Ruby Do Multiple Things With Each Element of an Array - ruby

I know that I can use
my_array = [1,2,3,4,5]
my_array.each {|element| puts element}
to do something with each element of an array but what if I need to do several things with each element? It starts complaining when I try to put multiple statements in the block. What I am really looking for is something more like this:
my_array = [1,2,3,4,5]
my_array.each |element| do
#operation one involving the element
#operation two involving the element
Is there any good way to achieve this effect?

You can put as many statements as you like inside a block, but you need to get the do/end syntax right.
The order is do |elemenet|, not |element| do. The do/end keywords replace the {}.
my_array.each do |element|
puts "element is #{element}"
element += 1
puts "Now element is #{element}"
# etc...

If you really want to cram it into a one liner you can use semicolons.
x = [1,2,3,4,5]{|y| y*=2; y-=5; y}
This gives you:
=> [-3, -1, 1, 3, 5]
It gets pretty ugly pretty fast though, so use multiliners unless there's a really good reason you want it on one line.


Extracting multiple entries of a Ruby array

Let's say I have an array
arry = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"]
and I want to get the fourth, second, and seventh element of that array.
Let's say some other function determined which are the needed values and passed me backan array of indices like [3, 1, 6]. In most languages I could write this
array[3,1,6] #=> ["d","b","g"] (or "dbg"?)
array[3 1 6] #=> ["d","b","g"]
But that won't work in Ruby, of course. Is there a simple way to do this in Ruby? The cleanest I can find is something like:
[3,1,6].map { |i| array[i] }
I really tried to find a duplicate to this question since it seems so basic, but I just couldn't.
This is remarkably easy to do in most languages, so I'm almost assuming I'm just overlooking the remarkably obvious.
array.values_at(3,1,6) #=> ["d","b","g"]
If your other function returns an array then you must flatten it before you can pass it as parameters to values_at. Like this
arry = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"]
def indices
puts arry.values_at(*indices)

Index a ruby array to omit an element or range of elements?

I have a ruby array of, say, 10 elements, and I'd like to return all but the 5th element.
a = *(1..10)
I'd like to be able to do something like
a[0..3 + 5..9]
Or even better something like (borrowing from the R syntax),
to do this, but that doesn't work. (Nor does anything more clever I've tried like getting an array of the element indices). What's the best way to do this in ruby?
You can use values_at:
so you may use it as
a.values_at(0..3, 5..9)
No black magic required:
a[0..3] + a[5..9]
Look in the documentation under Array#delete_at
For example, myarray.delete_at(5) results in the array lacking what was element 5 (counting from 0, of course).
class Array
def without(n)
return self
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]
p arr.without(1) #=> [1, 3, 4]
However, as a commenter points out, this alters the original array, which may not be what the O.P. wants! If that's an issue, write it like this:
class Array
def without(n)
arr2 =
return arr2
That returns the desired array (an array lacking the nth element of the original) while leaving the original array untouched.

