Trying to create my first package, but getting undefined method callAction() exception - laravel

I'm trying to develop a package, so I've followed this tutorial until Creating a Facade section because I don't need a facade.
The problem is:
Route::get('test', 'Aristona\Installer\Installer#install');
throws an exception: Call to undefined method Aristona\Installer\Installer::callAction()
My Installer.php is like this:
<?php namespace Aristona\Installer;
class Installer
public static function install()
return "Hello";
The class is loading. I've added it to my service providers list. Also I can confirm it is loading by adding one more install method, because PHP throws a fatal error about redeclaring same method twice.
I've tried different combinations on my method prefixes (e.g without static) Doesn't solve.
Anyone know what am I doing wrong?

Your getting an error because you're trying to use routing to controller where none exists. To be more specific, Laravel is trying to perform this method from it's core Controller class:
* Execute an action on the controller.
* #param string $method
* #param array $parameters
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function callAction($method, $parameters)
$response = call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), $parameters);
// If no response is returned from the controller action and a layout is being
// used we will assume we want to just return the layout view as any nested
// views were probably bound on this view during this controller actions.
if (is_null($response) && ! is_null($this->layout))
$response = $this->layout;
return $response;
So unless the class you're specifying in Route::get() is extending either BaseController or Controller, this exception will be thrown. If you tested the same method inside a closure, it would work.
More about Laravel controller routing can be found here.
To fix this, you should either add a controller to your package or use the Installer class inside another controller.


Laravel - Facade explanation and code example

whenever we call a Facade Method it involves Facade design pattern and it called for some hidden class by using Facade. for instance for File, if we call
this will call the method in class
and in this class we will have get($path) method.
Now my question is how Facade Abstract Class is related to File and Filesystem and where Laravel is telling them to call get in Filesystem. is there some kind of register which i am missing ?? i want to find complete link.
If you go in your config/app.php, you will notice that there's an array called aliases which looks like this
'aliases' => [
'File' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::class,
So, basically whenever you call File, the Service Container will try to resolve an instance of Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::class which is just a Facade.
If you look into Illuminate\Support\Facades\File::class, you will see that it contains only one method:
class File extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* #return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'files';
As you can see, it extends the Facade class and whenever a Facade is being resolved, Laravel will try to find a key in the Service Container that is equal to whatever is returned by getFacadeAccessor().
If you check the source of Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider, you will see this:
$this->app->singleton('files', function () {
return new Filesystem;
As you can see, the key files is being bounded to a FileSystem implementation. So, that's how Laravel knows how to resolve the File facade.

Why won't this Laravel 5.4 service provider register?

I am trying to do a hello world service provider with the new Laravel 5.4.
I have created the following service provider file:
//File: app/TestProvider/TestServiceProvider.php
namespace App\TestProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class TestServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Test', function ($app) {
return new Test();
I have created a simple class under the same namespace:
//File: app/TestProvider/Test.php
namespace App\TestProvider;
class Test
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function helloWorld()
echo "hello world";
The problem is, this is not registering. The register method is executing as when I put a breaker before the 'bind' method, it executes:
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Test', function ($app) {
return new Test();
So this outputs "BREAKER" as expected. However if I put the breaker in the closure, nothing happens which suggests for some reason, that 'bind' method isn't being executed??
Any ideas?
Just some further info: I know that the Test class is registered and in the correct namespace as I can do:
dd(new Test());
in the registration method, and it outputs the resource id as expected.
The closure provided only runs when the binding is being resolved. That's why it's a closure, it can be saved in the service container and resolved at any time while the program runs.
To see the resolved binding, create a controller and resolve the class in that controller:
// File: app/Http/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
// This isn't the best way, but it works. See the best way below
class TestController extends Controller {
public function index()
return \App::make('Test')->helloWorld();
Of course, don't forget to register the route:
// File: routes/web.php
Route::get('/', 'TestController#index');
The binding will resolve when you hit the homepage.
However, as I said, it's not the best way, so here I prepared a better way. Change the way you register the binding:
// File: app/Providers/TestProvider.php
namespace App\TestProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\TestProvider\Test;
// Better way
class TestServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register bindings in the container.
* #return void
public function register()
// Note: we bind the exact complete class name!
$this->app->bind(Test::class, function ($app) {
return new Test();
After this change the controller so that it looks like this:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\TestProvider\Test;
class TestController extends Controller {
* #var Test $test
private $test;
// Let Laravel resolve the dependency on constructing the class
public function __construct(Test $test)
$this->test = $test;
public function index()
return $this->test->helloWorld();
You will see that the exact same thing happens, but it looks more elegant and avoids conflicts.
Laravel gives only a high level overview of the service container, which doesn't help to learn how it works on the inside. The best way to see that is to go down the call stack.
When you do that, you find that Laravel registers every class in the project in the service container. That means that whether you create a service provider or not, the class will be in the container. How exactly?
When you run php artisan optimize, Laravel creates files that have array with all the classes of the project. When you run the app, after registering everything from the service providers, Laravel registers the rest of the classes from that file.
That means that in your case, if you don't specifically register the Test class, it will still be resolvable. Basically, you only need to register classes that need some specific instructions to be resolved.
So how does Laravel resolve the dependencies?
When you run \App::make(Test::class) or inject dependency via type hinting in the constructor (the "better way" from my solution), Laravel looks for that dependency among the bindings.
When it finds the dependency, it resolves either the closure associated to it or the constructor of the class directly.
When it resolves the constructor directly, it looks for type hints among the constructor parameters and recursively resolves all of them until there's nothing else to resolve.
After that it returns the resolved class.
Of course, bear in mind that for Laravel to analyze the contructor of a class, it needs to be resolved via the service container in the first place. You can't just call $test = new Test(); and expect Laravel to do all the magic :)
This is a rather quick overview of Laravel's service container. The best way for you to learn it is, of course, studying the sources for yourself. It's truly elegant and it uses PHP's functionality to the fullest.
I really hope this shed some light on the service container for you and can help you in the future :)
The closure passed to the bind() method is not executed until you actually attempt to resolve the alias you are binding.
So, if you dd('breaker') inside the closure, this won't actually get executed until Test is resolved (whatever your preferred resolution method is):
Service provider:
// bind the closure to the 'Test' alias
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Test', function ($app) {
return new Test();
Code that resolve Test alias:
// different ways of resolving the alias out of the container.
// any of these will execute the bound closure.
$test = resolve('Test');
$test = app('Test');
$test = app()->make('Test');
$test = \App::make('Test');
$this->app->bind(Test::class, function ($app) {
return new Test();

