BackboneJS calling a views render function from an event bound to a collection - events

RoomsDGView = Backbone.View.extend({
collection: roomcollection,
initialize: function(){
var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );
this.$el.html( template );
this.collection.bind('add', this.modeladded);
this.collection.bind('remove', this.modelremoved);
this.collection.bind('change', this.collectionchanged);
render: function(){
// Compile the template using underscore
console.log("running the render function...");
roomcollection.each(function (room,i){
var temp = jQuery.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(room));
$("#roomsList").jqGrid('addRowData', i,{idrooms: temp["idrooms"], roomname: temp["roomname"],
occupants: temp["occupants"]});
events: {
"click input[type=button]": "doSearch"
doSearch: function(){
// Button clicked
modeladded: function() {
console.log("room added...");
//My intent is to call the views render function
//her. I tried using this.render() and also
//this.collection.bind('add', this.modeladded(this));
//modeladded: function(view) {
// view.render();
modelremoved: function() {
console.log("room removed...");
collectionchanged: function() {
console.log("room changed...");
I have tried many different ways to call the views render: method from inside the code for modeladded:. Use of this.render inside model added shows that the this object at that point has no render function. I also tried passing the view in something like:
this.collection.bind('add', this.modeladded(this));
modeladded: function(view) {
which also leads to a console error that no render() can be found. Does anyone know how to call the views render: from inside modeladded?
For the time being I moved the render function out of the views render: and into a JavaScript function declared renderGlobal() declared in global scope and I know it does work that way but I don't think that is really the backbone.js way.
This is the error that is coming out of the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'render'
Thank you for posting....

You're binding your event handler using bind (AKA on):
this.collection.bind('add', this.modeladded);
But, as usual with JavaScript, the value of this inside a function depends on how the function is called, not how it is defined (ignoring bound functions of course). You're not specifying a specific this for your function anywhere so you're not getting any particular this when it is called. If you give bind the third context argument:
this.collection.bind('add', this.modeladded, this);
// ------------------------------------------^^^^
then Backbone will call modeladded with the specific this and you'll find that this inside modeladded will be your view.
You could also use _.bind, Function.prototype.bind, or $.proxy to produce a bound version of your callback:
this.collection.bind('add', _(this.modeladded).bind(this));
this.collection.bind('add', this.modeladded.bind(this));
this.collection.bind('add', $.proxy(this.modeladded, this));
All of those produce new functions so you won't be able to unbind them without stashing the bound functions somewhere. You'll usually avoid using these when you have the option to specify the context (AKA this) explicitly.
There's also listenTo:
listenTo object.listenTo(other, event, callback)
Tell an object to listen to a particular event on an other object. The advantage of using this form, instead of other.on(event, callback, object), is that listenTo allows the object to keep track of the events, and they can be removed all at once later on. The callback will always be called with object as context.
So you can (and should) say this:
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.modeladded);
That will take care of giving you the desired this and makes it easier to clean up your event handlers when you're done with them. Similarly for the other event handlers you're using.


Backbone Marionette - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'show' of undefined

I know that the error is generated by jQuery. Is there any way I can structure a backbone.marionette application to avoid the below error?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'show' of undefined
The error occurs because I create a Layout, which has regions. In the onRender function I load a collection and execute fetch. When the fetch is complete, I populate the region. If I switch to a different view, the error is triggered because of which no longer exists.
var view = Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: _.template(tplPage),
className: 'customers-view',
content: '.customers-content'
onRender: function(){
var self = this,
colCustomers = new ColCustomers();
colCustomers.fetch({success: function(){ ViewCustomersList({collection: colCustomers}));
NOTE: At the moment I wrap in a try catch and its working. Ideally I avoid that.
Modify the onRender function and listen for the fetch differently.
onRender: function(){
var colCustomers = new ColCustomers();
this.listenTo(colCustomers, "sync", function () { ViewCustomersList({collection: colCustomers}));
What I did was change the approach to binding the event listener. By using the listenTo function from Backbone.Events, you get handlers that are cleaned up for free when the listener object dies.

