Mule - [WARNING] MULE_HOME is not set - displayed when building with Maven - maven

I'm trying to deploy a Mule application to Standalone using Maven, but Maven is unable to move my app to the relevant apps folder and I'm given the following warning:
[WARNING] MULE_HOME is not set, not copying <app-name>
However, MULE_HOME is set, and a simple echo $MULE_HOME in Terminal gives the following, which is correct:
Is there a known fix to this? Currently having to manually copy to the apps directory.

Ok, I've figured out where the issue was here. My standalone instance of Mule is in a directory /opt/mule-standalone-3.4.0 with an alias /opt/mule pointing to the same location. For some reason, Maven didn't like MULE_HOME being set to the alias. When amended to point to the actual directory, all worked fine.


maven directory not found in Jenkins?

I am doing auto deployment of Java Application using Maven and Jenkins, but it is getting failed.Here is the console output:
I have set the environment varaibles and also downloaded and configure all the required plugins. Need help to solve this issue.
First of all: Please copy/paste messages instead of using images.
Secondly, the message said that you probably misconfigured the directory for the settings.xml. The settings.xml is usually in the directory .m2 in the user directory, but it can also be supplied from somewhere else.

Unable to build maven project, pom.xml file not found

We recently lost (i.e they died after SAN failure) build VMs for an inhouse application. Unfortunately, these VMs were never backed up.
The devs that set this environment up have moved on and now I'm trying get these VMs going again as mods are required to this inhouse application. I'm a sys admin not a developer and this is proving harder than I thought...
The VMs that died were a TeamCity server and an Artifactory server.
I've built a new VM with both TeamCity and Artifactory (it should be lightly loaded enough to handle it). I have TeamCity talking to the git repo but when I try and build the project, I get
Non-readable POM /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430/webview/pom.xml: /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430/webview/pom.xml (No such file or directory)
Looking on the file system, indeed there is no pom.xml file at /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430/webview. There is however a pom.xml file in /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430.
Any pointers on how to get Maven to look one directory up for this file?
Apologies all, I just found that I hadn't correctly defined the "VCS Root", I done that now and am getting further although the project still doesn't build. I'll poke it some more and see how I go.
I just found that I hadn't correctly defined the "VCS Root".
I faced similar issue. Solution is: Please check the module name in parent POM and child pom, both name should be same.
Adding to that Teamcity build using maven thrown me same kind of error with the below message
The project (/opt/buildagent/work/d1df6864f98d2599/pom.xml) has 1 error
Non-readable POM /opt/buildagent/work/d1df6864f98d2599/pom.xml: /opt/buildagent/work/d1df6864f98d2599/pom.xml (No such file or directory)
for me it solved by creating VCSRoot configuration

Running mule application in MuleStudio

While running mule application in MuleStudio, I see 2 options.
Run As > Mule Application
Run As > Mule Application with Maven
I always used first option which worked fine, until a point of time when I defined maven filter. Using the first option the filters were not getting resolved, so I tried to run using second option which resulted in the following error --
[12:04:57] Starting build...
Error: Could not find or load main class local
I created a test project for sharing this problem and uploaded it on github
pom.xml >
Please suggest me, what is the right way to resolve filters in MuleStudio.
FYI ... the filtered property is resolved correctly if I build on terminal using mvn command
it could be issue with maven setup on your local machine.

How to make a path relative in the vmargs?

In my project I have an eclipse cdo-server which is set up as described here: .
My project structure is like this:
-cdo-server plugin
|- config folder with cdo-server.xml
|- pom.xml
When I start my cdo-server.product as Eclipse application everything works fine.
When I build it and materialize it with Maven, it also has a BUILD SUCCESS. But when I start the which was built with Maven, there is the error:
!MESSAGE CDO server configuration not found:
This is logical, because this is the wrong path. When I enter the absolute path to the cdo-server.xml in the vmargs (-Dnet4j.config=/Users/pathtoCDO-config/cdo-server.xml) it also works. However, I want to make it relative, so that everybody in our git-repo can use it and not only in my folder structure.
Is there any possibility to make this path relative?
With -Dnet4j.config="${resource_loc:/cdo.server/config}" it only works when i run it as an eclipse application, but not as maven built .app file.
Now I can start the file if I take
as path, but then I can only start it with the maven built file and I cannot start it from inside Eclipse anymore...
I've created a new question for this new problem: Slash in property name in pom.xml
I just solved my problem in copying my files with Maven copy-resources in this stupid /Users/pathtoCDO-Server/${resource_loc:/cdo.server/config}/cdo-server.xml folder.

deploy maven application in JBoss not work

I'm developing my first maven application and now i have this trouble, i performed the following commands
mvn compile
mvn package
mvn jboss-as-deploy
the deploy process ends without errors but in my JBOSS_HOME\standalone\deployments i don't find the .war
Try to set targetDir option (maybe the default is overriden in your environoment?). See
The $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory is not where deployments are stored. If you look in that directory there is a README file that explains it's what the directory is used for.
The jboss-as-maven-plugin uses the deployment API's to deploy the content to the server. This generally ends up in $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/data/content for a standalone server. Though you really shouldn't be doing anything with files in that directory.
