phpBB3 can't restore between english version and chinese version - phpbb3

I have installed two phpBB ,one is on my free web disk ,
it's a chinese version;the other is on my local pc,it's a english version .
Today i backuped all phpBB material from my free web disk (english version),
and saved it in the restore dir in my local phpBB ,
when i restored it in my local phpBB ,enter my local phpBB\phpBB,got the output.
Language file ./language/zh_cmn_hans/common.php couldn't be opened.

did you back up the Chinese sites database then restore it to your local site? If so, the local site is looking for the Chinese language files.
To fix this, download the Chinese files and save them to the /language/ directory on your local machine.


Migrating a moodle site in windows

Seasonal greetings to you all,
I'm new to moodle and have created a moodle site (version 3.3.2) on a local windows 7 machine. I now have to demo the site to 30 students as part of my final project at uni. How do I migrate the site from a windows machine to say a virtual windows machine that the student can all access?
Moodles own site seems to just cater for Linux machines so its not much help
While the command line examples may be Linux specific, the steps on are relevant whatever your OS
1.1 Turn on maintenance mode *(front end UI)*
1.2 Backup the Moodle database on the old sever *(can be done in phpmyadmin or mysqlworkbench or whatever other relevant database management software you use and depending on the database you are using)*
1.3 Restore the database backup to the new server *(as above)*
1.4 Copy moodledata from the old server to the new server *(while rsync is a useful tool, this can be done with any copy/paste tool or ftp etc - just be prepared to take time if you are copying between servers or via an external medium)*
1.5 Copy the Moodle code from the old server to the new server *(as above - copy/ftp or just reinstall the code and then copy your config.php)*
1.6 Update config.php with the URL of the new server
1.7 Test the copied site
1.8 Update links containing wwwroot in the database *(you may want to do this as part of the migration above - using a search and replace on the text of the export before re-importing it)*
1.9 Take the site out of maintenance mode

How can I auto sync with a folder on the server to a folder on a Windows pc

I have a directory on my server, Ubuntu Linux, and it contains a bunch .csv files and is updated regularly, I need to be able to sync that folder with a folder on a local machine which is a Windows PC.
There's no problem connecting via FTP, filezilla, but it's the automation I need to work out out.
The files once downloaded are then screened for deliveries.
I can't seem to see anything of help online.
In Windows you can use WinSCP instead of Filezilla, it have a option "Autosync" every time a specific files change on local computer.
You can download and read the documentation in the oficial website:

Modern IE Windows 10 Virtualbox for Mac Zip file corrupt

I have been downloading the zip file containing the Windows 10 virtual machine for Virtualbox on Mac several times from the website below:
It unzips to a .cpgz file, when you extract that file it results in a zip file and so on... This blog suggests its a corrupt zip file.
I also tried the multipart download with the same result, so I assume the VM / Zip is broken.
Did anyone use this VM with success on Mac?
Files are zip64 and you will need a tool that supports it. We recommend using "The Unarchiver" in the instructions, page 2 Mac section.
The blog you point is from 2013 and the Windows 10 VMs weren't available back then.
Beware that currently there is an issue with Microsoft Edge in that specific VM: the userAgent and the headers sent by the browser are no the right ones so some websites don't work as expected. If you can download the PC version it will work OK on your Mac.
If you have any other issue with the website please let me know and I'll work on fixing it asap.
Edit: There is no longer any issue with the userAgent and the headers

Joomla FTP problem!

Good evening everyone, I been workin' on Ubuntu server, and I work from a remote pc that uses Windows XP Pro and ubuntu 9.10 too...ok the thing is...I installed joomla 1.5 last version on the ubuntu server from my pc and everything was good until I had to fill the ftp information, never found the connection path so I installed without I have my joomla but I want to install some extensions and here's the problem, with the FTP Filezilla runin' on windows I connect perfectly with the server as with SSH in Ubuntu, but when I try to fill the FTP information on joomla, it doesnt recognizes the path, any idea about it?...
If it's 1.5, you really don't need the FTP in the Joomla configuration set.
Try this: disable FTP in Joomla. (Global Configuration / Server)
Then try to install a component / module / plugin / whatever.
It's a bit counterintuitive, but will most likely work - or at least it does in my experience. Joomla's file system can manage files for you... it's that whole content management system thing.
If you're dead set on enabling FTP, then check the Global Configuration, and see what the :Path to Temp-folder: is set to. In 1and1's case, it'll be something like:
Strip the 'tmp' and you'll see where '/english' would be the root path for the FTP setting, but again you most likely don't need it.
Please read the FTP Layer hints on the Joomla! forum. The info here had helped me resolved similar problems in the past.

Windows Home Server backup solution

I admit this is not strictly a programming question, although I do use my WHS as a source repository server for home projects, and I'm guessing many other coders here do as well.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good backup solution for the non-fileshare portion of Windows Home Server? All the WHS backups I've seen handle the fileshares, but none of the system files or other administrative stuff on the box.
Windows Home Server is designed to not need a backup of the OS. If your system drive fails, install a new drive, and then boot the WHS OS setup disc and install the OS. It will find the data on the other drives and recreate all the shared folders. You do need to do some configuring once it is back up but that is pretty small compared to not having to back it up.
One good solution for backing up the home server itself is to attach an external drive, say via USB 2.0 or eSATA. For this to work, though, you need the supporting software like Norton Ghost or something similar installed on your WHS server.
Windows Home Server Power Pack 1 (aka WHS PP1) added a feature to perform backups of the WHS shared folders to an external drive -- as you mention, this feature is only intended to do the data side and not the OS.
If you have an HP MediaSmart server, you could try the method mentioned in Quick & Easy Windows Home Server Backup and Restore. The author said it worked for him, but of course, caveat emptor. This technique has you creating a disk-image for your backup, and using that to restore from in the Recovery Disk / Restore disk process.
If you want a faster way to recover your OS and you do not have a Media Smart server, you can also check out these instructions on how to use a USB flash drive for installing WHS, and merge in the instructions found above for restoring a disk image vis-à-vis the OS Recovery disk process.
WHS OS backup solved by running two copies of WHS each on its own computer in a virtual machine with each WHS backing up the other (running in a VM makes the WHS a file thus able to be backed up and restored by WHS).
iDrive is Great and free under 2 gigs
