Floppy disk sector count - bootloader

I am trying to understand why lseek() is used in this image creator. Why 5 bytes away from start of file? If I changed that number, the OS won't boot.
The image creator creates a .img file with the bootloader.bin inside.
/* modify the sector count */
total_sector_number = file_size / 512
lseek(disk_image_fd, 5, SEEK_SET);
write(disk_image_fd, &total_sector_number, 2);
write(disk_image_fd, &kernel_32_sector_number, 2);
//printf("%d\n", lawl);
printf("TOTAL_SECTOR_NUMBER : %d\n", total_sector_number);
printf("KERNEL_32_SECTOR_NUMBER : %d\n", kernel_32_sector_number);
The source code (image maker):
The hexdump with lseek() and writing umber of sectors to byte at offset 5:
Without lseek() OS does not boot correctly.

I only figured this out because of your previous post Bootloader memory location which contained different source code for the bootloader.
You mentioned the two unknown variables TOTALSECTORCOUNT and KERNEL32SECTORCOUNT. These variables were near the beginning of the file, and I guess when assembled they sit 5 bytes into the binary. Calling lseek with the SEEK_SET parameter moves the file pointer to 5 bytes after the beginning of the file. It then writes the two values which will overwrite the ones in the bootloader code.
When you remove the lseek it will instead append the two values to the end of the file. If you changed the offset parameter of lseek to zero it would overwrite the jmp command of the bootloader instead.
Notice in your hexdump.
00000000 00eb b8fa 02c0 0000 c000 e08e e88e 00b8
^ ^- kernel_32_sector_number is never initialized.
|-total_sector_number which was calculated in code before the write.


macOS size command shows a really large number?

> size /bin/ls
__TEXT __DATA __OBJC others dec hex
20480 4096 0 4294983680 4295008256 10000a000
How could it be that ls is 4GB? Is size not meant to be used on executables? I have 4GB ram, so is it just showing me the amount memory it can use?
On macOS, 64-bit apps have a 4GB page zero, by default. Page zero is chunk of the address space starting at address 0 which allows no access. This is what causes access violations when a program dereferences a null pointer.
64-bit Mac programs use a 4GB page zero so that, should any valid pointer get accidentally truncated to 32 bits by a program bug (e.g. cast to int and back to a pointer), it will be invalid and cause a crash as soon as possible. That helps to find and fix such bugs.
The page zero segment in the Mach-O executable file doesn't actually use 4GB on disk. It's just a bit of metadata that tells the kernel and dynamic loader how much address space to reserve for it. It seems that size is including the virtual size of all segments, regardless of whether they take up space on disk or not.
Also, the page zero doesn't consume actual RAM when the program is loaded, either. Again, there's just some bookkeeping data to track the fact that the lower 4GB of the address space is reserved.
The size being reported for "others", 4294983680 bytes, is 0x100004000 in hex. That's the 4GB page zero (0x100000000) plus another 4 pages for some other segments.
You can use the -m option to size to get more detail:
$ size -m /bin/ls
Segment __PAGEZERO: 4294967296
Segment __TEXT: 20480
Section __text: 13599
Section __stubs: 456
Section __stub_helper: 776
Section __const: 504
Section __cstring: 1150
Section __unwind_info: 148
total 16633
Segment __DATA: 4096
Section __got: 40
Section __nl_symbol_ptr: 16
Section __la_symbol_ptr: 608
Section __const: 552
Section __data: 40
Section __bss: 224
Section __common: 140
total 1620
Segment __LINKEDIT: 16384
total 4295008256
You can also use the command otool -lV /bin/ls to see the loader commands of the executable, including the one establishing the __PAGEZERO segment.
The size command outputs information related to some binary executable and how it is running. It is not about the file. The 4Gb number might be (that is just my guess) related to the virtual address space needed to run it.
I don't have a MacOSX operating system (because it is proprietary and tied to hardware that I dislike and find too expensive). But on Linux (which is mostly POSIX, like MacOSX), size /bin/ls gives:
text data bss dec hex filename
124847 4672 4824 134343 20cc7 /bin/ls
while ls -l /bin/ls shows
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 138856 Feb 28 16:30 /bin/ls
Of course, when ls is running, it has some data (notably bss) which is not corresponding to a part of the executable
Try man size on your system to get an explanation. For Linux, see size(1) (it gives info about sections of an ELF executable) and ls(1) (it gives the file size).
On MacOSX, executables follow the Mach-O format.
On Linux, if you try size on a non-executable file such as /etc/passwd, you get
size: /etc/passwd: file format not recognized
and I guess that you should have some error message on MacOSX if you try that.
Think of size giving executable size information. The name is historical and a bit misleading.

Is it possible to log the output of a uboot command into a file from u-boot prompt?

