How to pass parameter(s) via constructor to another object dynamically with spring annotation - spring

Let say we have a simple class like below. We could use it within/without default constructor. I am really curious about is it possible to pass argument/parameter to another object via constructor in Spring framework. To explain what I want to do, please
see the code sample below.
public class Class{
String text = null;
String text2 = null;
Class( text, text2 ){
this.text = text;
this.text2 = text2;
public void toString(){
System.out.printf( "Text" + text + ", " + "Text2" + text2);
/** Methods and Setter/Getter etc. **/
After defining class and Spring annotations, I would like to call this object via Spring.
public class Usage{
Class classExample;
public void method(){
String text = "text";
String text2 = "text2";
/** One way can be using setters **/
System.out.println( classExample.toString() );
/** Another way can be using a method **/
classExample.set(text, text2);
System.out.println( classExample.toString() );
/**What I wanted is calling it via constructor injection dynamically**/
/** Normal way we could call this **/
//classExample = new Class(text, text2);
//System.out.println( classExample.toString() );
Is it possible to inject parameter(s) dynamically to another object.

If you use spring xml configuration you can use the constructor-arg parameter.
<bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean">
<constructor-arg type="int" value="7500000"/>
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="42"/>
But remember, the default scope of your bean is singleton!
Is it possible to inject parameter(s) dynamically to another object.
Lets create a "dynamic" bean, so lets set the scope of the bean to prototype to get a fresh instance evrytime it gets called.
<bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean" scope="prototype">
<constructor-arg type="int" value="#{getRandomNumber}"/>
In this case, every time a new bean will be created with a new random number.

You should take a look at FactoryBean


Spring Boot property in #Preauthorize

I'm setting up a Spring Boot (v1.2.6) web project and using Spring Security (v3.2.8). I've found the #PreAuthorize annotation so handy, but I don't know if there's a way to read Boot's properties from the SpEL in the annotation. I'm trying to do it this way:
With the property declared in application.yml:
permit: true
But I'm getting
Failed to evaluate expression 'mysecurity.permit'
I've made an attempt with #mysecurity.permit and ${mysecurity.permit} too, with the same result. It seems possible to declare a method in a service and access it in #service.isMySecurityPermited() way, however I would be pleased to know if I'm able to access the property directly.
The values used in an annotation must be constants. They are evaluated at compile time, and while they may be retained for use at runtime they aren't re-evaluated. So you can use an expression that's evaluated by SpEL, or you can write a helper method that is referenced within the annotation value.
If you look at the OnExpressionCondition implementation, you will notice that it gets the value passed to the annotation, which in the case linked in your comment would be something like #ConditionalOnExpression("${} or ${server.port==8080} ") The annotation simply gets the text value, it has no idea what the text represents, it just knows it's a string. It's in the processing of the annotation value within OnExpressionCondition that the String value takes meaning. They take the String value and pass it to a BeanExpressionResolver for resolution.
So, in your PreAuthorize solution, which based on also passes it to an expression processor, you should be able to use spring's expression language to reference any bean property.
I'm not in a situation to test it currently, but from that thread it seems like you could do something like
public class MyBean {
private Boolean permit;
public boolean isPermitted() { return permit; }
#PreAuthorize( "#myBean.isPermitted()" )
public blah myMethod() {
// do stuff
This maybe a generic way to evaluate expressions which i want to share with you:
public final class AuthorizationComponent {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AuthenticationUtils.class.getName());
private static SpelExpressionParser parser;
static {
parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
private Environment environment;
public boolean evaluateExpression(final String propertyKey) {
return checkExpression(environment.getProperty(propertyKey));
public static boolean checkExpression(String securityExpression) {"Checking security expression [" + securityExpression + "]...");
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication();
Expression exp = parser.parseExpression(securityExpression);
SecurityExpressionRoot context = new CustomMethodSecurityExpressionRoot(authentication);
boolean result = exp.getValue(context, Boolean.class);"Check result: " + result);
return result;
And in yaml config file you can configure the path and authorization expression, something like that:
post: hasRole('MY_ROLE') OR hasAuthority('MY_AUTHORITY')
Then you could use it like that over your method:
#RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Void> addQuestion(#Valid #RequestBody BodyRestDTO bodyRestDTO){
//Code implementation
return new ResponseEntity<Void>(HttpStatus.CREATED);
This should work:
private Boolean permit;
Then use:
But you need to properly set configuration file, to allow Spring access it. Read here:
Did you configure bean for a property placeholder?
For example:
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">

