Windows Batch File not Validating Year - windows

So I have a windows batch script that validates to see if the date format I entered is in the correct format. Everything is working fine with it except when it gets to the year part of it. It doesn't seem to validate the year in the correct format of xxxx. It will accept any number. Where is it breaking, I can't tell? Fix suggestions? Thank you!
set i=0
for %%a in (31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) do (
set /A i+=1
set dpm[!i!]=%%a
set /P "inDate=Please insert FNOL date (MM-DD-YYYY format): "
if "%inDate:~2,1%%inDate:~5,1%" neq "--" goto invalidDate
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=-" %%a in ("%inDate%") do set "MM=%%a" & set "DD=%%b" & set "YYYY=%%c"
ver > NUL
set /A month=1%MM%-100, day=1%DD%-100, year=1%YYYY%-10000, leap=year%%4
if errorlevel 1 goto invalidDate
if not defined dpm[%month%] goto invalidDate
if %leap% equ 0 set dpm[2]=29
if %day% gtr !dpm[%month%]! goto invalidDate
if %day% lss 1 goto invalidDate
SET fnoldate=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%
SET /P confirmdate=You entered a FNOL date of "%fnoldate%". Is this correct? [y/n]

You're missing some components of your batch file.
At the top, you should have the following:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Your code has some GoTo references, but it can't go anywhere. You should add the following at the bottom:
echo Invalid date.

Hmm. Giving an example of a failure would have been useful.
Let's take an 'invalid' year like 14.
Your calculation for 01-01-14 would be year=114-10000
You really need to check that year has length 4 first.
if "%year:~3%=="" goto invaliddate
if not "%year:~4%=="" goto invaliddate
and you are not then checking after year-is-numeric for year in a valid range

Here is a method to validate the year:
#echo off
set year=1980
for /f "delims=1234567890" %%a in ("%year%") do echo you must enter numeric characters only & goto :EOF
if %year% GEQ 1800 if %year% LEQ 2014 (
echo year is between 1800 and 2014
) else (
echo enter a year between 1800 and 2014


Batch Programming (Nested loops) using labels, program does not work

I don't understand why this script doesn't seem to work and doesn't even pause to see where the error is.. Here is the code for the batch file:
I want this batch to output a series of birthdays starting from Ihf0101 till Ihf3112
set /a month=1
if %month% leq 12
set /a day=1
if %day% leq 31
if %day% leq 9 set birthday=Ihf0%day%
if %day% gtr 9 set birthday=Ihf%day%
if %month% leq 9
set birthday=%birthday%0%month%
echo %birthday%
if %month% gtr 9
set birthday=%birthday%%month%
echo %birthday%
set /a day+=1
goto :d
set /a month+=1
goto :m
Use for /L loops instead:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "y=2017"
for /l %%m in (101,1,112) do (
set "m=%%m"
for /l %%d in (101,1,131) do (
set "d=%%d"
xcopy /d:!m:~1!-!d:~1!-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 && echo lhf!d:~1!!m:~1!
two little tricks:
- counting from 101 to 131 and taking the last two digits only gives you a two-digit format always (with leading zero for numbers below 10)
- using xcopy to check if the date is really existent (I learned that here) (necessary to know the year for proper calculation of leap-years)

Windows batch event reminder for next day

How do I write a batch script, that would search in Dates.txt file of this format:
EventName1 :
EventName2 :
EventNameN :
for events with tomorrow's date, and if found, notify the user about them?
I was able to write a script for today's events:
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
IF NOT EXIST Dates.txt GOTO not_found_dates
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set ldt=%ldt:~6,2%.%ldt:~4,2%.%ldt:~0,4%
echo Today: %ldt%
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%A in (Dates.txt) do (
if "%%B"==" %ldt%" echo You have %%Atoday!
echo Dates.txt not found!
But I can't figure out how to find tomorrow's date to compare it with the dates in file.
Some help would be appreciated!
Well, I have finally figured it myself!
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if not exist Dates.txt goto not_found_dates
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set d=%ldt:~6,2%
set m=%ldt:~4,2%
set y=%ldt:~0,4%
set ldt=%d%.%m%.%y%
echo ************************
echo * Today: %ldt% *
set /a d=1%d%-99
if %d% gtr 31 (
set d=1
set /a m=1%m%-99
if %m% gtr 12 (
set m=1
set /a y+=1
xcopy /d:%m%-%d%-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
set td=0%d%
set td=%td:~-2%
set tm=0%m%
set tm=%tm:~-2%
set ty=%y%
set tomorrow=%td%.%tm%.%ty%
echo * Tomorrow: %tomorrow% *
echo ************************
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%A in (Dates.txt) do (
if "%%B"==" %tomorrow%" echo # You have %%Atomorrow!
goto :EOF
echo Dates.txt not found!
goto :EOF
It works for the Dates.txt file, that uses dates in this format:
EventName1 : 31.05.2016
EventName2 : 30.05.2016
EventName3 : 31.05.2016
EventName4 : 01.06.2016
EventName5 : 31.05.2016
EventName6 : 02.06.2016
EventName7 : 01.06.2016
(Shouldn't forget about single empty spaces before and after colon, and about leading zeros for days and months that are less than 10.)
At first, set /a d+=1 adds a day.
Then, this line:
xcopy /d:%m%-%d%-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
checks if the date that was formed by set /a d+=1 part, actually exists in the calendar. If the date that was formed doesn't exist, it just "skips" the date, moving to the beginning of the loop to add one more day. This way, the date that doesn't exist can't be set as tomorrow's date.
