RGeo on Ruby under Windows: How to enable GEOS support? - ruby

I'm trying to do some spatial operations in Ruby with the RGeo gem. Unfortunately, a lot of operations require the GEOS library and I can't find any documentation showing how to integrate this in Windows (I am using Windows 7 64bit).
I tried downloading and installing the Windows binaries of GEOS from http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ and reinstalling the RGeo gem via gem install rgeo -- --with-geos-dir="C:\OSGeo4W64\bin (<< in this directory there is a file geos_c.dll).
Still, using RGeo::Geos.supported? returns false.
Does anybody know how to solve this?

For anyone else looking to do this - here are some tips as to how I got it working.
install GEOS Windows binaries by following the link from http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ (I have Ruby 32 bit version, so I went for the 32 bit version)
you should now be able to find a file geos_c.dll in C:\OSGeo4W\bin
set a Windows environment variable ENV['GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH'] to be C:\OSGeo4W\bin
check at this point to make sure that ENV variable is there - maybe restart your PC!
in your Gemfile, add gem 'ffi-geos' and gem 'rgeo' and bundle install
in your Ruby file, remember to require 'ffi-geos' and require 'rgeo' (in that order)
use factory = RGeo::Geos.factory(:native_interface => :ffi) - not RGeo::Cartesian.factory
check RGeo::Geos.supported? as Dirk said


Moving Sinatra from Webrick to a different server on windows - thin installed but can't load eventmachine

I'm building a simple web app on Sinatra that I can deploy like a gem to artifactory; to start with I'm getting everything setup.
Here's what I've done:
I've got the the gemspec done so I can deploy like a gem
I've got sinatra modular set up with a basic 'hello world' page
I've got Rspec setup for testing (hello world test passes)
I've got rake tasks to make things easier (booting up sinatra, building the gem, running tests, etc)
Now I need to move Sinatra from Webrick to somthing a bit more robust and that's this is where I'm hitting a wall.
I've tried Unicorn,thin and Puma but they all won't install and I don't know what to do.
They all fail at Building Native extensions, I don't know what to do.
I'm using windows 8.1 (i'd rather be doing this on ubuntu but the company uses windows and to be honest I like a challenge) ruby 2.1 and I have devkit installed (and it's working now, wouldn't last night).
From what I've read Unicorn won't work on windows so the best bet is to go with thin but that fails with: extconf.rb
checking for main() in -lc... *** extconf.rb failed ***
It mentions that I need the devkit installed (it is the first line is Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...)
Despite this it fails, I tried doing what I found in this but that didn't help ( Installing event machine didn't do anything).
I'm at a loss of what to do next.
Whilst I've solved the problem of getting Thin to install it now has a differant error
IT can't load eventmachine.
It all comes down to the fact that the Devkit wasn't being recognised or it didn't install properly or something. I wonder why.
I've tried Unicorn,thin and Puma but they all won't install and I don't know what to do. They all fail at Building Native extensions, I don't know what to do.
The reason these are failing is that many ruby gems use native C extensions which expect to be compiled and installed on a linux or unix environment.
Doing any sort of Ruby development work on a Windows machine is an exercise in sadomasochism.
I strongly recommend you install VirtualBox, download an Ubuntu or similar linux virtual machine image, boot it, configure it, and use it as your development webserver. You can continue to edit your code in windows, but you will be running it in a sane environment.
Ultimately, you may have to learn some new skills, but you will save yourself an enormous amount of frustration by moving off windows as your development platform.
I managed to get thin installed but it wasn't easy
I wiped every bit of ruby from my machine, including all references in the registry, got rid of pik as well.
I then followed these steps (that I worked out along with an answer from another question) and it now works
install rubyinstaller 2.1.3
install devkit
gem install thin --platform=[win64]
notepad C:\Ruby21-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.1.0\gems\eventmachine-1.0.3\ext\project.h #append line 97 with //
cd C:\Ruby21-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.1.0\gems\eventmachine-1.0.3
gem build eventmachine.gemspec
move eventmachine-1.0.3.gem up one directory
cd ..
gem install eventmachine-1.0.3.gem
del the gemfile
gem install thin --platform=[win64]
A bit of a job BUT it worked,
The answer in question isthis one.
2) edited the file:
and commented the line 97
//typedef int pid_t; for a more robust correction, checkout the
solution here
3) then, i've opened command prompt, and went to the gem folder
c:\Ruby21-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.0.0\gems\eventmachine-1.0.3 and run:
gem build eventmachine.gemspec
In the end, after hammering my head against a wall, on a suggestion I installed chef-client and using the embedded ruby allowed it to work, that said it only uses ruby 1.9.3 but it works so for now it will have to do.

