Batch File - Delete Files Based Off Number In File Name - windows

I have a task assigned to me that I know how to do it other languages, but the Windows batch/cmd requirement has me a little baffled.
There is a directory with several files:
That same pattern might repeat all the way up to FileName54.txt and so on. Also keep in mind I have simplified the examples for various reasons, but the format of the names is the same.
Essentially there are main files (FileName0.txt, FileName1.txt, etc) and then truncated files from earlier (FileName1-2014.txt, FileName1-2013.txt, etc) and each set that number can be anything from 0 to whatever...Highest I've seen is 54 but that could change.
What I need to do is have a batch/cmd file that would keep all the FileName0*.tx files, the main files for the other number sequences (FileName1.txt, FileName2.txt, etc), and then delete all the other truncated files for any of the sequences other than the FileName0 set.
I figured I can focus on the "-" after the sequence number, so basically delete FileName1-*.txt, but trying to figure out a systematic way to make that work for all sequences above 0 is perplexing me.

The ugly way misusing access rights:
attrib +r FileName0*.txt
del FileName*-*.txt
attrib -r FileName0*.txt
The nicer way:
for /L %i in (1,1,999) DO del FileName%i-*.txt

FOR %%a IN (filenames*.txt) DO FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=-" %%s IN ("%%a") DO IF "%%t"=="" SET "keep=%%~na"&GOTO nextstep
ECHO keep %keep%*
FOR %%a IN (filenames*-*.txt) DO FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=-" %%s IN ("%%a") DO IF "%%s" neq "%keep%" ECHO DEL "%%a"
The required DEL commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO DEL to DEL to actually delete the files.
(I've changed the template to filenameS to suit my testing)

for /f "delims=" %%f in (
'dir /a-d /b *.txt ^| findstr /r /c:"FileName[1-9][0-9]*-"'
) do echo del "%%~ff"
Filter the list of files to retrieve only the required ones.


How to make a batch file loop resume from where it was by looping through the files listed on a .txt?

I want to start down mixing hundreds of surround media files in a folder to stereo, but this is a process that will take a lot of time. I'd like to create a batch file that executes my ffmpeg command to this set of files (probably listed in a .txt with dir /s /b) that I can run whenever my PC is on, but also keeps a record of already processed files to be excluded on the next run.
I know I can easily keep track of already processed files by simply adding something like if errorlevel 0 echo "%%~fg">>processed.txt to my loop, but I'm finding it challenging to come up with a way to ignore these files when running the script the next time.
Of course I could always manually edit the file list to be looped and remove the ones already processed, but I wonder if there is a clever way to do it programatically
An example of using a log with findstr. replace the definition of Set "SourceList=%~dp0list.txt" with the filepath of the file used to store the list of files for processing, or modify the for /f loop options to iterate over the output of your Dir command.
#Echo off
If not exist "%TEMP%\%~n0.log" break >"%TEMP%\%~n0.log"
Set "SourceList=%~dp0list.txt"
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in ("%sourceList%")Do (
%SystemRoot%\System32\Findstr.exe /xlc:"%%G" "%TEMP%\%~n0.log" >nul && (
Rem item already processed and appended to log. do nothing.
) || (
Rem item does not exist in log. Proccess and append to log.
Echo(Proccess %%G
>>"%TEMP%\%~n0.log" Echo(%%G
I managed to produce a way that doesn't rely on external tools and executes the job only with for loops. As it was needed to use UTF-8, extra steps were taken to properly revert the codepage after the batch file ended:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\') do for %%H in (%%G) do set /A "CodePage=%%H" 2>nul
%SystemRoot%\System32\ 65001 >nul 2>&1
if not exist "%~dpn0.log" break >"%~dpn0.log"
set "FileList=%~dp0FileList.txt"
set "LogFile=%~dpn0.log"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in ("%FileList%") do (
set "SkipFile="
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%H in ("%LogFile%") do (
if "%%G" == "%%H" (
set "SkipFile=1"
if not defined SkipFile (
echo --^> Processing file "%%~nG"
rem file is processed
) else (
echo "%%~nG" has already been processed
rem file is not processed
%SystemRoot%\System32\ %CodePage% >nul
As can be seen, part of this answer is inspired by #T3RROR's!

