Is the OVERLAPPED::hEvent set even if pipe connection is immediate with ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED? - windows

If, after an asynchronous ConnectNamedPipe(), one gets ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED from GetLastError(), will the event in the OVERLAPPED structure passed to the function still be set, or does it only get set if the result was ERROR_IO_PENDING?
A secondary question is, if the completion notification mode is set to FILE_SKIP_SET_EVENT_ON_HANDLE, documentation specifies that the handle's event won't be set, but that the OVERLAPPED structure's event will still be set, if existing. My question is, what is the use of the handle event, and why is that setting not default?

From this example if GetLastError() returned ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED then you have to set the event yourself.


What exactly is kqueue's EV_RECEIPT for?

The kqueue mechanism has an event flag, EV_RECEIPT, which according to the linked man page:
... is useful for making bulk changes to a kqueue
without draining any pending events. When passed as input,
it forces EV_ERROR to always be returned. When a filter is
successfully added the data field will be zero.
My understanding however is that it is trivial to make bulk changes to a kqueue without draining any pending events, simply by passing 0 for the nevents parameter to kevent and thus drawing no events from the queue. With that in mind, why is EV_RECEIPT necesary?
Some sample code in Apple documentation for OS X actually uses EV_RECEIPT:
kq = kqueue();
(void) kevent(kq, &changes, 1, &changes, 1, NULL);
But, seeing as the changes array is never examined after the kevent call, it's totally unclear to me why EV_RECEIPT was used in this case.
Is EV_RECEIPT actually necessary? In what situation would it really be useful?
If you are making bulk changes and one of them causes an error, then the event will be placed in the eventlist with EV_ERROR set in flags and the system error in data.
Therefore it is possible to identify which changelist element caused the error.
If you set nevents to zero, you get the error code but no indication of which event caused the error.
So EV_RECEIPT allows you to set nevents to a non-zero value without draining any pending events.

Subsequent events not triggering in while loop

I have a MAIN VI and a SUB VI which communicate events through control refnum. flow of events is as follows.
1) sub vi changes a value of its control and this event is handled in the main vi(this works).
2) main vi in response to the event changes one of its control and triggers an event from the event handler itself which is handled in the subvi event handler.(this also works).
The first phase is over. Now the main vi is running a while loop and the sub vi is running a while loop and main vi triggers an event every ~150ms. Which is to be handled in the subvi. This is the part which is not happening. I can see the main vi's control getting updated but the event(if generated) is not handled by the subvi. I'm using control's property node->Value(signalling) to change the value as well as trigger the event. What can be the possible cause?
note: the control (whose value is changed), event handler are the same as in the first phase.
Hope my question is clear.
i found the problem .
the subsequent events were not being handled because the loop in which the event handler ran looped once
i.e the initial condition was itself false so the loop only ran once.
this loop was controlled by stop if true. it had to be continue if true.
the boolean variable that controlled this loop was true. this should have been my first clue.

Correct return value of "WindowProc" in a Win32 application

In MSDN's Win32-Api documentation (at on the WindowProc, it states: The return value is the result of the message processing and depends on the message sent.
Since I have to implement this (callback) procedure, I'd like to know what it depends on, and what I have to return. Can someone shed some light on this?
It is dependent on the exact message you are processing. You need to refer to the documentation for that message to see the expected values and meanings of the return value.
For instance, for WM_CREATE, you should return zero to continue window creation, and -1 to fail and destroy the window. For WM_GETICON, you should return a handle to the icon for your window.
For messages that you do not explictly handle, you should call DefWindowProc, passing to it all the parameters to your window proc, and return its return value to the caller.
Michael's answer answers the question perfectly, but just for reference, the usual return value will always be 0.
For most messages it means that your application has processed the message. But always consult the MSDN page for the actual message to know for sure.

Using event object in inter-process

I'm trying to use event object in win32 environment to synchronize two processes. Below are the simplified code of two programs.
// process1
int main()
HANDLE h = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("Hello"));
WaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE);
// RunProcess(L"process2.exe", L"");
// process2
int main()
It's quite simple, and works well when two processes are launched independently. However it does not work when the process 1 launches process 2 as a child process (which is commented in the above code) - the SetEvent call fails. What is the reason and solution of this problem?
Your code needs to check and handle errors. Both CreateEvent and OpenEvent will return NULL if they fail, in that case you need to check the error using GetLastError.
Your calls to WaitForSingleObject and SetEvent should be checked per the MSDN docs as well.
The order in which you need to do things in the parent process is:
Start child process
Otherwise you will hit the problem called out by #Mark Tolonen.
It would also be best to have a timeout on your wait, to handle the case where the child process fails to start, exits unexpectedly, or hangs.
An alternative approach if you intend to use this parent/child relationship would be to allow inheritance of the event handle. Then the event does not need to be named, and nobody else can 'squat' on it in a DoS attack on your apps. You can pass the handle value to the child as a command-line parameter. You do this using the bInheritHandle field on the eventAttributes parameter to CreateEvent.
A Boolean value that specifies whether
the returned handle is inherited when
a new process is created. If this
member is TRUE, the new process
inherits the handle.
Are you sure? As written, if process1 creates process2 in the current location, it will never create process2 because it will wait forever for the event to be fired. Create process2 first, then wait for the event to be set.
You have a NULL security descriptor, which the documentation says cannot allow the handle to be inherited by children processes, specifically:
If this parameter is NULL, the handle cannot be inherited by child processes
Maybe you need to create a proper security descriptor?

Win32: Get message notification of other application's close/exit

My application needs to monitor all other running applications on the system. Is there some way I could get notified on exit of every application exe?
The methods I could find:
1) Use PSAPI functions to get the list of running exes at frequent intervals. At each poll compare with the previous list to find which application/process has exited.
Disadvantage: Requires constant polling, will take CPU time.
2) Set a global hook for WM_CLOSE message: Using this I would be able to get a notification when any application gets closed through the close button on the title bar
(-)Not all the applications are generating a WM_CLOSE message(Ex: Total Video Player Exe)
(-)If the application was closed through the "Exit" menu or button (e.g. File->Exit) , I can't trap that message
Is there any other better way that I missed? Please advise.
Get a list of PIDs using PSAPI.
Then get a handle on each process using OpenProcess().
Use WaitForMultipleObjects() to be signalled when one of the processes exits.
You could try the RegisterShellHookWindow() API and filter for HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED and HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED messages.
Of course, that will only get you notified about applications that have a window.
I recently ran into this problem and found a solution so wanted to share with you all. It all correct the way we should obtain handle to the process. Instead of WaitForSingleOBject though, I would recommend to use RegisterWaitForSingle object function. With this function you are giving a callback function and whenever the process exits, your callback function will be called. This is better than calling WaitForSingleObject in a thread. Calling WaitForSingleObject in your code by itself will cause your code to wait until the process exits. Here is an example of how to call it:
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&waitHandle, processHandle, ProcessTerminatedCallback, param, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
[out]waitHandle - new handle created for you. Please note that you cannot use this handle to call CloseHandle, but you can wait on it, if you want to.
[in] processHandle - handle to the process that you are supposed to obtain yourself
[in] ProcessTerminatedCallback - the callback function that will be called when the process exits
[in] param - LPVOID parameter that will be passed to the callback
[in] INFINITE - either wait infinitely or for a specified time, look up MSDN for more info
[in] WM_EXECUTEONLYONCE - will call the callback function only once. look up MSDN for more info
> Is there any other better way that I missed?
Yes, plenty. See on Win32 group (system notifications, without any hook)