The if %d% gtr 31 ( part is not doing anything unless it is actually 31st day of month today.
So, despite the if %d% gtr 31 ( part that looks somewhat confusing, this code still works well for months that have less than 31 days in them.
To understand it all better, turn #echo on and trace the changes in the date values.
For example, if we use:
set d=30
set m=04
set y=2016
Output is:
* Today: 30.04.2016 *
* Tomorrow: 01.05.2016 *
Also, for:
set d=28
set m=02
set y=2015
* Today: 28.02.2015 *
* Tomorrow: 01.03.2015 *
Here is a pure batch file solution to calculate tomorrow's date from current date with remarks explaining the code. The lines with remark command rem can be removed for faster processing the batch file by Windows command processor.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" == "" (
rem Get local date and time in a region independent format.
for /F "skip=1 tokens=1 delims=." %%D in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe OS get LocalDateTime') do set "LocalDateTime=%%D" & goto GetDate
) else (
rem This is for fast testing determining the date of tomorrow from any
rem date specified as parameter in format yyyyMMdd on calling this batch
rem file from within a command prompt window. The parameter string is
rem not validated at all as this is just for testing the code below.
set "LocalDateTime=%~1"
rem Get day, month and year from the local date/time string (or parameter).
set "Day=%LocalDateTime:~6,2%"
set "Month=%LocalDateTime:~4,2%"
set "Year=%LocalDateTime:~0,4%"
rem Define a variable with today's date in format dd.MM.yyyy
set "Today=%Day%.%Month%.%Year%"
rem Increase the day in month by 1 in any case.
rem It is necessary to remove leading 0 for the days 08 and 09 as
rem those two days would be otherwise interpreted as invalid octal
rem numbers and increment result would be 1 instead of 9 and 10.
rem if "%Day:~0,1%" == "0" set "Day=%Day:~1%"
rem set /A Day+=1
rem Faster is concatenating character 1 with the day string to string
rem representing 101 to 131 and subtract 99 to increment day by one.
set /A Day=1%Day%-99
rem The tomorrow's date is already valid if the day of month is less than 29.
if %Day% LSS 29 goto BuildTomorrow
rem Tomorrow is next month if day is equal (or greater) 32.
if %Day% GEQ 32 goto NextMonth
rem Day 31 in month is not possible in April, June, September and November.
rem In February it can't occur that day in month increased from 30 to 31
rem except on calling this batch file with invalid date string 20160230.
if %Day% EQU 31 (
if %Month% == 04 goto NextMonth
if %Month% == 06 goto NextMonth
if %Month% == 09 goto NextMonth
if %Month% == 11 goto NextMonth
rem The day 29 and 30 in month is valid for all months except February.
if NOT %Month% == 02 goto BuildTomorrow
rem Determine if this year is a leap year with 29 days in February.
set /A LeapYearRule1=Year %% 400
set /A LeapYearRule2=Year %% 100
set /A LeapYearRule3=Year %% 4
rem The current year is always a leap year if it can be divided by 400
rem with 0 left over (1600, 2000, 2400, ...). Otherwise if the current
rem year can be divided by 100 with 0 left over, the current year is NOT
rem a leap year (1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, ...). Otherwise the current
rem year is a leap year if the year can be divided by 4 with 0 left over.
rem Well, for the year range 1901 to 2099 just leap year rule 3 would be
rem enough and just last IF condition would be enough for this year range.
set "LastFebruaryDay=28"
if %LeapYearRule1% == 0 (
set "LastFebruaryDay=29"
) else if NOT %LeapYearRule2% == 0 (
if %LeapYearRule3% == 0 (
set "LastFebruaryDay=29"
if %Day% LEQ %LastFebruaryDay% goto BuildTomorrow
rem Tomorrow is next month. Therefore set day in month to 1, increase the
rem month by 1 and if now greater than 12, set month to 1 and increase year.
set "Day=1"
set /A Month=1%Month%-99
if %Month% GTR 12 (
set "Month=1"
set /A Year+=1
rem The leading 0 on month and day in month could be removed and so both
rem values are defined again as string with a leading 0 added and next just
rem last two characters are kept to get day and month always with two digits.
set "Day=0%Day%"
set "Day=%Day:~-2%"
set "Month=0%Month%"
set "Month=%Month:~-2%"
rem Define a variable with tomorrow's date in format dd.MM.yyyy
set "Tomorrow=%Day%.%Month%.%Year%"
echo Today is: %Today%
echo Tomorrow is: %Tomorrow%
Please read my answer on Why does %date% produce a different result in batch file executed as scheduled task? It explains in full details the FOR command line using WMIC to get current date in region independent format.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?
wmic OS get /?

How to get the day of year in a batch file

How can I get the day of year from the current date in a Windows batch file?
I have tried
SET /A dayofyear=(%Date:~0,2%*30.5)+%Date:~3,2%
But it does not work with leap years, and it is always off by a few days. I would not like to use any third-party executables.
If you want the Julian Day Number, you may use the method posted in my accepted answer given at previous link. However, the "day of year" is just a number between 1 and 365 (366 for leap years). The Batch file below correctly calculate it:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /A i=0, sum=0
for %%a in (31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) do (
set /A i+=1
set /A accum[!i!]=sum, sum+=%%a
set /A month=1%Date:~0,2%-100, day=1%Date:~3,2%-100, yearMOD4=%Date:~6,4% %% 4
set /A dayOfYear=!accum[%month%]!+day
if %yearMOD4% equ 0 if %month% gtr 2 set /A dayOfYear+=1
echo %dayOfYear%
Note: This relies on the date format MM/DD/YYYY.
