Sorting through numbered files for program execution - bash

I have many files with the same format: mubunching-100302.0003.001_1c, mubunching-100302.0005.001_1c ...
I would like to feed a program many of these files that have a minimum value, e.g. only files with index *.0005.* and greater:
python mubunching-100302.0005.001_1c mubunching-100302.0008.001_1c ...
I am fairly new to bash and am not sure where to begin. Thanks for any help and suggestions!

You can get a list of all files matching your criteria like this:
ls | awk -F. '$2 >= 5 {print}'
This has awk compare the 2nd . delimited field against 5, and only print out names for which this is true. If you want to then process these files with you Python script:
ls | awk -F. '$2 >= 5 {print}' | xargs python
For example, given a directory containing:
$ ls
mubunching-100302.0002.001_1c mubunching-100302.0005.001_1c
mubunching-100302.0003.001_1c mubunching-100302.0008.001_1c
This first command above will produce:
$ ls | awk -F. '$2 >= 5 {print}'

You could use find and awk to get the list of desired filenames:
find . -type f -name "mubunching*" | awk -F'[.]' '$(NF-1)>=5'
In order to pass the list to your program, use process substitution:
python $(find . -type f -name "mubunching*" | awk -F'[.]' '$(NF-1)>=5')


Counting Python files with bash and awk always returns zero

I want to get a number of python files on my desktop and I have coded a small script for that. But the awk command does not work as is have expected.
ls -l | awk '{ if($NF=="*.py") print $NF; }' | wc -l
I know that there is another solution to finding a number of python files on a PC but I just want to know what am i doing wrong here.
ls -l | awk '{ if($NF=="*.py") print $NF; }' | wc -l
Your code does count of files literally named *.py, you should deploy regex matching and use correct GNU AWK syntax, after fixing that, your code becomes
ls -l | awk '{ if($NF~/[.]py$/) print $NF; }' | wc -l
note [.] which denote literal . and $ denoting end of string.
Your code might be further ameloriated, as there is not need to use if here, as pattern-action will do that is
ls -l | awk '$NF~/[.]py$/{ print $NF; }' | wc -l
Morever you might easily implemented counting inside GNU AWK rather than deploying wc -l as follows
ls -l | awk '$NF~/[.]py$/{t+=1}END{print t}'
Here, t is increased by 1 for every describe line, and after all is processed, that is in END it is printed. Observe there is no need to declare t variable in GNU AWK.
Don't try to parse the output of ls, see
Beyond that your awk script is failing because $NF=="*.py" is doing a literal string partial comparison of the last sting of non-spaces against *.py when you probably wanted a regexp comparison such as $NF~/*.py$/ and your print $NF would fail for any file names containing spaces.
If you really want to involve awk in this for some reason then, assuming the list of python files doesn't exceed ARG_MAX, it'd be:
awk 'BEGIN{print ARGC-1; exit}' *.py
but you could just do it in bash:
shopt -s nullglob
echo "${#files[#]}"
or if you want to have a pipe to wc -l for some reason and your files can't have newlines in their names then:
printf '%s\n' *.py | wc -l
gfind . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.py" -print0 |
{m,g}awk 'END { print NR }' RS='\0' FS='^$'
{m,g}awk 'END { print --NF }' RS='^$' FS='\0'

How to extract codes using the grep command?

