Cant get output of command to command line itself? - windows

I have a command typed in the command line for example: -
texteditor --help
This command executes and a window flashes and no output is given on the command line when i am expecting one. On further inspection i find that the command does give an output which i get through
texteditor --help > output.txt
This means that the command does yield an output. I have also included the path in the Environment Variables. How can i give the output to the cmd without reading from the file i.e. that i type
texteditor --help
and get the output in the same console itself.

You could try something like
FOR /F %X ('texteditor --help') DO ECHO %X
This should take the output from texteditor and echo it, line by line, on the console. If you're going to put it in a batch file, double the percent symbols.

I can only imagine the texteditor program is writing to a non-standard place. Normally, programs write normal messages to stdout (stream 1) and write error messages to stderr (stream 2). I obviously do not know what your particular program does, so to investigate it, I would do this:
texteditor --help 2> str2.txt 1> str1.txt
Thne you will have two files, str2.txt and str1.txt. Depending on what each contains afterwards, you should be able to see which stream you need to capture.
In the light of your comment, maybe try this to output to console:
texteditor --help > con
I am not sure I understand what you mean by "How can I give the output to the cmd", but you can save the output of the command into the Windows Clipboard ready to paste into other applications like this:
texteditor --help | CLIP


How to output a line in the command prompt

I've seen people using a file that makes the command prompt output data to the console. Basically how can I make the command prompt output a line of code of my choosing like in Python's print() function.
Use echo thing if you want to echo thing
Be sure to add #echo off to the top of your .bat file

Piping not seem to work with cd | explorer in cmd

I've been learning batch scripting so I came across pipes and I/O redirection.
If this works:
tasklist | find "winword"
Why does this not:
cd | explorer
I expect this command to open explorer at current working directory as cd without any parameters outputs current directory and:
explorer %directory%
opens explorer at %directory%.
Is there something I am doing wrong here?
Open a Command Prompt window, type find "blah" and press Enter; you'll see it awaits user/keyboard/console input, which STDIN points to (press Ctrl+Z and Enter to end the prompt). Then type echo blah and press Enter; you'll notice the text blah is printed, so there is display/console output; this is pointed to by STDOUT. A pipe | takes the data at STDOUT from the left-side command and redirects it into STDIN for the right-side command.
Now type explorer into the Command Prompt window; of course an Explorer Window pops up, but what happens in the Command Prompt? right, nothing, it does not await any input at STDIN. So you can pipe to it but it will not care as it does not read at STDIN. In fact, GUI applications do generally not use STDIN and STDOUT, because these things are intended for command line applications.
Yet another example: in a Command Prompt window, type echo C:\Windows; quite obvious what will happen; then type echo C:\Windows| dir; what happens? dir returns the contents of the current directory but not of C:\Windows. Why? well, let's type dir first and see what happens: yes, dir shows the contents of the current directory, and it does not await console input; so at the right side of the pipe it receives data at STDIN but it simply doesn't care. You can try using dir "C:\some\other\folder", without and with the pipe, the output is just the same, STDIN is ignored here.
The echo/dir example also demonstrates the difference between console input (STDIN) and command line arguments or parameters: the path in the command line dir "C:\some\other\folder" is such an argument, and you cannot replace it by data from STDIN. To understand why, you need to distinguish between parse time (when the command is read and parsed by the interpreter) and run time (when the command is actually executed): arguments already have to be present at parse time, whilst STDIN is only relevant during run time, which is later. So we can say they just never meet.
This also reflects the situation with your attempt cd | explorer: the latter accepts command line arguments (which anyway need to be available before execution, so at parse time), but it doesn't care about STDIN. Also the STDOUT data from cd isn't available before execution (but only during run time), so it would arrive too late anyway...

