Spring WS : Start Endpoint at startup - spring

I'm using Spring WS to create WebService following by the link here
And dynamic wsdl following by the setting here in web.xml
I would like to ask is that possible to create Endpoint bean on startup time rather than waiting client to call on the endpoint url ?

Even if I set annotation #Lazy(false), Endpoint bean will be initialised only when client call to the web service address which I believe it's the normal behaviour. I'll use workaround solution by putting "curl" script to call url on deployment to make sure that every beans are initialised before making any request


load one dispatcher servlet after another

I have a scenario where we have two dispatcher servlet in our web.xml file.
One of the dispatcher servlet mentioned below have very minimal beans and starts quickly and pass health check and notifies the load balancer thats its ready to serve traffic.
</servlet> here
The other dispatcher servlet is heavyweight and has lots of beans and takes almost 1~2 min to initialize.
we want to make sure the first dispatcher only sends a request to load balancer thats its ready to serve traffic once all the spring beans are initialized in the second dispatcher.
some solution which i have on top of my head is
Let the content controller implements InitializingBean and in the afterPropertiesSet() method is fired set a flag as true and expose that as a JMX property.
The healthcheck controller will first check the property exposed as a jmx bean and only send signal to load balancer that its ready to server traffic only if the flag is true.
Is there a way i can defer loading of bean in healthcheck controller by like 2 min or so.
any advice ideas

Difference between "dispatcherServlet" and "appServlet" in spring MVC

Difference between "dispatcherServlet" and "appServlet" in spring MVC. Can I get any samples or references?
Technically both are HttpServlet implementation to handle incoming requests. DispatcherServlet is Spring provided servlet implemenation having all essential features like exception handling ..
You have to just write your Request mappers ,it will handle all request.
AppServlet is nothing different, just your implementation for specific handling of requests.
Both will work in same way .If you dont have any specific handling than you can just go with Spring DispatcherServlet.
For example..
<!-- Custom Servlet -->
For reference of DispatcherServlet you can see http://www.mkyong.com/spring-mvc/spring-mvc-hello-world-example/
to understand this, you can have a look on below configuration :
In above configuration DispatcherServlet is the servlet class provided by spring framework.
The job of the DispatcherServlet is to take an incoming URI and find the
right combination of handlers (generally methods on Controller classes)
and views (generally JSPs) that combine to form the page or resource
that's supposed to be found at that location.
while appServlet is the custom name given by you in your web.xml file.

Understanding spring dispatcher servlet initialization

Here is how spring documentation recomends to initialize dispatcherServlet:
My question is about providing an empty param-value inside the init-param tag. Despite defining that param as context-param we still provide the empty value. Therefore contextConfigLocation should be null when passes to servlet's init() method. What's wrong, correct me please.
In Spring Web Applications, there are two types of container, each of which is configured and initialized differently.
Application Context
Web Application Context
Application context is inialised by config file's that you specified in as context-params and picked up by ContextLoaderListener. This is purely i would consider as business logic related beans.
Web application context is child of application context which may or may not be present. Each DispatcherServlet will have associated WebApplicationContext and which takes spring beans from your init-params to create context.
Whatever beans are available in the ApplicationContext can be referred to from each WebApplicationContext.
Reason why we have two different bean configurations is to keep a clear separation between middle-tier services such as business logic components and data access classes (that are typically defined in the ApplicationContext) and web- related components such as controllers and view resolvers (that are defined in the WebApplicationContext per Dispatcher Servlet).

Location of groovy based bean definition configuration in a Spring MVC application

I have seen that Spring 4 has a feature to define / having a groovy file for bean definitions instead of an XML file. I already have a Spring MVC application with mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml for my bean definitions. But I want to go with Groovy based bean definition for my Spring MVC application. But, I am not sure where to place the groovy file and where do I need to refer it/ configure it to Load the bean definitions properly. Can somebody help or provide refrence?
use the GroovyWebApplicationContext ,
this is not a full example, but it is a good start

How to add a Filter in Spring (with BlazeDS)

I want to add a filter to map a specific path in URL.
My server side used Spring 2.5.x, BlazeDS (servlet) with TomCat server.
So, my web.xml file is composed like that :
<!-- Spring MVC Servlet (that will route HTTP requests to BlazeDS) -->
<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
When I start my TomCat server, an exception is catched :
[BlazeDS][ERROR] [Configuration] MessageBroker failed to start: Exception: flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException: MessageBroker already defined from MessageBrokerServlet with init parameter messageBrokerId = '_messageBroker'
at flex.messaging.MessageBroker.registerMessageBroker(MessageBroker.java:1916)
COuld you help me please ?
Thank you very much,
I believe you are loading the incorrect configuration file here...
<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
you have alreaded loaded /WEB-INF/spring-main-config.xml in the first few lines of the file
This isn't really a Flex or BlazeDS issue, it's a more basic mis-configuration of Spring.
You're configured two separate Spring app-contexts, both with the same set of bean definitions (/WEB-INF/spring-main-config.xml).
The app-context defined by the <context-param> is the app-context associated with the webapp. The app-context defined by the ` is associated with the servlet.
Since you've given the same beans file to both, it'll instantiate and initialize the same set of beans twice, and the second time seems to be failing because the MessageBroker has already been defined.
You either need to break up your bean definitions into two sets, or just remove the first one, and just use the servlet context.
