INSERT..SELECT in Oracle always fails with "SQL command not properly ended" - oracle

I am proficient in SQL-Server and other forms of SQL, but am trying to learn Oracle SQL. For some reason I cannot get even the simplest form of INSERT INTO .. SELECT .. to work, it always fails with "SQL command not properly ended."
Here is my current example:
CREATE TABLE table1 (year INT, id INT, dat DATE, categ VARCHAR(99));
(year, id, dat, categ)
select year, id, dat, categ from table1 where id=5000 and year=2013;
Here's a SqlFiddle of it:!4/c4d34/1
I cannot seem to figure out what's wrong here. I have checked about a dozen other related question here at SO and more than another dozen on Google but all of the answers either don't apply, or don't work. I have also tried about a million variations of the commands above, nothing seems to work.
Any help greatly appreciated.
FWIW, I now think that this is just a SQLFiddle problem, as many had contended.
The Oracle User who reported the problem to me with my code, was of course using the full SQL statement, before I had stripped it down to try to isolate the problem. That query had a completely different problem that just happened to report the same error in SQLFiddle. Specifically, its problem was that I was using As for table aliases, which apparently are invalid in Oracle (or perhaps, just in the query I had written).
In any event, sincere thanks to all who tried to help me.

CREATE TABLE table1 (year INT, id INT, dat DATE, categ VARCHAR(99))
(year, id, dat, categ)
select year, id, dat, categ from table1 where id=5000 and year=2013
This works, that is, if you paste both statements in the left (schema) window in SQL fiddle. I dont' think SQL Fiddle allows in the SQL window at all.

SQL Fiddle
CREATE TABLE table1 (year INT, id INT, dat DATE, categ VARCHAR(99))
INSERT INTO table1 (year, id, dat, categ)
SELECT year, id, dat, categ
FROM table1
WHERE id = 5000 AND year=2013

I don't know why you are facing this problem but there is no issue with syntax
I think it is just how you are executing the query on fiddle i just changed the execution flow and moved Insert statement in schema build section then the whole thing worked fine without changing a word (but i have inserted some sample data to show the exact working)
see this!4/38e62/1


Recover SQL query results in SQL Developer?

So I worked on a bunch of queries yesterday, and before I could get to exporting the results to an external file, my database went down. Is there any way to see the results of your past few queries in SQL Developer? I know there are ways to see your past queries, but I am looking for the results of my queries. Finding them would save me and my team a lot of rework.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: I am asking how to find the results of the SQL queries I ran yesterday. Not the queries themselves.
Use a SELECT statement with an AS OF clause. This retrieves data as it existed at some point in the past.
For example, this query returns the record from current state for Chung.
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'Chung';
And below query retrieves the state of the record for Chung at 9:30AM, April 4, 2004:
SELECT * FROM employees
TO_TIMESTAMP('2004-04-04 09:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')
WHERE last_name = 'Chung';
You can also restore like this:
INSERT INTO employees
(SELECT * FROM employees
TO_TIMESTAMP('2004-04-04 09:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')
WHERE last_name = 'Chung');
Drag the queries from SQL history to worksheet and modify with AS OF clause.
Refer to the source of this answer for more info:

Hive Generating ID

I'm trying to generate unique id's for a table that was originally done in DB2 using the following:
insert into database.table
select next value for database.sequence,
from source
Where the sequence has a defined start value (e.g 25430).
The code I'm currently using is:
insert into database.table
row_number() over() + select max(id) from table,
from source;
Which is fine apart from the nested select statement not working, at the moment I have to run
select max(id) from table
and put it into the query manually.
Can anyone suggest a way to do this in the one query?
You have to force a crossjoin, something like this:
from source,
(select max(id)as maxid from table) as m_id
This way you get one value for your max id back, and you can use that to generate your new one.
Generating surrogate keys with hive is kind of painful, sadly enough.