Trying to install Jekyll on Windows 8 (x64): Error installing fast-stemmer-1.0.2.gem

I'm trying to get Jekyll running on Windows 8 x64, using this manual:
Running Jekyll on Windows
I'm using the following two downloads from rubyinstaller.org:
Ruby 2.0.0-p0 (x64)
So I set up both Ruby and the DevKit according to the manual (expect it's newer versions). I tried running a little Hello World .rb script and it's working fine, path variables are set.
I then try to run gem install jekyll and I get the following output:
gem install jekyll - output on pastebin.com
The problem seems to be with the gem called fast-stemmer-1.0.2.gem, or so it seems.
Unfortunately I have practically zero experience with Ruby or Jekyll and have no idea what is going on here. Could someone please take a look at the output and send me into the right direction?
Have you tried uninstall Ruby/DevKit and try the whole thing again, but this time, install Ruby to the default directory like C:\Ruby200-x64 instead of C:/Program Files/Ruby/Ruby200-x64
As I suspect the space in your ruby directory could be the issue. (Line 296 of your error txt)
/usr/bin/install: target
is not a directory make: *** [install-so] Error 1
Also quote from Issues installing Ruby and Rails and DevKit on windows 7 x64 - fix needed
Seems you installed Ruby (along the DevKit?) inside a directory with
As indicated during Ruby own installer, path with spaces are not
recommended (that is why default is C:\Ruby193
GCC, the compiler that is part of DevKit, has problems with path with
spaces, so installation of DevKit is also recommended to be placed in
a path without spaces (e.g. C:\DevKit)

