into multiple terms. In your example it will be Arvind, Kejriwal... Now form query string queries(or field query or any other which fits into the need) for each of the given terms. A query string query will look like this
"query_string" : {
"default_field" : "content",
"query" : "<one of the given term>",
"boost": <any number>
Now you have got multiple queries like above with different boost values(depending upon which have higher weight). Combine all of those queries into one query using BOOL query. http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-bool-query.html
If you want all of the terms to be present in the result, query will be like this.
"bool" : {
"must" : [q1, q2, q3 ...]
you can use different options of bool query. for example you want any of 3 terms to present in result then query will be like
"bool" : {
"should" : [q1, q2,q3 ...]
"minimum_should_match" : 3,

split into terms using api
query against terms with different boosting

Lucene Query Syntax does the trick. Thanks


Filter on score after rescore in Elasticsearch

I have been on an internet manhunt for days for this and getting ready to give up. I need to filter on _score in Elasticsearch after the rescore function has completed. So given an example query like this:
POST /_search
"query" : {
"match" : {
"message" : {
"operator" : "or",
"query" : "the quick brown"
"rescore" : {
"window_size" : 50,
"query" : {
"rescore_query" : {
"match_phrase" : {
"message" : {
"query" : "the quick brown",
"slop" : 2
"query_weight" : 0.7,
"rescore_query_weight" : 1.2
Say just for simplicity's sake that the above returns 5 documents with scores ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. I want the final returned results set to only be the documents with a score above 0.90. In other words, take those newly-rescored docs, and hand them off to a filter where it drops all documents scored below 0.90.
I have tried many, many different ways but nothing is working. Post_filter is apparently meant to come after the main query but before rescore, so that one doesn't work. min_score does not work at all with rescore, it only works with the original ES scores from the main query. Aggs is one functionality that I am able to get to work after rescore, but aggregating is not what I need to do here. But at least it shows me that ES has the ability to continue operating on the data after a rescore query.
Any thoughts on how to get this seemingly simple task accomplished? I have also tried using function_score and script_score but really those are just ways to further modify the scores, whereas I need to filter on the scores generated by the rescore. The requirement here is to get it done in the query. We can't do it as a post-processing step.

Single bool must queries in Elasticsearch

Does wrapping single Elasticsearch queries in bool must queries change search results, or are the following two queries identical (both in terms of how elasticsearch processes them and what the outcome is)?
single query_string query (no bool query as wrapper):
POST _search
"query": {
"query_string" : { "query" : "My query string" }
bool query that wrapps a single query_string query:
POST _search
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"query_string" : { "query" : "My query string" }
Both are exactly semantically the same and will produce the same results.
It's worth noting, though, that a bool query only makes sense if there are more than one clause, otherwise it's useless to specify it.

Elasticsearch - boosting fields for multi match without specifying complete field list in query

I am trying to boost fields using multi match query without specifying complete field list but I cannot find out how to do it. I am searching through multiple indices on all fields, which I don't know at the run time, but I know which are the important ones.
For example I have index A with the fields 1,2,3,4 and index B with fields 1,5,6,7,8. I need to search across both indexes through all fields with the boosting on field 1.
So far I got
GET A,B/_search
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : "somethingToSearch"
Which goes through all fields on both indices, but I would like to have something like this (boosting match on field 1 before the others)
GET A,B/_search
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : "somethingToSearch",
"fields" : ["1^5,*"]
Is there any way how to do it without using bool queries?

Combining results of two queries

I'm using Kibana v6.1.1 and trying to get within one GET request two different queries in order to use the "must" or "should" terms more than once.
When I run this query under "Dev Tools" in the Kibana, it works.
When I want to apply this "double query" (without the GET line of course) under "Discover"->"Add a filter"->"Edit filter"->"Edit Query DSL", it doesn't accept the syntax {} in order to create an 'OR' between the queries.
It is necessary that these two "must" terms will be separated but stay in the same filter.
GET _my_index/_search
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [{
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [{
Using the simple_query_string doesn't seem to solve the problem and so far, I couldn't find the way to combine these two queries.
I'm not sure what you actually want to achieve. Use the following if at least one of the shoulds has to match (there is an implicit minimum_should_match if there are no other conditions, but you can also set an explicit value for that):
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"should" : [
If you want to run independent queries, use a multi search.

How to convert filtered query with Multi_Match to filtered query with Common Terms

I am using ES 2.0. I have the following filtered query with multi_match:
"filtered" : {
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : "sleep",
"fields" : ["title.*^10","introduction.*"],
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001,
"operator" : "or",
"analyzer" : "standard"
"filter" : {
Because of stop words issue, I would like to replace the Multi_Match with Common Terms explained here: https://www.elastic.co/blog/stop-stopping-stop-words-a-look-at-common-terms-query
How can I just replace the above multi_match with Common Terms? I cannot figure out how to handle the search on multiple fields based on Common Terms.
When specifying the cutoff_frequency in your multi_match query, you're already using common terms, as mentioned in the blog article you linked to:
"Common Terms has also been incorporated into the Match query and can
be enabled by setting cutoff_frequency to a value like 0.001"
The documentation for match and multi_match on cutoff_frequency also mention this fact.
