Comparison using Ruby's .days.ago seems to use reverse logic - ruby

Can anyone help me make sense of this, please?
I am getting a very weird behaviour (reverse logic), when I am trying to use the following code.
require 'active_support/all'
c = {
id: 5,
years_of_experience: 4,
github_points: 293,
languages: ['C', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Clojure'],
date_applied: 5.days.ago.to_date,
age: 26
c["date_applied"] > 15.days.ago.to_date - #works
c["date_applied"] < 15.days.ago.to_date - #doesnt work
c["date_applied"] gives a date value stored in a hash.
The latter makes more logical sense, but the first returns the right answer.

The code's behavior is correct, but I think I understand the confusion.
You're reading
c["date_applied"] > 15.days.ago
Is the date applied more than 15 days ago?
c["date_applied"] < 15.days.ago
Is the date applied less than 15 days ago?
and it's giving you the reverse of the answer you expect, right?
If that's the case, you should take a moment to understand how time comparisons operate. When you type date1 > date2, you're actually saying,
If I plot date1 and date2 on a number line with time increasing from left to right,
is date1 to the right of date2?
This is the same as when you type 2 > 1. It means,
If I plot 1 and 2 on a number line with the numbers increasing from left to right,
is 2 to the right of 1?
Given that this is how time comparisons operate, let's reexamine your code.
require 'active_support/all'
c = { date_applied: 5.days.ago.to_date }
c[:date_applied] > 15.days.ago.to_date
Correctly interpreted, this says
Is the date 5 days ago further rightward on a left-to-right timeline than the date 15 days ago?
and the answer is yes, or true.
If, on the other hand, you were to incorrectly interpret this as
Is 5 days ago more than 15 days ago?
you would get (or expect to get) the mistaken answer of no, or false.
The correct way to think about the task in English is to reframe the question of
Is date d more than n days ago?
and instead think of it as
Is date d earlier than the date n days ago?
and the correct code becomes apparent:
d.to_date < n.days.ago.to_date
If I understood your question correctly, this should explain it.

irb ## ruby-1.9.3-p448
require 'active_support/time'
c = {
id: 5,
years_of_experience: 4,
github_points: 293,
languages: ['C', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Clojure'],
date_applied: 5.days.ago.to_date,
age: 26
(c[:date_applied] > 15.days.ago.to_date) - #true
(c[:date_applied] < 15.days.ago.to_date) - #false
###or you can try it by adding your own private methods###
class Fixnum
def days
self * 60 * 60 * 24 # we store seconds in a day
def ago - self


How can I calculate the number of weeks since a given date in Ruby?

I am trying to calculate the distance in weeks since a given date without jumping through hoops. I'd prefer to do it in plain Ruby, but ActiveSupport is certainly an acceptable alternative.
My Code
I wrote the following, which seems to work but looks like the long way around to me.
require 'date'
def weeks_since date_string
date = Date.parse date_string
days = - date
weeks = days / DAYS_IN_WEEK
weeks.round 2
weeks_since '2015-06-15'
#=> 32.57
ActiveSupport's #weeks_since takes a number of weeks as its argument, so it doesn't fit this use case. Ruby's Date class doesn't seem to have anything relevant, either.
Is there a better built-in solution or well-known algorithm for calculating the number of weeks separating a pair of dates? I'm not trying to code-golf this, as readability trumps brevity, but simply to learn whether Ruby natively supports the type of date arithmetic I've coded by hand.
require 'date'
str = '2015-06-15'
Date.parse(str).step(, 7).count # => 33
Date.parse(str).upto( # => 32.71
Might be easier to convert the dates to time and then divide the time difference by a week. You can round it however you want or ceil.
def weeks_since(date_string)
time_in_past = Date.parse(date_string).to_time
now =
time_difference = now - time_in_past
(time_difference / 1.week).round(2)
in_weeks (Rails 6.1+)
Rails 6.1 introduces new ActiveSupport::Duration conversion methods like in_seconds, in_minutes, in_hours, in_days, in_weeks, in_months, and in_years.
As a result, now, your problem can be solved as:
date_1 = Time.parse('2020-10-18 00:00:00 UTC')
date_2 = Time.parse('2020-08-13 03:35:38 UTC')
(date_2 - date_1).seconds.in_weeks.to_i.abs
# => 9
Here is a link to the corresponding PR.

