Ruby assignment hash [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working on a program to calculate grades and am using a hash of values to help with the letter assignments. My hash looks like this
"A+" => 98, "A" => 95, "A-" => 92,
"B+" => 88, "B" => 85, "B-" => 82,
"C+" => 78, "C" => 75, "C-" => 72,
"D+" => 68, "D" => 65, "D-" => 62,
"F+" => 55, "F" => 40, "F-" => 25,
My question is how would I be able to assign, say, a 71 to a grade even though it is not an explicit value in the hash?

Firstly, in ruby we call it a hash - not a dictionary. You might do what you want with:
def grade(points)
LETTERS.find {|_, v| v <= points}.first
Note: Find method depends on the order of the hash - the function above will not work correctly if the hash is not ordered (desc) by values. Also - you didn't say what should happen if points are, say, 20 (below any threshold). Currently it will throw NoMethodError

I don't see the reason for using a hash here. In fact, the keys and the values in the OP's hash are the opposite, and useless.
[98, "A+"],
[95, "A"],
[92, "A-"],
[88, "B+"],
[85, "B"],
[82, "B-"],
[78, "C+"],
[75, "C"],
[72, "C-"],
[68, "D+"],
[65, "D"],
[62, "D-"],
[77, "F+"],
[40, "F"],
[25, "F-"],
.bsearch{|x, _| x <= 89}.to_a.last
# => "B+"
which turned out to be almost the same as BroiSatse's answer.

Not an exact answer, but:
You could instead use a function that returns the grade depending on the value
def get_grade(points)
return "A+" if points >= 98
return "A" if points < 98 and points >= 95
... # etc
That way you don't have to assign each value a grade.
Alternatively, you could assign each grade an array of points

Another possibility is to encode the logic into a method using case. I'm adding this option because #blueygh2's answer was burning my eyes :)
def grade(score)
case score
when 98..100
when 95...98
when 92...95
# and so forth
Using the non-inclusive ranges (with three dots) makes it work with fractional scores, but that may not be a requirement.


Trying to find a student's grade by assignment number in Ruby

So I have a hash like the following:
data = {bill: [100, 95, 92], frank: [67, 73, 84]}
I'm trying to build it out so that it would do 95 if I put in :bill, 2.
I'm getting really caught up in the iteration.
I have, which hasn't worked:
def scores (grade_hash, student, assign_number) {|i, x| puts x-i}
Clearly I'm a novice at Ruby. Any suggestions?
Try this:
def scores(grade_hash, student, assign_number)
grade_hash[student][assign_number - 1]
puts scores(data, :bill, 2) #=> 95
Some explanation:
{bill: [100, 95, 92], frank: [67, 73, 84]}[:bill] #=> [100, 95, 92]
[100, 95, 92][1] #=> 95
In newer versions of ruby (2.3+), you can use the dig method of Array and Hash without needing a custom method for this, though the index you pass in still needs to be 0-based:
data.dig(:bill, 2) # => 92
data.dig(:bill, 1) # => 95
data.dig(:bill, 5) # => nil -- they haven't taken 6 tests, yet
data.dig(:john, 1) # => nil -- there is no student 'john'

Merge multiple arrays using zip

This may be a silly one. But I am not able to figure it out.
names = ['Fred', 'John', 'Mark']
age = [27, 40, 25]
location = ['Sweden', 'Denmark', 'Poland']
#Outputs => [["Fred", 27], ["John", 40], ["Mark", 25]]
But I need to output it with the 3rd array (location) with it.
#Expected Output => [["Fred", 27,"Sweden"], ["John", 40,"Denmark"], ["Mark", 25,"Poland"]]
The most important condition here is that, there may be any number of arrays but the output should form from the first element of each array and encapsulate inside another array.
Thanks for any help.
Try passing multiple arguments to zip:, location)
# => [["Fred", 27, "Sweden"], ["John", 40, "Denmark"], ["Mark", 25, "Poland"]]

