How do I view last pages output in debugger - debugging

I have events set to fire throughout the website on button and link clicks etc.
For this particular button, on click, the page loads, displays for a second the GA Debugg output and then redirects to a new page before I've had a chance to read the output from the button click event.
Is there a way in GA Debugger to view the last pages output?

I'd suggest installing the ObservePoint plugin - you can enable a "persistent" mode that won't clear the console on page refresh.
ObservePoint doesn't format the GA params as nicely as the debugger, but it's serviceable.


Loading Icon While Page Loads

I would like to add in coding to change my "next" button into a "loading" Gif while it loads the next page. Apologies for the ignorant question but does that code go in the current page with the "next" button or does it go in the page to be loaded ? Essentially i would like it to display in the current page as the new page to be loaded looks completely different.
So in short, button says "next", they click it, it says "loading" once the new page is complete it must then reroute to that page.
Thanks in advance.

xamarin - apply consistent navigation across all content page

I am developing an APP using Xamarin, i trying to apply an consistent navigation system for my app.
I have used xamarin master detail navigation and binded the master page with few details page through ObservableCollection list.
My default details page is again a tabbled page. Within Tabled page on click of some button i need open some content page which are not part of master page.
What i want is- any conent page should open within the master page means from any content page master page's header and left sliding menu should be easily available to user.
I am tryng to bind master page from content page on runtime but no luck yet. Please help.
====updating my query for better understanding===
1. Sample master details page look like below
Click on item 1 open page 1 with sliding icon on left side of page title
Click on "GO TO PAGE 3" open page 3 with navigation back button. I think as this page is not bind to master page it shows normal back button. Basically i want to replace this navigation back button with "master detail" sliding button in every page those are not part of master page.
Please let me know how to replace navigation back button icon and behavior with master detail sliding button. I know following line of code can be used to open sliding menu but do not know how to hook the back button even.
(App.Current.MainPage as MasterDetailPage).IsPresented = true;

How to Fire a GTM Trigger when opening links in new Browser Tab or Window

I discovered a strange anomaly with GTM event Triggers.
I am capturing event clicks on PDF documents on my web pages and triggering an event record to my Google Analytics. The trigger is shown in the attached screen shot.
(1) when you click a PDF document on the web page (link does not contain a target="_blank" attribute in the html markup), the PDF opens in the current tab and a GA event is recorded -- "success".
(2) when you right-click a PDF document on the web page (link does not contain a target="_blank" attribute in the html markup), and open the link in a new tab or a new window, the PDF opens and a GA event is NOT recorded -- "NO success".
How can I adjust my GTM trigger to successfully capture and record event clicks opened in new tabs and new windows?
I've run into this before, and never found a solution; I think it's just the nature of the way GTM tracks people.
Every click on the web page triggers the click listener, which quickly identifies the DOM element you were clicking on, and sends a small packet of data to GTM.
However, right clicking is not the same thing, and doesn't trigger this behavior. The menu that then appears is not part of the web page, so a click on there won't be noticed by GTM.
I can think of two ways around this; the first would be to write your own click listener that listens for right clicks. Simo Ahava has some great advice about this. The issue here is that, unlike a regular click, a right click doesn't guarantee that somebody will travel through a link.
The other would be to put custom code into either your buttons or your links that would allow you to track them without relying on the click listener in the first place. However, I suspect that this would be a lot more trouble than it's worth.
Because right-clicking and opening in a new tab is not a "click" in the eyes of JavaScript. It is however an event that can be tracked. It will require the use of jQuery and a GTM Variable that is Custom JavaScript.
This post has decent instructions on tracking it.
How to Track "Open New Tab" traffic in Google Analytics

Displaying a .pdf in WebBroser WP7

I have an application which has a listbox. When an item in the list is clicked the app takes us to a new page with a web browser which displays the contents of that particular item (we get these from a particular list which is previously parsed xml data) in a web browser (because they also contain html elements). This all works perfectly fine.
Now, there are a few items in the list which contain a link. The link displays in the browser and when clicked it takes us to a .pdf file (still in the webbrowser) which is not being displayed.
What I now wonder is:
How to check if the link is being clicked? Is there an event for that?
How can I display the .pdf within the webbrowser control without the aid of other application?
Thank you,
Should you need any code that's currently working and written just ask.
To know if the link is clicked, you can use the Navigating event of the webbrowser.
Unfortunately, you can't use the webbrowser to display the PDF. You'll have to use a WebBrowserTask instead.
To sum it up, in your case you can use the Navigating event to detect the click on the link (since it's apparently important from you), then cancel the navigation (by setting e.Cancel = true in the event handler), then call the WebBrowserTask to display the PDF document.

ASP CascadingDropDown control does not reload on postback

I have a web form page that contains two modes: View and Edit. When in view mode, I do not load the CascadingDropDown control. When in edit mode, I do load the CascadingDropDown control.
When in edit mode, the user also has the ability to click another edit button to enable a set of checkboxes and then click update. Clicking these buttons while in edit mode causes the web form to be posted back to the server for process. When the form is redisplayed (still in edit mode) some dropdowns have values to choose and others have nothing. I programatically create the cascading drop down controls in the pre-render phase ever time the page is loaded. I noticed the AjaxControlToolkit script code is not in the output HTML when the user posts back but it is the first time they come into this page.
Seems like I need a way to get the Toolkit to load its scripts after postback? I cannot use update panels either because new dropdowns are added after postback.
