NameError in Devise::Registrations - Rails 4 - ruby

I have an application that breaks down different users into categories , i run into Devise error when i choose the third category
Relevant code
devise_scope :user do
get "users/select_user_type" => "devise/registrations#select_user_type"
get "users/create_creative_user", :to => "devise/registrations#create_creative_user", :as => "create_creative_user"
resources :users
This is the error i am facing -
uninitialized constant ActionView::CompiledTemplates::CreativeRequest
<%= form_for(,url: {action: "create"},:html=>{:method=>:post,:id=>"create_creative_user"}) do|f| %>
Read around a bit and found sometimes cancan causes error with devise , please guide if it's the same case . Thanks in advance .

If you are using CreativeRequest instance in form_for then CreativeRequest should be a model. Make sure you have a class CreativeRequest in app/models/creative_request.rb.


Rails 4 search bar

I'm trying to create a search bar in my Rails 4 app. I'm my user db has 'name' and 'email' columns for the user's - I want users to be able to search for other users by name or id.
I'm currently getting this:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in UsersController#index
Couldn't find all Users with 'id': (all, {:conditions=>["name LIKE ?", ""]}) (found 0 results, but was looking for 2)
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I've looked at railscasts and a few forums etc but cant get past this point at the moment.
<% form_tag users_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
<%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil %>
<% end %>
if search
find(:all, :conditions => ['name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%"])
def index
#users =[:search])
get 'search' => 'users#index'
Are you using Rails 4? find(:all, ...) is the old way of doing things. find only takes ids now. Use:
if search.present?
where('name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%")
Also present? will test against both nil and blank. Keep in mind that LIKE can be really slow depending on your database.
Searching in rails
By default rails doesn't support full text searching .Activerecord finder always find a record using the primary key ie. id.
Hence , we need some other gems or applications like sunspot, elasticsearch etc..
i'll show you using Sunspot solr here ..
in the gem file of your application just add the following code...
gem 'sunspot_rails'
group :development do
gem 'sunspot_solr'
and in terminal use
bundle install
rails g sunspot_rails:install
this will add solr and creates config/sunspot.yml file
rake sunspot:solr:start
rake sunspot:reindex
edit the user.rb lile in models
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable do
text :name, :email
in app/controller/users_controller.rb
and then add in index function
def index
#search = do
fulltext params[:search]
#users = search.results
Make a form to take a user input
<%= label_tag(:search, "Search for:") %>
<%= text_field_tag(:search) %>
<%= submit_tag("Search") %>
<% end %>

Can't see why I'm getting undefined method form_for

I don't get why I'm getting this error
undefined method `sector_id' for #<Portfolio:0x007fe17c2e3848>
I have a Portfolio Model and a Sector model, they look like so
class Portfolio < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sector
attr_accessible :overview, :title, :sector_id
class Sector < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :portfolios
attr_accessible :name
My routes
resources :portfolios do
resources :sectors
So within my form to create a new portfolio I have this collection_select
<%= f.label :sector_id, "Choose Sector", :class => 'title_label' %><br>
<%= f.collection_select(:sector_id, Sector.all, :id, :name, :prompt => "Please Select a Sector") %>
This is something I've done many times before and it has worked, can anyone see why I would be getting this error?
The only thing I can think of is that I have called my controller for portfolio as Portfolios, I always get mixed up with plural and singular controller names, would this make a difference in my case?
Maybe you have not run the migration yet that adds the column "sector_id" in your table "portfolios". If you are using MySQL connect to your database and check the table (show create table portfolios;). Use appropriate method to get this info from your database server if you are using other rdbms. Alternatively, in your rails console (rails c) type in Portofolio and see what attributes it prints out. Does it include sector_id?

