Firefox non-focused tab loading priority? - firefox

I have combed google for this, and come up blank.
Firefox has a feature where the tab you have focused will load much faster than non focused tabs. Now, I find this an absolute hell, and I was wondering what I can do about this.
Is there a configuration option or something that I can mess with to stop firefox from dropping the priority on non focused tabs?

Try browsing to about:config and changing browser.tabs.loadInBackground to false.


Page scrolling is not smooth in firefox

When I use Firefox I have noticed when I'm using my mouse to scroll the page I'm on the page tends to stick or not move for a moment. I just tried IE and no problem there. I was even on the same page and Firefox still tends to hang up. Anyone can help me out?
Note that the website is mad with classic asp.
I found a similar post here but not any specific solution.
Okay, did some experimenting and found a setting in about:config that makes Smooth Scrolling both smooth and fast: look in about:config for mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount. By default that has a value of 5. I changed that into 50 and now the Smooth Scrolling looks and feels like before.
But I need a way to do it programmatic. I mean if the website detect that the browser is FF then it will do the above manual things programmatic.
an alternate and more efficient solution is this:
How to programatically change the about:config dom.max_script_run_time value in Firefox?

What happens programmatically when you switch browser tabs?

I'm having a weird issue with fancybox in chrome where my scrollbar isn't appearing until I switch to another chrome tab and switch back. I'll figure it out myself -- I'd just like to get to a starting point by knowing, in as specific a sense as possible, what exactly happens when your browser switches tabs?
Things like:
What loses/gains focus?
Any other events fired off?
How is chrome different from other browsers in this sense?
Sorry if this question is a bit open ended -- I did my best to qualify it in a way that made it possible to be answered concretely.

tab overflow exception in my brain - strategies and ideas for dealing with too many tabs in web browser

A common problem I find myself dealing with is having way too many tabs in my browser. Part of this I know is just trying to do too many things at once. I tell myself to focus focus on one task at a time and try to close tabs I'm not using. Nevertheless, I still often find myself with over 20 tabs open at a time, just because apps that I use in the course of the day that I don't want to keep opening and closing and have them be in different positions.
I have not seen any great ways in either Chrome or Firefox to deal with tab overload. I had a couple ideas of possible UI enhancements to deal with this. I know there's a couple of tab grouping/organization extensions for Firefox and Chrome, but I've tried most of them and haven't found them all that helpful. One feature that would be nice is if it automatically grouped tabs by category/domain (so for example all my finance-related websites automatically open in the same group).
That said, how do you manage large number of tabs, and do you have any ideas of browser enhancements for dealing this this?
(Another pet-peeve of mine is that Chrome doesn't have MRU (most recently used tab switching), which is a huge pain for me when I'm working with two pages and having to switch back and forth between them. But that's sort of a different topic)
Tab candy in firefox 4 beta
same thing for chrome
I've had your exact problem. With tab candy I've had up to ~90 tabs open at once with no issues at all, except memory use :)
I just use a combinatioin of tabs and windows, with each window containing a logical grouping of tabs. In both FF and Chrome, I can drag tabs between windows to reorgaize them as desired. Also, on Linux or OS X, you can use multiple workspaces, each with one or more browser windows. I dunno -- maybe Windows 7 has workspaces too now?

Firefox's scrollbar is practically invisible - how to change

how to edit Firefox 'basic page style'
for all sites
with a Stylish script
to set scrollbar to a higher contrast color.
I can't see the thing its terrible.
is there any other way to do this?
The scrollbar is an operating system feature, not a feature of your website. Its look-and-feel are controlled by the user, not the webpage. IE provides a way to change scrollbar colors but it was heavily abused in the early days and is now considered a generally bad idea. In short, if you are trying to manipulate scrollbars from a webpage you're going to have to code a 'fake' scrollbar in Javascript or forget about it.
If you are trying to change only your own system then you may find some possibilities in creating user chrome, greasemonkey script or persona. I'm not sure what is possible there.

Debugging Websites in Various Browsers

I am having my first foray into website design and I am learning a lot. I am also now seeing why web developers are not a huge fan of developing for Internet Explorer. Nothing seems to work how I expect. However, since the website has to work cross-browser, I am spending time looking at it in Firefox, Chrome, and IE. Something that is very non-obvious to me, however, is how to tell where problems lie in the website.
For example, the layout of one of my pages forces a footer to the bottom of the page. It looks great in Chrome and Firefox, but there's something broken in IE that make the footer align to the right (and cause a horizontal scroll to appear). I have played around with the code, but nothing really is responding to how I want in IE (even though it does in other browsers).
Are there any tools that can help "debug" the problems on a web site so fixing it is more than just a trial-and-error approach? Thanks.
One of my favorites that works in all browsers is X-Ray. You simply stick the link on that page into a bookmark and it loads some external JavaScript on top of the page you're testing. It reveals a bunch of parameters about the DOM object you click on, as well as its hierarchy in the model.
As for your specific footer problem, I would look to a potential lack of clearing of floats and divs that are wider than their parent containers somewhere up the line.
There are frameworks like GWT, ext-js, YUI which hide a lot of the browser bugs from you. But today (near the end of 2009), there still isn't a good, realiable way to narrow down browser issues and to fix them.
PS: I'm collecting tools that help during debugging here: Which tools do you use to debug HTML/JS in your browser?
I assume you have checked that your code is valid, with
HTML validator, for example: W3C Markup Validation Service
CSS checker, for example: W3C CSS Validation Service
And, of course, you should have correct doctype in your html file. Without doctype, some browsers go to quirks mode to emulate bugs in old browsers.
A cross-browser JavaScript library, like jQuery and its UI components, can be very helpful in avoiding idiosyncrasies between browsers. Microsoft provides the IE Developer Toolbar, it's not quite as easy to use as Firebug, but can still be very helpful. A Just-In-Time debugger like MS Script Debugger or Visual Studio are also a time saver.
I like Firebug for Firefox
and IE8 has Developer Tools from the tools menu and IE Developer Toolbar for older versions.
Chrome has similar tools from the page menu.
All of which allow you to see elements on the page as they are rendered in their specific browsers, which I usually find very helpful in debugging browser specific problems.