EDIT 2020/08/10: Better method added
I modified the method so it now uses wmic to get the date. The new method is also shorten, but no simpler! ;):
#echo off
set "daysPerMonth=0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30"
for /F "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('wmic Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Month^,Year') do (
set /A "dayOfYear=%%a, month=%%b, leap=!(%%c%%4)*(((month-3)>>31)+1)" 2>NUL
set /A "i=1, dayOfYear+=%daysPerMonth: =+(((month-(i+=1))>>31)+1)*%+leap"
echo %dayOfYear%
#Aacini's answer has got two weak points (although it suffices for many applications, and it is a great approach after all!):
the retrieved system date relies on format MM/DD/YYYY, but %Date% is locale-dependent;
the calculation does not fully comply with the definition of leap years (see this article);
The following is a revised version of #Aacini's batch script (described within explanatory remarks):
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /A i=0, sum=0
rem accumulate day-offsets for every month in %accum[1...12]%
for %%a in (31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) do (
set /A i+=1
set /A accum[!i!]=sum, sum+=%%a
rem check for availability of alternative date value given via (1st) command line argument,
rem just for convenient batch testing
if "%1"=="" (
rem WMIC retrieves current system date/time in standardised format;
rem parse its output by FOR /F, then store it in %CurrDate%
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%D in ('wmic OS GET LocalDateTime /VALUE ^| find "="') do (
set CurrDate=%%D
) else (
rem apply date value from command line in YYYYMMDD format (not checked for validity)
set CurrDate=%1
rem extract %month% and %day%;
set /A month=1%CurrDate:~4,2%-100, day=1%CurrDate:~6,2%-100
rem compute several moduli needed for determining whether year is leap year
set /A yearMOD4=%CurrDate:~0,4% %% 4
set /A yearMOD100=%CurrDate:~0,4% %% 100, yearMOD400=%CurrDate:~0,4% %% 400
rem calculate %dayOfYear% as it were not a leap year
set /A dayOfYear=!accum[%month%]!+day
rem adapt %dayOfYear% only in case %month% is past February (29th)
if %month% gtr 2 (
rem check for leap year and adapt %dayOfYear% accordingly
if %yearMOD4% equ 0 set /A dayOfYear+=1
if %yearMOD400% neq 0 if %yearMOD100% equ 0 set /A dayOfYear-=1
rem compound statement to let %dayOfYear% survive SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL block
endlocal & set dayOfYear=%dayOfYear%
rem return result
echo %dayOfYear%
This use the laps years in editable in loop | for /l %%L in (2020 4 2100) | < or more!
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion && set "_cmd=Get Day^,Month^,Year^"
for /l %%L in (2020 4 2100)do set "_array_leap_year_=!_array_leap_year_!%%L,"
for /f "tokens=1-3delims= " %%a in ('wmic Path Win32_LocalTime !_cmd! ^| findstr /r "[0-9]"')do (
set "_yy=%%c" & set "_mm=0%%b" & set "_dd=0%%a" && set "_mm=!_mm:~-2!" & set "_dd=!_dd:~-2!" & set _date=!_yy!_!_mm!_!_dd!)
echo/!_array_leap_year_!|findstr /lic:"!_date:~0,4!," >nul&&(set "_leap_=29" & set "_year_=366")||(set "_leap_=28" & set "_year_=365")
set "_mm_dd_year_=01-31,02-!_leap_!,03-31,04-30,05-31,06-30,07-31,08-31,09-30,10-31,11-30,12-31" && set /a "_cnt=0" & set /a "_loop=!_mm! * 6"
(for /l %%d in (0 6 !_loop!)do set "_sum=!_mm_dd_year_:~%%d,5!" & if "9!_sum:~,2!" lss "9!_mm!" set /a "_day_year_+=!_sum:~-2!")
set /a "_day_year_+=!_dd!" && set /a "_remain=!_day_year_! - !_year_!" && echo/Today: !_date! ^| Day of Year: !_day_year_! ^| Days Remaining: !_remain:-=!
| Result | Today: 2019_04_21 | Day of Year: 111 | Days Remaining: 254
Conventional formatting:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "_cmd=Get Day^,Month^,Year^"
for /l %%L in (2020 4 2100)do set "_array_leap_year_=!_array_leap_year_!%%L,"
for /f "tokens=1-3delims= " %%a in ('wmic Path Win32_LocalTime !_cmd! ^| findstr /r "[0-9]"')do (
set "_yy=%%c"
set "_mm=0%%b"
set "_dd=0%%a"
set "_mm=!_mm:~-2!"
set "_dd=!_dd:~-2!"
set _date=!_yy!_!_mm!_!_dd!
echo/!_array_leap_year_!|findstr /lic:"!_date:~0,4!," >nul && (
set "_leap_=29" & set "_year_=366" )||( set "_leap_=28" & set "_year_=365" )
set "_mm_dd_year_=01-31,02-!_leap_!,03-31,04-30,05-31,06-30,07-31,08-31,09-30,10-31,11-30,12-31"
set /a "_loop=!_mm! * 6"
for /l %%d in (0 6 !_loop!)do set "_sum=!_mm_dd_year_:~%%d,5!" && (
if "9!_sum:~,2!" lss "9!_mm!" set /a "_day_year_+=!_sum:~-2!" )
set /a "_day_year_+=!_dd!"
set /a "_remain=!_day_year_! - !_year_!"
echo/Today: !_date! ^| Day of Year: !_day_year_! ^| Days Remaining: !_remain:-=!

