Why aren't cryptographic hash functions used in data structures? - data-structures

While some algorithms like MD5 haven't quite stood the test of time with regards to the security industry, others like the SHA family of functions have (thus far). Yet despite the discovery, or theoretical existence of collisions within their domains, cryptographic hash functions still provide an incredibly well distributed range of fixed length output mappings for data of arbitrary length and type – why aren’t they used in data structures more often? Isn’t the goal of a hash table (provided a good function) to map every input to a unique key, such that chaining, nested tables and other collision handling techniques become entirely moot? It’s certainly convenient being able to feed almost anything to a function, and know the exact length of the key you will receive! Seems like an ideal use for retired security protocols to me.

Cryptographic hash function can and are used as the hash function in hash tables. Only not so often. The drawback for the cryptographic hashes is that they are very 'expensive' in terms of processing power needed compared to the more traditional hash functions used in hash tables.
Traditional hash functions have all the characteristics that you need for a hash table, but require way less CPU cycles to perform. This has changes a bit now most chipsets include hardware acceleration for these cryptographic hashes though.
And the 'index' generated with a cryptographic hash function is too large. SO you need to trim it down by either a reduction or masking. (You don't need 16 bytes of hash table indexes ;))
All in all, they are often not worth the hassle..


Checking a given hash is in a very, very long list

I have a list of hashes. Long list. Very long list. I need to check does a given hash is in that list.
The easiest way is to store hashes in memory (in a map or a simple array) and check that. But it will require lots of RAM/SSD/HDD memory. More than a server(s) can handle.
I'm wondering is there a trick to do that in reasonable memory usage. Maybe there's an algorithm I'm not familiar with or a special collection?
Three thoughts-
Depending on the structure of these hashes, you may be able to borrow some ideas from the concept of a Rainbow Table to implicitly store some of them.
You could use a trie to compress storage for shared prefixes if you have enough hashes, however given their length and (likely) uniformity, you won't see terrific savings.
You could split the hash into multiple smaller hashes, and then use these to implement a Bloom Filter, however this a probabilistic test, so you'll still need them stored somewhere else (or able to be calculated / derived) if there's a perceived "hit", however this may enable you filter out enough "misses" that a less performant (speed-wise) data structure becomes feasible.

Is Universal family of hash functions only to prevent enemy attack?

If my intention is only to have a good hash function that spreads data evenly into all of the buckets, then I need not come up with a family of hash functions, I could just do with one good hash function, is that correct?
The purpose of having a family of hash functions is only to make it harder for the enemy to build a pathological data set as when we pick a hash function randomly, he/she has no information about which hash function is employed. Is my understanding right?
Since someone is trying to close as unclear; This question is to know the real purpose of employing a Universal family of hash functions.
I could just do with one good hash function, is that correct?
As you note later in your question, an "enemy" who knows which hash function you're using could prepare a pathological data set.
Further, hashing is just the first stage in storing data into your table's buckets - if you're implementing open addressing / closed hashing, you also need to select alternative buckets to probe after collisions: simple approaches like linear and quadratic probing generally provide adequate collision avoidance, and are likely mathematically simpler and therefore faster than rehashing, but they don't maintain a probability of the next probe finding an unused bucket at the load factor. Rehashing with another good hash function (including another from a family of such functions) does, so if that's important to you you may prefer to use a family of hash functions.
Note too that sometimes an in-memory hash table is used to say at which offsets/sectors on disk data is stored, so extra rehashing calculations with already-in-memory data may be far more appealing than a higher probability (with linear/quadratic probing) of waiting on disk I/O only to find another collision.

Hashes: Tables, Lists and Maps, Oh My?

I've been trying to find some concrete (laymen; non super-academic) definitions for the various types of hash data structures, specifically hash tables, hash lists and hash maps. Online searches provide many useful links to all of these, but never give clear definitions of when it is appropriate to use each over the others.
(1) From a practical standpoint, what's the difference between these 3?
(2) How do their operations' run times differ? Are there clear instances when one should be used or avoided over the other types of hashes?
(3) How do each of these relate back to the Map ADT? Are they all just different implementations of it, or different beasts altogether?
Thanks for any insight here!
There's an abstract data structure that contains mapping between keys and values. It has several different names, including Map, Dictionary, Table, Association Table, and more.
The most basic operations that should be supported by this data-structure are adding, removing and retrieving a value, given its associated key. There are variations and additions around this basic concept - for instance, some structures support iterating over all the key-value pairs, some structures support multiple values per key, etc. There's also a difference in time and space complexity between the various implementations.
Of the multiple implementations available for this data structure, some of the most popular ones utilize hash functions for fast access times. Those implementations are sometimes called by the name Hash Table or Hash Map, you can read more about them in Wikipedia. The performance also varies between hash table implementations, with some reaching amortized O(1) insertion and access complexity (for the price of a lot of space used).
A hash list, on the other hand, is a different thing, and is more about the usage of a data structure, than its actual structures. A hash list is usually just a regular list of hash values, nothing special about it. It's used when verifying the integrity of a large piece of data - in that case it allows various data chunks to be verified independently, allowing for fixing or retrieving of just the bad chunks. This is as opposed to using a single hash value to hash the entire piece of data, in which case a failure means all the data has to be fixed or retrieved again.

Ideal hashing method for wide distribution of values?

