CKBuilder gives me too many plugins - ckeditor

In anticipation of making some modifications to ckeditor, I'm trying to build it from source, as described in the documentation here. I want to build a version that is, as nearly as possible, identical to the version I already have installed on my production web server, so there won't be any surprises when I deploy my modified version later. Here are the steps I've followed:
Clone the git repository
git checkout 4.3.3 (this is the version on the production server)
copy the build-config.js from the production server to ckeditor-dev/dev/builder/ (my production version came from the online builder; the config is at
cd dev/builder ; ./
there were complaints about missing plugins (scayt and wsc) so I downloaded them as zip files ( and and unzipped them in ckeditor-dev/plugins
tried ./ again
It apparently completed successfully, but the result in release/ckeditor is not a match for the production version as I had hoped. It contains a lot of plugins that I didn't ask for, and I know they're not dependencies of plugins I did ask for because the production version works fine without them. For example, I have release/ckeditor/plugins/adobeair which is not mentioned in my build-config.js.
The main ckeditor.js file is not a match for the production version either. i can see that part of the reason is that there is a different timestamp and version string ("4.3.3 DEV"), but there are lots of other changes too, which I can't easily examine because it's minified. And I can't really trust that this file was built correctly, since the plugin list wasn't built correctly. Also I can't break the build process down into smaller steps find out what it's doing because there's no source.
In a desperate move to try to understand what's going on, I reduced the plugin list in build-config.js to just the about plugin and ran ./ again. This caused release/ckeditor/plugins to get even bigger!
Can anyone explain why the can't give me anything close to the version I downloaded from the online builder?
(By the way, this question is here instead of on the CKEditor support forum because they wouldn't let me post it there. Called me a spammer!)

CKBuilder which is used by the build script in is exactly the one which is used by The difference is caused by different arguments passed to it.
By default CKBuilder adds all plugins, even those omitted in build-config.js, to the package, although it doesn't merge them into the ckeditor.js. They are available to be enabled on demand. So ckeditor.js is not bigger than that downloaded from
To build a package with only those plugins which you specified in build-config.js pass -s option to the build script:
> ./dev/builder/ -s
You can also check other options:
> ./dev/builder/ --help
As you'll find there it is possible to change the version, leave JS and CSS unminified etc.
PS. Sorry for the spam filter on forum.


if packagist says master build failing, If I install package with composer, will it work?

I'm kinda new to using composer (but I think it is awesome) so please pardon the noob question.
Folks are requesting exports fancier than csv so I thought I'd install phpOffice excel using composer. But, the master is 'build failing' and the develop is 'build error'. An I correct in assuming the master build failed means I should not install this with composer because it won't work?
In researching this I also found phpOffice spreadsheet, but that appears to be in development still.
Any other alternatives if I cannot use phpOffice excel due to the build status issue?
Regardless of what package you are talking about, if the builds for any of the branches are failing it just means that the builds for any of the branches are failing, that's it.
The master and develop branches may be well ahead of the latest tag, and chances are the maintainers are experimenting with it, and working towards a passing build again.
If you trust the maintainers not to release broken software, then it's safe to use one of the tagged versions, so for example, run
$ composer require phpoffice/phpexcel:^1.8.1
to install the latest stable version.
Note It appears that phpoffice/phpexcel:1.8.1 has been released on 2015-05-01; quite some time has passed since. Whether or not this package works for you, then, is something you have to find out for yourself.
For reference, see:

Can online ckbuilder be used to build a prior version of ckeditor?

My company has strict rules about which versions we can use of open source software like CKEditor. Right now we are on 4.4.7.
I want to start using the online CKBuilder to bundle everything in a single ckeditor.js file. But it seems like the online builder at only deals with the latest version.
Is there a way to run the online CKBuilder against a prior release of CKEditor?
I don't think that you can change the way the online CKBuilder works, but you can run it locally with whatever version you want:!/guide/dev_build

Modifing Alfresco 5.0.d Add-ons

I've been trying to modify an addon to accept filtering in custom datalists.
The addon is called DatalistExtensions for Alfresco Share and can be found at This is supposed to be working on the version 5.*
It comes with an example. That example doesn't work at all, it gives multiple errors... I fixed the errors but it still doesn't work.
The full explanation of the behaviour can be found here:
Now the problem:
I decided to modify the add-on itself. My test was easy, I found where the filter form is created which is inside the file: contentreich-extdl.xml that is found on contentreich-alfresco-datalists-master/contentreich-extdl-share/src/main/resources/alfresco/site-data/extension/
It didn't work at all... Since it was too strange to me I decided to delete one of the built-in filters and it was still working as always which just killed my mind.
The steps I did:
Added the lines into the file.
Ran the mvn package after the change.
Copied the target files created.
What am I missing to make this changes work?
It seems that the changes I was doing were not reflected, in order to archive that you must first clean your maven target and then build the package.
mvn clean
mvn package
or even
mvn clean package
Hope this helps other people!

Getting prototypejs into the bower registry

I am trying to move some code into a bower package, and my code depends on prototypejs. Prototypejs is not in the bower registry (or it wasn't-- actually I just added it incorrectly, so this question is a bit like asking how to avoid spilling milk after it is already running off the table). What is the proper way to go about getting it there?
I thought I could just point the registry to the prototypejs repo on github, but that resulted in a checkout of files which did not include a built prototype.js file, and it seems it can't be built with the latest version of ruby/rake. So, one option would be to create a new github repo with the built version (downloaded from the website) and a bower.json file. Development on prototypejs seems to have stalled (according to github), so it is unlikely the author(s) would be doing that anytime soon.
I'm beating my own drum but this should help
My PrototypeJS repo has updates in it as well as can be built using grunt and has the actual finished build files in it. Please take a look and see if it works for you.
I would create a repo with as you suggested for now, but still try to submit a PR on the upstream repo.

Build firebreath plugin with XCode

I used prep script to generate my first plugin project, build the plugin and create a symlink in ~/Library/Internet Plugins/(exactly as the mac tutorial videos show). Every time I start a browser(Firefox, Chrome or Safari) and then close it, Xcode always alerted me that "the project file "~.xcodeproj" is modified but was changed externally. Keep this version or read from disk?"
I just can't figure out why?
So first of all, just for clarity, this is either a cmake issue or an xcode issue, not a FireBreath issue. I have never seen it happen before. The main thing I would try is to delete the build/ directory entirely and then re-run the prep script (which just runs cmake) and see if the problem persists.
If it does, most likely it's something odd with your computer configuration, and specifically your xcode configuration. :-/ I wish I could give you a better suggestion. You're also welcome to drop into the #firebreath IRC room at and we'll try to help you there.
i flow firebreath doc, create a symlink of plugin to ~/Library/Internet Plugins, but safari and firefox all not load the plugin.
but i cp the plugin package to ~/Library/Internet Plugins, and all browsers work.
