XAMPP + WAMP very slow over the weekend? - windows

I use xampp for half a year now, with xdebug and some other extensions. Everything is fine but now, over the weekend it magically went horrible slow. Does not matter if i enter "localhost", "" or my LAN-IP.
So i installed WAMP. As i know now, WAMP for x64 is a waste of time - (CURL not working) so i installed WAMP x32.
CURL is working so far but the page still takes over a minute to load! Not building the page, not processing the code, to me it looks hardly like it takes a minute to start processing.
Sadly, can anyone recommend a fully working php-apache-mysql bundle for windows that is working as expected with all provided extensions in 2014?? Would be nice if that package/software (if it exists) would work as expected without need to modify registry, systemfiles, dll's and without spending hours and hours to get a simple page-request working.
Last but not least, the content of my host-file:
#::1 localhost localhost
I tried really everything i found on the web so far. Nothing helps. Theres a similar question to this on Stackoverflow - without any useful (fixing) answer.
Collective Information:
XAMPP and WAMPP are slow
localhost/ in URL does not
affect performance
the webserver does not take long to perform
the websever does need about 60 seconds to recieve a request
cross-browser tested
with killed session tested

You could try removing the line
from your HOSTS file.
It is an illegal instruction anyway, but I have know it to cause loops. Does you PHP error file or Apache error file tell you anything useful?
Was this something you added, just before the system slowed down?
Also changing these settings has been known to help on Windows systems, you may need to add then to your httpd.conf if they dont already exist.
AcceptFilter http none
AcceptFilter https none

In wamp php.ini turn off displaying errors and change type of displaying errors! :)
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT
display_errors = Off
enter php.ini via wamp
edit these lines
Enable gzip
a) enable apache modules: deflate_module and headers_module
b) than paste code below to ur main wordpress folder .htaccess
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(html|php|txt|xml|js|css)$">
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE


Kibana dashboard not loading using Apache2 ProxyPass

I'm trying to setup kibana on a server, all seems fine and curl -I my_server_address/kibana returns a 200 (when doing the curl request remotely/from another machine). However, when I try to load that same url in a browser, nothing happens. My browser console tells me the following:
Content Security Policy: Directive ‘child-src’ has been deprecated. Please use directive ‘worker-src’ to control workers, or directive ‘frame-src’ to control frames respectively.
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). kibana:372:1
The script from “http://my_server_address/kibana/bundles/app/kibana/bootstrap.js” was loaded even though its MIME type (“application/json”) is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
Loading failed for the with source “http://my_server_address/kibana/bundles/app/kibana/bootstrap.js”.
Of which the 1st, 3rd and 4th line are warnings, the 2nd ('settings blocked the loading of a resource...') is an error. I've also set this up on another machine and testing/accessing the Kibana GUI locally works, even though I get this error (second line), leading me to believe that perhaps it's not critical.
On the server, I've setup a proxypass with apache, the relevant lines in my sites-available/000-default.conf are:
ProxyPass /kibana http://localhost:5601/app/kibana
ProxyPassReverse /kibana http://localhost:5601/app/kibana
The only things I changed in my kibana.yaml file are:
server.host: ""
server.basePath: "/kibana"
I've left the rest at its default. I suspect it has something to do with the redirecting/routing of apache2, causing the GUI to look for files in the wrong place, because the curl requests work fine.
Would be grateful for any thoughts or comments.
Solved. Made a mistake in my apache confs, relevant lines from above should be:
ProxyPass /kibana http://localhost:5601
ProxyPassReverse /kibana http://localhost:5601
i.e. without /app/kibana

