Fossil SCM in Windows, how to make timeline accessible in LAN? - windows

I have run the Fossil-SCM web interface for timeline of my project at port 8080 using the command
fossil.exe ui
I'm connected to a LAN, my IP is and I want to access the timeline from the IP
When I try to open in browser from .8 pc I'm getting page not found error. But when I try the following I'm getting some response.
Help me on this.

From the command-line help for the fossil ui command:
The "ui" command automatically starts a web browser after initializing
the web server. The "ui" command also binds to and so will
only process HTTP traffic from the local machine.
Since you're trying to access fossil from another computer than the local machine, that won't work. Instead, you should use the command fossil server. Then it will bind to all available IP addresses, and accept connections from other machines on the network.
(The only other difference between fossil server and fossil ui is that the latter will launch a web browser with the home page for the current project, whereas fossil server won't do that).


SONAR not working on Web Browser

I am trying to access Sonar through web browser. I already started it on my terminal but when I try to access it on web browser through , it shows nothing. However, the status shows Sonar is running. How can I make it running on the web browser ?
The configuration for Sonar web is:
I think this is the problematic line in your conf. This line indicates which IP address the Web Server will bind to. If you set it to, then Server will only respond if you reach to it through the IP, that is, you'll only be able to access it from localhost, though IPv4. (Your browser will probably prefer IPv6, with ::1 being the host)
Comment out the line (prepending a #) in order to have it listen to every IP the machine is called by.
If you can verify access from the host machine itself, but the above doesn't help, then you might want to check if your firewall is blocking requests.
With the settings you provided, make sure you're using this URL and trying to access the server from the same box:
If you're attempting to reach and getting the empty page, it's due to the sonar.web.context value you're using.
Note: unless you're hosting SonarQube in an external webserver, you don't need to set the sonar.web.context, in which case, you would just go to
If this URL isn't working for you, I would suggest looking at the SonarQube server logs in the /logs folder to determine if there were any errors starting the server. If so, you'll want to update this posting with the details from the log, including which operating system you're running.

Local URL IP redirect via port

I do a lot of custom web development and I am looking for a solution to a problem with testing.
I have a local development server that I run sandboxed environments on. When I need to test something I sometimes will edit my host file to make the domain point at my local IP
In my host file I would have.
What I would rather be able to setup is if I added a port to a URL:
That would then redirect to my local IP
Something like this *:7777
Is this a pipe dream or doable in someway?
You can use Firefox Extension Server Switcher
This firefox extension is a tool for web developers and allows switching between sites on your development and live servers; it helps you to see difference immediately.
It's more easy in use than host file.

how to setup a SVN server with collabnet subversion edge on windows server, and how to connect to it remotely using Xcode on Mac?

I am a newbie about SVN server. I've certainly used SVN to check in/out codes before, but never learned how to setup a Subversion server it up from ground up.
What I have:
Server | Windows Server 2012 Standard, Activated:
Installed Collabnet Subversion Edge,
Created a repository,
Created users and also started the server, using start button at GUI on localhost:4434/csvn/.
Client | MacOSX Mountain, with Xcode 4.5 Installed:
I have tried to add repository by using the external IP address and the repository name
like, but as expected, it does not work and says "Host is unreachable".
I have tried to use the local hostname, no luck either. Although I did notice in their documentation, they mentioned IP address setting, but I cannot find it anywhere.
I would like to make it so that users can access and use the SVN repository remotely and locally.
I have no idea what to do, please help me. Thanks for your time!
Go back to the server for a minute. When you are configuring it, are you only using the local web browser? Have you tried accessing the server using web browser from your Mac? I would see if the Mac can reach the web gui first. Maybe you have network issues you have to resolve, such as DNS, routing or firewall.
In terms of using XCode, or any SVN Client, the URL you must enter is the URL to your repository. That will not be:
It will be something like:
In the Subversion Edge web GUI if you go to the list of repositories, you will see an example checkout command next to each repository. This command shows you the URL to enter in a SVN client to reach the root of the repository. Example screenshot here:
I think I have sloved the problem. I knew I have to access the repo using my external IP address somehow, but when I tried something like, for example my IP is, when I typeed, I got a no response message.
I figured that since there are more than 1 computers on my local network, the router has to somehow direct the request to my server only, not some other machine. After some reaserch I found that port forwarding does the trick. Since apache server uses port 80 as default, just get the default gateway ip using ipconfig from CMD, then enable port forwarding for port 80, to the server's local ip address. At least I can access it using my external ip on my local network. I will try to access it remotely and see.

setting up home ftp server using filezilla

I googled, followed all the instructions but still stuck, and unable to create a home ftp server.
My internet is from dsl modem -> vonage router -> wifi router
FileZilla server ip is and it works fine when tried from command prompt. But I need it to be accessible from outside.
I enabled ftp on wifi router's web settings page using virtual server setting.
I am stuck at this point, I don't know what else to do further. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also, if you are planning on accessing your server remotely, (not in your network) you will have to enable port forwarding on your router. (Use the ip address of the machine running the server and use port 21) Otherwise, you only be able to connect while in your LAN.
This pretty much summarizes your needs(via
If you're FTP'ing across your home
network (like from your upstairs PC to
your bedroom PC), you can reach the
server by using its internal network
address (most likely something like
192.168.xx.xx.) From the command line, type ipconfig to see what that address
is. If you want to log into your FTP
server over the internet, set up a
memorable URL for it and allow
connections from outside your network.
To do so, check out how to assign a
domain name to your home server and
how to access your home server behind
a router and firewall.
Original Article
How to assign a domain name to your home server
How to access a server behind a router and firewall
You need to be able to access your internal network from the internet. Consider using a service like dynDNS if your router supports it.

IIS 7 and ASP.Net MVC issue

This is a bit complex - so here we go.
I am developing a mobile web application using mvc and I need to test it locally on my iPhone. So far I have the first iteritaion of the site running on my local dev laptop. I created a virtual dir for the site under IIS 7 on the same machine. I deployed the site to that folder from VS2008. I open a browser and entered "" and the site cam up just fine. I am runnig a home network with locked down WIFI and both the laptip and my iPhone are on the network. So now I want to test with the iPhone but the site won't come up when browsing to "". I have another machine that is also on the network and I get this error message when attempting to browse to the site:
"Website (laptopname) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts"
I have a feeling that this has something to do with IIS setting and \ or application pools but have not been able to find anything relavent goolging. Any help appreciated.
There are some possibilities:
iPhone is not able to resolve your laptop by name. Try using the IP address of your computer in the URL instead.
The firewall on the laptop is blocking inbound connections from other machines. Check your firewall.
The IIS Website is configured with a host header localhost so it won't respond to requests to other hostnames. Check the binding for the Web site in the IIS Manager.
To eliminate possible network issues, you can create an ad hoc WiFi network on your PC and connect to that network to test.
Check that Allow Anonymous Access is set for the site
I suspect you are not alone, as I had this exact problem. I developed a small port opener I called "SharpProxy" that may make your local testing much easier.
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