Figuring out rails routes, getting undefined method for my detail_path

My data of a datatable:
def data do |usermap|
link_to(usermap.gobtpac_username, detail_path(usermap.spriden_id))
the above code resides in app\datatables\helpdesk_datatable.rb
The above works mostly I know it is getting the data, the error I get is with the detail_path
Error on "undefined method" for detail_path... This means it is not building the router dynamically right, correct?
Or I am passing in the wrong thing I tried to pass in and just banner user, same issue. I am really not sure how routes work apparently. I have a details_controller.rb in controllers that has a show method in it and i have the views/details/show.html.erb which will show the data that was passed into the route, at least I thought. But is it just an ID or an object? so if it just an id i have to look it up again in
the show method right? How do routes like this look? I am using devise and cancan too here is my routes file:
NmsuMyaccount::Application.routes.draw do
authenticated :user do
root :to => 'home#index'
match 'home', :to => 'home#index', :via => :get
#get 'show-details' => "details#show", as: 'show_details'
resources :details
devise_for :users
resources :users
# In order for an unauthorized user access this controller#action, this needs to be in a scope, but I don't know why.
devise_scope :user do
match 'home', :to => 'home#index', :via => :get
Also hitting the end point localhost:3000 is an error, I have to goto /home, although devise does work just fine. So thought I was close but for the life of me cannot get the detail_path to work, and I thought it was a plural issue so tried details, and just detail no path etc. No dice.
I don't believe that you have access to the route helpers that Rails provides inside your custom class. So you have to manually include the module inside your class. Something like:
link_to(usermap.gobtpac_username, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.detail_path(usermap.spriden_id))
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
# Use it like you are using.
See here for more information about the subject:
Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Using Padrino form helpers and formbuilder - getting started

I've jumped into learning Ruby by going straight to Padrino with Haml.
Most of the Padrino documentation assumes a high-level of knowledge of Ruby/Sinatra etc...
I am looking for samples that I can browse to see how things work. One specific scenario is doing a simple form. On my main (index) page I want a "sign up" edit box with button.
get :index, :map => "/" do
#user = "test"
haml: index
get :signup, :map => "/signup" do
render :haml, "%p email:" + params[:email]
In my view:
-form_for #user, '/signup', :id => 'signup' do |f|
= f.text_field_block :email
= f.submit_block "Sign up!", :class => 'button'
This does not work. The render in (/signup) never does anything.
Note, I know that I need to define my model etc...; but I'm building to to that in my learning.
Instead of just telling me what I'm doing wrong here, what I'd really like is a fairly complete Padrino sample app that uses forms (the blog sample only covers a small part of Padrino's surface area).
Where can I find tons of great Padrino samples? :-)
The answer below was helpful in pointing me at more samples. But I'm still not finding any joy with what's wrong with my code above.
I've changed this slightly in my hacking and I'm still not getting the :email param passed correctly:
- form_for :User, url(:signup, :create), :method => 'post' do |f|
= f.text_field_block :email
= f.submit_block "Sign up!"
post :create do
#user =[:email])
EDIT Added Model:
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String
property :email, String
When this runs, params[:email] is always nil. I've compared this to bunches of other samples and I can't see what the heck I'm doing wrong. Help!
You can browse some example sites here:
Or you can browse sources of here:
The best way also is to generate admin: padrino g admin where you should see how forms works.
The tag form perform by default post actions unless you specify :method => :get|:put|:delete so in your controller you must change :get into :post
post :signup, :map => "/signup" do ...
Since you are using form_for :user params are in params[:user] so to get email you need to puts params[:user][:email]

redirection from one controller to another in rhodes mobile application frame work using ruby

i like share this to programmers who are new in rhodes frame work. I got one problem in redirecting from one controller to another. First time i tried below code.
redirect_to :controller => :User, :action=>:new
But wasn't working for me. I got below soln for that and it works fine.
url_for :controller => :User, :action=>:new
Dileep Paul
In Rhodes, the proper syntax is redirect, not redirect_to. (reference:
You also do not need to utilize the url_for construct.
def create
#product =['product'])
redirect :controller => :Customer, :action => :index