Create subfolders/zip every 20 files automatically

I have a huge folder that I would like to transform into several small ones of 20 files each and compressed. I would like to do this automatically with a batch file and 7zip.
To achieve this I thought about 2 steps:
1. Create a sub-folder for each 20 files (source) :
#echo off
set /a counter=1
set /a filesperfolder=20
cd "C:\Users\Desktop\dir\"
set dirname=dir_%counter%
md %dirname%
echo %dirname%
dir /b | findstr /v /i "dir_*"> %temp%\temp.txt && for /l %%l in (1,1,%filesperfolder%) do #for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /n /r "^" %temp%\temp.txt ^| findstr /r "^%%l:"') do #move %%b %dirname%\%%b >nul
set /a counter=%counter%+1
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %temp%\temp.txt ^| find /c /v ""') do set _filesmoved=%%a
del %temp%\temp.txt
IF %_filesmoved% LSS 20 goto done
goto loopstart
echo All files were moved!!
Unfortunately this does not work : The syntax of the command is incorrect.. I've tried debugging the script by removing the #echo off and it tells me that the dir /b | findstr /v /i "dir_*"> %temp%\temp.txt && for /l %%l in (1,1,%filesperfolder%) do #for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /n /r "^" %temp%\temp.txt ^| findstr /r "^%%l:"') do #move %%b %dirname%\%%b >nul part is not working (same error). This part is quite fuzzy for me and a little help would be welcome.
I specify that the file temp.txt contains my complete list of files, without any separator (one file per line).
--- UPDATE: filenames must not contain spaces ---
2. Compress all these subfolders one by one with (source) :
for /D %d in (*.*) do 7z a -tzip "" ".\%d\*"
Do you have an idea for (I summarize) : create, for a large number of files, subfolders of 20 files in order to compress each subfolder one by one.
If you have any idea on how to compress each 20 files directly (without going through the creation of subfolders) I also agree!
Thank you in advance for your help!
I found my mistake. In reality my files included spaces that the script could not fit.
So, to answer my basic question which was: in a big folder filled with thousands of files, how to compress each 20 files in subfolders? it is necessary (to my knowledge) to:
Create a sub-folder for each 20 files whose name does not have spaces (code in my question)
Compress all these subfolders one by one (code in my question)
And it's done!
Do not hesitate to suggest a solution if you know of a "faster" one.
No need to create folders. Just iterate over the files and add every single file to it's designated zip file (instead of copying every 20 files into a folder and zip that folder)
Use two counters to keep track of (source)files and zip files. One counter for the files (use the Modulo-operator to check for each 20) and one for the zip filenames. I started the zip filenames with 10001 instead of 1 and took the last four chars of it to get sortable file names ( etc).
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set filesperfolder=20
cd /d "%cd%"
set "zipDest=C:\temp"
set filecounter=0
set foldercounter=10001
for %%a in (*) do (
set /a filecounter+=1
set /a check=filecounter %% filesperfolder
if !check! == 0 set /a foldercounter+=1
ECHO 7z a -tzip "%zipDest%\!foldercounter:~-4!.zip" "%%a"
Obviously adapt the cd /d line (source folder), destination folder (Attention: don't use the source folder, or your zip files might be zipped again into other zip files), and maybe the zip-filename (like "%zipDest%\MyZips-!foldercounter:~-4!.zip")
NOTE: I disarmed the 7zip command with ECHO for testing and troubleshooting. Remove the ECHO when the output satisfies you.
To delete each file after successfully zipping them, change the zip line to:
7z a -tzip "%zipDest%\!foldercounter:~-4!.zip" "%%a" && del "%%a"
The quotes should take care of any spaces.

BATCH: Delete parts of filename using substring not working

I have several .csv files in one folder. They are saved automatically but with spaces and execution date and time (in seconds) with amount of containing lines.
So far I was not able to run my powershell script with files containing spaces. So I tried to rename filenames using batch. so far nothing is working fine. Either in cmd-line or with a batch file.
Trying to loop in folder to find .csv is working but defining a string and then substring parts of the file not.
for %%i in ('dir *.csv /b /s') do set string = %%~ni
set substr=!string:~20,25!
echo !substr!
I tried first to use % instead of ! but didn't worked as well. Tried to use pipes for the loop as well, didn't worked.
So far my output is just
My output has to be just the "real" filename of the report without anything else before or after it.
For example, do with that path and filename
C:\Users\Username\CSV_Files\Reportoutput Report_2017 2018-01-09T07_10_33.1924R.csv
When I'm able to extract just the filename without any spaces or leading chars like "Reportoutput" (which is always the same) or starting time of report or containing lines in the report I could use that string and combine it with the path where files are saved.
Any ideas? Why is my "substring" not working at all? Do I miss some action? Some code?
I'm using windows.
Based on the file name structure you've presented and looping in one folder, (the current directory), as stated and used in your example code:
#Echo Off
For %%A In ("* * *.csv"
) Do For /F "Tokens=2" %%B In ("%%~nA") Do Ren "%%~A" "%%B%%~xA"
If you wanted to check inside subfolders of the currect directory then change it to this:
#Echo Off
For /R %%A In ("* * *.csv"
) Do For /F "Tokens=2" %%B In ("%%~nA") Do Ren "%%~A" "%%B%%~xA"
…and if you want to specify the base directory name then you can do so like the following two examples which use %UserProfile% for demonstration purposes, (change as appropriate).
#Echo Off
For /R "%UserProfile%" %%A In ("* * *.csv"
) Do For /F "Tokens=2" %%B In ("%%~nA") Do Ren "%%~A" "%%B%%~xA"
#Echo Off
CD /D "%UserProfile%" 2>Nul||Exit /B
For /R %%A In ("* * *.csv"
) Do For /F "Tokens=2" %%B In ("%%~nA") Do Ren "%%~A" "%%B%%~xA"
Instead of splitting the names using character numbers, this simply takes the second token of the file name string delimited by spaces and adds the original file extension to it in a rename command.

