Does iconv with TRANSLIT work in Unix AIX? - iconv

Does iconv with TRANSLIT work in Unix AIX ?Iit is not included in MANual.. I gave a try with this syntax and it did not work.
iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO8859-1//TRANSLIT File1 > File2

Transliteration is a GNU iconv extension. Most unices do not support this extension, which is not in POSIX. You might have to compile GNU iconv to your platform to use this functionality.


How to convert utf8 into binary

Recently I am studying about binary code, and I want to know how do I convert text that has been encoded by UTF-8 and then into binary?
I recommend using the command-line tool iconv.
For example:
$ iconv option
$ iconv options -f from-encoding -t to-encoding inputfile(s) -o outputfile
Here is a online tutorial that might be of help:

how to replace non ascii character with their respective character in ruby 1.8.7

i used iconv to replace the character:
<%= Iconv.iconv("ascii//translit", "utf-8", "ENDÜœSTRIYEL").to_s %>
it displays,
whereas in irb it shows like this:
irb(main):006:0> Iconv.iconv('ascii//translit', 'utf-8', 'ENDÜœSTRIYEL').to_s
how to get the full translation of the nonascii characters as in irb?
The iconv facility of glibc has a transliteration that depends on the locale:
$ echo "ENDÜœSTRIYEL" | LC_ALL=C iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit
$ echo "ENDÜœSTRIYEL" | LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit
$ echo "ENDÜœSTRIYEL" | LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8 iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit
As you can see, three different results for three different locales.
If you are hosting a server that is meant to handle input from users in different countries, you have two options:
Use a single locale for all users, and hope it's good enough for all.
Switch the locale temporarily for each conversion (using uselocale, not setlocale). However, I don't know whether uselocale is available in Ruby.

How to convert Utf8 file to CP1252 by Unix

I'm trying to transform txt file encoding from UTF8 to ANSI (cp1252).
I need this because the file is used in a fixed position Oracle import (external Table) which apparently only supports CP1252. If I import an UTF-8 file, some special characters turn up as two incorrect characters instead.
I'm working in a Unix machine (my OS is HP UX). I have been looking for an answer on the web but I don't find any way to do this conversion.
For exmple, the POSIX iconv command doesn't have this choose, in fact UTF8 is used only as "to" encoding (-t) but never as "from" encoding (-f). iconv -l returns a long list with conversion pairs but UTF8 is always only in the second column.
How can I convert my file to CP1252 by UNIX?
If your UTF-8 file only contains characters which are also representable as CP1252, you should be able to perform the conversion.
iconv -f utf-8 -t cp1252 <file.utf8 >file.txt
If, however, the UTF-8 text contains some characters which cannot be represented as CP1252, you have a couple of options:
Convert anyway, and have the converter omit the problematic characters
Convert anyway, and have the converter replace the problematic characters
This should be a conscious choice, so out of the box, iconv doesn't allow you to do this; but there are options to enable this behavior. Look at the -c option for the first behavior, and --unicode-subst for the second.
bash$ echo 'x≠y' | iconv -f utf-8 -t cp1252
iconv: (stdin):1:1: cannot convert
bash$ echo 'x≠y' | iconv -f utf-8 -t cp1252 -c
bash$ echo 'x≠y' | iconv -f utf-8 -t cp1252 --unicode-subst='?'
This is on OS X; apparently, Linux iconv lacks some of these options. Maybe look at recode and/or write your own simple conversion tool if you don't get the behavior you need out of iconv on your platform.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
print(line.decode('utf-8').encode('cp1252', 'replace'))
Put 'ignore' instead of 'replace' to drop characters which cannot be represented. The default replacement character is ? like in the iconv example above.
Have a look at this Java converter: native2ascii
It is part of JDK installation.
The conversion is done in two steps:
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 <your_file.txt> <your_file.txt.ascii>
native2ascii -reverse -encoding windows-1252 <your_file.txt.ascii> <your_file_new.txt>
Characters which are used in UTF-8 but not supported in CP1252 (including BOM) are replaced by ?

Replacing special characters

I have a document which contains various special characters such as é ÿ ° Æ oºi
I've written the following two commands which both work on 'single looking' characters such as à ± È.
However neither of which work with the special characters listed above.
This command works using two byte hex decimals (To replace é with A)
sed -i 's/\xc3\xA9/A/g' test.csv
This command uses utf8 to replace characters:
CHARS=$(python -c 'print u"\u00a9".encode("utf8")') sed -i 's/['"$CHARS"']/A/g' $filename
Either of these commands should work but neither do.
It looks like you are viewing UTF-8 data as ISO-8859-1 (aka latin1).
This is what you'd experience when handling a UTF-8 encoded file in a ISO-8859-1 terminal:
$ cat file
The café has crème brûlée.
$ iconv -f utf-8 -t iso-8859-1 < file
The café has crème brûlée.
$ iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii//ignore < file
The caf has crme brle.
This usually only happens for PuTTY users, because PuTTY is one of the few terminal emulators that still uses ISO-8859-1 by default. You can set it to use UTF-8 in the PuTTY configuration.
Here's the same example in a UTF-8 terminal:
$ cat file
The café has crème brûlée.
$ iconv -f utf-8 -t iso-8859-1 < file
The caf� has cr�me br�l�e.
$ iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii//ignore < file
The caf has crme brle.
The only correct solution is to fix your setup so that it uses UTF-8 throughout. ISO-8859-1 does not support the languages and features we take for granted today, and is not a useful option.

Unaccent string in bash script (RHEL)

On Debian-based distributions, there is a utility called unaccent which can be used to remove accents from accented letters in a text.
I was looking for a package containing this on Redhat distros, but the only one I found was unac available for Mandriva only.
I tried to use iconv but it seems to not support my case.
What is the best, lightweight approach, easily usable in a bash script ?
Are there any secret options to iconv that allow this ?
You can use the -c(clear) option in iconv to remove non-ascii chars:
$ echo 'été' | iconv -c -f utf8 -t ascii
If you just want to remove the accent:
$ echo 'été' | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT
