Functional programming style vs performance in Ruby [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I love functional programming and I love Ruby as well. If I can code an algorithm in a functional style rather than in a imperative style, I do it. I tend to do not update or reuse variables as much as possible, avoid using "bang!" methods and use "map", "reduce", and similar functions instead of "each" or danger loops, etc. Basically I try to follow the rules of this article.
The problem is that usually the functional solution is much slower that the imperative one. In this article there are clear and scary examples about that, being until 15-20 times slower in some cases. After reading it and doing some benchmarks I am afraid of keep using the functional style, at least in Ruby.
By the other hand I feel more comfortable writing code in functional style because it is smart and clean, it tends to less bugs, and I think is more "correct", specially nowadays that we can use concurrency and parallelism for better performance.
So I am very confused about which style to use in Ruby. Any wise recommendation will be appreciated.


Prolog as first programming language [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm a computer engineering student but i've never programmed in my life (i've only studied physics, chemistry, control systems etc). Since I know a lot more about math than programming languages, and I'm studying logic right now on my own (i read it can be useful for artificial intelligence), i was thinking about learning Prolog as a first programming language. I tried to find some information about it on the internet but i couldn't really find much, all i discovered is that it's not really useful for landing a job but it can give you a different "mindset". Do you think it would be worth to learn it, or it would just be better learning something like C, Python etc?
Thank you!
Prolog is indeed a wonderful language, and it makes you think is a very differnt mode from other languages. As for making it a first, I think that's a bold move, and I suspect it'll make learning more languages a bit of a challenge. If your intent is to learn sofware engineering, I'm very sure you'll eventually learn another one.
I'd start with Python but, since you're curious already, learn it on the side.

How to improve coding skills? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I can't say I'm weak in programming but I can't come up with the logic faster. I can analyse others code and get to know the logic. But I can't do it on my own. How can I improve my programming skills?
Quite a broad question but from my own, 30yr experience I can tell you there is no way around starting to
analyze existing code,
modify some things (play with it until it feels like it's your own code)
see what the changes do
develop your own ideas on how to do things faster/better/more beautiful
implement your ideas
see if it works
go on to more complex tasks
read books (very important, because many things can't just be discovered by trial'n'error)
be very passionate and determined about what you want to become reality
if you want to learn faster, then write more code
One very important item. You should have fun with what you do is always the best guarantee for success
If you fail at these items then I'm afraid you will never succeed with programming. But then maybe it's like any other field of knowledge.
I experience the same difficulties during my learning journey, too. When I complete challenge tasks I create more complex tasks for myself to see what I can do. It takes me to the next levels of solving problems.
Practice, Practice, Practice!

Advanced Rudimentary Computing? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Lets say that my definition of 'rudimentary programming' refers to the fundamental tools employed for a computer to perform a task.
Considering programming rudiments, the learning spectrum usually looks something like this:
Variables, data types and variable memory
Arrays/Lists and their manipulation
Looping and conditionals
Multi threading/processing
Streams (hard-disk and web)
My question is, have I missed any of the major rudiments? Is there a 'next' to the spectrum that still eludes me?
I think you missed the most important one: algorithms. Understanding the complexity, know the situation to use them, why use them and more important, how to implement them.
I'm pretty sure that you already know a lot about algorithms but if you think that your tool-knowledge (aka the programming languages) are good enough, you should start focus, more, on the algorithms.
A great book to start is: Introduction to Algorithms, from Thomas H. Cormen

Style of writing conditional operators [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is considered more appropriate style of writing conditional operators?
if(1) puts("Hello")
Similar aspects of coding style are welcome too.
That's all depends on your preference, that's why we rarely see people code in the same style.. Moreover, it depends on which programming language you're using.. IMHO, the important thing in coding is code readability and comments, so when your BOSS asks other people to help or develop your code. He /she will spend the least amount of their time to understand your code..
If you ask specifically from your example above, I would prefer the first one.. Because in my OPINION, imagining the WHOLE code, that one will give better readability. HOWEVER, some people may argue that it will spend some of your time typing those brackets over and over..
As per the PSR standards any structure must always enclose the code in parentheses.
The body of each structure MUST be enclosed by braces. This standardizes how the structures look, and reduces the likelihood of introducing errors as new lines get added to the body.
from the official website
Please have a look under control structures section

What are the advantages and disadvantages of metaprogramming? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As the title stated, what are the pros and cons of Ruby meta-programming?
So far I know the advantages of Ruby meta-programming give us quite flexible ways to write our code using code that writes code. But what are the disadvantages? Maintainability issues?
I feel that meta-programming helps to scale an app also.
Can anyone can give more details about this?
Almost everything I know about metaprogramming in Ruby comes from "Metaprogramming Ruby: Program Like the Ruby Pros". It's a great read, and I suggest it to everyone who want to understand metaprogramming.
I'd say the main advantage is to have incredibly flexible code, which can adapt swiftly to any changes one could imagine. Things like send, respond_to? or define_method really give you the possibility of writing beautiful code.
On the other hand, I'd say that the main disadvantage is to make code harder to read and harder to debug, since most of the times the code isn't there yet! It will be generated at runtime, so you can't actually read it when you debug it.
