Unable to call web service from windows application - visual-studio-2010

I have created a windows application. From this windows application i am trying to execute a function in webservice. But i am getting an error.
'Unable to automatically step in to the server'
Please help me solve this

This error can occur when you are trying to step into a web service see Stepping Into an XML Web Service. It can occur whenever ASP.NET is not set up properly.


.NET 6 webapp returns 503 error on random intervals

I published a simple .NET 6.0 web app with user authentication on my IIS 10.0 web server hosted on Azure.
The application read and write data from a SQL Server 2017 database hosted on another machine on the same virtual network of the web server.
Everything works fine but after a while, even though nobody is using the app, it stop working and send Http Error 503 Service Unavailable and I have to restart it every time from the application pool.
I enabled tracing on the event log, but I don't receive any message explaining this.
These are the application settings:
IIS application settings
I tried to follow these advices but none of them worked:
IIS HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable
503 “Service Unavailable” error for all apps after installing .NET Core 2.2 Runtime & Hosting Bundle for Windows
.Net core Service Unavailable after Publish to IIS
On the same web server I have other applications but this problem appears only on this one. None of the other apps is using .NET 6, most use .NET Framework 4.7/4.8 and another couple .NET Core 3.1.
I also tried to publish the application on Azure WebApp service and it has the same problem.
1. If you're deploying on IIS, we can install DebugDiag Tools and then use the DebugDiag collection to crawl the dump logs.
2. If you are using the azure app service, it is recommended to get dump in the azure portal.
My Suggestion
Enable Failed Request Tracing, and find which request will cause the Http 503.
Maybe this 503 is not a problem with the code, and it is possible to find some useful information in the log.
Check the EventViewer, try to find the useful info about the application.
Download the DebugDiag Tools, use debugdiag collection to collect the dump file when the issue occured, and use the debugdiag analysis to analyze the dump file and check the stacktrace.
My suggestion can't tell you the root cause directly, but it will help you to find it. You are also welcome to update the useful stacktrace information in the future, and there will be more people to help you.
I'm currently having the issue but using MySQL on a remote server.
Azure WebApp, Azure VM (IIS 10) and AWS EC2.
Http Error 503 Service Unavailable when the database connection timesout or fails to connect and the AppPool failed to restart.
No crashes when debugging in VS via console app.
I changed the hosting model to out-of-process and this solved the issue.
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="outofprocess">

API call within a Web API fails

I am working on a web api backend.
I am trying to make a call to another web api from within one of our api controllers.
When I run this as a unit test it works fine.
However, when it is hosted on IIS Express the GetAsync call fails with the exception: "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it".
When we host it on azure we also get a similar exception.
Is there a setting in our web.config missing?
Any suggestions?
looks like it is still pointing to local host, needs to point to IIS or Azure server.
Check for hardcoded values in test code or web config.

Debugging Topshelf service that won't run under restrictive account

I have a Windows service written using Topshelf. I'm trying to configure it to run using a Windows account with restricted privileges rather than using LocalSystem. That's also necessary as I'd like to connect to a database using integrated authentication.
The service works when run as LocalSystem (albeit with a database connection string containing credentials) and running the console application as my limited account (using runas) also works.
However, when I try to start the service the service control manager times out waiting for a response:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
I also get the following in the Application Popup event log:
Application Error : The exception unknown software exception (0xc06d007e) occurred in the application at location 0x77e4bef7.
The first thing that the application does is writes to a log file but it doesn't reach that when I start the service. The logging works if I run via the console.
Any suggestions what I might be missing or what I might try next?
This problem seems to be related to the server (a domain controller) rather than TopShelf. A service built with the .NET service component also exhibits the same behaviour.
The service runs successfully on a different machine (in the same domain).
Unfortunately this doesn't help diagnose the problem but gives me an acceptable workaround.
Check the MSDN article Debugging windows services which describes how you debug windows services.
I've just started seeing this on a few of my services written in .net 2.0. They'll start fine when the server boots, but if I were to restart them throughout the day, they would not start, and give this error message.
They currently ran under a domain account which has admin rights on the box, but for kicks, I switched it to Local System, and the service started normally. I stopped it, changed it back to the domain account (reentering the password), and it started normally again as expected.
Don't know if this counts as a 'fix' so much, but that's what worked for me.

Service Controller not able to start service - Access denied

I am using a service controller in a win forms application to start and stop a service which listens to a message queue and processes the messages. I get an access denied error when the service is started from the win forms application.I am using Vista Home Basic and an account which is of type administrator and I have used Log As - Local System Account. The service can be started and stopped normally using the Service Management Console but I get an error when I try to Start the service programatically.Can someone provide some guidance as to how to fix this issue.
Probably you have elevated when opening the services console, but not for your own app.
Add an "Application Manifest File" (that is the name of the template in Visual Studio) and set the requested execution level to "requireAdministrator" (there are comments in the manifest file that will help).

how do I add a test web service to my project in Visual Studio?

I have a test web service replicating a live web service that hasn't been made public yet (It will be public when the app is released).
I added a new ASP.NET Web Service Application to my solution. Now when I try and add a web reference from the main project and choose "Browse To Web services in this solution" it doesn't find the test web service.
Am I missing an important step here?
Maybe the webservice you're trying to connect to isn't running . Do an F5, verify that the service has started by checking the address in the browser then try to add the refference again.
If it doesn't work, just specify the address by hand.