Need to search a file based on timestamps within the lines of the file using Windows XP/7 batch

I have a file that contains time-stamped lines of text. I need to search for lines that start at a specific time and end at a specific time. I already have the times needed stored in variables. I need to be able to break up the line and the time into tokens, i believe, and search for tokens that are geq "start time" and leq "stop time". I know this requires a FOR loop, but I'm not sure how to break this up. (Also , I have found that 8 and 9 fail when used for inputs. I am working on this, I think by hr_start+100 and hr_stop+100 before compare and -100 after compare, etc.) Any improvements on this are appreciated. My goal is a completely error-free interface.
echo (Use 24-hour clock)
set /a hr_start=0
set /p hr_start=What hour to start?
if "%hr_start%"=="b" goto day
if %hr_start% geq 0 (
if %hr_start% leq 23 (
if %hr_start% lss 10 set hr_start=0%hr_start%) else (
echo Invalid hour
goto hr_start))
set /a min_start=0
set /p min_start=What minute to start?
if "%min_start%"=="b" goto hr_start
if %min_start% geq 0 (
if %min_start% leq 59 (
if %min_start% lss 10 set min_start=0%min_start%) else (
echo Invalid minute
goto min_start))
set /a sec_start=0
set /p sec_start=What second to start?
if "%sec_start%"=="b" goto min_start
if %sec_start% geq 0 (
if %sec_start% leq 59 (
if %sec_start% lss 10 set sec_start=0%sec_start%) else (
echo Invalid second
goto sec_start))
set /a hr_stop=23
set /p hr_stop=What hour to stop?
if "%hr_stop%"=="b" goto sec_start
if %hr_stop% geq 0 (
if %hr_stop% leq 23 (
if %hr_stop% lss 10 set hr_stop=0%hr_stop%) else (
echo Invalid hour
goto hr_stop))
set min_stop=59
set /p min_stop=What minute to stop?
if "%min_stop%"=="b" goto hr_stop
if %min_stop% geq 0 (
if %min_stop% leq 59 (
if %min_stop% lss 10 set min_stop=0%min_stop%) else (
echo Invalid minute
goto min_stop))
set /a sec_stop=59
set /p sec_stop=What second to stop?
if "%sec_stop%"=="b" goto min_stop
if %sec_stop% geq 0 (
if %sec_stop% leq 59 (
if %sec_stop% lss 10 set sec_stop=0%sec_stop%) else (
echo Invalid second
goto sec_stop))
set start_disp=%hr_start%:%min_start%:%sec_start%
set stop_disp=%hr_stop%:%min_stop%:%sec_stop%
echo Start time is %start_disp%.
echo Stop time is %stop_disp%.
set start_hr=%hr_start%*10000
set /a start_min=%min_start%*100
set /a stop_hr=%hr_stop%*10000
set /a stop_min=%min_stop%*100
set /a start_time=%start_hr% + %start_min% + %sec_start%
set /a stop_time=%stop_hr% + %stop_min% + %sec_stop%
if %stop_time% leq %start_time% (
echo End time must be at least one second after start time
goto time_begin)
set start_disp=%hr_start%:%min_start%:%sec_start%
set stop_disp=%hr_stop:~-2%:%min_stop%:%sec_stop%
echo Start time is %start_disp%.
echo Stop time is %stop_disp%.
set corr_time=blank
set /p corr_time=Times are correct?
if /i "%corr_time%"=="y" goto summary
if /i "%corr_time%"=="n" goto time_begin
goto time_confirm
As you can see, I have two ways I could search: an integer using hour, minute, and second, or a string using %start_disp% and %stop_disp%. Here is a sample line, and all lines follow the same pattern exactly up to this point in the line; after the final ], the pattern varies:
2013/10/30 00:00:13 [501014]CODELINE_INDICATION_MSG TX 41 bytes
solution with sed for Windows:
input file is sorted already:
sed -n "\#START TIME#,\#STOP TIME#p" input.txt>output.txt
input file is not sorted:
sort input.txt | sed -n "\#START TIME#,\#STOP TIME#p" >output.txt
example for a sorted file:
sed -n "\#2013/10/30 00:00:13#,\#2013/11/30 00:00:13#p" input.txt>output.txt

Split %date% in a batch file regardless of Regional Settings

Is there a way to split the %date% in a batch file (say, in 3 environment variables), but regardless of Regional Settings? Today's date would be 3/13/2013 for US, but with my Regional Settings it is 13.3.2013 - the delimiter is changed and the order as well.
Four years have passed, but this question doesn't get old, and I think now there's a slightly better answer than using wmic (on win7 onwards).
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=_" %%i in ('PowerShell -Command "& {Get-Date -format "MM_dd_yyyy"}"') do (
set MONTH=%%i
set DAY=%%j
set YEAR=%%k
echo %MONTH% %DAY% %YEAR%
With powershell Get-Date you can fine-tune the format you want (short,long, numbers,names,etc..). In this example "MM_dd_yyyy" will get you a numeric date with leading zeros in case of single digit months or days
You can do it using wmic (but WMIC isn't included with XP Home):
:: Check WMIC is available
WMIC.EXE Alias /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO s_error
:: Use WMIC to retrieve date and time
FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%G IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO (
IF "%%~L"=="" goto s_done
Set _yyyy=%%L
Set _mm=00%%J
Set _dd=00%%G
Set _hour=00%%H
SET _minute=00%%I
:: Pad digits with leading zeros
Set _mm=%_mm:~-2%
Set _dd=%_dd:~-2%
Set _hour=%_hour:~-2%
Set _minute=%_minute:~-2%
:: Display the date/time in ISO 8601 format:
Set _isodate=%_yyyy%-%_mm%-%_dd% %_hour%:%_minute%
Echo %_isodate%
Echo GetDate.cmd
Echo Displays date and time independent of OS Locale, Language or date format.