500 Internal Server Error with Wamp and Magento

I am stuck at accessing the installation page, can't seem to get it to work, it always gives me a 500 Internal Server Error error.
I have looked into some of the similar question solutions but they didn't work.
Following error you have given in your post's comment should lead you to the solution after a little search.
The problem is Magento's .htaccess file consists <IfVersion> command.
In order to use this feature mod_version module should have enabled on your Apache web server. Otherwise it will give 500 error.
In Wamp it is disabled by default.
To enable it in Wamp you can do following steps:
Find your apache config file (httpd.conf) : It usually is under /wamp/bin/apache/apache(version)/conf/httpd.conf
Open the configuration file with your favourite text editor: You can simply use Notepad. But I suggest any other one since notepad sometimes doesn't show line breaks. It will be more readable if you do (e.g. Notepad++)
Search the following text: "mod_version"
You will see following line: #LoadModule version_module modules/mod_version.so
Uncomment it, so it will become enabled: Simply delete # sign to uncomment it
Left Click on Wamp and press Restart All Services: Since you have made changes in the configuration file in order to let Apache server know about the changes you should restart at least Apache server.
Now you can check if Magento is working. If it isn't check the error log again. There might be another issue.
Following 6 steps should easily solve the error that you have provided in the comment. Also, please edit your post and add more details e.g. error log.
If first time issue after installation, probably You must enable the Apache mod_rewrite and mod_version modules, simply uncomment strings in file httpd.conf(LoadModule version_module modules/mod_version.so and LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so ) save and restart server.
Apache 2.2 or 2.4
In addition, you must enable the Apache mod_rewrite and mod_version modules. The mod_rewrite module enables the server to perform URL rewriting. The mod_version module provides flexible version checking for different httpd versions. For more information, see our Apache documentation.

Configure Xampp for TYPO3

I have to learn how to use TYPO3 for an end-of-study internship. I use the last version of TYPO3.
And I want to use the local server Xampp on Windows 10. But I never used it before and I don't know how to configure it for TYPO3. I try to use the documentation on TYPO3's website but I don't really understand.
Could you help me ?
The first three messages can be resolved by changing the entries in the „php.ini“ file with an editor.
1);extension=php_soap.dll will be activated by removing the semicolon
2) max_execution_time = 30 has to be increased to 240
3) ; max_input_vars = 1000 will be activated by removing the semicolon and has to be increased to 1500 characters
Now restart Apache and MySQL with the XAMPP Control Panel and reload the website.
The „ThreadStackSize“ has to be raised to 8MB. In order to change this setup write the following lines with a text editor in the file „httpd.conf“:
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
</ IfModule>
The last error „PHP OpenSSL extension not working“ can be ignored, since it’s just a local test system. So security is not that important in this case.
This information and more you can find here: https://www.pagemachine.de/blog/install-typo3-8-0-local-test-system-windows-tutorial/

Nginx cache issue

My pages doesn't change since yesterday (except if I remove the code, upload, and put the new code), I don't know why, I didn't install cache system and I just remove memcached... I tried sendfile at Off, but same result. I have nothing on var/cache/nginx.
Any idea ? Nginx 1.2.1/debian 7

An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (2 MB) that this server supports

Ok I got Drupal 7.19, mySQL 5.1.66-cll PHP 5.3.21
Now I searched for he above error and found various answers of various age, however it doesn't address, my problem.
I get the error for any file bigger than 100k
went through php.ini settings.php as well as account settings, which is now 5000k.
and max post and max file are way higher.
The site has only 2 image fields, the original as well as one other. It doesn't matter which one is used in a content, the field settings for the original one were never changed and the themed installation came with images larger than 500k.
While for the time I can live with resizing images before uploading, it nevertheless is a pain in the .... and I really would appreciate any help.
I had a similar problem which i resolved via the php.ini file as well as the apache mod_security user.conf file.
My httpd is apache2, which has mod_security enabled, which also did not allow me to upload over 100k image file in Drupal. Apparently this is a common problem for the web-hosting provider (liquid web) because it took no more than 3 minutes to resolve.
First the php.ini file was altered (on CentOS it is in /usr/local/lib/) with lines:
;upload_tmp_dir = /tmp (yes it has a semi-colon at the start)
and also the line:
session.save_path = "/tmp"
Second file that was altered is the modsec2.user.conf file located on (CentOS) at /usr/local/apache/conf/
(appended at the bottom of the file in the last 2 lines):
SecUploadDir /tmp
SecTmpDir /tmp
Then /etc/init.d/httpd restart (or reload) apache and you should be able to bypass this limit for file uploads by mod_apache if it is enabled. Best of luck and please know that this is my first answer on stack so please be considerate.
just you can request your hosting provider
to added into the sites whitelist.conf file :
<IfModule mod_security2.c>
<LocationMatch .*>
SecRuleRemoveById 340147