I have a file with below input lines.
John|1|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 113
TOM|2|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 114
PETER|3|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/456.1 and customer 115
I need to extract only the above highlighted text using the grep command.
I tried the below command and didn't get the proper result. Getting the extra 2 unwanted characters in the output. Please suggest if there is any other way to achieve this through grep command.
find ./ -type f -name <FileName> -exec cut -f 4 -d'|' {} + |
grep -o 'Category is not found for local configuration/code/...\\....' |
grep -o '...\\....' | sort | uniq
Current Output:
456.1 a
Expected output:
You can use another grep regular expression.
find ./ -type f -name f -exec cut -f 4 -d'|' {} + |
grep -o 'Category is not found for local configuration/code/...\.[^ ]*' |
grep -o '...\..*' | sort | uniq
. matches any character, [^ ]* matches any sequence of characters until the first space
Your regex specifies a fixed character width for strings of variable width. Based on your examples, something like
would seem like a better regex. However, we could probably also simplify this by merging the cut and multiple grep commands into a single Awk script.
find etc etc -exec awk -F '|' '
$4 ~ /Category is not found for local configuration\/code\/[0-9]{3}\.[0-9A-Z]/ {
split($4, a, /\/code\/);
split(a[2], b); print b[1] }' {} + |
sort -u
The two split operations are just a cheap way to pick out the text between /code/ and the next whitespace character; we have already established by way of the regex match that the string after /code/ matches the pattern we're after.
Notice also how sort has a -u option which allows you to replace (trivial cases of) uniq.
The regex variant supported by Awk is slightly different than that supported by POSIX grep; so the backslashed \+ in grep's BRE dialect is plain + in the dialect called ERE which is [more or less] supported by Awk - and grep -E. If you have grep -P you can use a third variant which has a convenient feature;
find etc etc -exec grep -oP '^([^|]*[|]){3}[^|]*Category is not found for local configuration/code/\K[0-9]{3}\.[0-9A-Z]+' {} + |
sort -u
The \K says "match up through here, but forget everything before this" and so only prints the part after this token.
With sed:
sed -E -n 's#.*code/(.*)\s+and.*#\1#p' file.txt | uniq
I'd use the -P option:
grep -oP '/code/\K\S+' file | sort -u
You want to extract the non-whitespace characters following /code/
An awk using match():
$ awk 'match($0,/[0-9]+\.[A-Z0-9]+/)&&++a[(b=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH))]==1{print b}' file
Pretty printed for slightly better readability:
$ awk '
match($0,/[0-9]+\.[A-Z0-9]+/) && ++a[(b=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH))]==1 {
print b
}' file
It's not possible just using grep. You should use AWK instead:
awk '{split($7, ar, "/"); print ar[3]}' FILE
The split function splits on a string, here $7, the 7th field, placing the result in an array ar, and using the string / as delimiter.
Then prints the 3rd field of the array.
I am assuming that all of your input looks like the samples you have given us, i.e.:
aaa|b|c|ddd is not found for local configuration/code/111.nnn and customer nnn
Where aaa and ddd will not contain whitespace.
I also assume you really do have a file FILE containing those lines. It's a bit unclear.
▶ cat FILE
John|1|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 113
TOM|2|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 114
PETER|3|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/456.1 and customer 115
▶ awk '{split($7, ar, "/"); print ar[3]}' FILE
Single sed can do the filtering.
(The pattern can be further generalized as suggested by others if that is an option. But be careful to not to over simplify so that it can match with unexpected inputs)
sed -nE 's#(\S+\s+){6}configuration/code/(\S+)\s.*#\2#p' input.txt
To replace your exact command,
find ./ -type f -name <Filename> -exec cat {} \; | sed -nE 's#(\S+\s+){6}configuration/code/(\S+)\s.*#\2#p' | sort | uniq
Simple substitutions on individual lines is the job sed is best suited for. This will work using any sed in any shell on any UNIX box:
$ cat file
John|1|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 113
TOM|2|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 114
PETER|3|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/456.1 and customer 115
$ sed -n 's:.*Category is not found for local configuration/code/\([^ ]*\).*:\1:p' file | sort -u

Applying awk pattern to all files with same name, outputting each to a new file

I'm trying to recursively find all files with the same name in a directory, apply an awk pattern to them, and then output to the directory where each of those files lives a new updated version of the file.
I thought it was better to use a for loop than xargs, but I don't exactly how to make this work...
for f in $(find . -name FILENAME.txt );
do awk -F"\(corr\)" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' ./FILENAME.txt > ./newFILENAME.txt $f;
Ultimately I would like to be able to remove multiple strings from the file at once using -F, but also not sure how to do that using awk.
Also is there a way to remove "(cor*)" where the * represents a wildcard? Not sure how to do while keeping with the escape sequence for the parentheses
To use (corr*) as a field separator where * is a glob-style wildcard, try:
awk -F'[(]corr[^)]*[)]' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}'
For example:
$ echo '1(corr)2(corrTwo)3(corrThree)4' | awk -F'[(]corr[^)]*[)]' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}'
1 2 3 4
To apply this command to every file under the current directory named FILENAME.txt, use:
find . -name FILENAME.txt -execdir sh -c 'awk -F'\''[(]corr[^)]*[)]'\'' '\''{print $1,$2,$3,$4}'\'' "$1" > ./newFILENAME.txt' Awk {} \;
Don't use:
for f in $(find . -name FILENAME.txt ); do
If any file or directory has whitespace or other shell-active characters in it, the results will be an unpleasant surprise.
Handling both parens and square brackets as field separators
Consider this test file:
$ cat file.txt
To eliminate both types of separators and print the first four columns:
$ awk -F'[(]corr[^)]*[)]|[[][^]]*[]]' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' file.txt
1 2 3 4

