Ruby multiple arrays comparison - ruby

I am trying to replace a component in a legacy system with a Ruby script. One piece of this system accepts a string that contains ASCII '0's and '1's apparently to represent a bitfield of locations. It then converts these location to a string of comma separated 2 two codes (mostly US states).
I have a Ruby method that does this but it doesn't seem like I am doing it the best way Ruby could. Ruby has a ton of ways built in to iterate over and manipulated array and I feel I am not using them to their fullest:
# input "0100010010" should return "AZ,PR,WY"
def locations(bits)
# Shortened from hundreds for this post. :u? is for locations I have't figured out yet.
fields = [ :u?, :az, :de, :mi, :ne, :wy, :u?, :u?, :pr, :u? ]
matches = []
counter = 0
fields.each { |f|
case bits[counter]
when '1' then matches << f
when '0' then nil
else raise "Unknown value in location bit field"
counter += 1
if matches.include(:u?) then raise "Unknown field bit set" end
What would be a better way to do this?
It seems counter to the "Ruby way" to have counter variables floating around. I tried looking at ways to use Array#map, and I could find nothing obvious. I also tried Googling for Ruby Idioms pertaining to Arrays.

matches = { |_,i| bits[i] == '1' }
# => [:az, :wy, :pr]
To verify bits only holds 0s and 1s, you can still do
raise "Unknown value in location bit field" if !bits.match(/^[01]*$/)

Use Array#zip and Array#reduce
bits.split('').zip(fields).reduce([]) do |a, (k, v)|
k == '1' ? a << v.to_s.upcase : a
# => "AZ,PR,WY
1) split bits into an array of chars:
bits.split('') # => ["0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "1", "0"]
2) zip both arrays to generate an array of pairs (by position)
bits.split('').zip(fields) # => [["0", :u?], ["1", :az], ["0", :de], ["0", :mi],
# ["0", :ne], ["1", :wy], ["0", :u?], ["0", :u?], ["1", :pr], ["0", :u?]]
3) reduce the array taking the desired elements according to the conditions
.reduce([]) do |a, (k, v)|
k == '1' ? a << v.to_s.upcase : a
end # => "[AZ,WY,PR]
4) sort the resulting array and join their elements to get the expected string
.sort.join(',') # => "AZ,PR,WY"

You could combine each_with_index, map andcompact: do |v,i|
v if bits[i] == '1'
each_with_index returns an iterator for each each value and its integer index.
map uses the return value of a passed block to yield an output value for each input value. The block returns the value if its corresponding bit is set, and implicitly returns nil if it is not.
compact returns a copy of the output array with all of the nil values removed.
For more detail see the docs for Enumerable and Array.


How to make a repeated string to the left be deleted without using While?

For example, I have this string of only numbers:
If I convert it to integer Ruby automatically gives me this value:
That's correct. But my program gives me different types of numbers:
2229102 desired output => 9102
9999102 desired output => 102
If you look at them I have treated 2 and 9 as zeros since they are automatically deleted, well, it is easy to delete that with an while but I must avoid it.
In other words, how do you make 'n' on the left be considered a zero for Ruby?
"2229102".sub(/\A(\d)\1*/, "") #=> "9102"`.
The regular expression reads, "match the first digit in the string (\A is the beginning-of-string anchor) in capture group 1 ((\d)), followed by zero or more characters (*) that equal the contents of capture group 1 (\1). String#gsub converts that match to an empty string.
Try with Enumerable#chunk_while:
s = '222910222'
#=> "910222"
Where s.each_char.chunk_while(&:==).to_a #=> [["2", "2", "2"], ["9"], ["1"], ["0"], ["2", "2", "2"]]
Similar to the solution of iGian you could also use drop_while.
s = '222910222'
s.each_char.each_cons(2).drop_while { |a, b| a == b }.map(&:last).join
#=> "910222"
# or
s.each_char.drop_while.with_index(-1) { |c, i| i < 0 || c == s[i] }.join
#=> "910222"
You can also try this way:
s = '9999102938'
s.chars.then{ |chars| chars[chars.index(chars.uniq[1])..-1] }.join
=> "102938"

