Joomla JRoute requiring Itemid, but providing it always is not friendly - joomla

I can see all over the internet people are talking over this.
While using JRoute::_($URL) we are forced to calculate the Itemid first and then append it to the input URL like:
However, it is always desirable to calculate the Itemid automatically from within the Joomla core router from the given URL.
Since Joomla 1.5 through 3.2 today, the
JRouterSite::_buildSefRoute or the latest JRouterSite::buildSefRoute
has not changed significantly.
I can see in the codes at /libraries/cms/router/site.php file that to build the desired format sef URL it is mandatory to include Itemid=XXX in the passed URL. Otherwise
will generate a URL something similar to
unlike the desired
where our-component is the menu alias for the menu item pointing to
I know that the later half ?view=xyz&id=32 can be handled by using custom router.php file per component. But the component base URL /component/abc is out of scope for that custom router.php
Please somebody advise that am I right at this thought or I am missing something big. Also advise me for how to overcome this issue.

The /component/abc is generated by the Joomla routing. Your component router.php will take care of the parameters which the component handles, so your /our-component/?id=32 may be translated into /our-component/my-id32-alias. It's not desirable that any component can tweek the basic routing on which all other components are based, and that's why you only can make-up part of the URL using router.php
Maybe you can investigate how to augment the router using a system plugin, but I think it is not what you are looking for.
I've read it many times, but I find it hard to understand.


CodeIgniter router for joomla sef urls?

I wish to create a front-end for joomla using CodeIgniter. I prefer to make my own front-end that reads joomla database and I had my own "framework" to accomplish this, this is because I feel that joomla front-end is too heavy for high traffic websites, because it needs to accommodate for so many user needs, at the end you would really only use a small percentage of what joomla has to offer, yet a lot of unneeded core modules load and when you have a website with 300k visits per day, every bit of resource counts. And I like joomla because of its back-end and database structure.
Anyway, I'm looking to standardize a framework for joomla front-end using CodeIgniter instead of my own messy php code, the main issue for me is the ci router. In joomla I set sef url like these:
I'm looking for a router override that would allow me to process those urls. Basically, if any of the params has a number, then its for sure an article. If it doesn't, and its not index.php then its for sure a category or subcategory (if it exists).
And if I write this: [OR]
It would display the article with id 123. At least that's how it works in joomla and its what I'm trying to achieve here.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. Thanks in advance.
OK #ImranQamer comment left me thinking. What if I try to do it with conventional CI router? So I tried, and came up with this:
$route['default_controller'] = "controller/index";
$route['index'] = "controller/index";
$route[':num'] = "controller/article";
$route['(:any)/:num'] = "controller/article";
$route['(:any)'] = "controller/section";
I think it may work. I've run some tests and so far so good.
First and second line, if nothing is specified OR index.suffix (index.html) is the URI, then it goes to my controller index method.
Third line, if URI is a number (eg: /123.html) then it routes to controller/article.
Fourth line needs more testing, but apparently it will grab any URI that ends with a number (or number + suffix) and route it to controller/article. Still needs another rule to let article's title alias to be put in the URI (eg: /category/123-hello.html)
And last line, will treat the URI as one of the categories/section of the joomla site. In this controller though, I'm going to need to check if submitted URI corresponds to an existing section, in which case it gets displayed, otherwise, redirected to 404.
I'm gonna test this out for a while, but looks good so far.

ignoring last uri segment via mod_rewrite or CodeIgniter

I was just wondering if it is possible to ignore the last URI segment of my application via either mod_rewrite or CodeIgniter. I don't want a redirect away or a remove the URI segment. I just want my app to not know it exists. So in the browser the client will see:
but the app is only aware of:
The idea is, if JavaScript detects /ignore/ in the URI, it will trigger an action.
/ignore/ may appear as 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th segment, but will only ever appear as the final one and may sometimes not appear at all.
I found some info online about ignoring sub-directories with mod-rewrite, but none of them really work like this.
Incase any CodeIgniters suggest passing it as an unused extra parameter to my method - The app has far too many controllers and far too many wildcard routes for this to work site wide.
I think a mod_rewrite solution would be best if possible. If not, perhaps it can be done with a CodeIgniter pre-controller hook or something, but I'm not sure how that would work.
EDIT: How I got it to work
For anyone else who would ever like to know the same thing - in the end I overwrote _explode_segments() in MY_URI to not include this segment.
With the URI class you can check and detect what URI's are and what they have.
Check out the user guide:

Joomla 1.6 Custom SEF router.php - my component cannot read url variables

Hi I have a bit of a problem. I have written a custom component for Joomla 1.6 and I have also just written a custom router.php file for my component so I can have 'pretty' SEF urls.
E.g. from
Very nice, yes! But the problem I am now having is that when I use this piece of code to get a url variable:
$id = JRequest::getVar('id', 'blank');
And print it out, I get:
when I should get the id value. It seems that having now set the SEF urls that my component cannot retrieve the ids and such that actually drive a database driven website. Please could someone give me some insight as to what I might be doing wrong.
Many thanks.
The problem was that in my "ParseRoute" function in my router.php I was not checking and settings the correct url segments. This function is used to check the segments and then set the correct variable with the right segment value depending on the location of it in the url.