how to find the last modified file and then extract it

Say I have 3 archrive file:
What I want is to find the last modified archrive file and then extract it
1st: find the last modified
2nd: extract it
ls -t | head -1
My question is how to approach 2nd by using "|" at the end of 1st command
You can do it like that:
7z e `ls -t | head -1`
Use `` to embed the first command.
You can use the below code for writing more than 1 command together in a single line.
ls -t | head -1 && 7z e <file_name>.tar.7z command for the extracting .7z file
Here is a safer method of extracting last modified file in a directory:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%T#\0%p\0\0" |
awk -F '\0' -v RS='\0\0' '$1 > maxt{maxt=$1; maxf=$2} END{printf "%s%s", maxf, FS}' |
xargs -0 7z e
This required gnu find and gnu awk.
-printf option is using single NUL character or \0' as field separator and 2 NUL characters \0\0 as record separator for awk.

How to sort the results of find (including nested directories) alphabetically in bash

I have a list of directories based on the results of running the "find" command in bash. As an example, the result of find are the files:
I want to sort the output so it appears as:
Is there any way to sort the results within the find command, or by piping the results into sort?
If you have the GNU version of find, try this:
find test -type f -printf '%h\0%d\0%p\n' | sort -t '\0' -n | awk -F '\0' '{print $3}'
To use these file names in a loop, do
find test -type f -printf '%h\0%d\0%p\n' | sort -t '\0' -n | awk -F '\0' '{print $3}' | while read file; do
# use $file
The find command prints three things for each file: (1) its directory, (2) its depth in the directory tree, and (3) its full name. By including the depth in the output we can use sort -n to sort test/file above test/a/file. Finally we use awk to strip out the first two columns since they were only used for sorting.
Using \0 as a separator between the three fields allows us to handle file names with spaces and tabs in them (but not newlines, unfortunately).
$ find test -type f
$ find test -type f -printf '%h\0%d\0%p\n' | sort -t '\0' -n | awk -F'\0' '{print $3}'
If you are unable to modify the find command, then try this convoluted replacement:
find test -type f | while read file; do
printf '%s\0%s\0%s\n' "${file%/*}" "$(tr -dc / <<< "$file")" "$file"
done | sort -t '\0' | awk -F'\0' '{print $3}'
It does the same thing, with ${file%/*} being used to get a file's directory name and the tr command being used to count the number of slashes, which is equivalent to a file's "depth".
(I sure hope there's an easier answer out there. What you're asking doesn't seem that hard, but I am blanking on a simple solution.)
find test -type f -printf '%h\0%p\n' | sort | awk -F'\0' '{print $2}'
The result of find is, for example,
test/b'\0'test/b/text file.txt
where '\0' stands for null character.
These compound strings can be properly sorted with a simple sort:
test/b'\0'test/b/text file.txt
And the final result is
test/b/text file.txt
(Based on the John Kugelman's answer, with "depth" element removed which is absolutely redundant.)
If you want to sort alphabetically, the best way is:
find test -print0 | sort -z
(The example in the original question actually wanted files before directories, which is not the same and requires extra steps)
try this. for reference, it firsts sorts on the second field second char. which only exists on the file, and has a r for reverse meaning it is first, after that it will sort on the first char of the second field. [-t is field deliminator, -k is key]
find test -name file |sort -t'/' -k2.2r -k2.1
do a info sort for more info. there is a ton of different ways to use the -t and -k together to get different results.
