Here are my scripts:
go to webpage(record the token for login),
got to webpage(record the token for logout)
log out,
When I run this thread with 1 VU, it works fine.
But when I run with 2+ VU, one of the user always failed with error="invalid token".
I checked the token which was passed correctly--means user1 has its token, and user2 has its token. I could not figure out why the test results fail at this stage. I added constant timer, throughput timer but nothing helped.
When I run with 6 VU, the results varies more--sometimes 3 VU are successful, sometimes only 1 is successful. I can't find the pattern. Could anyone please help me here? I know my pc is not a good loadrun server, but I am talking about only run 2-6 threads, why does it fail with such little threads?
First of all try adding a HTTP Cookie Manager to see if errors are session/cookie based.
If it won't solve your issue try recording your request several times, detect which tokens are being dynamic and get them by not recording but with a Regular Expression Extractor
I finally figure it out--> the token should have "encoded" checked in the parameter place. I got answers from this link:
I am new to JMeter and trying to learn JMeter by doing performance testing for one of the application in my organization.
I am facing the blow issue with the concurrent execution of a single thread for multiple users.
Base URL:
Complete URL :{RandomSesionID}/Account/Login
I've create a Thread with HTTP Requests as show below.
Thread Group
Hit Base URL
It Loads Login URL
Post Credentials and Click Login
Navigate to Landing Page(baseURL/{RandomSessionID}/Main/Home)
Click Logout(It will navigate to BaseURL/{RandomSessionID}/Main/Home)
When I let the thread count to its default value 1, Everything is working fine. However , The moment I set it to more than 1 (with ramp up time to 10sec), below thing happening.
User 2--->
Hit Base URL
Get The Login URL
Post The Credential
It again goes back to Request 2 (Get The Login URL)
and all the steps of the user are getting redirected to the second request irrespective of what I am requesting.
I tried organizing everything into Simple Controllers to see if the sequence will remain for all users but no avail, I am still running into the same issue.
please help me to understand what is going wrong here and how I can resolve these errors to test the application with more concurrency.
I did a further investigation on this issue from my end and here are the observations I had.
Case 1: When I create two separate JMeter instances and run the same test parallel with different users, The Thread completely successfully without any errors.
Case 2: Wile Running the Thread with 2 users as mentioned above, The second HTTP request for BaseURL:/Home/Main redirecting the request to /Account/Main instead of going to the next step as shown below.
Image 1 :All The HTTPRequests In Order
Image 2 : This Is the Navigation Request For User 1
Image 3 :User 2 Hitting /Home/Main and Getting Redirected To /Account/Login As Response
Image 4 : User 2 Hitting /Home/Main and Got /Home/Main response
Image 5: User 2 Hitting The /Home/Main and Getting Redirected in Response
As you can see in Image 1, Those are the series of requests which I am making through the thread group and these requests are the same for all the users in the thread.
In Image 2, You can see /Home/Main is a Single GET request with a valid /Home/Main response without any issues.
However, In the Subsequent Images 3-5, You could see that the GET /Home/Main-134 making sub-request and 134-0 and 134-1 with 134-0 to GET /Home/Main and 134-1 to GET /Account/Login.
My Observation: I doubt that JMeter is using a single tab/ instance of the browser and hitting those web requests in the same tab where the first request was initiated. Due to which for the second user, it is always redirecting to the Login Page even though the session ID is valid.
To Confirm whether what I observed is correct, I tried replicating the same scenario in the Chrome Browser as mentoined below.
1. Open Chrome broswer and Access the Base URL.
2. Login and Navigate to Home/Main
3. Now In the same Tab, Type BaseURL and It redirected me to the Login page.
4. Now Enter Credentials of User 2 and login and nvaigate to Home/Main.
5. Now I Try accessing the firt User URL by going back by 3-4 tabs.
However, This won't replicate the exact steps as we are using the browser normally whereas in the requests, we are directly hitting the urls with the GET/POST requests.
I am in a fix and unable to understand what I should do to get through this issue.I am not even sure whether it is the issue with the Application or issue with the Jmeter.
Are there any setting in JMeter which will make sure each Thread (user) of the Thread group gets the option to have a dedicated request instead of using the single instance of the browser internally ?
My expectation is that your It again going back to Request 2 statement is wrong.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down (or according to Logic Controllers)
So most probably your Get The Login URL is being executed by the second user and given the label of the request is the same you cannot distinguish which user is executing which sampler.