How to analyze the "max" method

Can someone explain why "time" is the max value here?
my_array = %w{hello my time here is long}
my_array.max #=> "time"
Because alphabetically t in time is greater here among others in your array my_array.
Here is one way,how string comparisons happened :
'hello' > 'time' # => false
'my' > 'time' # => false
'here' > 'time' # => false
'is' > 'time' # => false
'long' > 'time' # => false
To understand the outputs of the above fragment code,you must need to see String#<=> documentation. As your my_array contains all string instances,which has called the method <=>,to build the output of max.
Documentations says Enumerable#max:
Enumerable#max,without block assumes all objects implement Comparable.
Here's how computers look at the strings and compare them.
If we look at the first characters of each word it'll help a little, because we know how the alphabet orders letters:
%w[hello my time here is long].map{ |s| s[0] }.sort # => ["h", "h", "i", "l", "m", "t"]
But that doesn't really help visualize it, so here's a look at each word's letters as a computer sees them:
%w[time tome].each do |w|
puts', ')
# >> 116, 105, 109, 101
# >> 116, 111, 109, 101
Each letter has a value. Over the years there have been many different ways of ordering letters for a computer, which caused the character to value mapping to change. EBCDIC and ASCII have been the most popular but have different orders. We're usually dealing with ASCII, or a derivative, which is set by the OS.
Look at how the characters in the words are represented by the values in the following output. It should make it easy to understand what the computer is doing then.
%w[he hello help holler hollow].sort.each do |w|
puts '"%6s": %s' % [ w,', ') ]
# >> " he": 104, 101
# >> " hello": 104, 101, 108, 108, 111
# >> " help": 104, 101, 108, 112
# >> "holler": 104, 111, 108, 108, 101, 114
# >> "hollow": 104, 111, 108, 108, 111, 119

Ruby Byte XOR strange result - help please

I was doing some XOR of data and things were going well with my hex based XOR. It was recommend that I use a byte XOR (^) and only work with bytes. I thought that will take no time to change that but I have the some strange behaviour that I had not expected.
Could some add a little light as to why I'm getting a different result if I'm processing the string as bytes. I was expecting it to be the same.
m_hex_string ="124f33e6a118566377f237075354541f0a5a1b"
m_XOR_string ="662756c6c27732065796586974207468652870"
m_expected ="the code don't work"
m_expected_hex ="74686520636f646520646f6e277420776f726b"
def XOR_hex_strings(a,b)
(a.hex ^ b.hex).to_s(16)
def XOR_byte_strings(s1,s2)
xored = { |(a,b)| a ^ b }.pack('c*')
def hex_digest(hexdigest)
puts "My strings for stack overflow"
puts "'"+hex_digest(XOR_hex_strings(m_hex_string,m_XOR_string))+"'"
puts "'"+hex_digest(XOR_byte_strings(m_hex_string,m_XOR_string))+"'"
My strings for stack overflow
'the code don't work'
'tje`#ode ?on't ~mrk'
The text should be the same 'the code don't work' for both methods. I'd really like to know why rather than just a correct code fragment. thanks.
As already said in the comments, bytes doesn't take the hex format into account, it just returns the integer values for "1", "2", "4", "f" etc. You can convert the hex string with pack:
# => "\x12O3\xE6\xA1\x18Vcw\xF27\aSTT\x1F\nZ\e"
unpack converts this into a byte array, just like bytes but more explicit and faster (IIRC):
# => [18, 79, 51, 230, 161, 24, 86, 99, 119, 242, 55, 7, 83, 84, 84, 31, 10, 90, 27]
The final method would look like:
def XOR_pack_unpack_strings(s1, s2)
s1_bytes = [s1].pack("H*").unpack("C*")
s2_bytes = [s2].pack("H*").unpack("C*") { |a, b| a ^ b }.pack('C*')
If speed is an issue, take a look at the fast_xor gem:
require 'xor'
def XOR_fast_xor_strings(s1_hex, s2_hex)
s1 = [s1_hex].pack("H*")
s2 = [s2_hex].pack("H*")

