Mail API - MailChimp VS Amazon SES VS mailgun - reporting

We are looking at integrating with some kind of mail service API but the key thing is we need extensive reporting. I cant get much details on this from the different providers short of contact them so I thought id just ask and find out if anyone knows which service has detailed reporting?
I assume Amazon SES would be the best choice (+ price is good) but confirmation that their service offers really good API reporting would help finalise my decision.
We will be hooking into their API for reporting and displaying the reports on our clients CMS. No, we dont want to redirect the client to any of the provider's login as we want all the clients website data centralised.

With Amazon SES you have all the reporting that you want, but you will have to generate it yourself. Clicks/Bounces/Opens - Amazon SES does not provide you with any of these out of the box, not by an API and not by their console.
Mandrill (which is mailchimp's api service) does provide much more extensive repoting built in, but last I checked, you can't access it by API, only in their dashboard.
I have no idea about mailgun

Well since asking this question I have landed up using MailChimp's API. At the time of asking I couldnt find info on a MailChimp API with reporting.
Great API and features but quite complex replicating their back-end within your own CMS (especially campaigns).


How can I implement Google's "Indexing API for job posting URLs" if my job board only has a dashboard and no place to put the key?

We have a job board for the German market. The template/software we use is from a company called JBoard, whos programming language is PHP and Laravel. We are having difficulties being listed in Google for Jobs, so now we want to use one of Google's features (=instant indexing: for the jobs on our website. We have already generated a key but cannot connect it to the website. According to JBoard, they do not have any place in the backend where you can store the key. However, JBoard says that they have clients who have successfully implemented Google’s API outside of their platform. Apparently it is done with google sheets, google search console and an API token (which I am able to generate via our dashboard). We did find a developer, but he couldn't finish the implementation due to personal reasons. Does anyone know how to implement the instant indexing for jobs when your website is not based on wordpress, Squarespace etc., and with no access to the backend code? Thanks in advance.

How to implement Amazon MWS api in MVC Web API?

I am new to Amazon marketplace web service (MWS). I have read documentation of web service but I am unable to understand which api suit for update quantity and price of single or multiple product at one time.
Here is link that I am reading so far and don't know where to start.(
Can you guys suggest me where to start?
Check out the feed types. You're going to want to submit a pricing or inventory feed to update your inventory. Once you have a feed created, you submit that using the SubmitFeed operation.
For an overview on how feeds works, check out this What you should know about the Amazon MWS Feeds API section.
Specifically for ASP.NET, there is an SDK built that will help you greatly. If you want to know how to implement that as a web api, that's another topic, but you can wrap code from the SDK inside a web api endpoint. But start with understanding MWS.

Monitoring Stormpath Api Calls

I have used googles youtube api in the past which offers an easy way to check how many api calls you have made in a set period e.g one month and i was wondering if stormpath provide any similar service. I can't seem to find it in my account settings?
Stormpath doesn't currently expose this information publicly -- this is something we are working on and will release in the future =)
If you need detailed API reports, you can email us:, and we can send you your usage stats.

Is Parse the right choice if your app does not need Facebook integration?

I want to build something similar to a poll service for mobile but it doesn't need Facebook.
After Facebook's acqusition, is still a viable option if your web app does not need Facebook integration? Could app developers (customers) log in to my backend without a Facebook account?
Is it possible to build premium features with Parse and then charge for them?
Do you own your data when using I.e., can you export it in case you decide to move to another service in the future?
I am hoping someone with experience can shed some light on this. Thank you!
After Facebook's acqusition, is still a viable option if
your web app does not need Facebook integration? Could app developers
(customers) log in to my backend without a Facebook account?
yes,for now.
Is it possible to build premium features with Parse and then charge
for them?
Do you own your data when using I.e., can you export it in
case you decide to move to another service in the future?
I'd suggest you always have a backup plan,when using a BAAS.I pity Stackmob users that didnt.You dont know if parse will still be there in 3 years or their features and pricing will change.Never rely on a BAAS on the long run.
Yes parse has standalone login features with username, and password, in addition to twitter, and facebook. They even handle lost password reset's via email as long as the user has the email field entered. You can check if the user's email has been verified via the emailVerified field.
I'm using's payment system via parse's cloud code. I will admit this is not a complete drop in feature for parse yet, but maybe in the future. stripe is made for developers, and I find it to be a very powerful payment system. I can answer some basic stripe/parse questions as I have written myself basically a semi-complete API for handling customers, card, and charges.

How can I access Gmail's native API?

I would like to access Gmail's native API. Eg,
create a search folder
tag messages
other gmail-specific actions.
There's this similar question, however the question asker seems happy with developing contextual gadgets rather than actually accessing a user's email.
In before anyone mentions: IMAP and POP are generic, non search based protocols and do not provide full access to gmail. Neither, nor any of the official Gmail native apps, use IMAP and POP.
Most webmail services have private, non-IMAP/POP APIs and protocols, eg, hotmail (back when it existed used HTTPMail which was reverse engineered and implemented by hotwayd).
I could run Android gmail with a proxy and attempt to reverse engineer the Gmail protocol itself, but I suspect others have had the same need in the past and may already have a solution.
I did find a list of client of Gmail clients on Gmail Agent API but they don't seem maintained past 2004.
Android's Gmail app is using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to push email messages/notifications and sync with the phone. I think that’s “the API” you are looking for. The bad news is that it is obviously very well protected.
You can get started for free with GCM's JSON REST API and use it for your push messaging projects, but forget about using it for your Gmail in the same fashion Google does. The only option for getting a similar efficiency would be using IMAP's IDLE extension, which uses also push.
Focusing on what you need, I think there are decent solutions for the use cases you have listed in your question… You could use a [**Google App Script**][4] or libs like [**GMail for Python**][5], which seems a valid option to me... from the [**GMail for Python GitHub**][6]:
Search emails
Read emails
Emails: label, archive, delete, mark as read/unread/spam, star
Manage labels
If you are developing an Android mobile app Gmail Public Labels API could also be of your interest...
Hope it helps...
EDIT: Google just introduced its GMAIL API
Update June 2014: Google have announced access to the native gmail API.
The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox,
with a natural interface to Threads, Messages, Labels, Drafts, and
History. From the modern language of your choice, your app can use the
API to add Gmail features like:
Read messages from Gmail
Send email messages
Modify the labels applied to messages and threads
Search for specific messages and threads
