Function Create but Statement is Ignored - oracle

Hello everyone, please help me again!
I could create the function but when I execute it, I always get the following error. Line 1, column 7 (I guess it's datatype of parameter) and statement ignored! :(

What you are using is to execute a function. Either assign the result to a variable or run sql query using dual
x varachar2(100);
x := fct1('dd');
Alternatively you can also use
select fct1('dd') from dual;


How to Declare, Populate and Use a Variable using Oracle PL/SQL

I swear this has been asked so many times previously, yet I cannot seem to apply other examples to my use case:
First things first, this query will be executed as part of an Informatica SQL Source Qualifier, and in some circumstances, be passed-through from an SQL Server OpenQuery statement, so please be mindful of this, and
that SQL Plus will not be used be used; Oracle SQL Developer is used only for code development.
My history is primarily SQL Server & Teradata, but as the title suggests, I now have a requirement where I need to declare, populate and use a variable in Oracle, all within the same procedure. Not SP, so no In/Out declarations
In SQL Server, this code will work as expected (line numbers added for clarity):
1. Declare #MaxDate Int
3. With f_data (cal_period) As (Select 201904 As cal_period)
5. Select #MaxDate = Max(cal_period) From f_data
7. Select
8. Case
9. When (#MaxDate%100) < 12 Then #MaxDate+1
10. Else (#MaxDate+100) - ((#MaxDate%100)-1)
11. End As dt
Line 1: These are YYYYMM date periods defined as int
Line 3: I am using an inline view (CTE) here for illustration, and to
make it easier for you to copy and paste, but in reality, this is
actually a physical control table, so would not normally be visible in the
Line 5: Populates the parameter (SQL Server prefixes parameters with
the at symbol) with the single-value resultset
Line 7-11: Is simply the logic to progress the period by one, the
percentage-mark in SQL Server is the Modulus function, Oracle is
written as Mod(#MaxDate,100)
For those unfamiliar with SQL Server, it does not need a reference table such as Dual ("Sys.Dual") in order to execute the query, such that for Oracle a "From Dual" statement is necessary on the missing Line 12
My requirement is essentially a carbon-copy of the above T-SQL, so I need to declare a one-time use variable, to populate that variable with the results of an SQL query, and then to use this variable in a transformation - the result of which is captured to an Informatica and SSIS variable for later use.
So far, I have tried declaring a variable, this seemed to work (by which I mean it didn't return an error):
Declare MaxPeriod Int;
Select 201904 Into MaxPeriod From Dual;
And populating from an SQL statement is also showing as successfully completed:
Declare MaxPeriod Int;
Select Max(MaxPeriodVal) Into MaxPeriod From CtrlTable;
Although I can't seem to get beyond this to actually test the variable as put.line statements fail, as do simple Case checks:
Declare MaxPeriod Int;
Select 201904 Into MaxPeriod From Dual;
When 201904 = MaxPeriod Then 'Match'
Else 'No Match'
End As dteChk
From Dual;
I have attempted to prefix the MaxPeriod in the check with a colon, and, to have prefixed,suffixed/both with an ampersand eg :MaxPeriod; &MaxPeriod; MaxPeriod&; &MaxPeriod&
All of which failed.
The basic issue is a variable scope problem. You're declaring MaxPeriod within the context of a PL/SQL anonymous block, so it will disappear (fall out of scope) when the block ends on line 4.
You could put your entire query inside the PL/SQL block, but there's not an easy way to return an entire result set from a PL/SQL block, so I don't think you want that.
I don't know how your Oracle driver handles native queries, but this might work:
var MaxPeriod number; -- bind variable declared as global scope for this script
Begin -- one of several ways to assign values to bind variables
:MaxPeriod := 201904;
When 201904 = :MaxPeriod Then 'Match'
Else 'No Match'
End As dteChk
From Dual;
If the var syntax doesn't work for you to declare a SQL bind variable, then you may have to look into some other way of passing a bind variable for the query string. You could probably pass a null value (for a number datatype, anyway) and then overwrite it in the SQL script.
Alternately, in your original example code, I think I'd use a CTE or an inline view instead of a variable anyway.
With f_data As (Select 201904 As cal_period from dual)
When Mod(MaxDate,100) < 12 Then MaxDate+1
Else (MaxDate+100) - (Mod(MaxDate,100)-1)
End As dt
from (Select Max(cal_period) as MaxDate From f_data) mp
You can use substitution variable using define in sql*plus as following.
Define MaxPeriod := 201904
When &MaxPeriod = MaxPeriod Then 'Match'
Else 'No Match'
End As dteChk
From Dual;

How to retrieve values post-execution of PL/SQL stored procedure?