SEO URL Structure

Based on the following example URL structure:
Pages in the application use user controls and some of these controls build a query string. To prevent duplicate keys being created e.g. &pid=12&pid=10, I am researching methods of rewriting the URL:
Pages using this structure would be publishing content that I would like to get indexed and ranked - articles and products (8,000 products to start, with thousands more being added later)
My gut instinct tells me to go with the first method, but would it would be overkill to add all that infrastructure if the second method will accomplish my goal of getting pages indexed AND ranked.
So my question, looking at the pro's and con's, Google Ranking, time to implement etc. which method should I use?
From an SEO perspective you want to try and avoid the querystring, so getting it into the URL and a short form URL is going to get you a better "bang for the buck" on the implementation side of things.
Therefore, I'd recommend the first.
Why don't use MVC pattern, this way all your link will be SEO ready. Check here, you will find what is MVC and also some implementation in .net!
You can easily make SEO-friendly URLs with the help of Helicon Ape (the software which allows having basic Apache functionality on your IIS server). You'll need mod_rewrite I guess.
If you get interested, I can help you with the rules.
Can you explain in more detail your current architecture and what the parameters all mean? There's nothing really wrong with query strings if it's truly dynamic content. Rewriting ?a=red&b=green&c=blue to /red/green/blue is kinda pointless and it's unclear from the URL what might be on the page.
The key is to simplify as much as possible. Split the site into categories and give each "entity" one URL.
For example, if you are selling products, use one URL per product, with keywords in the URL - e.g. or if you need the product ID.

How to find the non-SEF URL whilst SEF is enabled (Joomla 1.5)?

I know you probably don't get many questions like this...
I am working on a component that I want to be able to deal with the non-SEF URLs whilst SEF is enabled, whether it be the built-in SEF or something like sh404sef.
Does Joomla store the ORIGINAL non-SEF URL anywhere ie. index.php?com=com_fred&view=homepage?
I've found that any SEF activated, changes the JURI::getInstance() value to the SEF equivilant.
I've also found the the $REQUEST['URI'] value does not work on all platforms/servers etc.
Thanks for any help
Get all vars from the GET/POST request into an array. At this point you may also modify the values before generating the URL string.
$getVars = JRequest::get( 'GET' );
If you really need the URL string, you can obtained with:
$newURL = http_build_query($getVars);
Hope it helps!
I came back to this code and tried again but gave me some errors, so I've reworked it partially based on the previous answer I've formulated before with this new one (working nice on Joomla! 3.4.5)
// build the JInput object
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
// retrieve the array of values from the request (stored in the application environment) to form the query
$uriQuery = $jinput->getArray();
// build the the query as a string
echo 'index.php?' . JUri::buildQuery($uriQuery);
Joomla! API Docs: JInput - JUri
Googling around I found this:
// "unparse" the Joomla SEF url to get the internal joomla URL
JURI::current();// It's very strange, but without this line at least Joomla 3 fails to fulfill the task
$router =& JSite::getRouter();// get router
$query = $router->parse(JURI::getInstance()); // Get the real joomla query as an array - parse current joomla link
$url = 'index.php?'.JURI::getInstance()->buildQuery($query);
I've tested it with Joomla! 3.4.4 and its working fine! Dunno if it can work with 1.5
You can use JRequest::get(true) to get an array of all the query parameters from the URL. A quick note though, I haven't checked it enough to know if it only returns GET parameters or it does all REQUEST parameters (which I think is more likely). It might, however, help with what you're looking for.
For menu items, it's stored in the 'jos_menu' table, in the 'link' column (but the itemid is not in this string - it's the 'id' column).
For anything else, it's probably not stored in the database, but can normally be worked out pretty easily, especially with core components. It can be a little bit of a pain with third party components, but you can look through the MVC architecture of most components to figure it out.
Otherwise, you could always turn off SEF on your dev site/create a dev site for this.
Is there a specific component that you're curious about?
The link that I posted here:
Joomla URLs: An article doesn't have a pretty URL by itself?
provides a very good "crash course" for URLs in Joomla 1.5
You don't have to do anything special for non-SEF URLs. Even if you have SEF URLs turned on, Joomla will still display the correct page if someone access the site with a non-SEF URL. The portion of your component that handles SEF URLs, the router, only tells Joomla how to use the URL information to determine what to display. When presented with a non-SEF URL Joomla just parses the query string as it normally would.
For any given component, the URL is built like this -
option is the name of the component
view is of course which view to display
id is the id of the particular content item
itemid is the menu item it used to determine module/template assignment
