Svn2Rally Connector Extension - ruby

I have used the latest connector from Rally and set it up with Task Scheduler to run periodically. It works well, however I have encountered problems when trying to extend it.
Within the config.yml file used, there is an UpdateArtifactState flag that I believe, when set to True, will make use of the statex.rb file. This file handles how the commit message from SVN is parsed. It is here that I find my problem;
I want to extend the connector to allow for the # symbol to be included in the Rally task identifier (DE55555 -> #DE5555 for example). However, upon testing this file does not seem to be used.
Question: if my assumption is correct, and the statex.rb file is merely an example and not used in execution, how can I extend the Rally Connector to pick up tags the way I see fit?

You may try the following:
make a new Ruby class and put it in to the extension subdirectory.
Example: extension/my_state_extractor.rb
in this file he has a class defined as 'MyStateExtractor'
Pattern your file from the statex.rb file.
Then, in your config in the Rally section, you'll need an entry of
StateExtractorClass : MyStateExtractor(message)
Customarily this entry will follow the entry for UpdateArtifactState : True


How to add custom information model XML.file to server and run It?

I'm currently working on open62541. I created one object XML file. now I want to add the file to server and try to run server. when server runs the XML file contain objects should be show on opcua-client application.
In 3 steps:
you need a nodeset.xml file
use cmake command to generate source code from it
call a function in your executable
I do not know what kind of "XML" file you have.
I would assume you have a valid nodeset.xml file.
if you do not know how to do it,you can try read this:
personally i suggest to use a GUI tool for that (e.g. free opc ua modeler)
Then you should use following custom CMake commands provides by open62541
# Generate types and namespace for DI
NAME "di" # the name you want
FILE_BSD "${UA_NODESET_DIR}/DI/Opc.Ua.Di.Types.bsd"
FILE_NS "${UA_NODESET_DIR}/DI/Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2.xml"
after build, you would find bunches of ua_xxxx_generated.c and ua_xxxx——generated.h file under build/src_generated folder.
Then in your programm code just include these headers and call
please refer to
There are rich example and codes for that

check if file exist on Sharepoint Online by File Name with Power Automate

I am trying to create a flow in Power Automate Cloud that allows me to extract some files from Google Drive and copy them to a Sharepoint folder. But before copying it, it has to check by the file name, that the file does not already exist in the sharepoint folder. I have managed to do the whole flow, except the checking.
I would be very grateful for your help.
Thank you very much. Best regards.
A File exists action doesn't currently exist but you can use the Get file metadata using path action from the SharePoint connector to do the same sort of thing.
This flow below shows you an example of what you can do ...
For demonstration purposes, I've created an array with a list of file names (full path required) that I will then test the existence for.
One of those files doesn't exist.
I then loop through each one of those and try and get the metadata for each file.
If the resulting statusCode from the call to get the metadata is not equal to 200, then we know the file doesn't exist.
Examples ...
To make this work however, you need to make sure that the Condition step will execute after the metadata call no matter what the result.
Do this by making sure the Configure run after settings are correct ...
So after all of that, all you need to do is deal with the true and false sections of the condition.

How to add prefix in URI while loading XQuery file using ml-gradle

I am using gradle 6.8 and MarkLogic version is 10.0-5.2,
My XQuery code is in directory \ml-gradle\src\main\common. When I run the command mlLoadModules to load XQuery into the modules database it loads with default URI /common/test.xqy.
I want to add some prefix to the URIs e.g. /rsc/common/test.xqy. How can I achieve that?
Note: I don't want to create an extra folder in my source for prefix "rsc".
It's not supported, though you could write a custom Gradle task to change the URI to whatever you like.
Why do you not want to create an "rsc" folder above "common"? I think other developers would find it much more intuitive that "rsc/common/test.xqy" becomes "/rsc/common/test.xqy" when loaded, rather than "common/test.xqy" becomes "rsc/common/test.xqy", which begs the question - where is "rsc" coming from? And then that developer would need to understand what property / custom code is adding that "rsc".

I am looking for code policy enforcement tool for xml and Python

I have projects that are developed with xml and python code mostly (Odoo modules). There is a bit of .po files for translation and csv fields for data.
I would like to enforce specific policies in xml files, for example:
No duplicate id attributes.
A specific attribute must be present if child elements contain a specific tags.
On python, I want to enforce rules like:
Look for SQL queries, and make sure that they use specific parameter methods to prevent SQL injection
Follow a specific naming convention
Some attributes are required in classes that inherit a specific class
I hope that the idea is clear.
Is there any open source solution for this? Preferably linked with github and checks on every commit!
I found a python package made specifically for this, pylint-odoo, here.
It can also be installed with pip install pylint-odoo.
An example .pylintrc config file can be found at the web OCA module, here. They also have another file named .pylintrc-mandatory.
There is even a warning for duplicate xml id attribute W7902.

See parameters that are overridden from TeamCity template

Is there a way to see TeamCity configurations that override parameter defined in template?
I don't think so. What's worked for me in the past was to search through the project files on the filesystem. If you have many build configs, this will be faster than opening each of them in the GUI.
Search for something like this:
<param name="myParamInheritedFromTemplate" value="myOverrideValue" />
in <TeamCity data directory>/config/projects/**/*.xml. If it's absent in an XML file, that build config just inherits the value. If it's present, it overrides it.
It's hacky but it's quick.
There is a feature request, please vote. Current workaround are to either search the raw XML files with the settings stored under TeamCity Data Directory on the server as #sferencik suggested, or use REST API to get settings of all the build configurations and search for the parameter there. Let me know if you need help on any of these.