Echo Requires Windows XP Professional, Vista or Windows 7
Echo Returns 6 environment variables containing isodate,Year,Month,Day,hour and minute.
And you can do it by parsing the date command to lookup what the current date format is required to be.
The first link indicates you might need to edit the code in the second, on Win7, to handle a few extra wrinkles around short date/long date form.
I've reworked sashoalm's version to take care of the suppressed-leading-zero situation:
#Echo OFF
If "%Date%A" LSS "A" (Set _NumTok=1-3) Else (Set _NumTok=2-4)
:: Default Delimiter of TAB and Space are used
For /F "TOKENS=2*" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v iDate') Do Set _iDate=%%B
For /F "TOKENS=2*" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sDate') Do Set _sDate=%%B
IF %_iDate%==0 For /F "TOKENS=%_NumTok% DELIMS=%_sdate% " %%F In ("%Date%") Do CALL :procdate %%H %%F %%G
IF %_iDate%==1 For /F "TOKENS=%_NumTok% DELIMS=%_sdate% " %%F In ("%Date%") Do CALL :procdate %%H %%G %%F
IF %_iDate%==2 For /F "TOKENS=%_NumTok% DELIMS=%_sdate% " %%F In ("%Date%") Do CALL :procdate %%F %%G %%H
GOTO :eof
:: Date elements are supplied in Y,M,D order but may have a leading zero
:: if single-digit day then 1%3 will be <100 else 2-digit
:: if single-digit month then 1%2 will be <100 else 2-digit
:: Similarly for the year - I've never seen a single-digit year
GOTO :eof
returning YYYYMMDD - substring at your will.
Interestingly, inserting after SETLOCAL
IF NOT "%1"=="" set date=%1
will allow any date in the local sequence (without the dayname) to be decoded to YYYYMMDD (but be careful that 19xx dates provided with the yy form will appear as 20xx - easily compensated-for if you find it necessary)
I have an additional suggestion with robocopy:
#echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "day="
for /f "tokens=3,4,8skip=4delims=: " %%i in ('robocopy') do if not defined day (
set "month=%%i"
set "day=0%%j"
set "year=%%k"
set /a cnt=0
for %%i in (Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec) do (
set /a cnt+=1
if "%%i"=="%month%" set "month=0!cnt!"
set "day=%day:~-2%"
set "month=%month:~-2%"
Try this:
#echo off&goto :start
:Set_Date DateEnv [Date] or [/p="Prompt for Date: "] [/r]
echo.Usage: Set_Date.cmd DateEnv [Date] or [/p="Prompt for Date: "]
echo.Populates date variables labeled: 'DateEnv_???', see below
echo.Accepted date formats:
echo. m-d-y, m/d/y, yyyymmdd, dd-Mon-yy or 7 digit julian date
echo. If "%%date%%" is passed as the 2nd arg it will be interpreted
echo. according to the current regional date setting ie. day dd/mm/yyyy
echo. If /r is passed then the date contained in the DateEnv variable
echo. and/or the [Date] argument will be interpreted in regional format
echo. The /r option should be placed at the end of the list if used
echo. The /r option should only be used if date input is not included
echo. in one of the default listed formats or unexpected consequences...
echo.DateEnv, if passed alone may be a valid defined date variable or if
echo.undefined then todays date will be used to populate the variables
echo.Two digit years input 'XX' are interpreted as the year '20XX'
echo.Valid dates must be in the year 1601 or greater for the validity check
echo.Returns 0 in errorlevel if the date is valid, else non-zero
echo.If DateEnv is valid or if [Date] is passed DateEnv_??? will be set to:
echo.DateEnv_mdy will be set to mm-dd-yyyy
echo.DateEnv_ymd will be set to yyyymmdd
echo.DateEnv_y.m.d will be set to
echo.DateEnv_dte will be set to the current active regional date format
echo.DateEnv_jul will be set to the 7 digit Julian date
echo.DateEnv_dow will be set to day of week, ie. Monday, Tuesday, etc.