RVM, FSEvents, and CarbonCore on OS X

I'm setting up a project that uses SASS, which uses FSEvents to keep from polling the disk. It seems that this doesn't play nice with RVM, however. That means that when I run sass --watch I get this warning:
Warning: Unable to load CarbonCore. FSEvents will be unavailable.
I realize that it will still work, but I don't want to be polling my disk constantly. I want to get it working with FSEvents. The best information I could find about this was this thread:
I reinstalled my RVM Ruby (using 1.9.2) as described by Brandon Mathis and downloaded the linked RubyCocoa. However, I get an error on the first step of installing RubyCocoa:
[rvm 1.9.2] ~/Downloads/RubyCocoa-1.0.0 $ ruby install.rb config --build-universal=yes
install.rb: entering config phase...
create ext/rubycocoa/extconf.rb
create framework/GeneratedConfig.xcconfig
create framework/src/objc/Version.h
create tests/Makefile
---> framework
create /Users/xxx/Downloads/RubyCocoa-1.0.0/framework/src/objc/osx_ruby.h ...
config failed
hook /Users/xxx/Downloads/RubyCocoa-1.0.0/framework/post-config.rb failed:
No such file or directory - /Users/xxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/ruby/1.9.1/x86_64-darwin10.6.0/ruby.h
try 'ruby install.rb --help' for usage
It looks like the problem stems from this being an older version of RubyCocoa (I notice the missing file has 1.9.1 in the path), but in the Google Groups post, Brandon Mathis says specifically to use the version he links and not the newest one.
Does anyone know how to get this configured, or have a link to a recent, hopefully simpler and clearer guide to getting FSEvents working with RVM?
Versions in question:
RVM 1.2.0
Ruby 1.9.2 patch level 136 (installed via RVM)
Mac OS X 10.6.6
HAML gem 3.0.25 (SASS is part of HAML)
I wrote FSSM, which is what HAML/SASS/Compass use for their filesystem watching backend. While rubycocoa isn't supported in 1.9.x, the latest git version of FSSM has pretty solid support for rb-fsevent. This library currently has other limitations, like only being able to monitor one path (parent directory is a must here), but I'm working on it. ;)
I'd highly suggest installing rb-fsevent, and then FSSM from github: https://github.com/ttilley/fssm
If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to file an issue in the tracker. FSSM is a currently maintained project, and it was originally written to help Chris Eppstein out with providing watch functionality in compass (which was later adopted in sass itself). Ease of use via these libraries is my absolute top priority.
This is kind of a lost battle. You can copy the contents of the include/ruby folder from the Ruby source code to that location /Users/xxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/ruby/1.9.1/x86_64-darwin10.6.0/ which will let you run the config command, but after that you will get a lot of errors on the setup command and you won't be able to install it all. People say RubyCocoa doesn't work with 1.9.2 and I don't know if anyone managed to make it work.
I tried the FSSM method above, to no avail...
Gemfile now has:
group :development do
gem 'rb-fsevent'
gem 'fssm', :git => 'https://github.com/ttilley/fssm.git'
which installs:
fssm (
rb-fsevent (0.4.0)
Still getting this tho:
Warning: Unable to load CarbonCore. FSEvents will be unavailable.
Anyone have install steps to make FSSM work nicely?

Should I enable RubyGems by default when installing ruby on Windows?

I've decided to have a play around with ruby so I've downloaded the windows one click installer. One of the options in the installer which isn't selected by default is to "Enable RubyGems" which automatically enables RubyGems by pre-appending 'rubygems' to the RUBYOPT environment variable.
Being completely new to Ruby I must admit that I have no idea what that means in terms of the impact it will have as I start developing programs in Ruby.
For one, I don't know what Ruby Gems are...but I also don't know how critical they are to ruby development. Should I just enable them by default or should I wait until I find that I definitely need them?
RubyGems or simply gems are Ruby packages or libraries that you can install and use in your Ruby programs. So you definitely will need them at some point in time and therefore you should enable them. When you will see that you need to install gem named "xxx" then you just need to run from command line:
gem install xxx

pg.so problem with Ruby in Windows

I have installed the pg module with help of
gem install pg
Which returned
Successfully installed pg-0.8.0-x86-mswin32-60
When a .rb-file looks like this
require 'rubygems'
require 'pg'
I get an LoadError (exception 126) which tells me that it can't find the module C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/pg-0.8.0-x86-mswin32-60/lib/pg.so.
I heard something about that it is a Linux compilation. I'm really stuck so I really welcome suggestions.
I have also installed PostgreSQL, I use Windows XP.
Perhaps it's not pg that's missing but some other dependency? Perhaps devkit?: http://blog.smajn.net/2009/07/installing-ruby-191-rails-232-and.html
pg gem depends on PostgreSQL DLL being in the PATH.
In case the required DLL is not found, Ruby will throw a loading error about pg.so
Please check that PostgreSQL binaries and DLL are in the PATH:
Or copy the required DLL (pq.dll) has been copied to Ruby installation directory.
I recommend read this blog article about setting PostgreSQL with new RubyInstaller (One-Click Installer successor):
Install Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 2.3.2 on Windows Vista
Hope that helps.
I just wrestled with this myself.
1) Make sure C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin is in your path (as Luis suggested)
2) Make sure the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin are loaded first. In my case I copied them over from C:\ruby\bin, which (in my case) is first in my path.
I was getting errors like
The ordinal 4046 could not be located in dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll
The ordinal 284 could not be located in the dynamic link library SSLEAY32.DLL
until I did step 2)
Good luck...