Copying files with name containing just numbers using a batchfile

I have a Directory with a deep Directory->Sub-directory tree structure. I need to write a batch file to copy all the numbered files (files with names as digits and no alphabetic characters) from all the sub-directories.
For example, a sub-directory might contain the following files:
I need to copy 10091.txt and 10091.xml to another location. I can copy files like AX10091.xml and AX10091.htm by specifying AX*.*. But I cannot figure out how to copy just numbered files with no alphabetic characters. There are thousands of directories and the directory structure does not have any pattern (the depth of a tree branch can vary considerably).
Any help will be appreciated.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "source=%cd%"
set "target=x:\target\folder"
for /r "%source%" %%a in (*) do (
(for /f "delims=0123456789" %%b in ("%%~na") do (
)) || echo copy "%%~fa" "%target%"
In this code the for %%a will iterate over all the files under the indicated folder. For each of them, the for /f %%b will try to tokenize the file name (%%~na) using numbers as delimiters. If the file name only contains numbers, there will be nothing to process (only delimiters) and the inner for raises errorlevel. This is checked with conditional execution (the code after the || is executed if the previous command fails) and if errorlevel was raised the copy operation is echoed to console.
If the output is correct, remove the echo to perform the copy.
note: the break in the inner for loop is included just to have a command that does nothing when files with non numeric names are found.
#echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /a:-d "*"') do (
echo %%~na|findstr /e /b /r "[1-9]*" >nul 2>nul && (
copy %%~fa c:\somewhere\
should be executed in the same directory as the files.
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b/s/a-d ^| findstr /reic:"\\[0-9][0-9]*\..*" /c:"\\[0-9][0-9]*"') do copy "%%~a" "targetDir"
This might not work with XP and/or Vista, but this can be fixed if needed (see What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command).

Recursive directory processing in a BAT file with a twist

OK, I apologize ahead of time for a) using an old, crappy technology (BAT files) and b) asking what seems to be a redundant question. I'm limited in the technology I'm allowed to use in this particular case and after looking at dozens of posts on the subject I can't find anything I can adapt to what I need.
I have a directory structure that looks like this:
more folders
My BAT file is located outside this files system. I need to inspect it starting at level "C" and need to find the "XYZ" directory. The folders between C and XYZ can have variable names depending on the environment in which the files were created. I need to end up with a string that consists of the directory names from C through XYZ (i.e. "C\D\E\F....\XYZ") that I can put into a variable so when my BAT file is completed I can reference the variable and run another command.
I've looked at posts using FIND and FOR but I can't seem to figure out how to a) limit the string to the starting directory (for example when I combine FOR with DIR I get "A\B\C...") and how to stop when I get to "XYZ"...
Any help is greatly appreciated.
This should work in most situations:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "root=c:\a\b\c"
set "target=xyz"
for %%R in ("%root%") do for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'dir /b /s /ad "%root%\%target%"'
) do (
set "fullPath=%%F"
set "relpath=!fullPath:%%~dpR=!"
echo !relpath!
It can fail if any of your paths contain ! or =. There are solutions for this, but the code is significantly more complicated.
Actually, there is a relatively simple solution using FORFILES that should work in all situations. (Assuming your version of Windows has FORFILES)
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "root=c:\a\b\c"
set "target=xyz"
for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'forfiles /p "%root%" /m "%target%" /s /c "cmd /c if #isdir==TRUE echo #relpath"'
) do set "relpath=%%~F"
for %%R in ("%root%") do set "relpath=%%~nxR%relpath:~1%"
echo %relpath%
The only restriction is the code has to change slightly if your result contains poison characters like &. In that case you need to add quotes to the final ECHO statement, or else enable delayed expansion at the end and use echo !relpath!
For a) question:
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%d IN ('DIR A\B\C\XYZ /S /AD /B') DO SET variable=%%d
For a) and b) question:
FOR /D /R "A\B\C" %%d IN (*.*) DO IF /I "%%~nxd"=="XYZ" (SET variable=%%d& GOTO :EOF)
but this will exit batch script, so you need:
... your batch code
... your batch code
FOR /D /R "A\B\C" %%d IN (*.*) DO IF /I "%%~nxd"=="XYZ" (SET variable=%%d& GOTO :EOF)
ECHO XYZ not found!