Capture output of last executed command into a variable without affecting Vim and line returns

From this question: bash - automatically capture output of last executed command into a variable I used this command:
PROMPT_COMMAND='LAST="`cat /tmp/x`"; exec >/dev/tty; exec > >(tee /tmp/x)'
It works, but when I use Vim I get this:
# vim
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
Then Vim opens. But it takes a while. Is there a way to get rid of this message and the slowdown?
Also when I list dir and I echo $LAST it removes the return lines (\n). Is there a way to keep the return lines (\n)?
I think what you ask for is hard do achieve. Vim tests if the output is a terminal. The command you've provided redirects the output to the tee command. tee saves its input (which also menans: command's output) to the file and outputs it to the terminal. But vim knows nothing about it. It only knows its output is not a terminal. So it outputs warning. And from the vim's source code:
if (scriptin[0] == NULL)
ui_delay(2000L, TRUE);
TIME_MSG("Warning delay");
which means this redirection will always get you 2 seconds delay.
Also, for example, man vim command will not work with such redirections, because terminal output has some attributest (e.g. width and height) which generic file hasn't. So... it won't work.

Silencing TYPE Output in Windows Command Prompt

I am trying to suppress the console output in Windows when I execute the TYPE command, e.g.:
TYPE myfile.dat.* > myfile.dat
The console keeps returning the list of file that were read. Since I am already redirecting the output to a file, I cannot use the > NUL redirection. Any ideas on this? Thank you!

How do I use additional binary, such as tee.exe, as command line args with Visual Studio?

While debugging I want to display console output both on console and save a backup in file.
Windows doesn't have tee, but you can add one. Say the folder is c:\bin\ and it works fine. And I have added it into system's PATH.
Problem is setting "[ ]| tee[.exe] output.txt" or " | tee[.exe] output.txt" won't work -- the output.txt is just nowhere to be found. I also tried to add the c:\bin\ path explicitly in VC Directories or environment under debugging and merge environment to be yes.
"> output.txt" works fine.
Anyone has any idea how I can resolve this? Many thanks!
I assume that you're putting the | tee.exe output.txt string in the project property "Debugging | Command Argument".
Unfortunately, that property only supports the redirection operators, not the pipe operator. If you have the | tee.exe output.txt string in the preoperty and run a program that dumps the command line arguments, you'll see that that information is just passed on as the arguments. The "Debugging | Command Argument" doesn't actually get processed by a full-fledged shell (such as cmd.exe) - it's just the IDE supporting some simple redirection (actually, it seems to support more than I expected):
You can use the following redirection operators in this box:
< file
Reads stdin from file.
> file
Writes stdout to file.
>> file
Appends stdout to file.
2> file
Writes stderr to file.
2>> file
Appends stderr to file.
2> &1
Sends stderr (2) output to same location as stdout (1).
1> &2
Sends stdout (1) output to same location as stderr (2).
You can have a limited version of what you're looking for by redirecting the program's output to a file using >> and using a tail-f command to display whatever gets added to the file. If you do this you'll probably want to call setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) first thing in main() so that I/O is unbuffered. Otherwise tail -f won't see it until the buffer gets flushed, and I imagine that you'd like to see each output operation as it occurs.
Another option is to crank the console window's "Screen Buffer Height" property up to a large number - one of the first things I do when I get a new Windows machine is set that value to 3000 or so - then debug the program normally and copy/paste the contents of the console window before it closes.
You better NOT use printf for this purpose. Instead, write your own function; taking formatted-input, like printf - having variable number of arguments (...). That function will use printf to display on console, get the buffer written on file, would send to output to debug window and all. You may customize it depending on Debug/Release build.
It may go like (may have some minor mistakes):
void PrintDebuggingInfo(const char* pFormatString, ...)
va_list arguments;
char OutputString[1024];
va_start(pFormatString, argument);
vsprintf(OutputString, pFormatString, argument); // Generate string
// Now use `OutputString` as you wish!
You may use other variant of vsprintf. Infact all formatted-functions use this function only!