Bean property 'xxx' is not writable or has an invalid setter method

I have spring web application. I have defined the controller bean which takes the bean of service as property. Also service bean takes the Dao. Dao is tested and working fine. Now the problem with service. Actually i'd make sure about the setters there !
so what is the problem ?
Controller Bean :
<bean id="listTypeController" class="me.web.servlet.controller.ListTypeController">
<property name="typeService" ref="typeService" />
Service Bean :
<bean id="typeService"class="me.general.service.impl.TypeServiceImpl">
<property name="genericDao" ref="genericDao" />
<property name="typeDao" ref="typeDao" />
Service class:
public class TypeServiceImpl implements TypeService {
private TypeDao typeDao;
private GenericDao genericDao;
public TypeDao getTypeDao() {
return typeDao;
public GenericDao getGenericDao() {
return genericDao;
public void setTypeDao(TypeDao typeDao) {
this.typeDao = typeDao;
public void setGenericDao(GenericDao genericDao) {
this.genericDao = genericDao;
List Controller:
public class ListTypeController {
public static final String SEARCH_TYPE_FORM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "SearchTypeForm";
private TypeService typeService;
public SearchTypeForm createForm() {
SearchTypeForm form = new SearchTypeForm();
return form;
public String listTypes(#ModelAttribute(SEARCH_TYPE_FORM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) SearchTypeForm form,
Model model) {
Page<Type> all = typeService.findTypes(form);
model.addAttribute("all", all);
return "/master/general/List";
public void setTypeServic(TypeService typeService) {
this.typeService = typeService;
The Error :
Invalid property 'typeService' of bean class
Bean property 'typeService' is not writable or has an invalid setter method.
Does the parameter type of the setter match the return type of the getter?
ListTypeController doesn't have a property of the appropriate type to receive the typeService bean, or else the setter for that property is malformed. Note that if you have some proxying going on and your ListTypeController specifies the type as TypeServiceImpl, then it may be because you should be referring to the bean by its interface type, TypeService. A proxy of your typeService would be a TypeService, but not a TypeServiceImpl.
Update: Based on your new code: setTypeServic should be setTypeService, or else your property name is actually typeServic.
In my case i named my propery as: isMyProperty and is in prefix caused an issue. I had to change the name to myProperty.
In my case it was because I had correct setter and getter but each with different type.
My setter took String and parsed it to target enum type and my getter returned directly the enum.
For some reason Spring (v3) got confused.