Usage of Pipes in Ruby Loops

So, maybe I'm over-complicating something that isn't that hard, but here goes.
In Ruby, there's a method of looping called .each. I think that this is very cool--but what I'm finding less cool is the amount of stuff written about the pipe that comes after it (or any other do-type loop in Ruby, it would seem). Sometimes there is a single thing in the pipe:
basket.each do |fruit|
puts "This is a #{fruit}.\n"
But sometimes, there are two things in this pipe, like so:
contacts.each do |name, profession|
puts "#{name} is a #{profession}.\n"
So what I'm wondering now, is it possible to have more than two items in that pipe? Like if I have a huge, big, and ugly multi-dim array?
What if I add things to my pipe and they're not there? Will it give the value in the pipe nil? Or will it throw an error?
Again, sorry if this is obvious to long-time Rubyists, but I came from the land of strictly typed variables, and I'm now leaving PHP land, too. :)
So what if I have something like this:
categories = [["Bathroom", "Bathroom Fixtures", "Plumbing"],
["Ceiling Fixtures", "Chandeliers", "Flush Mounts", "Mini Chandeliers", "Semi-Flush Mounts", "Pendants", "Track Lighting", "Mini Pendants", "Directional", "Island/Pool Table", "Recessed Lighting"],
["Outdoor", "Exterior", "Landscape Lighting"],
["Fans", "Fans", "Fan Accessories"],
["Lamps", "Lamps", "Shades"],
["Wall Fixtures", "Sconces", "Foyer/Hall Lanterns"],
["Specialty", "Undercabinet", "Light Bulbs", "Lighting Controls", "Glass", "Specialty Items", "Utility"],
["Home Decor", "Decor/Home Accents", "Furniture"]]
Can I loop through it like this?
categories.each do |category, subcats|
puts "The main category is #{category} and the sub categories are: "
subcats.each do |subcat|
puts "#{subcat}, "
Lets start with a break down of the each method.
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.each do |num|
puts num
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
The do ... end portion is called a block
This block accepts one parameter (an element in the array)
The way you pass parameters to a block is with |'s
If you supply more than one argument to the block:
a.each do |num, x|
puts num
puts x
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
x is nil for each iteration.
Lets write a method of our own that uses blocks so you can see how they work.
def my_each(a=[])
a.each do |x|
yield x if block_given?
my_each(a) do |num|
puts num
Here yield x is saying, execute the supplied block and pass x to it.
If you pass another parameter to your block, it is nil. Why?
Our implementation of my_each doesn't know anything about a second parameter so it does not yield anything so it remains nil.
When you have a simple array, the following things happen:
arr = [1,2,3,4]
arr.each do |x|
p x
=> [1,2,3,4]
arr.each do |x,y|
p x
p y
=> [1,2,3,4]
so if ruby doesn't know what to put into the block argument, it simply sets it to nil. Now consider a nested array:
arr = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
arr.each do |x|
p x
[1, 2]
[3, 4]
[5, 6]
=> [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
arr.each do |x,y|
p x
p y
=> [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
In this case, ruby assumes that you want to assign the two elements of the inner arrays to the block variables x and y. The same thing applies to hashes, where Ruby assigns the key and value to x and y:
hash = {1 => 2, 3 => 4, 5 => 6}
hash.each do |x,y|
p x
p y
=> {1=>2,3=>4,5=>6}
When you don't have enough elements in the nested arrays, the block variables are assigned nil, indeed. When there are too many of them, they are simply discarded:
arr = [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]]
arr.each do |x,y|
p x
p y
=> [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]]
pretty straightforward!
As for your edited question: no, you cannot apply this 1:1 to Ruby code, you would have to manually apply the splat operator (*) to subcats. This way, ruby assigns all remaining elements to the 'splatted' block variable:
categories.each do |category,*subcats|
puts "The main category is #{category} and the sub categories are: "
subcats.each do |subcat|
puts "#{subcat}, "
although i would generate a comma-separated list of subcategories like this:
categories.each do |category,*subcats|
puts "The main category is #{category} and the sub categories are: "
puts subcats.join(', ')
Oh, and you would not handle a huge ugly evil multidimensional array by defining a lot of block parameters for its elements. You probably would iterate through it using nested loops as in almost every other language, if only because you never know how many elements it contains.
The pipes you are talking about is a parameter list of a block "variable". Actually that is some kind of a function pointer, and the pipes marks the parameter list.
Check the description of array.each.
This is not magic, the number of parameters is defined in the block, you can't add more than that, if you do, they won't get a value. The reason is for "sometime" there can be more than one, is that it's probably a hash.each, which has two parameters, a key and a value.
You can create your own functions with block parameters, read this.
For your iteration problem, you can use a hash, or you can write your own iterator.
Multiple Arguments to a Block
Array#each iterates over an array object, and passes either a single object into the block or returns an enumerator. You can redefine this behavior, but #each is the wrong method if you want multiple values at a time; see Enumerator#each_slice for an alternative.
Data Structures
Your problem would be easier to solve with the right data structure. Instead of an array, you should consider using a hash. For example:
categories =
{"Bathroom"=>["Bathroom Fixtures", "Plumbing"],
"Ceiling Fixtures"=>["Chandeliers", "Flush Mounts", "Mini Chandeliers"]}
categories.each do |key, value|
puts "#{key}:"
value.each { |v| puts "\t%s" % v }
This returns:
Bathroom Fixtures
Ceiling Fixtures:
Flush Mounts
Mini Chandeliers

Ruby: how does one print a 2D array?

puts WINNING_ROWS.each{ |solution| "[ #{{ |space| "#{space}"}} ]"}
I tried doing the above, but it just lists each value with a new line char afterwards.
I'm trying to get the output:
If this is just for debugging, the usual way is to say either
p expression
puts expression.inspect
...which is about the same thing.
You can also use pp.
require 'pp'
pp expression
One could do something like this:
WINNING_ROWS = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] { |x| x.inspect }.join("")
Which will get you a string formatted as you requested
You're relying on the default to_s of Array. #each returns the array itself. So what you're doing is the same as puts WINNING_ROWS. Also, keep in mind that puts adds a newline at the end, so if you don't want that you have to use write (which is not available in the Kernel module like puts is, so you must call it directly on your STDOUT output).
You probably want something like:
WINNING_ROWS = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
WINNING_ROWS.each {|row| STDOUT.write row.inspect }
=> [1, 2, 3][4, 5, 6]
# or this may work for you as well
# STDOUT.write WINNING_ROWS.inspect

How do I modify an array while I am iterating over it in Ruby?

I'm just learning Ruby so apologies if this is too newbie for around here, but I can't work this out from the pickaxe book (probably just not reading carefully enough).
Anyway, if I have an array like so:
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
...and I want to, say, multiply each value in the array by 3, I have worked out that doing the following:
arr.each {|item| item *= 3}
...will not get me what I want (and I understand why, I'm not modifying the array itself).
What I don't get is how to modify the original array from inside the code block after the iterator. I'm sure this is very easy.
Use map to create a new array from the old one:
arr2 = {|item| item * 3}
Use map! to modify the array in place:! {|item| item * 3}
See it working online: ideone
To directly modify the array, use! {|item| item*3}. To create a new array based on the original (which is often preferable), use {|item| item*3}. In fact, I always think twice before using each, because usually there's a higher-order function like map, select or inject that does what I want.
arr.collect! {|item| item * 3}
Others have already mentioned that is the more elegant solution here, but you can simply add a "!" to the end of array.each and you can still modify the array. Adding "!" to the end of #map, #each, #collect, etc. will modify the existing array.
