Can nginx be configured to allow a path like /api to pass through, and add a header to the request - ajax

I am using NGINX as my web server for html/js/css files and my web app UI. It is a single page app that uses AJAX requests to a back end JEtty server. Previously I deployed everything in Jetty and ajax calls worked fine. In separating the back end from the web UI tier, I am now trying to figure out how to configure NGINX to allow AJAX requests to pass through to Jetty. But, I ALSO want to prevent someone from watching network traffic and seeing the ajax calls my app makes, then scripting those themselves. To do this, I believe if I can configure nginx to ADD a custom header to the requests as they pass through (is this even possible?) I could then only accept requests with those headers at my Jetty API level.
If that is possible, is it the right way to handle this so that outsiders can't get in to my back end API? Is there a way they could figure out that my nginx server is adding a header short of breaking in to my server and figuring out the configuration?

If your application calls your api via Ajax on the client there's nothing you can do to stop someone from calling it directly (assuming they otherwise have access to the page). At the end of the day, an Ajax request is just a request made from the client in JS. Now, there are lots of stupid ways to make it more difficult, but, if anyone really wants to call your api directly, they can.
If you're just talking about only allowing access through nginx (or specifically your /api location block), just bind jetty to localhost only.


How to deploy a js web app that fetches data from an api

How can I deploy a js web application that uses an API.
I have hosted it on netlify but it doesn't fetch the data.
Everything works fine on localhost.
In firefox you can see the request the function getMovies made was blocked, the console shows the reason, it links to this URL.
Basically you're trying to use http protocol for that request when you're over https in your website.
To fix that simply change your "” to start with "https://" instead.
Also, if you can, do not add API key to client side code, if you do so anyone can steal it and use it themselves (and that might make you pay more for the service or reach the limit you have really quick), instead do a request to your back-end server so it fetches the data while hiding the API key.
It works in local because you're using http in local aswell.
I've overrided the getMovies function in my browser to use https and it worked nicely

Cross Domain request for service using SproutCore

I have been trying to get this resolved, without any success.
I have a webapp residing on my domain, say I need to call a service which is present on another domain, say
I'm using SproutCore's SC.Request.getUrl( to call that service.
I get an error that says, Origin is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin.
When I was in dev stages, and using sc-server, the issue was resolved using proxies. Now that I have deployed the app to an actual server, I replaced all the lines where I had set up the proxy with the actual domain name. I have started getting that error again.
The problem is that I CANNOT MAKE ANY CHANGES to the server on the other domain. All the posts that I have come across state that the other server on the other domain ought to provide access-control-allow-origin header and that it ought to support the OPTIONS verb.
My question is, is it possible for me to connect to that service using SproutCore's SC.Request.getUrl() method?
Additionally, the other posts that I have read mentioned that a simple GET request ought not to be preflighted. Why then are my requests going as OPTION instead of GET?
Thanks a ton in advance! :D
This is not a Sproutcore issue; it's a javascript Same Origin Policy issue.
If you can't modify the production server, you have no option but to develop your own proxy server, and have your proxy hit the real service.
This is effectively replacing sc-server in your production environment.
All this server would do is take the incoming request and pass it along to
You would need to make sure you passed all parameters, cookies, headers, the http verb, etc....
This is far from ideal, because now errors can occur in more places. Did the real service fail? Did the proxy fail? etc.
If you could modify the other domain, you could
1) deploy your SC app there.
2) put in the CORS headers so you could make cross domain requests

HTTP digest authentication for AJAX requests

Hey SO, so I've got an API I'm making calls to in a browser application. Said API lives on a server that requires whitelisting and HTTP Digest Authentication.
To meet the whitelisting requirement, I'm running all API calls through a proxy, which is whitelisted. The calls are originating from an iFrame, currently populated by an index.html file.
What I need to know is how I can authenticate via HTTP Digest in the background. Most of the resources I can find online seem to involve the original HTTP Digest Authentication setup, but what I'm looking to do is automate login.
Despite the non-secretive subject matter, it is somehow critical that I keep the digest parameters obfuscated from users. Perhaps I could change the served file to index.php and then somehow set the magic headers? Even then, if the calls made via XHR, would the index.php headers authenticate the separate request?
Overall, I'm just lost, and the API developers in question are not exactly responsive, so thought I'd turn here.
It appears that in the end, this was not possible. I had to switch to building a thin back-end to route requests through.

Deploying web app on HTTPS automatically makes my AJAX calls HTTPS too?

My application will be deployed on HTTPS (currently it is in development and running on HTTP).
Will deploying the web app on HTTPS automatically make my AJAX calls HTTPS as well? I am using relative URLs in the AJAX calls, so i am thinking that when the absolute URL is constructed, HTTPS will be appended automatically.
please let me know. thanks for your response
If you are using relative URLs, then yes.
However, it is really important to test this before running live, as certain browsers(at least IE6) will display a really alarming warning if you try to load resources like images using a non-https connection.

SVC WebService works over HTTP, fails over HTTPS

One of my colleagues is having a problem with an AJAX call to a .NET WebService. The call works under HTTP, but the same call is having a problem under HTTPS. The webservice is written in .NET 4.0 with C# on an IIS 7 server.
The secure website is at There is an unsecured version at There isn't any sensitive information on the page itself. It is embedded (I believe in a frame) on a client's website that does use HTTPS, and our page needs to be in HTTPS so browsers don't give a mixed secured/unsecured elements present message.
To test the problem on the site you first have to enter a zip code in the second textbox (I have been using 90210 for testing) and then you can enter the first few letters of a drug into the third textbox. After waiting a second or so for additional letters the page calls the webservice to populate a drop down list of possible drug choices beginning with the supplied letters. The secure webservice call is to with POST data for 'prefixText' and 'count'. Under HTTP the service call succeeds and populates the drop down; under HTTPS the call gets a 404 error. The HTTPS web service is reachable if you point a browser to, but the method isn't recognized when it is appended to the service.
I have been using Firefox's Tamper Data addon to compare the service calls and they appear to be exactly the same, except one is to the HTTPS site and one is to the HTTP site, with the referrers changing appropriately. The HTTPS call receives the 404 error, while the HTTP call receives the JSON data.
I believe there may either be something missing from the webservice that would allow the call to function under HTTPS (though I can't think of anything that should matter in this case), or the HTTPS web site itself was misconfigured when it was setup. Any help would be appreciated.
We finally figured out the solution from this site. Basically the binding was only configured for HTTP, not HTTPS, and we need to create a custom binding to allow the webservice to function over HTTPS.