jsf converter loses injected property

I had this working before, but then I changed some things, and I can't get it to work again. I am trying to use my service tier to hit the database and get a correct object from my converter class, depending on what the user clicks. I inject the service property into my converter with spring. During debugging, I can see that the property gets sets properly. But then when I go to call getService, it is null.
public class PlaceConverter implements Converter {
private SearchQueryService searchQueryService;
* #return the searchQueryService
public SearchQueryService getSearchQueryService() {
return searchQueryService;
* #param searchQueryService the searchQueryService to set
public void setSearchQueryService(SearchQueryService searchQueryService) {
this.searchQueryService = searchQueryService;
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, String submittedValue) {
try {
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
return getSearchQueryService().findPlaces(criteria).get(0);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
public String getAsString(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, Object value) {
((Place) value).setCategory(" (" + ((Place) value).getCategory() + ")");
return String.valueOf(((Place) value).getPlaceId());
<bean id="placeConverterBean" class="com.ghghg.converter.PlaceConverter">
<property name="searchQueryService" ref="searchQueryServiceBean" />
Dependency injection in a converter works only if the converter is declared as a managed bean by the dependency injection framework in question. E.g. JSF's own #ManagedBean, or CDI's #Named, or Spring's #Component. You should remove the #FacesConverter altogether and reference the converter instance in EL scope instead of referencing it by the converter ID.
Thus, so
<h:inputXxx converter="#{placeConverter}" />
<f:converter binding="#{placeConverter}" />
instead of
<h:inputXxx converter="PlaceConverter" />
<f:converter converterId="PlaceConverter" />
Your concrete problem suggests that you were referencing it by converter ID (thus, via #FacesConverter). This way you end up getting a converter instance without any injected dependencies.
See also:
How to inject Spring bean into JSF converter
As to the role of the converter itself, this is mandatory because HTML code is represented as one large string and HTTP request parameter values can only be represented as strings. Complex Java objects would otherwise be printed via Object#toString() like so com.example.Place#hashcode, making it unusable in the server side.
I found a better way, and probably more proper way to do get what I wanted. I was not completely sure how the converter works and how the value of the selected item gets passed back to the managed bean. I just declared a new Place object in my method, set the required values. Then I saw that it got passed to my managed bean
I got it to work like this in java EE with jsf 2.0. By making the converter a member of the backing bean. I instantiate this member using CDI but it should work the same with spring.
First the backing bean:
public class SomeView implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private SomeConverter converter;
public Converter getConverter() {
return converter;
And then this is the jsf xhtml:
<p:selectOneMenu id="someId" value="#{someView.value}" converter="#{someView.converter}">
<f:selectItems value="#{someView.values}" var="object" itemLabel="#{}" />
Converter comes to play before updating your model bean. When user fill some input and this value is transferred to server first are updated your server side components and next conversion has happened. Converted values as saved in your bean (with method getAsObject) and before rendering the view values from beans are again converted to String because from user side everything is a string (then method getAsString is invoked).
In summary - Converter methods are the best place to change user input into your application logic, bean fields and in other way to convert your logic, bean fields into user friendly strings.
Due to your question and problem. You mean that SearchQueryService isn't available inside getAsObject method. Try to add an addnotation #Resource with proper name attribute and then it should be injected by your container.

Spring 3.x PropertyOverrideConfigurer insists on using set, not constructor

Trying to use Spring PropertyOverrideConfigurer or some such subclass, to help
create the following bean:
public class Foo {
private final String name;
public Foo(String name) { = name; }
public String getName() { return name; }
Suppose my bean definition is something like
<bean id="foo" class="Foo">
<constructor-arg name="name" value="abc">
I've handed Spring a file, in there it finds an entry"def"
So the default name property for Foo bean is "abc", I want it overriden to be "def";
HOWEVER I do not want to have an explicit setName(String name) method hanging
off my Foo class, since despite what Spring thinks I consider this a terrible
idea in software development. I expect Spring to be able to pass the
overridden value as "def" to the constructor of Foo,
not call Foo later with setName("def").
I have not gotten this to work, is there a way? The only success I've had is
to add the method
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
to the Foo class, which again I think is a terrible idea since it opens
up your class for unintentional side-effecting later.
Is there any hope? Can I modify the bean definition somewhere before
Spring creates Foo with the (wrong) "abc" name?
You can definitely do it. You xml should look somewhat like:
<bean id="foo" class="Foo">
<constructor-arg index="0" value="abc"/>
Assuming that constructor has one parameter and "abc" is a value coming from your property file. In this case the setter is not needed.
More information is available in Spring documentation at

Spring: Inject bean depended on context (session/web or local thread/background process)