echo.DateEnv_vrb will be set to Verbose Date, ie. Saturday, August 20th, 2011
echo.DateEnv_dd will be set to the 2 digit day
echo.DateEnv_mm will be set to the 2 digit month
echo.DateEnv_yyyy will be set to the 4 digit year
echo.DateEnv_month will be set to the month, ie. February or December
echo.DateEnv_mon will be set to the 3 letter month, ie. Jan or Aug
echo.DateEnv itself will not be changed regardless if its a valid date or not
echo.Also formats yyyymmdd or 7 digit julian date input to desired output
echo.Example: Set_Date today "%%date%%" or Set_Date newyear99 01-Jan-99
echo.If DateEnv is not defined and there is no second argument then %%date%% in
echo.the current regional format will be used to populate the variables
echo.If /p is passed as 2nd argument then quoted 3rd argument will prompt for date
echo. set "AprilsFools=4/1/1"
echo. set_date AprilFools
echo. echo Aprils fools date for 2001 in Julian format is: %%AprilFools_jul%%
echo. echo Aprils fools date in 2001 was on a %AprilFools_dow% ^(Sunday^)
echo. Set_Date birthday /p="Enter your birth date: "
echo. ECHO You were born on a %%birthday_dow%%
echo. set "today="
echo. Set_Date today
echo. echo today is %%today_dte%% or %%today_jul%% in Julian format
echo.If the '/p' option is used then the _GetString.cmd routine must be in the PATH
echo. or else set/p routine will ask for date with no validity checking
exit /b 1
set "jul="&set "Format="&set "Sep="&set "reg="
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 255
if /i "%~1" equ "/?" goto :Set_Date Syntax
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo %*|find /i "/r">nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 set/a reg=1&if /i "%~1" equ "/r" shift
if defined %~1 (call set jul=%%%~1%%) else (
if "%~2"=="" set "jul=%date%"
if not "%~2"=="" (
if /i "%~2" neq "/r" (
set "jul=%~2"&set "args=%~3"
) else (if not defined %~1 set/a reg=1)
call :RegDateFmt Format Separator yy mm dd jul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :BadDate
if /i "%~2" equ "%date%" set/a reg=1
if defined reg (
set "jul=!mm!-!dd!-!yy!"
if /i "%jul%" equ "/p" (
call :_GetString.cmd "%args%" jul /d
if !errorlevel! gtr 0 goto :BadDate
) else if /i "%jul:~0,1%" gtr "9" (
if defined args set "jul=%jul% %args%"
set "jul=!jul:* =!"
) else if /i "%jul:~3,1%" gtr "9" (
set "Mon=%jul:~3,3%"
call :month_convert Mon
if !errorlevel! gtr 0 goto :BadDate
set "jul=!Mon!-%jul:~0,2%-%jul:~-2%"
set mdy=%jul:/=%
set mdy=%mdy:-=%
if /i %mdy% equ %jul% (
call :strlen %mdy%
if /i !errorlevel! equ 7 (
call :date_cvt mdy /j
) else (call :date_cvt jul /j)
) else (call :date_cvt jul /j)
if /i %errorlevel% equ 0 (
set/a mdy=%jul%
set/a dow=%jul% %% 7&call :set_day dow
) else (goto :BadDate)
call :date_cvt mdy /j
set "vrb=%mdy%"
call :format_verbose vrb dow month
set/a ymd=%errorlevel%
set "mon=%month:~0,3%"
set/a dte=%ymd%
call :setRegDate dte Format Separator dow mon
if /i %errorlevel% gtr 0 goto :BadDate
call set "%~1_mdy=%mdy%"&call set "%~1_ymd=%ymd%"&call set "%~1_jul=%jul%"
call set "%~1_vrb=%vrb%"&call set "%~1_dow=%dow%"&call set "%~1_dd=%ymd:~-2%"
call set "%~1_mm=%mdy:~0,2%"&call set "%~1_yyyy=%ymd:~0,4%"
call set "%~1_mon=%mon%"&call set "%~1_yy=%ymd:~2,2%"&call set "%~1_dte=%dte%"
call set "%~1_y.m.d=%ymd:~0,4%.%mdy:~0,2%.%ymd:~-2%"&call set "%~1_month=%month%"
exit /b 0
call set "%~1_mdy="&call set "%~1_ymd="&call set "%~1_dte="&call set "%~1_jul="
call set "%~1_vrb="&call set "%~1_dow="&call set "%~1_vrb="&call set "%~1_y.m.d="
call set "%~1_month="
)&exit /b %errorlevel%
::*******|| SUBROUTINES ||*******::
SetLocal&call set/a tkn=%%%~1%%+1
for /f "tokens=%tkn%" %%a in ("Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday") do (
set "dayofwk=%%a"
EndLocal&call set %~1=%dayofwk%&exit /b 1
:Date_Cvt DateEnv [/Julian] Date_env is converted
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 1
SetLocal&call set "mdy=%%%~1%%"
set ech=&set "arg="
if not "%~2"=="" (set arg=%~2&set arg=!arg:~0,2!)
xcopy /d:%mdy% /h /l "%~f0" "%~f0\">nul 2>&1
if /i %errorlevel% equ 0 (
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/- " %%a in ("%mdy%") do (
set m=%%a&set d=%%b&set "y=%%c"
if /i 1!m! lss 20 set "m=0!m!"
if /i 1!d! lss 20 set "d=0!d!"
if /i 1!y! lss 20 set "y=0!y!"
if /i !y! lss 80 (set y=20!y!) else (if !y! lss 100 set y=19!y!)
set "mdy=!m!-!d!-!y!"
) else (
set /a rc=1
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=0123456789" %%a in ("%mdy%") do set "rc=%%a"
if /i !rc! neq 1 set /a err=2&goto :end
call :strlen %mdy%
if /i !errorlevel! gtr 8 set /a err=3&goto :end
set "mdy=%mdy:/=-%"
set "ymd=%mdy:-=%"
if %ymd%==%mdy% (
call :strlen %ymd%
set /a err=!errorlevel!
if /i !err! equ 7 if /i "%arg%" equ "/j" (
call :gdate %ymd%
set /a ymd=!errorlevel!
set /a err=8&set "arg="
if /i !err! neq 8 goto :end
set mdy=!ymd:~4,2!-!ymd:~6,2!-!ymd:~0,4!&set "ech=!mdy!"