As part of my rhythm game that I'm working, I'm allowing users to create and upload custom songs and notecharts. I'm thinking of hashing the song and notecharts to uniquely identify them. Of course, I'd like as few collisions as possible, however, cryptographic strength isn't of much importance here as a wide uniform range. In addition, since I'd be performing the hashes rarely, computational efficiency isn't too big of an issue.
Is this as easy as selecting a tried-and-true hashing algorithm with the largest digest size? Or are there some intricacies that I should be aware of? I'm looking at either SHA-256 or 512, currently.
All cryptographic-strength algorithm should exhibit no collision at all. Of course, collisions necessarily exist (there are more possible inputs than possible outputs) but it should be impossible, using existing computing technology, to actually find one.
When the hash function has an output of n bits, it is possible to find a collision with work about 2n/2, so in practice a hash function with less than about 140 bits of output cannot be cryptographically strong. Moreover, some hash functions have weaknesses that allow attackers to find collisions faster than that; such functions are said to be "broken". A prime example is MD5.
If you are not in a security setting, and fear only random collisions (i.e. nobody will actively try to provoke a collision, they may happen only out of pure bad luck), then a broken cryptographic hash function will be fine. The usual recommendation is then MD4. Cryptographically speaking, it is as broken as it can be, but for non-cryptographic purposes it is devilishly fast, and provides 128 bits of output, which avoid random collisions.
However, chances are that you will not have any performance issue with SHA-256 or SHA-512. On a most basic PC, they already process data faster than what a hard disk can provide: if you hash a file, the file reading will be the bottleneck, not the hashing. My advice would be to use SHA-256, possibly truncating its output to 128 bits (if used in a non-security situation), and consider switching to another function only if some performance-related trouble is duly noticed and measured.
If you're using it to uniquely identify tracks, you do want a cryptographic hash: otherwise, users could deliberately create tracks that hash the same as existing tracks, and use that to overwrite them. Barring a compelling reason otherwise, SHA-1 should be perfectly satisfactory.
If cryptographic security is not of concern then you can look at this link & this. The fastest and simplest (to implement) would be Pearson hashing if you are planing to compute hash for the title/name and later do lookup. or you can have look at the superfast hash here. It is also very good for non cryptographic use.
What's wrong with something like an md5sum? Or, if you want a faster algorithm, I'd just create a hash from the file length (mod 64K to fit in two bytes) and 32-bit checksum. That'll give you a 6-byte hash which should be reasonably well distributed. It's not overly complex to implement.
Of course, as with all hashing solutions, you should monitor the collisions and change the algorithm if the cardinality gets too low. This would be true regardless of the algorithm chosen (since your users may start uploading degenerate data).
You may end up finding you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist (in other words, possible YAGNI).
Isn't cryptographic hashing an overkill in this case, though I understand that modern computers do this calculation pretty fast? I assume that your users will have an unique userid. When they upload, you just need to increment a number. So, you will represent them internally as userid1_song_1, userid1_song_2 etc. You can store this info in a database with that as the unique key along with user specified name.
You also didn't mention the size of these songs. If it is midi, then file size will be small. If file sizes are big (say 3MB) then sha calculations will not be instantaneous. On my core2-duo laptop, sha256sum of a 3.8 MB file takes 0.25 sec; for sha1sum it is 0.2 seconds.
If you intend to use a cryptographic hash, then sha1 should be more than adequate and you don't need sha256. No collisions --- though they exist --- have been found yet. Git, Mercurial and other distributed version control systems use sh1. Git is a content based system and uses sha1 to find out if content has been modified.

Efficient storage of external index of strings

Say you have a large collection with n objects on disk and each one has a variable-sized string. What are common practices of efficient ways to make an index of those objects with plain string comparison. Storing the whole strings on the index would be prohibitive in the long rundue to size and I/O, but since disks have a high latency storing only references isn't a good idea, either.
I've been thinking on using a B-Tree-like design with tries but can't find any database implementation using this approach. In fact, it's hard to find how major databases implement indexes for strings (it probably gets lost in the vast results for SQL-level information.)
EDIT: changed title from "Efficient external sorting and searching of stored objects with large strings" to "Efficient storage of external index of strings."
A "prefix B-tree" or "simple prefix B-tree" would probably be helpful here.
A "simple prefix B-tree" is a bit simpler, just storing the shortest prefix that separates two items, without trying to eliminate redundancy within those prefixes (e.g. for 'astronomy' and 'azimuth', it would store just 'as' and 'az', but not try to keep from duplicating the 'a').
A "prefix B-tree" is close to what you've described -- something like a trie, but in a B-tree structure to give good characteristics when stored primarily on disk. Nonetheless, it's intended to remove (most of) the redundancy within the prefixes that form the index.
There is one other question: do you really need to traverse the records in order, or do you just need to look up a specified record quickly? If the latter is adequate, you might be able to use extendible hashing instead. Extendible hashing has been around (in a number of different forms) for a few decades, and still works pretty well. The general idea is fairly simple: hash the strings to create keys of fixed length, then create some sort of tree of those fixed-length pseudo-keys. As with (almost) any hash, you have to be prepared to deal with collisions. As with other hash tables, the details of the hashing and collision resolution vary (though probably not quite as much with extendible hashing as in-memory hashing).
As for real use, major DBMS and DBMS-like systems use all of the above. B-tree variants are probably the most common in the general purpose DBMS market (e.g. Oracle or MS SQL Server). Extendible hashing is used in a fair number of more-specialized products (e.g., Lotus Domino Server).
What are you doing with the objects?
If you're running a large system that needs low latency to handle lots of concurrent requests, then I'd store the objects in a database and have it take care of the sorting and indexing. This would be much simpler than implementing B-tree from scratch and possibly having it be buggy.
DBMSs also have caching and various other features that might make your life easier.
Start by being clear what you want. Do you want to sort them or index them? Sorting is likely to require moving at least some of the items on disk, but indexing would likely leave them where they are.
If you really want to sort them, Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" volume three covers sorting and searching in about as much details as you're likely to want.
