Report Builder Month Function - reportbuilder3.0

In report builder how to filter a date field to get the current month? I'm looking for something equivalent to the Today() function (that gets you just today values).
Actually when I use, I get today date returned. I would like something like that for the current month instead of the current date.

Try this ,where i am getting the month value from the date of birth field.


Filter a field with timestamp (datetime) to get rows that does not contain today's date in Django

I have a Django model with a timestamp field. I want to filter and get the number of rows that does not contain today's date. The timestamp field contains the date, time, and time zone.
I understand that to get rows with today's date, we do the following:
Thank you.
.exclude returns the inverse of .filter, so it would be
Django docs

Compare a date column to today's date in dax im not getting the correct output as required

I have column datetimesent through which I will get to know that the schedule is gone for today, so I'm trying to write if else query where if datetimesent is today's date then schedule running else false.
My existing column is is in date format I need to compare it with inbuilt today/now function, but they are in datetime format, I'm not getting the output correct
You can use DATE() function to build date from your timestamp
for example:

How i can get weekend date by giving specific date in laravel?

I am trying to get weekend date of 17-03-2021
Currently in am getting weekend date of current week i want to get by specific date.
If Carbon::now()->endOfWeek()->format('d-m-Y') is doing what you want, just not with a specific date, then parse the date you want to base this from:
Also consider ->nextWeekendDay() and ->previousWeekendDay() as ways to access the weekend.

Get Month, Year or Day from a Date and Time Field in Jira for a Filter Query

I'm trying to make a filter in Jira like this:
issueType = MyIssueType ORDER BY YearOfDate(dueDateAndTime), MonthOfDate(duDateAndTime), DayOfDate(duDateAndTime), priority, dueDateAndTime
This would order all the tasks by the day of year, then priority, then by the actual time of day of the due date.
dueDateAndTime is a "custom field" of type "date and time" where you can pick the day and the exact hour of day.
Is there a way to extract the day, year or month from that kind of field?
JQL doesn't provide a possibility to extract specific parts from a datetime.
Does issuetype = MyIssueType ORDER BY dueDateAndTime ASC not work?
It would be possible in SQL, There is a plugin for that:
You would use regular SQL syntax:
SELECT * FROM ISSUES GROUP BY YEAR(dueDateAndTime), MONTH(dueDateAndTime), DAY(dueDateAndTime);
Hope it helps.

Report builder how to filter current month

In report builder how to filter a date field to get the current month?
I'm looking for something equivalent to the Today() function ( that gets you just today values.
Thanks a Lot for your help.