Is it possible to create a factory or proxy that can decide if thread is running in (Web)Request or background-process (ie. scheduler) and then depending on that information, it creates a session bean or a prototype bean?
Example (pseudo Spring config :)
<bean id="userInfoSession" scope="session" />
<bean id="userInfoStatic" scope="prototype" />
<bean id="currentUserInfoFactory" />
<bean id="someService" class="...">
<property name="userInfo" ref="currentUserInfoFactory.getCurrentUserInfo()" />
I hope this makes my question easier to understand...
My Solution
It's never to late to update own questions ;). I solved it with two different instances of client session, one SessionScoped client session and one SingletonScoped session. Both are normal beans.
<bean id="sessionScopedClientSession" class="" scope="session">
<aop:scoped-proxy />
<bean id="singletonScopedClientSession" class="" />
<bean id="clientSession" class="">
<property name="sessionScopedClientSessionBeanName" value="sessionScopedClientSession" />
<property name="singletonScopedClientSessionBeanName" value="singletonScopedClientSession" />
The ClientSession will then decide if singleton or session scope:
private IClientSession getSessionAwareClientData() {
String beanName = (isInSessionContext() ? sessionScopedClientSessionBeanName : singletonScopedClientSessionBeanName);
return (IClientSession) ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext().getBean(beanName);
Where session type could be gathered through this:
private boolean isInSessionContext() {
return RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes() != null;
All the classes implement a interface called IClientSession. Both singletonScoped and sessionScoped beans extends from a BaseClientSession where the implementation is found.
Every service then can use the client session ie:
private ClientSession clientSession;
public void doSomething() {
Long orgId = clientSession.getSomethingFromSession();
Now if we go one step further we can write something like a Emulator for the session. This could be done by initializing the clientSession (which is in no context of a request) the singleton session. Now all services can use the same clientSession and we still can "emulate" a user ie:
clientSessionEmulator.startEmulateUser( testUser );
try {
} finally {
One more advice: take care about threading in SingletonScoped clientSession instance! Wouw, I thought I could do it with less lines ;) If you like to know more about this approach feel free to contact me.
I created small universal workaround to inject beans depends on context.
Guess we have two beans:
<bean class="xyz.UserInfo" id="userInfo" scope="session" />
<bean class="xyz.UserInfo" id="userInfoSessionLess" />
We want to use "userInfo" bean for web user actions and "userInfoSessionLess" bean for background services for example.
Wa also want to write code and don't want to think about context, for example:
//You will get "java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request?" for session less services.
//We can fix it and autowire "userInfo" or "userInfoSessionLess" depends on context...
private UserInfo userInfo;
public save(Document superSecureDocument) {
superSecureDocument.lastModifier = userInfo.getUser();
Now we need create custom session scope to make it worked:
public class MYSessionScope extends SessionScope implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static final String SESSION_LESS_POSTFIX = "SessionLess";
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
if (isInSessionContext()) {
log.debug("Return session Bean... name = " + name);
return super.get(name, objectFactory);
} else {
log.debug("Trying to access session Bean outside of Request Context... name = " + name + " return bean with name = " + name + SESSION_LESS_POSTFIX);
return applicationContext.getBean(name.replace("scopedTarget.", "") + SESSION_LESS_POSTFIX);
private boolean isInSessionContext() {
return RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes() != null;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
Register new scope:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
<property name="scopes">
<entry key="mySession">
<bean class="com.galantis.gbf.web.MYSessionScope" />
Now we need modify beans definions like this:
<bean class="xyz.UserInfo" id="userInfo" scope="mySession" autowire-candidate="true"/>
<bean class="xyz.UserInfo" id="userInfoSessionLess" autowire-candidate="false"/>
That's all. Bean with name "SessionLess" will be used for all "mySession" scoped beans if we use bean outside of actual web request thread.
Your rephrase is indeed considerably simpler :)
Your currentUserInfoFactory could make use of RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes(). If a session is present and associated with the calling thread, then this will return a non-null object, and you can then safely retrieve the session-scoped bean from the context. If it returns a null, then you should fetch the prototype-scoped bean instead.
It's not very neat, but it's simple, and should work.
Create two custom context loaders that bind the same scope defintion to different implementations:
public final class SessionScopeContextLoader extends GenericXmlContextLoader {
protected void customizeContext(final GenericApplicationContext context) {
final SessionScope testSessionScope = new SessionScope();
context.getBeanFactory().registerScope("superscope", testSessionScope);
Then you make a corresponding one for singleton (make your own scope with just statics)
Then you just specify the appropriate context loader in the xml startup for each of the two contexts.