Find the closest date from string

I'm trying to convert strings like "Sep 11, Oct 31, Feb 28" into DateTime instances as part of a screen-scraper. Using DateTime.parse() works fine apart from when the data goes across years, and it naively (and probably correctly) returns a date in the current year.
For example the following test case.
test "dateA convert next year" do
TimeService.stubs(:now).returns(, 12, 30, 9, 30))
assert_equal(, 1, 2), Extraction.dateA("Jan 2"))
I updated my method to look at what would be date with year + 1, and return the closest to 'now' - this works fine. However it feels a bit ugly, and I'm looking for a more elegant solution.
def Extraction.dateA(content)
return_value = DateTime.parse(content)
next_year = return_value.change(:year => return_value.year + 1)
now =
if (next_year.to_i - now).abs < (return_value.to_i - now).abs then
return_value = next_year
end is just a utility to return current time to help with stubbing.
Excuse my ruby, I'm new to it.
I think this works as intended, allowing for closest date in previous year as well:
module Extraction
def Extraction.date_a(content)
parsed_date = DateTime.parse(content)
now =
dates = [ parsed_date, parsed_date.next_year, parsed_date.prev_year ]
dates.min_by { |d| ( d - now ).abs }
A few points:
Changed method name to date_a, just a Ruby convention that differs from Java.
I made use of some built-in methods next_year and prev_year on DateTime
I used a time difference metric and selected date with the minimal value of it from three candidate dates (this is what min_by does). This is simpler code than the conditional switching, especially with three dates to consider.
I forgot about min_by originally, I don't use it often, but it's a very good fit for this problem.
Note there is a pathological case - "29 Feb". If it appears correctly in text, by its nature it will define which year is valid, and it won't parse if current year is e.g. 2015.

Ruby - new_offset losing a second

I'm not sure if this behaviour is intended, but it seems a bit weird to me. I'm using the code from How do you get DateTime.parse to return a time in your time zone?
require 'date'
estHoursOffset = +10 # Brisbane/Australia
estOffset = Rational(estHoursOffset, 24)
With some times, the DateTime that's returned is a second earlier:
(DateTime.parse("2012-07-15 16:56:00") - (estHoursOffset/24.0)).new_offset(estOffset)
=> #<DateTime: 2012-07-15T16:55:59+10:00 (2456123.788888889,5/12,2299161)>
But with other times, it seems correct:
(DateTime.parse("2012-07-15 16:16:00") - (estHoursOffset/24.0)).new_offset(estOffset)
=> #<DateTime: 2012-07-15T16:16:00+10:00 (2456123.7611111114,5/12,2299161)>
The program I'm writing only cares about the minutes, which means I'm getting back 16:55 when I want 16:56.
So my questions are;
Is this intentional? (If so, is it documented somewhere - I haven't been able to find anything.)
Is there a simple way of fixing this programmatically? Since I don't care about seconds,I suppose I could "round up" the DateTimes returned, but it'd be good to know if this could bring up any other problems in edge cases.
This is probably because floating point numbers are imprecise - the 10/24.0 you are subtracting cannot be represented exactly.
If instead of subtracting that float you subtracted a rational, ie Rational(estHoursOffset, 24) then you should be ok
I tried both times ("2012-07-15 16:56:00" & "2012-07-15 16:16:00") and Ruby was always yielding the times parsed initially. I don't know mate how you managed to get 1 sec less; it is a miracle!! Only joking :)
If this still is giving you a hard time try getting the date (& time) - simpler like this..:
require 'date'
$date = #current date/time
puts $date
puts $date.min #if you want to use only the minutes
$date="2012-07-15 16:56:00" #if you want to parse it yourself
Moving on to your questions:
-No this is not international and it could be intermittent as well. I've tested your code above (+10h Australia) & from my location London, England (+1h). ALWAYS GOT the time parsed; never a second less or more.
Now if you need to round up the seconds so you will be 100% sure that each & every time you are getting the same results..:
def round_up(seconds)
divisor = 10**Math.log10(seconds).floor
i = seconds / divisor
remainder = seconds % divisor
if remainder == 0
i * divisor
(i + 1) * divisor
I cannot see why the rounding will cause problems in boundary conditions; as long as you always keep rounding everything! Hope this helps! Good luck mate :)