How to override the native zf2 view helpers with a custom helper

I wanted to create a custom basepath helper to replace the original zf2 basepath view helper.
So if i call $this->basepath, it will use my custom basepath instead of the original one. I am not sure if this is can be done. I want my custom basepath extends the original basepath class too.
I have found some answers on how to create custom helpers and how to register them in module.php or module.config.php
But i can't find any similar questions on how to override the original helpers!
Factory definition of the basepath view helper is declared as a hardcoded invokable in HelperPluginManager (on line 45) however this definition also overridden in ViewHelperManagerFactory (line 80 to 93) because BasePath view helper requires the Request instance from ServiceLocator:
$plugins->setFactory('basepath', function () use ($serviceLocator) {
// ...
I strongly recommend extending the built-in basepath helper with a different name (MyBasePath for example) instead of trying to override the existing one. Overriding that native helper may produce some unexpected headaches later (think about 3rd party modules which uses that helper to work).
For your question; yes, it is possible.
Create the Application\View\Helper\BasePath.php helper class like below:
namespace Application\View\Helper;
use Zend\View\Helper\BasePath as BaseBasePath; // This is not a typo
* Custom basepath helper
class BasePath extends BaseBasePath
* Returns site's base path, or file with base path prepended.
public function __invoke($file = null)
var_dump('This is custom helper');
And override the factory in the onBootstrap() method of the Module.php file like below:
namespace Application;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Application\View\Helper\BasePath; // Your basepath helper.
use Zend\View\HelperPluginManager;
class Module
* On bootstrap for application module.
* #param MvcEvent $event
* #return void
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event)
$services = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
// The magic happens here
$services->get('ViewHelperManager')->setFactory('basepath', function (HelperPluginManager $manager) {
$helper = new BasePath();
// Here you can do whatever you want with the instance before returning
return $helper;
Now you can try in any view like this:
echo $this->basePath('Bar');
This is not a perfect solution but it should work.

laravel 4.1 scaffold generated code gives error :Call to undefined method Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event::all()

I am using scaffold command to generate code, but when i do scaffold for "event" everything go fines but when i try to load event controller in browser it shows following error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event::all()
My event controller code is
class EventsController extends BaseController {
protected $event;
public function __construct(Event $event)
$this->event = $event;
* Display a listing of the resource.
* #return Response
public function index()
$events = $this->event->all();
return View::make('events.index', compact('events'));
I din't understand why it throw error because its auto generated code, and i do 3 scaffold before this one and they are working well . may be i cant put the name "event" or "static" while generating scaffold. because when i generate scaffold for "static" also it give some kind of error and when i scaffold "staticcontent" its work well.
By scaffold i mean scaffold command
php artisan generate:scaffold event --fields="from:date, body:text"
The Event class already exists so you'll have to change the name of your model to something else. Ran into this same issue before and was banging my head off the wall for hours.

why my joomla controllers method is not getting executed

I have an ajax method which sends data to one of my controller but the method inside of my controller is not getting fired. Everytime the first method is getting executed on call. The controller looks as it follows
class TieraerzteControllerUploader extends JController
* display task
* #return void
function display($cachable = false)
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.'/helpers/upload.php';
$upload_handler = new UploadHandler();
//this one is going to be outputed
public function locator(){
// I wait here for a dump, but is not happening
echo '{"text":"John Smith","id":"433"},{"text":"Paul Sparks","id":"434"}';
I call the controller with the following url
even if I call the above url the result is the same
I think you are using wrong formated joomla url.
Try this url formate,u may call the controller
watch the difference between your url and my url.