Insert timestamp into Hive

Hi i'm new to Hive and I want to insert the current timestamp into my table along with a row of data.
Here is an example of my team table :
team_id int
fname string
lname string
time timestamp
I have looked at some other examples, How to insert timestamp into a Hive table?, How can I add a timestamp column in hive and can't seem to get it to work.
This is what I am trying:
insert into team values('101','jim','joe',from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()));
The error I get is:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10293]: Unable to create temp file for insert values Expression of type TOK_FUNCTION not supported in insert/values
If anyone could help, that would be great, many thanks frostie
Can be achieved through current_timestamp() , but only via select clause. don't even require from clause in select statment.
insert into team select '101','jim','joe',current_timestamp();
or if your hive version doesn't support leaving from in select statment
insert into team select '101','jim','joe',current_timestamp() from team limit 1;
If you don't already have a table with at least one row, you can accomplish the desired result as such.
insert into team select '101','jim','joe',current_timestamp() from (select '123') x;

Oracle 11g "INSERT INTO SELECT" Misbehaving

I am trying to do a very simple thing using the following sample query (can't post the actual query :( )
INSERT INTO Students( id, roll_number, Student_name)
SELECT 1, 2, 'MyName' FROM DUAL;
The ID Column has NOT NULL constraint set. When I execute this query I get the following error:
SQL Error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCHEMA"."STUDENTS"."ID")
01400. 00000 - "cannot insert NULL into (%s)"
The ID column has datatype NUMBER.
Could anyone help what could be the problem.
Thanks in advance.
What I would do is run the Select part separately, and look at the data that comes back. i.e.
Select First_Field, Second_Field, 'Bob'
From MyTable
Where First_Field = NULL;
What that gives you. You could also do:
Select count(*)
From MyTable
Where coalesce(First_Field,1) =1;
by the way, you said your field is a Numeric, however just FYI. A '' inserted into a varchar2 field gets interpreted as a NULL. Found that out the hard way
Seems like I am creating a habit of answering my own questions...
When I took a closer look into the table I found that there were two ID columns(of course with different names):
One column stores primary key for this table whereas,
other column stores the foreign key as a link to other table.
Thanks everyone for your responses, those made me wonder as to what wrong was I doing.
Thanks a Ton :)

Why does an Oracle Union create a duplicate in SSIS?

In PLSQL I run:
truncate table MyOracleTableName;
commit work;
insert into MyOracleTablename
select a,b,c,trunc(sysdate) as datadate
from AnotherOracleTableName
where there is a ton of nasty criteria
select a,b,c,trunc(sysdate) as datadate from AnotherOracleTableName
where there is a ton of different nasty criteria;
commit work;
In PLSQL Developer this inserts one row.
When I run the SQL (without the semi colons and the commit work statements) in SSIS, I get a primary key violation from MyOracleTableName.
I have validated that the truncate from SSIS is committed in Oracle.
When I run the SQL above in PLSQL Developer and replace the union with union all, I see a second row and the insert fails for a PK violation. As it should with a union all allowing the duplicate.
This is currently part of an SSIS 2005 package using MSDAORA where it works just fine. I am now re-writing in SSIS 2008 using Native OLE DB providor for Oracle.
I cannot use MSDAORA in my new environment. Is this a driver issue and is there a work around other than breaking these into multiple statements where the second inserts only what is not already in MyOracleTableName?
I figured out the problem after dinner.
The Primary key constraint is a composite key on columns A and B. The Union de-dups on columns a,b,c and the date. In Oracle the trunc(sysdate) returns mm/dd/yyyy. In SSIS the trunc(sysdate) is being parsed out to the second or milisecond. This results in two unique rows (to SQL Server and Microsoft) due to the timestamp, and then attempts to insert duplicate rows where columns a,b, and c are duplicated.
The solution is this:
truncate table MyOracleTableName;
commit work;
insert into MyOracleTablename
select a.*,
trunc(sysdate) as datadate
select a,b,c
from AnotherOracleTableName
where there is a ton of nasty criteria
select a,b,c from AnotherOracleTableName
where there is a ton of different nasty criteria) a
commit work;
This allows the union to kill the duplicate and runs the trunc(sysdate) once thereby presenting the single row to my primary key constraint.
Thank you.