I am working with an embedded board which supports u-boot.
I am trying to write and read the emmc device connected to the board,
After read, i need to have a look at the contents and compare it with the data that I have written to it.
Is there a way I can log the output of the a u-boot command, when I read a block from eMMC and store it in an address and try to view the contents of
it using:
mmc read 0x10700000 133120 1
mm.l 0x10700000
into a file and then can store the file in an emmc partition or a tftp server ?
Thank you for your time,
The save command can be used to write memory to a file.
save file to a filesystem
save <interface> <dev[:part]> <addr> <filename> bytes [pos]
- Save binary file 'filename' to partition 'part' on device
type 'interface' instance 'dev' from addr 'addr' in memory.
'bytes' gives the size to save in bytes and is mandatory.
'pos' gives the file byte position to start writing to.
If 'pos' is 0 or omitted, the file is written from the start.
Of cause this requires the file system to be writable. For FAT this implies building with CONFIG_FAT_WRITE=y.

Allocating a larger u-boot image

I am compiling my own kernel and bootloader (U-boot). I added a bunch of new environmental variables, but U-boot doesn't load anymore (it just doesn't load anything from the memory). I am using pocketbeagle and booting from an SD card. Thus I am editing the file "am335x_evm.h" found in /include/configs/.
I am trying to allocate U-boot in a way that it has more space for the environmental variables and that it can load succesfully from the memory, but I have been unable to do so. As far as I understand, by default it allocates 128kb of memory to U-boot env variables. Since I added a bunch of them, I am trying to increase its size from 128kb to 512kb.
I have changed the following line (from 128kb to 512kb):
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE (512 << 10)
(By the way, anyone knows why it is shifted to the left 10 bits?)
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET (1152 << 10) /* Originally 768 KiB in */
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET_REDUND (1664 << 10) /* Originally 896 KiB in */
Then after compiling the new U-boot, I format the SD card and insert the new kernel and U-boot.
I start by erasing partitions:
export DISK=/dev/mmcblk0
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=${DISK} bs=1M count=10
Then I transfer U-boot by doing:
sudo dd if=./u-boot/MLO of=${DISK} count=1 seek=1 bs=512k
sudo dd if=./u-boot/u-boot.img of=${DISK} count=2 seek=1 bs=576k
I then create the partition layout by doing:
sudo sfdisk ${DISK} <<-__EOF__
Then I add the kernel, binary trees, kernel modules, etc... When trying to boot and reading the serial port, I get nothing at all. U-boot is not able to load anything from the SD card. What am I doing wrong? I'd appreciate if you could point me what my problem is and exactly what I should be doing to increase the size and allocate everything correctly.

Debug:: Writing a bootloader to an external drive directly from debug

Title says it all.... so let's go directly into ASSEMBLY :)
-A 100
1454:0100 mov ah,9
1454:0102 mov dx,109
1454:0105 int 21
1454:0107 int 20
1454:0109 db "Booting...$"
My goal is to use that simple code as a bootloader of an external hard drive.
I tried to write it to the current drive
-w 0 0 0 1
but obviosly it's protecting sector 0 so I want to write it to another drive without saving it to a bin file and use external softwares.
Small tweak needed here :D

fw_printenv fw_setenv on var-som-am33 is failing

Depending on a few configurations I tried in /etc/fw_env.config such as one or two entries, I got the following errors when trying to read the U-boot environment variables:
root#varsomam33:~# fw_printenv serverip
Warning: Bad CRC, using default environment
root#varsomam33:~# fw_printenv serverip
Cannot read bad block mark: Invalid argument
According to this tutorial (https://developer.ridgerun.com/wiki/index.php/Setting_up_fw_printenv_to_modify_u-boot_environment_variables), I constructed my /etc/fw_env.config to look like this:
# MTD device name Device offset Env. size Flash sector size Number of sectors
/dev/mtd6 0x1C0000 0x20000 0x20000 1
/dev/mtd7 0x1E0000 0x20000 0x20000 1
FYI I'm using a TI Omap ARM chip (var-som-am33) with Yocto Fido default out-of-box from Variscite with these software versions:
U-boot version: u-boot-var-som-am33 2014-+gitrAUTOINC+adf9a14020
U-boot-fw-utils version: u-boot-fw-utils v2014.07+gitAUTOINC+524123a707-r0-arago0-var
The main problem is that "Device offset" is incorrectly described in the RidgeRun tutorial. It is not the absolute offset in NAND flash, but rather the offset from the partition which should be "0x0" in my case.
Here is my working /etc/fw_env.config
root#varsomam33:~# cat /etc/fw_env.config
# MTD device name Device offset Env. size Flash sector size Number of sectors
/dev/mtd6 0x0 0x20000 0x20000 1
/dev/mtd7 0x0 0x20000 0x20000 1
Further, the CRC error I was getting is thrown when there is not a U-boot backup (redundant) environment described in the /etc/fw_env.config file. The fw_printenv utility works by copying the "selected" environment, modifying the variable you have changed, and writing it out to the "new" environment. Then it swaps "selected" and "new".
So if you only have one environment in /etc/fw_env.config, it uses default values for the "selected" environment.
Here is the code tools/env/fw_env.c
1230 crc0_ok = (crc0 == *environment.crc);
1231 if (!HaveRedundEnv) {
1232 if (!crc0_ok) {
1233 fprintf (stderr,
1234 "Warning: Bad CRC, using default environment\n");
1235 memcpy(environment.data, default_environment, sizeof default_environment);