You can add i.e. __threadNum() function as the postfix for the request label like:
Hit Base URL user: ${__threadNum}
this way you will get the information regarding which virtual user is executing which request at each moment of time:
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article to learn more about JMeter Functions concept
I am passing a token that I have received while using the logging API in Http Header Manager as "Authorization : Bearer 'the token that I received'" in Jmeter and then testing another API which needs that token. It's going fine when I am running the request for one thread(user). But as soon as I'm increasing the no. of threads to 2 or 3, I am not able to get a response as it says, "Tokens cannot be shared. Please create a new token". Is there any way where I can login for two users and get different tokens and then pass the respective tokens for those two users separately to perform different tasks. And can this process be automated as I am trying to test for multiple users? Thanks in advance.
My Test Plan Looks like this:
Test Plan
My Http Header Manager Looks Like this:
enter image description here
My Regular Expression Extractor Looks Like this:
enter image description here
If I receive my token response like this
What should my regular expression be like?
Am I following the procedures properly?
I tried to mimic your request and it seems like your regular expression extractor is not under the Login request and hence it is causing issue.
Try to put it under login instead at the same level as shown below:-
I hope it solves your problem, but if not, do share the error logs as I can see there are some errors reported in the top right hand "yellow" warning sign.
I'm new to using Jmeter tool.
I have recorded my application using blazemeter (v3.1) and then trying to run that .jmx file in Jmeter, however I am running into an authorization issue and the script fails to run.
I have also tried setting my "HTTP Authorization Manager" with username, url, password but it does not help. If anyone can, please guide me on this Issue. Thanks.
As per 4 Things You Should Never Do with Your JMeter Script article:
Don’t run the script exactly as you recorded it
After recording your script, there is still some work to do before you run it. It’s necessary to correlate variables, parameterize and add elements, to faithfully simulate users.
There are too many ways of possible authentication implementation in your application, most probably you need to send some dynamic value along with credentials which can be fetched from the previous request.
Record your test scenario 2 times and compare recorded requests. Be careful as differences might be in response headers and URL, not only in response data. It makes sense to add View Results Tree listener directly to HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - this way you will be able to see what data is captured by JMeter and amend its configuration so simulated request would look exactly like the request from the real browser.
Attached is the snapI am trying to run jmeter for single user with value of 10 in loop controller , I first login into the app and then subsequently uses the CSRF token accordingly for future request .The login is always successful and generates CSRF token, But when i try to use CSRF token for future request , I get unauthorized HTTP 401 reponse code , when running with value 10 in loop controller for single user , the same works when i try to run single user with value 1 in loop controller , Any idea how to fix this? (Note :- All this is present in same thread Group)
Well-behaved JMeter test should be able to loop single user without any problem, most likely you have a problem with your test design or mismatch with the application under test behaviour. General recommendation would look like:
First of all switch to iterations on Thread Group level, JMeter configuration elements don't respect iterations originated from elsewhere as "iterations"
Add Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener to your Test Plan
Run your test with 1 user and 2 loops
Inspect request and response details, identify missing/extra/different parameters and fix them. See How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script for more details on JMeter test troubleshooting techniques.
Blind shot: your test includes login request and the virtual user is already logged in therefore it doesn't require login on 2nd loop. In this case you have 2 options:
Put the logic which needs to be executed only 1 time under Once Only Controller
If you use HTTP Cookie Manager be aware that Clear cookies each iteration works only on Thread Group-level iterations
I am trying to automate testing of a web application.
I have recorded the test using JMeter proxy template (JMeter version is 3.2) and couple of times when I ran the test in the JMeter it ran properly but after sometime only some part runs properly.
Following are the steps I am doing:
Hitting the URL
Logging into the application
changing some feature in the application
and so on.
All the steps ran perfectly first few times but then after that only till login everything runs properly.
Just to be sure I tried passing the jsessionid from the first request to the next requests using the Regular "Expression Extractor". I can see in the View Results Tree that jsessionid is passed properly but next page after the step two still takes me into the login screen.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
I have attached screenshot for better understanding:
The response header of logged in page includes a sessionid which is used by another request while logging in.
All the sessionID are properly maintained still after logging in the next page takes me to the login page instead displaying what was done next in the recording.
When it comes to load testing of JSF-based web applications you need to take care at least of the following dynamic parameters:
JSESSIONID is a normal HTTP cookie so it is quite enough to add a HTTP Cookie Manager to deal with it
javax.faces.Viewstate is client state management mechanism which also acts as a security token to verify user's origin. So you will need to properly correlate it, i.e. extract from previous response using one of JMeter PostProcessors, store into a JMeter Variable and add as a parameter to the next request. Remember to do this for each and every request.
There might be more application specific dynamic parameters, the easiest way of detecting them is recording the same request (or scenario) 2 times, compare the recorded scripts, detect and work around the differences.