Get the count of elements in a ruby range made of Time objects

How would I be able to get the size or count of a range made up of Time objects?
Something that would achieve the same result as my pseudo Ruby code, which doesn't work:
(( - 31.days)..( - == 30
currently doing the above gives an error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `size' for 2012-05-18 23:59:59 -0400..2012-06-17 23:59:59 -0400:Range
and trying to turn it into array (range).to_a :
can't iterate from Time
Interesting, Just tried to do
(( - 31.days)..( -
Users/.../gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.0.15/lib/active_support/time_with_zone.rb:322: warning: Time#succ is obsolete; use time + 1
(( - 31.days)..( - == 31
I would be willing to settle for that?
Also (( - 31.days)..(Date.yesterday)).count == 31
update 2
On the other hand, taking Mu's hint we can do:
((( - 31.days)..( - - 31.days)..( - == 31
There's no such method as Range#size, try Range#count (as suggested by Andrew Marshall), though it still won't work for a range of Time objects.
If you want to perform number-of-days computations, you're better off using Date objects, either by instantiating them directly ( - 31, for example), or by calling #to_date on your Time objects.
Date objects can be used for iteration too:
(( - 2)..(
=> [#<Date: 2012-06-17 ((2456096j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
#<Date: 2012-06-18 ((2456097j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
#<Date: 2012-06-19 ((2456098j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>]
(( - 2)..(
=> ["2012-06-17", "2012-06-18", "2012-06-19"]
It's because a size for a date range doesn't make senseā€”it doesn't know if you want to view it as days, minutes, seconds, months, or something else. The reason the error mentions iterating is that in order to determine the size of the range, it must know how to iterate over them so that it may count the number of elements.
Since what you want is the difference in days, just do that:
date_one = - 31.days
date_two = -
((date_one - date_two) /
#=> 30.0
You must divide by since a difference of Times returns seconds.
To have any chance of your code working you should wrap everything before .size in parentheses.
Instead of using a range, maybe you can just subtract one time object from another?
I know you make ranges out of Date objects so you could convert to that.

How to loop numerically + month and day over the past X years?

I need to loop through all of the days and months for the past couple decades numerically as well as to have the name of the month and day for each date. Obviously a few series of loops can accomplish this, but I wanted to know the most concise ruby-like way to accomplish this.
Essentially I'd need output like this for each day over the past X years:
3 January 2011 and 1/3/2011
What's the cleanest approach?
Dates can work as a range, so it's fairly easy to iterate over a range. The only real trick is how to output them as a formatted string, which can be found in the Date#strftime method, which is documented here.
from_date =, 1, 1)
to_date =, 1, 10)
(from_date..to_date).each { |d| puts d.strftime("%-d %B %Y and %-m/%-d/%Y") }
# => 1 January 2011 and 1/1/2011
# => 2 January 2011 and 1/2/2011
# => ...
# => 9 January 2011 and 1/9/2011
# => 10 January 2011 and 1/10/2011
(Note: I recall having some bad luck a ways back with unpadded percent formats like %-d in Windows, but if the above doesn't work and you want them unpadded in that environment you can remove the dash and employ your own workarounds.)
Given start_date & end_date:
(start_date..end_date).each do |date|
# do things with date
as David said, this is possible because of Date#succ. You can use Date#strftime to get the date in any format you'd like.
See if you can construct a Range where the min and max are Date objects, then call .each on the range. If the Date object supports the succ method this should work.
