How to convert gzip to bzip2 via HDFS / Hadoop - hadoop

I have a ton of data files coming in from a client, all gzipped. I want them in .bzip2 as that is splittable and preferable for the intense analysis I have ahead.
Full disclosure: I use Hive and generally have yet to do more than very basic hadoop jobs.
My simple attempt to use a piped command appears to work but it is using the singular CPU of the master node for the operations, which will complete in 2017 for the 12TB of transforms ahead...
hadoop fs -cat /rawdata/mcube/MarketingCube.csv.gz | gzip -dc | bzip2 > cube.bz2
Appreciate any tips on how to make this a MapReduce job so that I can do this (once) for all the files that I'll be hitting repeatedly this weekend. Thanks.

What you can do is using the PailFile format of to store your gzipped files into smaller chunks that fit your HDFS block size.
This way your next jobs (being hive or other) can be parallelized on the various splits even if the file are gzipped.


How to make Hadoop Map Reduce process multiple files in a single run ?

For Hadoop Map Reduce program when we run it by executing this command $hadoop jar my.jar DriverClass input1.txt hdfsDirectory. How to make Map Reduce process multiple files( input1.txt & input2.txt ) in a single run ?
Like that:
hadoop jar my.jar DriverClass hdfsInputDir hdfsOutputDir
hdfsInputDir is the path on HDFS where your input files are stored (i.e., the parent directory of input1.txt and input2.txt)
hdfsOutputDir is the path on HDFS where the output will be stored (it should not exist before running this command).
Note that your input should be copied on HDFS before running this command.
To copy it to HDFS, you can run:
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal localPath hdfsInputDir
This is your small files problem. for every file mapper will run.
A small file is one which is significantly smaller than the HDFS block size (default 64MB). If you’re storing small files, then you probably have lots of them (otherwise you wouldn’t turn to Hadoop), and the problem is that HDFS can’t handle lots of files.
Every file, directory and block in HDFS is represented as an object in the namenode’s memory, each of which occupies 150 bytes, as a rule of thumb. So 10 million files, each using a block, would use about 3 gigabytes of memory. Scaling up much beyond this level is a problem with current hardware. Certainly a billion files is not feasible.
HAR files
Hadoop Archives (HAR files) were introduced to HDFS in 0.18.0 to alleviate the problem of lots of files putting pressure on the namenode’s memory. HAR files work by building a layered filesystem on top of HDFS. A HAR file is created using the hadoop archive command, which runs a MapReduce job to pack the files being archived into a small number of HDFS files. To a client using the HAR filesystem nothing has changed: all of the original files are visible and accessible (albeit using a har:// URL). However, the number of files in HDFS has been reduced.
Sequence Files
The usual response to questions about “the small files problem” is: use a SequenceFile. The idea here is that you use the filename as the key and the file contents as the value. This works very well in practice. Going back to the 10,000 100KB files, you can write a program to put them into a single SequenceFile, and then you can process them in a streaming fashion (directly or using MapReduce) operating on the SequenceFile. There are a couple of bonuses too. SequenceFiles are splittable, so MapReduce can break them into chunks and operate on each chunk independently. They support compression as well, unlike HARs. Block compression is the best option in most cases, since it compresses blocks of several records (rather than per record).

Optimisation for hadoop put with lot of small files

I have to load a lot of files on my cluster (+/- 500 000) and it's take a very long time.
Each file is in gzip format and takes 80Mb of space.
For the moment I use a while loop for load my file with a put but you have maybe a best solution...
Thanks for your helping.
It's hard to understand the problem the way you explain it.
HDFS supports gzip compression without splitting. As your files are ~80MB each then splitting is not a big problem for you, just make sure to use block size of 128MB of larger.
Concerning file uploading, why don't you upload the whole directory simply with -put command?
hadoop fs -put local/path/to/dir path/in/hdfs
will do the trick.
May be you can look into DataLoader of PivotalHD which loads data using map job parallel which is faster. Check this link PivotalHD Dataloader.
You can use BuildSequenceFileFromDir of Binarypig present at

How to control the number of hadoop streaming output files

Here is the detail:
The input files is in the hdfs path /user/rd/input, and the hdfs output path is /user/rd/output
In the input path, there are 20,000 files from part-00000 to part-19999, each file is about 64MB.
What I want to do is to write a hadoop streaming job to merge these 20,000 files into 10,000 files.
Is there a way to merge these 20,000 files to 10,000 files using hadoop streaming job? Or, in other words, Is there a way to control the number of hadoop streaming output files?
Thanks in advance!
It looks like right now you have a map-only streaming job. The behavior with a map-only job is to have one output file per map task. There isn't much you can do about changing this behavior.
You can exploit the way MapReduce works by adding the reduce phase so that it has 10,000 reducers. Then, each reducer will output one file, so you are left with 10,000 files. Note that your data records will be "scattered" across the 10,000... it won't be just two files concatenated. To do this, use the -D mapred.reduce.tasks=10000 flag in your command line args.
This is probably the default behavior, but you can also specify the identity reducer as your reducer. This doesn't do anything other than pass on the record, which is what I think you want here. Use this flag to do this: -reducer org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityReducer

Merge HDFS files without going through the network

I could do this:
hadoop fs -text /path/to/result/of/many/reudcers/part* | hadoop fs -put - /path/to/concatenated/file/target.csv
But it will make the HDFS file get streamed through the network. Is there a way to tell the HDFS to merge few files on the cluster itself?
I have problem similar to yours.
Here is article with number of HDFS files merging options but all of them have some specifics. No one from this list meets my requirements. Hope this could help you.
HDFS concat (actually FileSystem.concat()). Not so old API. Requires original file to have last block full.
MapReduce jobs: probably I will take some solution based on this technology but it's slow to setup.
copyMerge - as far as I can see this will be again copy. But I did not check details yet.
File crush - again, looks like MapReduce.
So main result is if MapReduce setup speed suits you, no problem. If you have realtime requirements, things are getting complex.
One of my 'crazy' ideas is to use HBase coprocessor mechanics (endpoints) and files blocks locality information for this as I have Hbase on the same cluster. If the word 'crazy' doesn't stop you, look at this:

How to achieve desired block size with Hadoop with data on local filesystem

I have a 2TB sequence file that I am trying to process with Hadoop which resides on a cluster set up to use a local (lustre) filesystem for storage instead of HDFS. My problem is that no matter what I try, I am always forced to have about 66000 map tasks when I run a map/reduce jobs with this data as input. This seems to correspond with a block size of 2TB/66000 =~ 32MB. The actual computation in each map task executes very quickly, but the overhead associated with so many map tasks slows things down substantially.
For the job that created the data and for all subsequent jobs, I have dfs.block.size=536870912 and fs.local.block.size=536870912 (512MB). I also found suggestions that said to try this:
hadoop fs -D fs.local.block.size=536870912 -put local_name remote_location
to make a new copy with larger blocks, which I did to no avail. I have also changed the stripe size of the file on lustre. It seems that any parameters having to do with block size are ignored for local file system.
I know that using lustre instead of HDFS is a non-traditional use of hadoop, but this is what I have to work with. I'm wondering if others either have experience with this, or have any ideas to try other than what I have mentioned.
I am using cdh3u5 if that is useful.