Anagrams Code Kata, Ruby Solution very slow

I've been having a play with Ruby recently and I've just completed the Anagrams Code Kata from
The solution was test driven and utilises the unique prime factorisation theorem, however it seems to run incredibly slow. Just on the 45k file it's been running for about 10 minutes so far. Can anyone give me any pointers on improving the performance of my code?
class AnagramFinder
def initialize
#words = self.LoadWordsFromFile("dict45k.txt")
def OutputAnagrams
hash = self.CalculatePrimeValueHash
word = #words[i]
wordvalue = hash[i]
matches ={|key,value| value == wordvalue}
if(matches.length > 1)
def CalculatePrimeValueHash
hash =
word = #words[i]
value = self.CalculatePrimeWordValue(word)
hash[i] = value
def CalculatePrimeWordValue(word)
total = 1
hash = self.GetPrimeAlphabetHash
word.downcase.each_char {|c|
value = hash[c]
total = total * value
def LoadWordsFromFile(filename)
contentsArray = []
f =
f.each_line {|line|
line = line.gsub(/[^a-z]/i, '')
contentsArray.push line
def GetPrimeAlphabetHash
hash = { "a" => 2, "b" => 3, "c" => 5, "d" => 7, "e" => 11, "f" => 13, "g" =>17, "h" =>19, "i" => 23, "j" => 29, "k" => 31, "l" => 37, "m" => 41, "n" =>43, "o" =>47, "p" => 53, "q" =>59, "r" => 61, "s" => 67, "t" => 71, "u" => 73, "v" => 79, "w" => 83, "x" => 89, "y" => 97, "z" => 101 }
Frederick Cheung has a few good points, but I thought I might provide you with a few descriptive examples.
I think your main problem is that you create your index in a way that forces you to do linear searches in it.
Your word list (#words) seems to look something like this:
That is, it is just an array of words.
Then you create your hash index with CalculatePrimeValueHash, with hash keys being equal to the word's index in #words.
0 => 30659, # 23 * 43 * 31, matching "ink"
1 => 28717, # 13 * 47 * 47, matching "foo"
2 => 30659 # 31 * 23 * 43, matching "kin"
I would consider this a good start, but the thing is if you keep it like this, you will have to iterate through the hash to find what hash keys (i.e. indexes in #words) that belong together, and then iterate through those to join them. That is, the basic problem here is that you do things too granularly.
If you instead were to build this hash with the prime values as hash keys, and have them point to an array of the words with that key, you would get a hash index like this instead:
30659 => ["ink", "kin"],
28717 => ["foo"]
With this kind of structure, the only thing you have to do to write your output, is to just iterate over the hash values and print them, since they are already grouped.
Another thing with your code, is that it seems to generate a whole bunch of throwaway objects , which will make sure to keep your garbarge collector busy, and that is generally quite a big choke point in ruby.
It might also be a good thing to go find either a benchmark tool and/or a profiler to analyze your code and see where it could be approved upon.
Fundamentally your code is slow because for each word (45k) of them you iterate over the entire hash (45k of them) looking for words with the same signature, so you're doing 45k * 45k of these comparisons. Another way of phrasing that is to say that your complexity is n^2 in the number of words.
The code below implements your basic idea but runs in a few seconds on the 236k word file I happen to have lying around. It could definitely be faster - the second pass over the data to find the things with > 1 items could be eliminated but would be less readable
It's also a lot shorter than your code, around a third, while staying readable, largely because I used more standard library functions and idiomatic ruby.
For example, the load_words method uses collect to turn one array into another, rather than iterating over one array and adding things to a second one. Similarly the signature function uses inject rather than iterating over the characters. Lastly I've used group_by to do the actual grouping. All of these methods happen to be in Enumerable - it's well worth becoming very familiar with these.
signature_for_word could become even pithier with {|c| CHAR_MAP[c.downcase]}.reduce(:*)
This takes the word, splits it into characters and then maps each one of those to the right number. reduce(:*) (reduce is an alias for inject) then multiplies them all together.
class AnagramFinder
CHAR_MAP ={ "a" => 2, "b" => 3, "c" => 5, "d" => 7, "e" => 11, "f" => 13, "g" =>17, "h" =>19, "i" => 23, "j" => 29, "k" => 31, "l" => 37, "m" => 41, "n" =>43, "o" =>47, "p" => 53, "q" =>59, "r" => 61, "s" => 67, "t" => 71, "u" => 73, "v" => 79, "w" => 83, "x" => 89, "y" => 97, "z" => 101 }
def initialize
#words = load_words("/usr/share/dict/words")
def find_anagrams
words_by_signature = #words.group_by {|word| signature_for_word word}
words_by_signature.each do |signaure, words|
if words.length > 1
puts '----'
puts words.join('; ')
def signature_for_word(word)
word.downcase.each_char.inject(1) {| total, c| total * CHAR_MAP[c]}
def load_words(filename)
File.readlines(filename).collect {|line| line.gsub(/[^a-z]/i, '')}
You can start limiting the slowness by using the Benchmark tool. Some examples here:
First of all it would be interesting to see how long it takes to run self.calculate_prime_value_hash and after that the calculate_prime_word_value.
Quite often the slowness boils down to the number of times the inners loops are run so you can also log how many times they are run.
One very quick improvement you can do is to set the prime alhabet hash as a constant because it's not changed at all:
PRIME_ALPHABET_HASH = { "a" => 2, "b" => 3, "c" => 5, "d" => 7, "e" => 11, "f" => 13, "g" =>17, "h" =>19, "i" => 23, "j" => 29, "k" => 31, "l" => 37, "m" => 41, "n" =>43, "o" =>47, "p" => 53, "q" =>59, "r" => 61, "s" => 67, "t" => 71, "u" => 73, "v" => 79, "w" => 83, "x" => 89, "y" => 97, "z" => 101 }