Backbone not evaluates url function before request

I'm trying to use Backbone with REST API:
Here the code
My model:
var PagesModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'Guid',
initialize: function () {
this.on('remove', this.destroy);
urlRoot: '/api/pages'
var PagesCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: PagesModel,
url: '/api/pages'
var PagesView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#pages',
events: {
'click .removePage': 'remove',
initialize: function (collection) {
this.collection = collection;
this.template = $('#pages-template').html();
this.collection.bind('change reset', this.render, this);
render: function () {
var template = _.template(this.template);
$(this.el).html(template({ pages: this.collection.toJSON() }));
return this;
remove: function (e) {
var id = $(e.currentTarget).closest('ul').data("id");
var item = this.collection.get(id);
$(e.currentTarget).closest('ul').fadeOut(300, function () {
And here I'm starting up application:
$(function () {
var pagesCollection = new PagesCollection();
var pagesView = new PagesView(pagesCollection);
I'm clicking or Remove and in Network inspector see this link
instead of /api/pages/{guid}.
What I'm doing wrong?
I still haven't figured fully why, but you can make it work by destroying your model after the end of its removal (Backbone does one last thing after triggering the remove event: destroy the collection's reference in the model).
But what's even better, is using directly the destroy function on the model, it will remove it from the collection automatically (use {wait: true} if needed).
Finally managed to locate the source of the problem. It's rather simple in fact. To override the model's url (calculated with urlRoot but that doesn't matter), you can pass Model#destroy a url option when calling Backbone.sync (or something that'll call it).
Now you're thinking "but I don't!". But you do. The listener (Model#destroy in your case) is given 3 arguments. Model#destroy will take the first one (the model itself) as options.
And here's the fail (I think Backbone needs a patch to this): giving an url option to Backbone.sync is the only time _.result in not used to calculate the url. So you find yourself having as url the url property of your model, which is the function you see in your call.
Now, for a quickfix:
this.on('remove', this.destroy.bind(this, {}));
This will ensure the first argument of your Model#destroy call is {} (as well as binding the context).
Bear with me a little longer.
Now, if you're still willing to call Collection#remove before destroying your model, here's a little hack: because (as I stated above) the remove event is triggered before Backbone makes sure to remove the collection's reference in your model, you don't need the urlRoot property in your model. Indeed, the model won't be in the collection anymore, but Backbone will still take the collection's url into account to get the model's url (as the reference is still there).
Not a definitive answer, but just going by the code in your question and the backbone.js documentation, the problem may be that you named your method remove and this is getting in the way of the remove method in Backbone.View.
It also looks like the output you see in the network inspector is that the definition of the Backbone.Model.url function is being appended. Meaning url is not being properly called (Maybe the () is missing by the caller?). Are you overriding Backbone.sync anywhere in your application?

jQuery unable select element from getJSON

I'm using the .each method with the .getJSON method to print out objects in a JSON file. This works fine, however I am unable to add a click function to an element that has been printed out. I am trying to bind a function to the div with 'click' ID.
var loadData = function () {
$.getJSON("profiles2.json", function (data) {
var html = [];
html.push("<div id='click'>Click here</div>");
$.each(data.profiles, function (firstIndex, firstLevel) {
html.push("<h2>" + firstLevel.profileGroup + "</h2>");
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#click").click(function () {
$.getJSON() (like other Ajax methods) is asynchronous, so it returns immediately before the results have come back. So your loadData() method also returns immediately and you then try to bind a handler to an element not yet added.
Move the .click(...) binding into the callback of $.getJSON(), after adding the element(s), and it will work.
Alternatively, use a delegated event handler:
$("#data").on("click", "#click", function() {
...which actually binds the handler to the parent element that does exist at the time. When a click occurs it then tests whether it was on an element that matched the selector in the second parameter.
And as an aside, don't bind click handlers to divs unless you don't care about people who are physically unable to (or simply choose not to) use a mouse or other pointing device. Use anchor elements (styled as you see fit) so that they're "click"-accessible via the keyboard and the mouse.
$.getJSON is an asynchronous call and probably hasn't finished by the time you are trying to bind to the element that it injects into your DOM. Put your binding inside the $.getJSON call after you append the element to the page at the bottom.