Ruby Split string at character difference using regex

I'm current working on a problem that involves splitting a string by each group of characters.
For example,
"111223334456777" #=> ['111','22','333','44','5','6','777']
The way I am currently doing it now is using a enumerator and comparing each character with the next one, and splitting the array that way.
res = []
str = "111223334456777"
group = str[0]
(1...str.length).each do |i|
if str[i] != str[i-1]
res << group
group = str[i]
group << str[i]
res << group
res #=> ['111','22','333','44','5','6','777']
I want to see if I can use regex to do this, which will make this process a lot easier. I understand I could just put this block of code in a method, but I'm curious if regex can be used here.
So what I want to do is
str.split(/some regex/)
to produce the same result. I thought about positive lookahead, but I can't figure out how to have regex recognize that the character is different.
Does anyone have an idea if this is possible?
The chunk_while method is what you're looking for here:
str.chars.chunk_while { |b,a| b == a }.map(&:join)
That will break anything where the current character a doesn't match the previous character b. If you want to restrict to just numbers you can do some pre-processing.
There's a lot of very handy methods in Enumerable that are worth exploring, and each new version of Ruby seems to add more of them.
str = "111333224456777"
str.scan /0+|1+|2+|3+|4+|5+|6+|7+|8+|9+/
#=> ["111", "333", "22", "44", "5", "6", "777"]
#=> ["111", "333", "22", "44", "5", "6", "777"]
The latter uses the (underused) form of String#gsub that takes one argument and no block, returning an enumerator. It merely generates matches and has nothing to do with character replacement.
For fun, here are several other ways to do that.
str.each_char.chunk(&:itself).map { |_,a| a.join }
str.gsub(/(?<=(.))(?!\1)/, ' ').split
str.gsub(/(.)\1*/).reduce([], &:<<)
str[1..-1].each_char.with_object([txt[0]]) {|c,a| a.last[-1]==c ? (a.last<<c) : a << c}
Another option which utilises the group_by method, which returns a hash with each individual number as a key and an array of grouped numbers as the value.
"111223334456777".split('').group_by { |i| i } => => ["111", "22", "333", "44", "5", "6", "777"]
Although it doesn't implement a regex, someone else may find it useful.

Creating a hash where the keys are strings, values are numbers

I have an array:
["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
I want to create a hash:
{"Melanie"=>[149], "Joe"=>[2, 16, 216] "Sarah"=>nil}
How would I accomplish this when the keys and values are in the same array?
All values would be integers (although they are in string form in the array.) All keys start and end with a letter.
Your expected hash is invalid. Therefore, it is impossible to get what you wrote that you want.
From your issue, it looks reasonable to expect the values to be array. In that case, you can do it like this:
["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
.slice_before(/[a-z]/i).map{|k, *v| [k,]}.to_h
# => {"Melanie"=>[149], "Joe"=>[2, 16, 216], "Sarah"=>[]}
With little modification, you can let the value be a number instead of an array when the array length is one, but that is not a good design; it would introduce exceptions.
Try this
def numeric?(x)
x.chars.all? { |y| ('0'..'9').include?(y) }
array = ["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
keys = { |x| not numeric?(x) }
map = {}
keys.each do |k|
from = array.index(k) + 1
to = array.index( keys[keys.index(k) + 1] )
map[k] = to ? array[] : array[from..from]
p map
{"Melanie"=>["149"], "Joe"=>["2", "16", "216"], "Sarah"=>[]}
[Finished in 0.1s]
Here's another way:
arr = ["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
class String
def integer?
!!(self =~ /^-?\d+$/)
Hash[*arr.each_with_object([]) { |s,a| s.integer? ? a[-1] << s.to_i : a<<s<<[] }].
tap { |h| h.each_key { |k| h[k] = nil if h[k].empty? } }
#=> {"Melanie"=>[149], "Joe"=>[2, 16, 216], "Sarah"=>nil}
There are three components to your question, and I will try to answer them separately.
Regarding storing a multi-valued mapping, while there are specialized solutions available, the most common recommendation is just to store a hash whose values are arrays. That is, for your use case, your primary data structure is a hash whose keys are strings and whose values are arrays of integers. Depending on your desired behavior for duplicates etc., etc, you may wish to substitute a different data structure for the value structure, possibly a set.
Regarding identifying strings containing numbers and strings not containing numbers, well, that depends on exactly what your non-number-containing strings could instead contain, but a good starting point would be to perform a regular expression match for digits. You didn't specify whether your allowable numeric strings represented integers, floating points, etc. The particular answer to that may affect your overall strategy. Unfortunately, input parsing and validation is a complex and messy topic in the general case.
Regarding the actual conversion process, I would recommend the following strategy. Iterate through your input array. Check each string for whether it is numeric or non-numeric. If it is non-numeric, store that as the current key in a local. Also, in your hash, create a mapping from that key to a new empty array. If, instead, the string is numeric, convert it into a number, and add it to the array under the appropriate key.
I don't know if there's a pretty way to do it. I'd do something like this:
def numeric?(string)
# `!!` converts parsed number to `true`
rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
def my_method(input_array)
# associate values with proper key and stores result in output
curr_key = nil
output = {}
input_array.each do |e|
if !numeric?(e)
output[e] = []
curr_key = e
# use Float if values may be floating-point
output[curr_key] << Integer(e, 10)
output.each do |k, v|
output[k] = v.empty? ? nil : v
Source for numeric method.