Im very new to oracle database stuff. There is a PL/SQL proceedure which someone else wrote and is stored on the database I am accessing. I want my program to execute it and retrieve the result. Execution is working. I cannot retrieve the result however. Obviously I am not doing it right, but I cannot find the right way in the documentation.
Here is the gist of the stored procedure (with extraneous lines removed)
valid BOOLEAN;
-- do some stuff to see if the drawing is valid
IF <some stuff> THEN
valid := TRUE;
valid := FALSE;
My program issues the following commands to the database to execute and retrieve the return.
BEGIN ISDRAWINGVALID( <drawingnumber> ); END;
The first line works fine, the proceedure executes and has the desired effect.
The second line returns an error, invalid identifier "ISDRAWINGVALID.valid"
Clearly i am not using the right way to retrieve the value. Can someone please clue me in?
As you present the problem, there is no way to get the result.
If you can get the procedure as a function instead, you can call it directly in the select statement.
Otherwise you would have to take a long detour to solve it, involving a result table or a pl/sql package with a result function and a package variable.
The procedure you have there has been made to be called from other pl/sql code - not in a select query.
I think I might be wrong after all.
In Java you can create a prepared statement with a call, and pick up the return value directly as a result-set.
Check this out and come back with the result:
Sorry if you are not using Java, I was not able to see what you are using.
Use a function and return a NUMBER to be used in SQL:
valid NUMBER;
IF <some stuff> THEN
valid := 1;
valid := 0;
RETURN valid;
Use from PL/SQL:
valid NUMBER;
valid := ISDRAWINGVALID( <drawingnumber> );
Use from SQL:

calling a function from a stored procedure in oracle

Usually we use Select function(param) from dual to retrieve a value from function. I am trying to get a value from a function in a stored procedure in oracle. But it's getting Syntax error. The code is like this
voucher_no := select Func_Voucher_No_Gen (vc_comp_code,vou_dt,'JN') from dual;
Can anyone suggest what's wrong ? thanks in advance.
Direct assignment,
voucher_no := Func_Voucher_No_Gen (vc_comp_code,vou_dt,'JN') ;
should do the job.
select Func_Voucher_No_Gen (vc_comp_code,vou_dt,'JN') into voucher_no from dual;

Print varchar in Pro*c from Oracle Procedure

I need get the output of a VARCHAR2 variable in PRO*C. This variable comes from a Oracle procedure. This is the thing:
This work fine,
TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') INTO :d_fecha_ejecucion FROM
sprintf(c_msg,"--->FECHA EJECUCIÓN: [%s]",(char *)d_fecha_ejecucion.arr);
But when I try to get a variable (VARCHAR SV_desc_error) from procedure like this:
PACKAGE.PROCEDURE_PR(:SN_num_ev, :SN_cod_msjerror,:SV_desc_error);
SV_desc_error.len = (unsigned short)strlen((char *)SV_desc_error.arr);
sprintf(c_msg,"--->Out PACKAGE.PROCEDURE_PR(SN_num_ev: [%d],SN_cod_msjerror: [%d],SV_desc_error: [%s])",SN_num_evento,SN_cod_msjerror,(char *)SV_desc_error.arr);
Don't work...the variable return empty
I test with a anonymous block and works...
So, who i can get this variable?
In your code, you are setting "bzero" AFTER your code execution, which should be wiping out any value you might have returned.
Correct this and rerun.

Simple Oracle variable SQL Assignment

Despite having spent an hour researching I can't seem to figure out how to correctly define a variable and then use it in your SQL.
This is what I have so far produced:
DECLARE startDate DATE := to_date('03/11/2011', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
of which I get the reply:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 63: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol
"end-of-file" when expecting one of the following:
begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use form current
Details: DECLARE startDate DATE := to_date('03/11/2011',
'dd/mm/yyyy'); Error at line 1 ORA-06550: line 1, column 63:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of
the following:
begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use form current
I'd love to find out how to do such a simple task!
Your variable declaration is correct.
The DECLARE keyword is used to define variables scoped in a PL/SQL block (whose body is delimited by BEGIN and END;). How do you want to use this variable?
The following PL/SQL works fine for me:
startDate DATE := to_date('03/11/2011', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
reccount INTEGER;
SELECT count(*) INTO reccount
FROM my_table tab
WHERE tab.somedate < startDate;
You can also use the DEFINE statement to use simple string substitution variables. They are suitable for a client like SQL/PLUS or TOAD.
DEFINE start_date = "to_date('03/11/2011', 'dd/mm/yyyy')"
SELECT COUNT(*) from my_table tab where tab.some_date < &start_date;
To accomplish what you're attempting in Toad, you don't need to declare the variable at all. Simply include your variable prefaced with a colon and Toad will prompt you for the variable's value when you execute the query. For example:
select * from all_tables where owner = :this_is_a_variable;
If this doesn't work initially, right-click anywhere in the editor and make sure "Prompt for Substitution Variables" is checked.
If you really want to do it similarly to the way SQL Server handles variables (or you want to be able to do the same thing in SQL*Plus), you can write it as follows:
var this_is_a_variable varchar2(30);
exec :this_is_a_variable := 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME';
print this_is_a_variable;
select * from all_tables where owner = :this_is_a_variable;
However, to make this work in Toad, you'll need to run it through "Execute as script", rather than the typical "Execute statement" command.
Take in mind that Oracle's PL/SQL is not SQL.
PL/SQL is a procedural language. SQL is not procedural, but you can define "variables" the user can enter via the "&var" syntax (see
This is an old post, but in case anyone stumbles on this (as I just did), you can handle this with a CTE:
with params as (
select date '2011-11-03' as startdate
from dual
select . . .
from params cross join
. . .
Almost the same syntax works in SQL Server (minus the date-specific stuff and from dual).
DEF startDate = to_date('03/11/2011', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
Select &startDate from dual;