Backbone.js - event trigger not work after rendering other views

There's a addPost function in my router. I don't want to re-create the postAddView every time the function is invoked:
addPost: function () {
var that = this;
if (!this.postAddView) {
this.postAddView = new PostAddView({
model: new Post()
this.postAddView.on('back', function () {
that.navigate('#/post/list', { trigger: true });
Here's the PostAddView:
PostAddView = backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click #post-add-back': 'back'
, back: function (e) {
The first time the postAddView is rendered, the event trigger works well. However, after rendering other views to page-content and render postAddView back, the event trigger won't be trigger anymore. The following version of addPost works well, though.
addPost: function () {
var that = this, view;
view = new PostAddView({
model: new Post()
view.on('back', function () {
delete view;
that.navigate('#/post/list', { trigger: true });
Somewhere you are calling jQuery's remove and that
In addition to the elements themselves, all bound events and jQuery data associated with the elements are removed.
so the delegate call that Backbone uses to bind events to your postAddView.el will be lost. Then, when you re-add your postAddView.el, there are is no delegate attached anymore and no events are triggered. Note that Backbone.View's standard remove method calls jQuery's remove; a few other things in jQuery, just as empty will do similar things to event handlers. So the actual function call that is killing your delegate could be hidden deep inside something else.
You could try calling delegateEvents manually:
or better, just throw the view away and create a new one every time you need it. Your view objects should be pretty light weight so creating new ones should be cheap and a lot less hassle than trying to keep track of the existing views by hand.
If you really want to reuse the current DOM and View you do not need to set again and again the element as you are doing, everything that you call .html() you are destroying the DOM of the View and generating again and losing events. Also I prefer always to add the "el" in the DOM before render the View. I will have your function in this way:
addPost: function () {
if (!this.postAddView) {
this.postAddView = new PostAddView({
model: new Post()
this.postAddView.on('back', this.onBack);
onBack : function () {
this.navigate('#/post/list', { trigger: true });
I'm not fan of the use of local variables to refer to "this". If all of your Views uses _.bindAll(this) in the initialize method you could bind your events to your view and could use this(check how I transformed onBack).
With my code there is not a need to manually call this.delegateEvents()

Event removal in Mootools, and syntax of event addition

So I have been adding my events thusly:
element.addEvent('click', function() {
However, when attempting to remove said event, this syntactically identical code (with "add" switched to "remove") does not work.
element.removeEvent('click', function() {
I assume this is because the two functions defined are not referenced the same, so the event is not technically removed. Alright, so I redefine the event addition and removal:
element.addEvent('click', alert('foobar'));
element.removeEvent('click', alert('foobar'));
Which works great, except now when the page loads, the click event is fired even before it's clicked!
The function is removed, though, which is great......
update: when you do .addEvent('type', function(){ }) and .removeEvent('type', function(){ }), even though the functions may have the same 'signatures', they are two separte anonymous functions, assigned on the fly. function 1 is !== to function 2 - hence there is no match when MooTools tries to remove it.
to be able to remove an exact handler, o:
function handler(){ ... }
el.addEvent('click', handler);
// .. later
el.removeEvent('click', handler);
Internally, events are actually a map of keys to functions in element storage. have a look at this fiddle i did a while back for another SO question -
it will check to see how many events are stacked up for a particular event type on any given element (or all events).
similarly, removeEvent looks for a match in the events storage - have a look on hence, using named functions like Nikolaus suggested allows you to remove them easily as it provides a match.
also, you can remove events via element.removeEvents("click") for all click events.
your page now alerts because you pass on alert as the function as well as execute it with the params 'foobar'. METHOD followed by () in javascript means RUN THE METHOD PRECEDING IT IMMEDIATELY, NOT LATER. when you bind functions to events, you pass the reference (the method name) only.
to avoid using an anonymous function and to pass argument,s you can do something like:'foobar').addEvent('click', alert.bind(this, 'foo'));
as bind raps it for you, but removing this will be even more complicated.
as for event delegation, it's:
"click:relay(a.linkout)": function(e, el) {
"mouseover:relay(": function(e, el) {
more on that here
keep in mind it's not great / very stable. works fine for click stuff, mouseenter is not to be used delegated, just mouseover - which means IE can fire mouseout when it should not. the way i understand it, it's coming improved in mootools 2.0
edit updating to show an example of bound and unbound method within a class pattern in mootools
var foo = new Class({
message: "hi",
toElement: function() {
return this.element = new Element("a", {
href: "",
text: "google",
events: {
"click":, // bind it
"mouseenter": // unbound -> this.element becomes this
bar: function(event) {
// hi when bound to class instance (this.message will exist)
// 'undefined' otherwise.
console.log(this.message || "undefined");
}); foo()).inject(document.body);
the mouseenter here will be unbound where this will refer to the default scope (i.e the element that triggered the event - the a href). when bound, you can get the element via instead - the event object is always passed on to the function as a parameter.
btw, this is a slightly less familiar use of class and element relation but it serves my purposes here to illustrate binding in the context of classes.
assig the function to a variable and use the same reference to add and remove the event.
if you use an anonymous function you will get to different references
var test = function(){ alert('test: ' +; }
$('element').addEvent('click', test);
$('element').removeEvent('click', test);
addEvent : Attaches an event listener to a DOM element.
Example -
$('myElement').addEvent('click', function(){
removeEvent : Works as Element.addEvent, but instead removes the specified event listener.
Example -
var destroy = function(){ alert('Boom: ' +; } // this refers to the Element.
$('myElement').addEvent('click', destroy);
$('myElement').removeEvent('click', destroy);
This means when you add an event with a eventhandler not an anonymous function if you than remove the event than it will be removed.