Only push specific substring to array in Ruby

I have an array that I am looping through and pushing specific values to a separate array. EX:
first_array = ["Promoter: 8", "Passive: 7"]
I want to push every value that is an integer to a separate array, that would look like this in the end:
final_array = [8,7]
It would be nice for the values in the new array to be integers. I can't think of a way to push all numeric values within a string to a new array, but what would be the best option to do what I am wanting?{|s| s[/\d+/].to_i}
# => [8, 7]{|a| a.match(/\d+/)}{|a| a[0].to_i }
Use a regex to grab the integers,
compact the blank spaces from the strings with no integers, and
convert them all to ints
And I have to add this super short but complicated one-liner solution:
a = ["Promoter: 8", "Passive: 7"]
p a.grep(/(\d+)/){$&.to_i} #=> [8,7]
Your question, as formulated, has an easy practical answer, already provided by others. But it seems to me, that your array of strings
a = ["Promoter: 8", "Passive: 7"]
envies being a Hash. So, from broader perspective, I would take freedom of converting it to a Hash first:
require 'pyper' # (type "gem install pyper" in your command line to install it)
hsh = Hash[ a.τBmm2dτ &/(\w+): *(\d+)/.method( :match ) ]
#=> {"Promoter"=>"8", "Passive"=>"7"}
# (The construction of #τBmm2dτ Pyper method will be explained in the appendix.)
Now, having your input data in a hash, you can do things with them more easily, eg.
#=> [8, 7]
APPENDIX: Explanation of the Pyper methods.
Pyper methods are similar to Lisp #car/#cdr methods in that, that a combination of
letters controls the method behavior. In the first method, #τBmm2dτ:
τ - opening and ending character
m - means #map
B - means take a block
2 - means first 3 elements of an array
d - means all elements except the first one (same meaning as in #cdr, btw.)
So, in #τBmm2dτ, Bm applies the block as follows:
x = ["Promoter: 8", "Passive: 7"].map &/(\w+): *(\d+)/.method( :match )
#=> [#<MatchData "Promoter: 8" 1:"Promoter" 2:"8">, #<MatchData "Passive: 7" 1:"Passive" 2:"7">]
# Which results in an array of 2 MatchData objects.
Then, m2d chars map (m) the MatchData objects using 2 and d chars. Character 2 gives
x = { |e| e.to_a.take 3 }
#=> [["Promoter: 8", "Promoter", "8"], ["Passive: 7", "Passive", "7"]]
and d removes the first element from each:
x = { |e| e.drop 1 }
#=> [["Promoter", "8"], ["Passive", "7"]]
In the secon method, #τmbtiτ, m means again #map, b means take the second element, and ti means convert it to Integer:
{"Promoter"=>"8", "Passive"=>"7"} { |e| Integer e[1] }
#=> [8, 7]
If the integer part of each string in (which look like members of a hash) is always preceded by at least one space, and there is no other whitespace (other than possibly at the beginning of the string), you could do this:
first_array = ["Promoter: 8", "Passive: 7"]
Hash[*] # => [8,7]
map first_array => [["Promoter:", "8"], ["Passive:", "7"]]
flatten => ["Promoter:", "8", "Passive:", "7"]
convert to hash => {"Promoter:" => "8", "Passive:" => "7"}
get hash values => ["8", "7"]
convert to ints => [8, 7]
Note the need for the splat:
Hash[*["Promoter:", "8", "Passive:", "7"]]
=> Hash["Promoter:", "8", "Passive:", "7"]
=> {"Promoter:" => "8", "Passive:" => "7"}

Creating a hash from two arrays with identical values in Ruby

I'm having issues creating a hash from 2 arrays when values are identical in one of the arrays.
names = ["test1", "test2"]
numbers = ["1", "2"]
works perfectly it gives me exactly what I need => {"test1"=>"1", "test2"=>"2"}
However if the values in "names" are identical then it doesn't work correctly
names = ["test1", "test1"]
numbers = ["1", "2"]
shows {"test1"=>"2"} however I expect the result to be {"test1"=>"1", "test1"=>"2"}
Any help is appreciated
Hashes can't have duplicate keys. Ever.
If they were permitted, how would you access "2"? If you write myhash["test1"], which value would you expect?
Rather, if you expect to have several values under one key, make a hash of arrays.
names = ["test1", "test1", "test2"]
numbers = ["1", "2", "3"] { |h| { |k, v| (h[k] ||= []) << v } }
# => {"test1"=>["1", "2"], "test2"=>["3"]}