) else (
set ymd=%ymd:~4,4%%ymd:~0,4%&set "ech=!ymd!"
xcopy /d:%mdy% /h /l "%~f0" "%~f0\">nul 2>&1
set /a err=%errorlevel%
if /i %err% neq 0 (set ech=)
if /i %err% equ 0 if /i "%arg%" equ "/j" (
call :jdate %ymd%
set /a ech=!errorlevel!
EndLocal&call set "%~1=%ech%"&exit /b %err%
:Strlen Returns length of string in errorlevel
setlocal&set "#=%*"
if not defined # exit /b 0
set/a len=0
set/a len+=1
set "#=!#:~1!"&if not defined # endlocal&exit/b %len%
goto :loop
set "yyyymmdd=%~1"
set "yyyy=%yyyymmdd:~0,4%"
set "mm=%yyyymmdd:~4,2%"
set "dd=%yyyymmdd:~6,2%"
if %mm:~0,1% equ 0 set "mm=%mm:~1%"
if %dd:~0,1% equ 0 set "dd=%dd:~1%"
set /a Month1=(%mm%-14)/12
set /a Year1=%yyyy%+4800
set /a JDate=1461*(%Year1%+%Month1%)/4+367*(%mm%-2-12*%Month1%)^
EndLocal&exit /b %JDate%
set /a p = %1 + 68569
set /a q = 4 * %p% / 146097
set /a r = %p% - ( 146097 * %q% +3 ) / 4
set /a s = 4000 * ( %r% + 1 ) / 1461001
set /a t = %r% - 1461 * %s% / 4 + 31
set /a u = 80 * %t% / 2447
set /a v = %u% / 11
set /a GYear = 100 * ( %q% - 49 ) + %s% + %v%
set /a GMonth = %u% + 2 - 12 * %v%
set /a GDay = %t% - 2447 * %u% / 80
if /i 1%GMonth% lss 20 set "GMonth=0%GMonth%"
if /i 1%GDay% lss 20 set "GDay=0%GDay%"
set "GDate=%GYear%%GMonth%%GDay%"
EndLocal&exit /b %GDate%
:Format_Verbose M/D/Y dayofweek to verbose date
SetLocal&call set "dte=%%%~1%%"
set "dow=%%%~2%%"
set "st="
set "day=%dte:~3,2%"
set "mon=%dte:~0,2%"
set "year=%dte:~6,4%"
set "ymd=%year%%mon%%day%"
set "dy=%day:~1%"
if %day:~0,1% equ 0 set "day=%day:~1%"
if %mon:~0,1% equ 0 set "mon=%mon:~1%"
set months=January February March April May June^
July August September October November December
for /f "tokens=%mon%" %%a in ("%months%") do set "month=%%a"
if /i %dy% equ 0 set "st=th"
if /i %dy% gtr 3 set "st=th"
if /i %day% geq 11 if /i %day% leq 13 set "st=th"
if defined st goto :end
set/a rst=%day% %% 10
for /f "tokens=%rst%" %%s in ("st nd rd") do set "st=%%s"
set "dow=%dow%, %month% %day%%st%, %year%"
EndLocal&call set %~1=%dow%&call set %~3=%month%&exit /b %ymd%
set p0=%0&set "p0=!p0:~1!"
if not exist _GetString.cmd (
call :checkpath %p0%
if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
set/p %~2="%~1"
exit/b 0
call _GetString.cmd "%~1" %~2 %~3
exit/b %errorlevel%
if exist "%~$PATH:1" exit/b 0
exit/b 1
:RegDateFmt Format Separator y m d dte
if "%~2"=="" exit/b 1
setlocal EnabledelayedExpansion
set "Day="&set "Mon="&set "dte="
if not "%~6"=="" set "dte=!%~6!"
if not defined dte set "dte=%date%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%A in ('date^<nul') do set Format=%%A&goto :next
set "Format=%Format: =%"
for %%A in (/ - . ,) do (
echo %Format%|find "%%A">nul&if !errorlevel! equ 0 set "Separator=%%A"
if /i %Format:~0,1% gtr 9 set "Day=Day "
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%a in ('date^<nul') do (
set "Format=%Day%%%a%Separator%%%b%Separator%%%c"
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=.-/ " %%d in ("%dte:* =%") do (
set %%a=%%d&set %%b=%%e&set "%%c=%%f"
echo !yy:~3!|find "ECHO">nul
if /i "!errorlevel!" neq "0" set "Format=!Format:yy=yyyy!"
if /i "!mm:~0,1!" gtr "9" (
set "Format=!Format:mm=Mon!"
call :month_convert mm
if /i "!errorlevel!" neq "0" endlocal&exit/b 1
call set "%~1=%Format%"
call set "%~2=%Separator%"
if not "%~3"=="" call set "%~3=%yy%"
if not "%~4"=="" call set "%~4=%mm%"
if not "%~5"=="" call set "%~5=%dd%"
)&exit/b 0
set "months=Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"
call set "month=%%%~1%%"
set/a mnum=0
for %%m in (%months%) do set/a mnum+=1&if /i %month% equ %%m call set "%~1=!mnum!"&exit /b 0
exit/b 1
:setRegDate dte format sep dow mon
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if /i "%~5"=="" exit/b 1
set mon=!%~5!&set dow=!%~4!&set "dow=!dow:~0,3! "
set sep=!%~3!&set "format=!%~2!"&set "dte=!%~1!"
set yyyy=%dte:~0,4%&set yy=%dte:~2,2%&set mm=%dte:~4,2%&set "dd=%dte:~-2%"
set "toks=2-4"
echo %format%|find " ">nul
if %errorlevel% equ 1 set "dow="& set "toks=1-3"
for /f "tokens=%toks% delims=%sep% " %%a in ("%format%") do (
set "dte=%dow%!%%a!%sep%!%%b!%sep%!%%c!"
endlocal&call set "%~1=%dte%"&exit/b 0
I found this in
I've reworked it a bit to actually split it in 3 environment variables.
The downside is it needs to query the registry, probably to find out the order day, month and year.
#Echo Off
Set _Date=%date%
If "%_Date%A" LSS "A" (Set _NumTok=1-3) Else (Set _NumTok=2-4)
:: Default Delimiter of TAB and Space are used
For /F "TOKENS=2*" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v iDate') Do Set _iDate=%%B
For /F "TOKENS=2*" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sDate') Do Set _sDate=%%B
IF %_iDate%==0 For /F "TOKENS=%_NumTok% DELIMS=%_sDate% " %%B In ("%_Date%") Do Set _fdate=%%D%%B%%C
IF %_iDate%==1 For /F "TOKENS=%_NumTok% DELIMS=%_sDate% " %%B In ("%_Date%") Do Set _fdate=%%D%%C%%B
IF %_iDate%==2 For /F "TOKENS=%_NumTok% DELIMS=%_sDate% " %%B In ("%_Date%") Do Set _fdate=%%B%%C%%D
Set _Month=%_fdate:~4,2%
Set _Day=%_fdate:~6,2%
Set _Year=%_fdate:~0,4%
Echo _Year=%_Year%
Echo _Month=%_Month%
Echo _Day=%_Day%
REG QUERY is not sufficient, if sShortDate was set to something like dd yy. Use REG ADD:
#echo off &setlocal
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sShortDate^|find "REG_SZ"') do set "ssShortDate=%%b"
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /f /v sShortDate /d "dd MM yyyy" >nul
set "cdate=%date%"
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /f /v sShortDate /d "%ssShortDate%" >nul
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%i in ("%cdate%") do set "day=0%%i"&set "month=0%%j"&set "year=%%k"
set "day=%day:~-2%"
set "month=%month:~-2%"
This function should work on all regions.
Returns month in text format for MMM regions
#echo off
call :GetDateIntl year month day
echo/Using GetDateIntl you get: %year%-%month%-%day%
:GetDateIntl yy mm dd [/A]
:: Returns the current date on any machine with regional-independent settings
:: Arguments:
:: yy = variable name for the year output
:: mm = variable name for the month output
:: dd = variable name for the day output
:: /A = OPTIONAL, removes leading 0 on days/months smaller than 10 (example: 01 becomes 1)
:: Remarks:
:: Will return month in text format in regions with MMM month
if "%date%A" LSS "A" (set toks=1-3) else (set toks=2-4)
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%a in ('echo:^|date') do (
for /f "tokens=%toks% delims=.-/ " %%i in ('date/t') do (
set '%%a'=%%i
set '%%b'=%%j
set '%%c'=%%k
if /I "%'yy'%"=="" set "'yy'=%'aa'%"
if /I "%'yy'%"=="" ( set "'yy'=%'jj'%" & set "'dd'=%'tt'%" )
if %'yy'% LSS 100 set 'yy'=20%'yy'%
endlocal&set %1=%'yy'%&set %4 %2=%'mm'%&set %4 %3=%'dd'%&goto :EOF
Below there is a pure Batch solution that just use DATE command and %DATE% variable, so it works on any Windows version. To make this program really universal, just add the name of the day and month parts shown by second line of DATE command in other languages, enclosed in slashes. For example, let's suppose that in German the day part is shown as TT, so you just need to modify this value: set DayNames=/dd/tt/ in order to also use this program in German language Windows (besides all the languages that use DD for the day part).
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem GetStdDate.bat: Get date in standard format independently of Regional Settings
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
rem Set Day and Month names shown by second line of DATE command, enclosed in slashes (add any missing language):
set DayNames=/dd/
set MonthNames=/mm/
rem Get date NAMES from second line of date COMMAND, enclosed in parentheses
for /F "skip=1 tokens=2 delims=()" %%n in ('date ^< NUL') do (
rem Separate and store date names
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/-.:" %%a in ("%%n") do (
set one=%%a& set two=%%b& set three=%%c
rem Get date VALUES from %date% VARIABLE
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/-.:" %%x in ("%date%") do (
rem Assign date values to date names
set %%a=%%x& set %%b=%%y& set %%c=%%z
rem Identify locale date format and assemble StdDate=YYYY/MM/DD
if "!DayNames:/%one%/=!" neq "%DayNames%" (
rem Locale format is DD/MM/YYYY
set StdDate=!%three%!/!%two%!/!%one%!
) else if "!MonthNames:/%one%/=!" neq "%MonthNames%" (
rem Locale format is MM/DD/YYYY
set StdDate=!%three%!/!%one%!/!%two%!
) else (
rem Locale format is YYYY/MM/DD
set StdDate=!%one%!/!%two%!/!%three%!
echo Standard date: %StdDate%
Read a locale independent YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss value.
WMIC gives 20220812142505.576000+180 value and using a simple ~substring we can construct a datetime format.
#set dt=
#echo Step1 %dt%
#timeout /T 4
#echo Step2 %dt%
#for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%X in ('wmic os get localdatetime /value') do #set dt=%%X
#set dt=%dt:~0,4%-%dt:~4,2%-%dt:~6,2%T%dt:~8,2%:%dt:~10,2%:%dt:~12,2%
